我要六年级上册作文的一篇作文题目《My friend》

小学英语作文大全五十七—My friend
小学英语作文大全系列主要展示小学生优秀的英语作文范文,以下为该系列其中一篇文章 My friend:你朋友多吗,最好的朋友是谁呢,他有什么特点能用英语描述一下吗,先看看小作者是如何写他的朋友的吧。
I have a lot of friends, but I have only a few good friends. One of them is my best friend. We are both twelve years old.He is fat and tall. He likes to eat oranges and meat. He is very straight and generous. We always help each other. He is a nice boy and his math is very good. He likes to play football and basketball. I enjoy playing with him because I can learn a lot from him. He can always come up with smart answers to those difficult questions. We usually play together after school in the afternoon. He is very funny and sometimes he tells me some interesting stories but sometimes he sets me up. After all we get a long well. But sometimes we fight each other.His goal is to be a math teacher. He lives in LinShan and I live in Xiangshan. But we are good friends.
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 - - - - - - - -我要六年级上册的一篇作文题目《My friend》_百度作业帮
我要六年级上册的一篇作文题目《My friend》
我要六年级上册的一篇作文题目《My friend》
第一篇:My FriendI have many friends,Chinese friends and foreign friends.Now,I want to introduce my best friend to you.Cherry is my best friend from Singapore,and she is a girl.She is very smart and beautiful.She likes singing,dancing and shopping.She is good at maths,English and Chinese.She often help me do my homework,so I make a great progress in my lessons now.Of course she also likes playing pingpong,and her pingpong skill is great,and always enjoy themseves with her pingpong friends.Do you want to know more information about Cherry?Oh,I would like to introduce more information about her to you next time.我的朋友我有许多朋友,中国朋友和外国朋友.现在,我想向你介绍我的最好的朋友给你.Cherry是我最好的朋友,她来自新加坡,她是一个女孩.她很聪明、漂亮.她喜欢唱歌、跳舞和购物.她擅长数学、英语和中文.她经常帮我做功课,所以,现在我的功课有很大的进步.当然,她也喜欢打乒乓球,她的乒乓球技巧是很了不起的,她经常与喜欢乒乓球的朋友一起娱乐.你想知道更多有关Cherry的信息吗?哦,我愿意下次介绍她更多的信息给你.第二篇:My FriendLi Yuan is my best friend from Hongkong,and he is a boy.He is very smart and handsome.He is good at Chinese and English and often help me do my homework.He also likes playing football,and his football skill is great.That's all.我的朋友李渊是我的最要好的朋友,他来自香港,他是一个男孩.他很聪明、英俊.他擅长语文和英语.他经常帮我做功课.他也喜欢踢足球,他的足球技巧是很了不起的.就这些吧
L have a friend
关于题目《如果》的英语作文 ,、急急急急. 我妹要,快 if。。。 If I could grow up. I am willing to go to father and mother您好,欢迎来到快乐学习
  I go to school on foot.My sister goes to school on foot,
  too. My brother goes to school by bike. My father goes to work by car. My mother goes to work by bike.
  I go to school by bus. My friend Amy goes to school on
  foot. John goes to school by bike. Mike goes to school by
  Subway. Sarah goes to school by bus.
  I&m going to have a busy weekend with my friends. On Saturday morning,we are going to go shpping. On Saturday
  afternoon, we are going to the park. On Sunday morning,
  We are going to go fishing. On Sunday afternoon,we are going to climb mountains. We will be happy.
  I am going to have a busy Sunday with my family. We are
  going to the zoo on Sunday morning. We are going to see
  elephants. On Sunday afternoon,we are going to visit my
  grandparents. We are going to clean the room for them.
  I like flying kites. My father likes diving. My mother likes playing the violin. My brother likes riding a bike. My sister likes listening to music.
  I like diving. My friend John likes flying kites. Amy likes collecting stamps. Zhang Peng likes playing football. Chen Jie likes riding a bike.
  My father is a teacher. He works in a school. He goes to
  work by car. My mother is an accountant. She works in a bank.
  She goes to work by bus.
  Dear Amy,
  My name is Sarah. I&m 13. I&m tall and thin. I like swimming.My father is 40. He&s tall and strong. He likes reading books.He is an engineer. He works in a car company.He goes to work by car.My mother is 39. She&s short and thin. She likes cooking.She is a salesperson. She works in a bookstore. She goes to work on foot. Yours,
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优秀作文My friend
&&& 1.MY good friend
&&& My good friend is Kate. She's a girl. She is my classmate. She has a (去掉a) short and beautiful hair. She has big eyes. She is friendly to everyone. She can speak English very well. So her favorite subject is English. Her favourite color is white. She likes listening to music. I also like listening to music. We have the same hobby.
&&& I think we are the best friend in the world.
&&& 2. MY good friend
&&& I am a girl, and I have some friends. But my good friend is Anna.
&&& She is my pen pal. She is from France. She is a nice girl, too. She can speak French, Chinese and a litter (little) English. She is 15 years old. Her birthday is on June 4th.
In her school, she have (has) six class (classes) everyday. She studies hard. Her favourite subject is Chinese. She think (thinks) Chinese history is very interesting.
Anna likes going to the movies and playing sports on weekends. She (Her) favourite movie is "Harry Porter Ⅲ" but she likes Jack Chen very much.
We are good friends.
3. MY good friend
I have many good friends. They bring me lots of pleasure. The best friend is Xiaoqi. She is a girl who is lively and cheerful. She likes singing, dancing and lots of sports. She is a beautiful girl. She has big eyes, long hairs (hair) and a round face (应加上which) likes a red apple.
Everyday, we play together during recess and go back home together. We often help each other and learn from each other in study. She will help me if I get in (into) trouble.
On weekend, we always play in the park, (加上连接词and) read books in (加上the) library together. We feel happy.
I think she is a very good girl. We will be good friends forever.
4. MY good friend
My good friend is Chen Linxian. She is a generous girl. We always go shopping together. We go swimming together. When I'm sad, she will come to comfort me. When she (加上has) difficulties, I'll help her. Everyday we are better. Everyday we are smiling. We go out together. We play together. If I'm happy, she will be also happy. If she is upset, I will be also sad. We will send each other gifts. She is my best friend. I like this friend.
5. My good friend
My good friend is Zhang Yuyin. She has a (去掉a) beautiful hair and so big eyes. She is tall and chubby. She is a primary school student. She likes listening to music and reading books. Some time (Sometimes) we listen to music together. She can speak English very well. So she often help (helps) me (应加上with) English. She is a very good people (people是复数,建议用girl). When I fail the test she can comfort me. She'll be happy if I pass an exam. We talk about our ideals. We learn from each other. We help each other. I think we are the best friend (friends) in the world.
6. My good friend
Do you know who my good friend is? Can you guess who my best friend is? Oh, yes! Her name is Sally. She is a lovely girl. She is not only beautiful but also clever. Now she (加上is) 15 years old. And now, let me tell you about her life! She likes eating eggs and a cup of milk for her breakfast. Because she likes eggs and milk, (加上and) she thinks they are healthy and useful! And she likes to eat fish and rice for lunch. She likes running after dinner. So, she runs after dinner every day! Her favourite place is a park. She can play with me over there! On weekends, she often go (goes) there with me! She always goes to bed at 9:00. This (加上is) my best friend! How about your best friend? Is it also a girl?
7. My good friend
Everyone has good friends. Your friends may be is (去掉is) cute. But do you want to make friends with an ill-looking person? I don't know what you think, but my good friend is ill-looking. You are surprised, aren't you? His name is Dai Shunxin. When I first met him, I thought his study must be bad and terrible. (应加上 In the) first exam, he got good marks. But I still thought so. When he still got good marks in the mid-term exam, I believed his power.
Now, he is my deskmate. I know he study (studies) hard and he's very clever. He is a very different people (person).
I remember a proverb, men can't be judged by their looks. You mustn't make mistakes like me.
1. My good friend
I have a good friend. Her name is Tina. She's from China. And she lives in Wenling. She is a good student. She can speaks (情态动词后面应为speak) Chinese and a little English.
She likes action movies. Because she thinks it's very relaxing. She likes dolphins. Because it's blue. The (去掉the) blue is her favourite color. She likes playing ping-pong. She played ping-pong last Sunday. And she also likes swimming. She is swimming now. She looks cool.
Her favourite subject is math. She thinks it's difficult but very interesting. In her family, she has mother, father and a brother.&&& This is my good friend, Tina. She is very friendly.
2. My good friend
Wu Yiyang is my good friend. He is strong and has a big head. He is clever. He's good at sporting. He likes playing football. We have been classmates for six years. We often play basketball together and we enjoy in math.
We never forget each other's birthday. Last year, I gave him an interesting book, and he gave me a watch as a present.
Our friendship will go on forever.
3. My good friend
My good friend has long hair, big eyes, red face and (加上a) small nose. She likes math, music and labour skills. She doesn't like English and (否定句中应为or) Chinese. She likes painting, and she paints very good (well,副词修饰动词). She likes swimming, reading books and watching TV. We always play together. She's very thin and funny, (加上and) we all like her. The teacher very like her (The teacher likes her very much), because she is very smart and active. All in all, she is a very good girl. Who is she? She is my classmate. Her name is Cai Langxi.
4. My good friend
Jin Tao is my good friend. He is 13 years old now. Before I was 12 years old, we were in the same school, the same class, and he was my deskmate. So we are good friends now.
Once, I was forgetting my eraser (I forgot my eraser), but I must used (use) it. When he has known this matter (When he knew this), he lent his eraser to me. What a good boy! When your friends are in trouble, you must help them. Because you are good friends.
Jin Tao, you are my good friend forever!
5. My good friend
I have a good friend. Her name is Mei Hanwen. She is my classmate.
She has big eyes, a small nose and a small mouse (mouth). She is a beautiful girl. She likes Japanese cartoon (cartoons), such as Rozen Maiden and Shugo Chara. We often talk about it.
We always play together on the weekend. Last Sunday, we went to the (去掉the) Jinping park together. We ate some sweet ice-cream and played the dodgern. We were very happy. We never forget each other's birthdays. Last year, I gave her a book and she sent me a Barbie doll.
I believe we will be good friends forever.
6. My good friend
My good friend is Jiang Yuhang. We grew up together, we went to Fangcheng Primary School together, and we will go to college together. We never forget each other's birthday. Last year he sent me a SP, and I sent him a PSP.
I usually go to his home on weekend. Sometimes, we play football, (加上and) sometimes we play computer. We play together and feel very happy.
We like each other very much. We were always very good friends, and we still are.
7. My good friend
My good friend is Xie Yi. She is (加上a) beautiful girl and is my sister. She is thin and tall. She has two big eyes and pretty long hair. She likes to play the piano and read book (books). She is smart and quiet.
We never forget each other's birthday. Last year she sent me a good MP3, and I gave she (her) a bag. We help each other very often. And I help her (加上with) English, because my English is very good.
This is my good friend. We feel happy when we are together.
8. My good friend
I have a good friend. She is a beautiful girl. And she is very clever and smart. We are in the same class. Her name is Lin Yu.
Lin Yu likes dogs. She has many dogs. She thinks animals are our friends and we (加上are) in the same small world, to love animals is to love ourselves.
Lin Yu likes watching "Ming Zhen Tan Ke Nan" best. She thinks Ke Nan is a handsome boy. (加上To) tell you a joke. Yesterday, we were playing volleyball while we were talking about Ke Nan. Suddenly, I asked her, "What is your name?" She answered, "Ke Nan."
We are good friends forever.
9. My good friend
I have a good friend. Her name is Gao Xingxing. She is tall (加上and) slim with black shoulder-length hair and big eyes. We grew up together, (加上and) we went to primary school together. We always play with dog and bird (dogs and birds). We like play (playing) basketball, so we play basketball together at weekend. She likes play (playing) the piano. We usually go to the zoo. There are tigers, lions`````
This is my good friend. I like she (her), and you?
10. My good friend
I have a good friend. She is my classmate. Her name's Betty. She's a pretty girl.
She is taller than me. She has two big eyes and long hair. She likes listening to music and reading books. We often go to the library together. She likes summer. Because she can swim in the swimming pool in summer holiday. She likes pink very much. She studies in Wenling No.3 Middle School. She' s in Class 1, Grade 1. She studies hard. She wants to be a nurse. She thinks it's very exciting.
We will be good friends forever.
11. My good friend
Ding Chongshu and I are very good friends. We studied at school together, we had lunch together and we done (did) homework together. Now she lives in Yuhuan, and I live in Wenling. Even though we live apart, we are still very good friends.
We write emails to each other very often. She writes me email (emails) about life on the Yuhuan (in Yuhuan), and I writes (write) her emails about life on the Wenling (in Wenling). We never forget each other's birthday. Last year she send (sent) me a CD, and I send (sent) her a birthday card. Ding Chongshu and me help each other very often. Last year, I lent her Chinese book when she lost her book, and she gave me comforts when I was have (I had) a fever.
Ding Chongshu and me like each other very much. We were always very good friends and we still are.


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