初二学生双语报报11—12 九年配合新目标

九年级英语新目标Unit 11-12单元测试
Unit 11 单元测试题一. 选择填空 
)1. Could you please ______ us Mary's telephone number?A. to give
B. give C. giving
D. to giving(
)2. That is a good place ______ hang out.A. for
B. onC. to
)3. Can you please tell me where ____________ the post office?A. to find
B. can I find
C. how to find
)4. Do you know where _____ some maps?A. can I buy
B. can buyC. I can buy
)5.Mr. Tan makes the best noodles in town. They're ___________.A. sour
B. delicious
)6 ---Where is the bookstore?---Take the elevator ______ the second floor and turn left. And thebookstore is ________ the furniture store and the drugstore.A. at, next to
B. at, between C. to, between
D. to, next to 
)7.I live next to Hua Pu supermarket. It's very ____________.A. beautiful
B. cleanC. delicious
D. convenient(
)8. Do you know where ______________?A. is the shop
B. is shopC. shop is
D. the shop is(
)9. ---Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? ---______ A. Yes, I can.
B. I could
D. I could tell you.二.
汉译英1.你知道我在哪能买到洗发香波吗?2.你能告诉我怎么去邮局吗?3.你能告诉我在哪才有吃东西的好地方吗?4.你知道电影院在哪吗?5.乘手扶电梯到二楼然后向右拐。三.完形填空At half
five, Mrs.
Black heard her husband park the car
2the house and went out to speak to him right away."What's wrong with you?" he asked."You look worried.""I have
a terrible mistake, dear ," she said."Mrs. Smith called me half
hour ago.We got talking and then
thinking, Iasked her and her husband to come to have dinner
us this evening.""Well, that's
to be worried about," Mr. Black said."We will
have a pleasant
8 .We haven't seen the
for a long time.""I'd like them
10 ," Mrs. Black answered. "But I've just 11
there is almost not any food at home.You didn't remember
some.I asked you to get some
your way home from work three days ago.""Some food?" Mr. Black said."Oh, my dear, yes, I
14 now.I did
buy some.It's in the car.It's been there for the15 three
days."( )1. A.past   
D.at( )2. A.in    
D.on( )3. A.had    
C.got    D.received( )4. A.past   
C.the    D.an ( )5. A.with 
B.out of 
C.for    D.without( )6. A.with    B.for     C.without
D.out of( )7. A.nothing   B.everything
D.something( )8. A.hour    B.day    C.evening  D.week( )9. A.wife  
B.husband  C.Smiths  D.friend( )10.A.came  
B.to come  C.come  D.coming ( )11.A.finded 
B.founded  C.found   D.know( )12.A.to buy 
B.bought   C.buying  D.buys( )13.A.in   
B.on     C.to    D.above( )14.A.remembered B.forget   C.remember D.remembering( )15.A.past    B. /     C.pass    D.future(
四 )1.根据短文内容判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。  Mr Howe worked in an office.He studied(研究)the old things and sometimes bought some for himself.So he got a lot of money.Eight years ago,when he was sixty-five,he retired(退休).He needn't worry about food or clothes.He was busy before,but now he has enough time to rest.He loves playing ping-pong and spends most of his time on the game.He had never been ill until he had got a headache one day.He was taken to a hospital at once.The doctors looked him over carefully and did their best to save(救)him but he felt worse and worse.He made his son send for a witch(请巫婆来)."Do the people in heaven(天堂) play ping-pong,madam?"asked Mr Howe."I'm sorry I don't know,sir."answered the witch."Let me go and ask about it for you."  That evening the witch came and said,"I've just been to heaven,Mr Howe.I've brought two pieces of news to you.One is good and the other is bad."  "Tell me the good news first,please."  "Most of the people in heaven play ping-pong,"said the witch."But you'll have a game there the day after tomorrow!"1) Mr. Howe is seventy-three now.(
)2) Mr. Howe has little money,so he is poor.(
)3) As he rested very well all the time,Mr. Howe has never been ill.(
)4) The doctors didn't do their best to save Mr. Howe,so he felt worse and worse.(
)5)The bad news meant(意味着)Mr. Howe would die(死)in two days.(
)Unit 11随堂练习一、单词:Restroom
______ shampoo _________ drugstore _________词组: 装扮
相邻,接下来 闲荡 依赖于,取决于 为了二、单项选择1. The girl is old enough to ____.A. dress her
B. dress she
C. dress herself
D.dress her clothes2. it's very important ___ us ___ English well.A. study
B. to study
D. to sudy3. it ____ her half a year to learn how to drive.A. cost
D. paid4. he prefers ____ outside to ___ at home.A. stay
B. staying
D. staying5. The weather there is very nice. It's ___ too cold ___ too hot.A. and
D. nor6. Either French or English __
in that country.A. speaks
C. is spoken
D. are spoken7. could you tell me ___ get to the park?A. how can I
B. how I can
where can I
D.where I can8. there is a bank ___ the second floor.A. in
D. on9. May I
___ your bike ? Mine is broken.--- Sorry . I ____ it to Li Lei.A. borrow
D. lent10. excuse me . could you please tell me where there's good place____?A. playing
D. play11. could you tell me ___ the library?A. how to get to
B. how to get
C. how get to
D. how get12. If it ____ tomorrow , we ___ hiking with you .A. doesn' will go
B. doesn' go
won' will go
D. won' go13. There's nobody _____ to buy the old car.A. wants
B. to want
C. wanting
D. want14. I decide ___ to college when I finish my high school.A.go
D.going15. He always spends _____ money _____ books.A. buying
D. to buy  三 根据汉语提示完成下列句子1. 你能告诉我洗手间在哪里吗?2. Could you tell me _____ ____ _____ ______?3. 你知道我能在哪儿换钱吗?4. Do you know ______ _____ can _____ _____?5. 我喜欢去音乐厅听光盘。I like to _____ _____ the music hall and ____ _____CDs..6他们组织游戏,全体工作人员都装扮成小丑。They have _____ _____ and the staff ____ ______ as clowns. 四 同义替换 (
)1. The post office is near the science museum. 
A. near to
B. next to
D. close to (
)2. The bookstore is between the furniture and the drugstore.A. in the middle
B. in the middle of C. on the middle
D. on the middle of (
)3. Could you please tell me how to get to the bookstore? 
A. what to
B. how should I
C. how I should
D. where to (
)4. Go down the street and you will find it. 
D. thought (
)5. I decided to make greater progress in English this term. 
A. make a decision
B. made up one's mind 
C. took a decision
D. made up my mind 五 单项选择 (
) 1. Everyone in our class_____.A. enjoys to swim B. enjoy to swim C. enjoys swimming D. enjoy swimming (
) 2.Both you and I ___ wrong.A. was
) 3. They___ many happy hours___ along the beach during that holiday.  A. spend, walking
B. spent, walking C. cost , walking D. gave, walking (
) 4. John ____interested in Chinese two years ago.  A. is
D. were (
) 5. ______ adults began to learn English in this small town.A. Thousand of
B. Thousands of   C. Thousand from
D. Thousands from (
) 6. Which one has the same meaning as "Take your time"?  A. Take it easy
B. No hurry
C. Hurry up
D. Be quick (
) 7. Can you tell me ____________?  A. how much does it cost
how much it is  C. how much it costs
D. Both B and C (
) 8. Yao Ming is a __boy who is helping the Houston Rockets in NBA.A.2.16-metres-tall B. 2.26-metre-tall
C. 2.16 metres tall D. 2.26 metres (
) 9. He was ____by her beauty. A. fascinate
B. fascinated
C. fascination
D. fascinates  (
) 10. I feel _____after a good sleep. A. relaxation
B. relaxed
C. relaxes
D. relaxs(
)11. The people dress up
Father Christmas on Christmas Day.A. with
)12. The kind of watch is kind of
, I can't afford it.A. cheap
B. inexpensive
D. small (
to stay at home
go out to play.A. like...better than
B. would...rather thanC. prefer...rather than
D. prefer...to (
)14. The museum is very lively now, it
people.A. is crowded in
B. crowded withC. is crowded with
D. crowded in (
)15. A: Excuse me. Could you
me your dictionary?B: Sorry. Mary
it just now.A.
borrow, lend
B. lend, borrow
C. borrow, lent D. lend, borrowed (
)16. I have a lot of trouble
English.A. to learn
C. learning
D. learned (
)17. In order
mistakes, I had to pay much attention to my exam paper.A. to make
B. not to make
C. not making
D. not to take(
)18. He seems
very unhappy. A. to
D. to be完型填空  Everyone needs friends. We all like to __1__ close to someone. __2__ is nice to have a friend to talk , laugh ,and do things with. __3__, sometimes we need to be alone. We don't always want people __4__. But we would feel lonely if we never have a friend.No two people are __5__ . Friends sometimes don't get on well. That doesn't mean they no longer like each other. Most of the time they will make up and become __6__ again .Sometimes friends move away. Then we feel very __7__. We miss them very much, but we can call them and write to them . It could be that we could even see them again. And we can __8__ new friends. It is surprising to find out how much we like new people when we get to know them .  There's more good news for people who have friends. They live longer than people who don't. Why ? It could be that they are _9_. Being happy helps you stay well. Or it could be just knowing that someone cares. If someone cares about you, you take __10__ care of yourself.(
)1. A. look
D. Someone(
B. Nearly  C. Suddenly  D. Certainly(
B. away     C. all over D. around(
C. just the same
D. quite different(
B. good    
C. pleased D. friends(
B. sad   C. happy   
)8.A.look for
B. find   C. make   
B. stronger C .kinder   
D. richer(
)10.A.less    B. better
C. little    
D. no假如你是小明,周末去公园的时候遇到了一个外国朋友,他想去书店,你告诉了他去书店的路.并且简单的介绍了公园附近的超市,邮局,图书馆等地.字数60以上.答案部分一
B C A C B A D D C C二.
1. Do you know where I can buy shampoo?2. Could you tell me how to get to the post office?3. Could you tell me where there's a good place to eat?4. Do you know where the cinema is?5. Take the escalator to the second floor, and then turn right.三. 解析&答案:1.A 表示几点半用past,超过半用to。2.C 车应停在房子外面。3.B 犯错用make a mistake。4.D 半小时用half an hour。5.D 根据上下文含义,此处指没有思考。6.A 与某人一起用with。  7.A 丈夫认为请人吃饭是件愉快的事,所以此处指没有什么可担忧的。8.C 这里指朋友来访,我们会度过一个愉快的夜晚。9.C 这里指很长时间没有见到他们夫妇,不是他们中的某一位。10.B 乐意某人做某事,这里要用不定式。11.C find是不规则动词,过去分词是found。12.A remember后跟不定式表示记住该要做的事。13.B 在什么的路上用on。14.C 现在记起来了用一般现在时态。15.A 指到现在为止过去的三天。四(一) 参考答案:1)it is very important to us2)sea water3)salt wells4)in Jiangxi5)the northwest(二) 参考答案:1)-5)T F F F TUnit 11-12 练习一 选择(
) 1. Can you tell me ____________?   A. how much does it cost
how much it is   C. how much it costs
D. Both B and C(
) 2. They __ many happy hours ____ along the beach during that holiday.A. took, walking
B. spent, walking
C. cost , walking
D .gave, walking(
) 3. Can you tell me how ___________ to the airport?A. get
B. getting
) 4. Xiamen is a good place __________fun.A. have
C. to have
) 5. He did his homework ________ watching TV.A. instead
B. instead of
C. rather than
D. but not(
) 6. There is a furniture store _______ Zhongshan Road.A. on
) 7. He lives__ the second floor
) 8. Would you please tell me ____________ next, Mr. Wang?A. what should we do
B. we should do whatC. what we should do
D. should we do what(
) 9. ----Do you know ___?--I am not sure. Maybe he is a businessman.A. who he is
B. who is he
C. what he does
D. what does he do(
) 10. Can you tell me _____________?A. where he is
B. where is he
C. he is where
D. what is he(
) 11. Do you know ________________?A. what the news are
B. what is the newsC. what the news is
D. what are the news(
) 12. I dreamed that Bill Gates _______ money ______ me last night.A. to
) 13. Let him have a rest. He is ________ tired.A. kind of
D. all kinds of(
) 14. He always spends ______ money when he goes into stores.A. much too
B. too much
C. too many
D. many too(
) 15. I left my homework at home, so I didn't ___ my homework.A. hand in
B. hand out
C. look for
D. give in(
) 16. Both Mary and Ann _ from America. A. is B. am
) 17It is important _____________ computer in the society.A. use
D. used to(
) 18. He was ____by her beauty.A. fascinate
B. fascinated
C. fascination
D. fascinating(
) 19. The songs of the rock band sound ________A. well
) 20. He gets up early in order ____________
the plane in time.A. not to catch
B. to catch
C. not catch
) 21. I am sorry ________you but I hurt my let badly.A. trouble
B. troubling
C. to trouble
D. troubles(
) 22. It is important for us to know how _______ requests politely.A. to make
) 23. They decide _____________ the farmers.A. offend
B. to offend
C. offending
D. offended(
) 24. The football match __________ the weather here.A. depends on
B. come on
C. call on
D. turn on(
)25 I wonder _______ he can come. But _______ he comes, please tell me as soon as possible.A. whether, if
B. if, weather
C. weather, if
D. whether, whether二.根据提示完成句子1. My _______
(主家) family is in really nice.2. You won't believe how _______
(快) my French improved.3. My _______
(挑战) is learning how to use the machine.4 Do you think you are ______
(粗鲁) to do so?5. I find it ______
(难) to remember everything in class.6. Thank you for the ______(信息).7. I am feeling a bit _____(紧张) when I talked with the foreign friends for the first time.8. Do you know how to _______
( 行为)on a Chinese table?9. Have you find anything ______
(惊奇) in Canada?三.用所给词的适当形式填空1. You are ______
(suppose) to shake hands when you meet a new friend .2. We are quite _______
(relax) about time3._____
(spend)time with family is very important to us .4. If you are late for about 15 minutes, your friends may get ________(anger)5. It's not good manners to visit a friend without ______(call ) first.6. In Korea, the ______
(young ) person can not start eating first.7. Do you find anything _______
(surprise) there?8. You will find the host family is _____
(real ) nice.9. People in Japan and people in America behave ______(different ) at the dinner party.四 阅读理解I was in a strange city, besides I could not speak a word of the language. After having spent my first day in the town center, I decided to lose my way on my second day, since I believed that this was the surest way of getting to know the strange city.  I rode on a bus for several stops, then got off it and walked on. The first two hours passed pleasantly enough. Then I decided to turn back to my hotel for lunch. I wanted to ask the way. But the trouble was that the only word I knew of the language was the name of the street my hotel was in.  I stopped to ask a newspaper-seller. He smiled and handed me a paper. I shook my head and repeated the name of the street and he put the paper into my hands. I had to give him some money and went on my way. The next person I asked was a policeman. The policeman listened to me carefully. There was a strange look in his eyes as he pointed left and right and left again. I nodded politely and began walking in the direction he pointed.  About an hour passed and I noticed that the houses were getting fewer and fewer and green fields were seen on either side of me. I knew the only thing left for me to do was to find the nearest railway station.(
)1. The writer believed that if you wanted to get to know a strange city,-A. You should go everywhere on foot.
B. You should have a mapC. You should ask people the way
D. You should get lost(
)2. The newspaper-seller _______.A. could understand what he said
B. didn't know what he saidC. laughed at him
D. didn't want to take the money(
)3. The writer's real trouble was that _______________.A. he couldn't speak the language
B. he followed the policeman's direction
C. he took the wrong bus D. he left the town-centre(
)4. The policeman ______________________.A. didn't help him
B. pointed at himC. didn't understand what he really meant
D. didn't know the way(
)5. Towards the end of the story, the writer _____________.A. got closer to his hotelB. found that he was much farther away from the hotelC. got to the hotel with the help of the policemanD. found the hotel in the direction the policeman pointed五 完成句子1. You are supposed to write quickly. (变成否定句)You _______
______ to write quickly.2你能告诉我洗手间在哪里吗?(同义句)Could you tell me how to get to the restroom?Could you tell me _____ ____ _____ ______
_____ the restroom?3. A knife is used for cutting things. (就划线部分提问)___________ ___________a knife used for?4. The maths problem is too difficult for him to work out. (改为复合句)The maths problem is___________difficult___________he___________work it out5 He lent me a dictionary yesterday. (同义句) I
a dictionary
yesterday.五.完形填空 One day, two friends were walking across a desert._____1____the journey they had a quarrel, and one hit_____2____in the face. The one who was hit was hurt,_____3____he didn't say anything. Instead, he wrote in the sand: TODAY MY BEST FRIEND HIT ME IN THE FACE. They kept on_____4____until they found an oasis(绿洲). They decided to get some water. The one who had been hit fell into the mire(泥潭) and was in danger, but his friend_____5____him. When he felt all right, he wrote on_____6____: TODAY MY BEST FRIEND SAVED MY LIFE. The one who had hit and saved him asked, "After I_____7____you, you wrote in the sand, but now you write on a stone._____8____?" The other friend answered, "When someone hurts us, we should write it in the sand where winds of forgiveness(宽恕) can blow _____9____away. But when someone does something_____10____for us, we must write it on a stone where no wind can ever blow it away."1. A. During B. Before C. For D. After2. A. some B. another C. the other D. each3. A. and B. but C. or D. so4. A. jumping B. running C. singing D. walking5. A. saved B. left C. hurt D. hit6. A. the sand B. a stone C. a tree D. the desert7. A. helped B. talked to C. hurt D. complained to8. A. How B. Why C. What D. When9. A. them B. it C. this D. these10. A. good B. harmful C. dangerous D. interesting五.1-5 ACBDA
6-10 BCBBAII、读书破万卷( C ) 任务型阅读Simon is an executive(执行官) of a computer company. He was going to Dalian for a conference(会议). The conferencewould start on January 18th , but when he called the booking office for a ticket, he was told that there were only flights t Dalian on 17th . One was at 10:10 in the morning and the other was at 3:30 in the afternoon. Simon couldn't leave until lunch time, so he could only take the 3:30. The flight number is 366. He had to pay 960 yuan plus(加上) another 50 yuan for the airport construction fee(建设费).The following form shows some information about Simon's air ticket. Please finish it.Name11_____________________Ticket price14______________________Date12_____________________Price in all15______________________Time13_____________________Fightnumber16______________________九年级新目标英语11-12单元测试题
九年级新目标英语11-12单元测试题一&单项选择(35分)1.&Could&you&please&______?&&A.not&to&smoke B.not&smoke C.don’t&smoke     2.&Can&you&please&tell&me&where&____________&the&post&office?  &A.&to&find    B.&can&I&find    C.&how&to&find    3.&Mary&told&me&that&she&&&&&&&&an&old&people&house&the&next&day.A.&will&visit&&&&&&B.&would&visit&&&&&&C.&is&going&to&visit4.&It&is&bad&for&your&eyes&________&computer&games&too&much&.A.&plays&&&&&&B.&to&play&&&&&C.&play&&&&5.We&go&to&school&every&day&_____&Saturday&and&Sunday.&A.&beside&&&&&B.&besides&&&&&C.&except&&&&&6.&My&sister&______&in&the&street&very&late&yesterday&afternoon.&&A.&hanged&up&&&&B&hanged&about&&&&&C&hung&out7.&Both&you&and&I&___&wrong.&&&was&&&&&B.&am&&&&&C.&were&&&8.&______&left&_____&the&second&crossing,&then&you’ll&see&the&school.&A.&Take,&on&&&&&&&B&Turn,&at&&&&&&&&&&&&C&Turn,&from9.&After&several&weeks,&they&____&here&with&their&neighbors.A.&used&to&live&&&&&B&were&used&to&live&&&&C&got&used&to&living10.&You&mustn’t&make&_____&while&____&the&film.&&A.&sound,&watch&&&&&B&noise,&watching&&&&C.&noise,&see11.&My&pen&is&lost,&I&can’t&find&it&_______&.&&&&&&A.&no&longer&&&&&&&B.&no&more&&&&&&&C.&any&longer12.&There&is&a&coin&on&the&floor.&Please&_______&.&&A&pick&it&up&&&&&&&&B&pick&up&it&&&&&&&C&put&away&it13.&We&go&to&school&_____&foot&and&eat&meals&_____&chopsticks.&&&A&by,&by&&&&&&&&&&&B&with,&by&&&&&&&&C&on,&with14.&The&boy&found&_____&easy&to&fly&kites.&&A.&that&&&B.&it&&&C.&this15.&It&is&not&polite&to&get&into&a&room&without&_______&first.&A.&knocking&&&&&&&B.&to&knock&&&&&&&C.&knocked16.&Do&you&know____there&are&any&good&restaurants&here?&&A.if&&B.how&&C.where&17.&The&great&wall&is&a&good&place&_____.&&A&to&be&visited&&&B.&to&visit&&&C.&visiting18.&The&store&is___the&zoo___the&hospital.&A.both,&and&&B.between,&and&&C.from,&to19.&I&prefer&_______.&It’s&exciting.&A.&watching&football&match&&&&&B.&play&football&&&&C.&played&football20.&They&had&learned&1,500&English&words&________&last&term.&A.&at&the&end&of&&&&&&B.&in&the&end&&&&C.&by&the&end&of&&&&&&&21.&That&is&a&good&place____hang&out.&&A.for&&&&&B.on&&&C.to&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&22.We&all&went&to&the&aquarium&except&Lin&Fang,&she&______at&home&doing&her&homework.&&&&&&A.kept&&&&&&&&&&B.was&remained&&&&C.&remained&&&&23.&The&house&is&________&for&five&people______.,&to&live,&to&live&inbig&enough,&to&live&in24.I&live&next&to&Hua&Pu&supermarket.It’s&very______.&A.beautiful&&B.lean&&C.convenient25.&--Your&T-shirt&feels&very&________&.&&--Yes.&It’s&made&________&silk.26.&Lots&of&famous&stars&________&at&the&party.&It’s&wonderful.on&show27.&I&didn’t&think&he&could&work&it&out,&________&?idcouldCcould28.&Everyone&is&supposed&________&a&seat&belt&in&the&car.A.&wearing&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&B.&to&wear&&&&&&&&&&&C.&to&be&worn29.&America_____by&Christopher&Columbus.30.The&box&is___heavy__I&can’t&lift&it.&A.too,to&&B.so,that&C.such,that&31.&He&tried&his&best&to&do&everything&to&make&his&younger&sister&________&again.&&&&&&A.&laughing&&&&&&B.&to&laugh&&&&&&&&&&C.&laugh&&&&&&&&&32.&He&gave&up&______two&years&ago.&That’s&to&say,&he&is&a&non-smoker&now.A.&smoke&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&B.&smoking&&&&&&&&&&&&C.&to&smoke&&&&&&&&&&33.&She&had&never&been&to&the&great&Wall&before.&Today&she&saw&it&___&the&first&time.A.&at&&&&&&&&B.&for&&&&&&C.&in&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&34.&How&long&________&the&film&________&when&you&got&there?35.&They&have______for&two&years.&&A.married&B.&gotten&married&&&C.been&married二&完形填空(10分)Dear&Linda,Thanks&for&your&message.&Yes,&I’m&having&a&great&time&on&my&exchange&program&in&France.&It’s&even&better&than&I&thought&it&would&be.&I&was&&1&&nervous&before&I&arrived&here,&but&there&was&&2&&reason&to&be.&My&host&family&is&really&nice.&They&&&&3&&their&way&to&make&me&&4&&at&home.&And&you&wouldn’t&believe&how&&5&&my&French&has&improved!&I’m&very&comfortable&&6&&French&now.&Although&I&still&make&lots&of&mistakes,&it&doesn’t&bother&me&like&it&used&to.&My&biggest&challenge&is&learning&how&to&behave&at&the&dinner&table.&As&you&can&imagine,&things&are&really&different&&7&&the&way&they&are&at&home.&For&example,&you’re&not&supposed&to&put&your&bread&ob&your&plate.&You&are&supposed&to&put&it&on&the&table!&I&thought&that&was&pretty&strange&&8&&,&but&now&I&&9&&it!&You’re&not&supposed&to&eat&&10&with&your&hands&except&bread,&not&even&fruit!Wang&Kun1&A&a&little&of&&B&a&bit&of&&&&&C&a&bit&&&&&&2&&A&not&&&&&&&B&no&&&&C&few3&A&get&out&of&&B&go&out&of&&C&take&out&of&&&4&&A&feel&&&&B&to&feel&&&C&feeling&5&A&quick&&&&B&quickly&&&&&C&quicker&&&&6&A&speak&&B&to&speaking&&C&speaking&&7.A&with&&&B&from&&&C&as&&&&&&&&&8&A&at&first&&&&B&first&of&all&&&&&&C&first9&A&used&to&&B&am&used&to&&C&be&used&to&&10&A&something&&B&nothing&&C&anything三、&阅读理解(20分)(A)In&England,&afternoon&tea,&taken&between&four&and&five,&is&the&most&informal&(非正式)meal&of&the&day.&If&you&are&a&friend&of&the&family,&you&may&drop&in&for&tea&without&an&invitation&or&telling&that&you&are&coming.&Very&often&it&is&not&served&at&a&table.&The&members&of&the&family&and&visitors&take&tea&in&the&sitting-room.&Each&person&has&a&cup&and&saucer(托盘),&a&spoon(汤匙)and&a&small&plate&for&bread-and-butter&and&cake.&By&the&way,&do&not&help&yourself&to&cake&&bread-and-butter&first,&then&cake&if&there&is&any.&Another&piece&of&advice:&Do&not&put&more&than&one&piece&of&bread&or&cake&on&your&plate&at&the&same&time.1.&Afternoon&tea&is&usually&served&with&______.A.&tea&only&&&&&&B.&tea&and&some&food&&&C.&tea,&dessert&and&meat&D.&cake&and&bread2.&If&you&want&to&have&afternoon&tea&in&a&friend’s&home,&_______.&A.&it&is&necessary&for&you&to&send&a&message&&&&B.&you&should&wait&for&his&invitation&C.&it&is&impolite&for&you&to&go&there&without&taking&anything&with&youD.&it&is&unnecessary&for&you&to&call&him&or&send&a&message3.&In&the&passage,&“drop&in&“means&“_________”.A.&pay&an&informal&visit&&&&B.&fall&down&&C.&drink&at&a&friend’s&home&&D.&break4.&It’s&impolite&for&you&______.A.&help&yourself&to&cake&first&&&&&&&&&B.&share&a&cup&with&your&friend&&&&C.&put&more&than&one&piece&of&bread&or&cake&on&your&plate&once&&&&D.&all&of&the&above5.&Which&of&the&following&is&NOT&true?&&&&A.&Afternoon&tea&is&often&taken&in&the&sitting-room.&&&&B.&The&members&of&the&family&often&share&a&cup&and&saucer,&a&spoon,&etc.&&&&C.&Afternoon&tea&is&usually&taken&between&lunch&and&supper.D.&Help&yourself&to&bread-and-butter&before&cake&if&there&is&any.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&(B)Some&British&and&American&people&like&to&invite&friends&for&a&meal&at&home.&You&should&not&be&upset(不安的)if&your&English&friends&don’t&invite&you&home.&It&doesn’t&mean&they&don’t&like&you.Dinner&parties&usually&start&between&7&and&8&p.m.&and&end&at&about&11.&Ask&your&hosts(主人)what&time&you&should&arrive.&It’s&polite&to&bring&flowers,&chocolates&or&a&bottle&of&wine&as&a&gift.&Usually&the&evening&starts&with&drinks&and&snacks(小吃).&If&you&want&to&be&extra&polite,&say&how&much&you&like&the&room,&or&the&pictures&on&the&wall.&But&remember-it’s&not&polite&to&ask&how&much&things&cost.In&many&families,&the&husband&sits&at&one&of&the&table&and&the&wife&sits&at&the&other&end.&They&eat&with&their&guests.You’ll&probably&start&the&meal&with&soup&or&something&small,&then&you’ll&have&meat&or&fish&with&vegetables,&and&then&dessert(甜点心),&followed&by&coffee.&It’s&polite&to&finish&everything&on&your&plate&and&to&take&more&if&you&want&it.Did&you&enjoy&the&evening?&Call&your&hosts&the&next&day,&or&write&them&a&short&“thank&you”&letter.&British&and&American&people&like&to&say&“thank&you,&thank,&thank&you”&all&the&time!1.&If&your&English&friend&doesn’t&invite&you&to&dinner&at&home,&it&means&he&or&she&______.A.&doesn’t&like&you&&B.&likes&you&&&C.&can’t&afford&to&do&so&&&D.&is&too&busy2.&It’s&impolite&______.A.&to&ask&about&the&price&of&a&certain&thing&&&&&B.&to&say&“thank&you”&to&hosts&&&&C.&take&nothing&with&you&when&you&are&invited&to&dinner&&&&D.&to&eat&up&everything&on&your&plate3.&The&meal&ends&with_____usually.&A.soup&&B.coffee&&C.meat&or&fish&&D.dessert4.&When&you&are&invited&to&a&dinner&party,&you’d&better&_______.&&&&A.&ask&what&time&you&should&arrive&&&&&B.&take&your&wife&with&you&&&&C.&drink&as&more&as&possible&&&&&&&&&&D.&eat&more&snacks&as&you&can5.&Which&of&the&following&is&true?&&&&A.&The&hosts&like&the&people&who&sit&closer&to&them.&&&&B.&The&hosts&like&the&people&who&ask&them&time,&price,&age,&etc.&&&&C.&The&husband&and&the&wife&usually&sit&together.&&&&D.&You&can&call&your&host&the&next&day&or&write&a&letter&of&thanks&四、词汇知识&(10分)根据句意及首字母提示,写出单词的正确形式。1.&The&policeman&r_________&into&the&house&and&carried&the&boy&to&safety.2.&There&must&be&some&m____________&in&this&bill,&please&add&up&the&figures&again.3.&I&met&Jacob&by&a_________________&in&the&cinema&yesterday&afternoon.4.&Some&of&the&students&had&e______________&what&hardships(困苦)&meant&before&they&entered&the&university.5.&We&spent&a&p________________&day&in&the&country.6.The&bottle&is&__________.(空的)7.I&________________(觉得奇怪,想知道)why&he&is&always&late&.8.There&are&four______________(刀)on&the&table.9.Can&I&________(借)your&pen&?&Mine&is&broken.10.Yesterday&Tom&___________________(发电子邮件)me.五、补全对话。(5分)&根据对话内容选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。A.&Business&people&are&very&busy,&you&know.&B.&I&like&planes&very&much.C.&But&I’m&always&thinking&“busy”&is&better&than&“free”.D.&Maybe&I’ll&be&a&businessman.&&E.&But&I&would&rather&live&in&one&place.&T:&What&are&you&going&to&do&after&leaving&school&?B:&I&am&thinking&about&becoming&a&plane&driver.⑴__________T:&So&you&like&traveling,&don’t&you&?B:&Of&course&I&do.&I&like&to&visit&different&places,&makedifferent&friends&and&know&different&things.T:&That&sounds&great.&&⑵__________B:&What&do&you&want&to&be&in&the&future?T:&⑶__________&&I&like&to&go&into&business&and&make&money.B:&⑷__________T:&You’re&right.&⑸__________六、阅读短文,根据所给的首字母提示,用合适的单词填空。(10’)&&&&One&day&I&found&a&little&girl&sitting&in&the&park&sadly.&Lots&of&people&passed&by&but&never&s&&1&&&&&to&see&why&she&looked&so&sad.&As&I&got&closer&I&saw&that&her&b&&2&&&&&had&a&strange&shape.&That’s&a&hump&(驼背)!&Perhaps&that&was&the&r&&3&&why&people&just&passed&by&and&make&no&effort&to&help.&I&sat&down&beside&her&and&said,&“Hello!”&Then&she,&in&a&low&voice,&said,&“Hi.”&I&smiled&and&she&s&&4&&&shyly,too.&Then&we&talked&there&u&&5&&&&&it&got&dark.&I&asked&the&girl&why&she&was&so&sad.&She&looked&at&me&and&said&with&a&sad&face,&“Because&of&the&hump.”&&&&“But,&you&make&me&t&&6&&&&of&an&angel&(天使),&sweet&and&friendly,”&I&said.&She&looked&at&me&and&asked,&“Really?”&I&said,&“Yes,&I&think&you&are&an&angel&and&you&come&here&to&watch&over&all&those&people&walking&by.”&When&she&h&&7&&&this,&the&little&girl&jumped&up.&“I&am!&I’m&an&angel!”&I&was&happy&b&&8&&&she&was&no&sad&any&m&&9&&.&&&&After&that,&my&life&also&changed.&I&learned&how&to&share&(分享)both&h&&10&&and&sadness&with&others.&I&believe&now&we&give&something&to&others&in&the&same&&way&we&get&the&same.1.&&&&&&&&&&&&&2.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&3.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&4.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&5.6.&&&&&&&&&&&&&7.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&8.&&&&&&&&&&&&&9.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&10.七、书面表达。(10分)请根据下列中文提示,用英语向来宾介绍你们新建的网络学校。&&&&1.&使教与学更为方便、有趣,学生能在课堂上获取更多信息,掌握更多知识。&&&&2.&可向世界各地发送电子邮件。&&&&3.&可通过因特网查询最新的信息。&&&&4.&只要家中有电脑,任何人都可以学习本校的课程。注意:1.短文须包括提示的主要内容。2.开头语已给出。&3.字数:80词左右。Ladies&and&gentlemen,Welcome&to&our&school!&Now&I’d&like&to&tell&you&something&about&our&new&net-school.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&____________________________________________________________________________________________


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