Small does not endure the chaotic beautyig stratagem! 是什么意思??

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[clock universe healthy tendency is born holds the Spring and Autumn Period principle of righteousness to remember for oneself] Sage guan god surname pass, famous feather, character cloud long (a character long-lived long), was born extends the light three years in Eastern Han Dynasty Emperor Huan (A.D. 160 years) on June 24, is extraordinary from the small skeleton, the heroic spirit thrives, ordinary day influences military study, also studies happily, especially good Spring and Autumn Period zuoshi zhuan. Emperor Guan the height nine feet six inches, the surface like deep red, the lip resembles red, the slender arched eyebrows, the phoenix eye, has an imposing appearance, is at a high game, praises oneself civil and military has both, when contributes oneself study for the person of integrity country race. The year 17, find a wife Hu, then has the customs standard, Guan Xing, the pass rope three sub-Eastern Han Dynasty last years, the world is chaotic, the disloyalty independent warlords rise together simultaneously, at that time the imperial family was restrained hand of the wife's or mother's family, the officials, the court discipline does not open, the popular sentiment lost greatly, the guy landscape was in a precarious state, in imminent danger, in addition the independent warlords dominated in abundance according to the place, supported the mountain top to support oneself respectively for the king, caused the Chinese to hand down imperial power from generation to generation unstable. Guan Yu witnesses the situation to be chaotic, namely wants to extend oneself will, therefore works emperor in the Eastern Han Dynasty the light and two years (A.D. 179 years) exilees home the wanderer, wants to have in the tumultuous times the achievement, the even first year (A.D. 184 years), are apart from Emperor Guan to leave home to have five years, Emperor Guan in drip the county in the tavern chance encounter Liu Bei and Zhang Fei, three people discuss really happy, has restores meaning of the Chinese room, therefore goes to the Zhang Fei dwelling village together, and after the dwelling in the peach garden righteousness ties the sworn brother, the foreword discusses the year tooth, Liu Bei to be long, Guan Yu is next, Zhang Fei for younger brother. [gas covers the mountains and rivers three countries to dominate an area righteousness thin Yunsiao Shuhan great soldier] Emperor Guan three people in drip the county to prepare for war afterward, collect 500 people to go to offer services to the Zou peace, afterward the yellow turbans thief invaded one's territory, Zou Jinglv the Liu Bei soldiers and horses launched an attack, greatly broken thief armed forces, because put down a rebellion active, sealed Liu Bei for An Xixian Wei, Emperor Guan and Zhang Fei takes office along with the elder brother, three person of fortunes and misfortunes shared, the sleeping and eating did not divide, because the discontented royal government supervised until Zhang Fei postal demands bribes, under great anger whipped supervises postal, brothers three person of have to extensions threw Liu to be extensive. The even five years, Emperor Guan 29 years old, Liu Bei army horse sleepy even fishing positive chaotic, rise for don't Sima, Emperor Guan and Zhang Fei also accomp Next year worked emperor to die, Dong Zhuo entered Beijing to set up princekin to offer emperor in addition, posed as duty of the prime minister, arrogated all power to oneself the dictatorship, caused Zhu Jun to be discontented, got up in abundance denounces, and chose by acclamation Yuan Shao is the hegemon, entered Kyoto. At that time Dong Zhuo subordinate senior general Hua Xiongrao brave clever in fighting, including cuts in the Yuan Shao camp four brave generals, under Yuan Shao startled anger, convenes the official title for the head to discuss, at that time, Guan Emperor attendant Liu Bei in the side, saw the circumstance to be critical, put on armor and went to battle voluntarily, toward took the Chinese male severed head, the multi-people on the scene only then the Cao Cao mental perception knew the hero, protected extremely recommends, and poured out wine a cup of respect Emperor Guan, saw only Emperor Guan to be mad that calmed oneself down returns idly said: ¨waits me to take the Chinese male severed head to come back, drinks not lately again.〃 Said namely raises the knife to start, gallops goes, the people still at doubt in the letter, Emperor Guan had already cut Hua Xionggui the camp, formerly the wine class still have residual heat, this war made the people to hold in high esteem to Emperor Guan, also establishes Emperor Guan to have the stratagem heroic image bravely. Hua Xiongji cuts, the customs standard defeats Lv Bu, to cut the tube twelfth branch again. Xingping first year (A.D. 194 years), Liu Bei takes over the Xuzhou official title for the head. Two years later, Emperor Guan presents the Chinese to advocate the life commanding the army punitive expedition Yuan technique, defends Xuzhou temporarily by Zhang Fei, but after Zhang Fei liquor messes things up, rides for the Lv Bu soldiers and horses, Xuzhou falls into hand of the Lv Bu. Hereafter Liu Bei leads to close, two person to rush toward Xuchang, dispatches troops together with Cao Cao gathers seizes Lv Bu, takes back Xuzhou. Liu Bei lives in a strange or foreign place Xuchang period, sees the Cao Cao action to have steals heart of the Chinese, therefore finds an excuse returns to Xuzhou, Cao Cao fears outside the crux of the situation to release, assigns Xuzhou provincial governor Che Zhouji to kill Liu Bei in secret, the matter sees through for Emperor Guan, leaves the camp to greet Liu Bei, and cuts the vehicle zhou, Emperor Guan under automorphy Pi. The Jianan five years, Cao Cao attacks Xuzhou, Xuzhou falls into enemy hands, Liu Bei runs away to the Qingzhou. Under Emperor Guan clings to tenaciously Pi, protects the Liu Bei wife and children, Cao Cao saw with own eyes that under Pi Jiu cannot capture, the faction enables Zhang Liao to go to induce somebody to capitulate, Zhang Liaoyi ¨one may guarantee madame, the two do not carry the peach garden approximately, three may leave leeway with the body〃 convinces Emperor vigorously Guan, the Duke Guan to guarantee the elder brother wife and children to be safe, then makes a few rules for all concerned with Cao Cao: One falls the Chinese not to fall C The two two sisters-in-law by the Liu Bei salary provisions, the Cao Ying high and low person and so on do no As soon as three know the elder brother Liu Bei whereabouts, does not dismiss the great distance journey, the lunch instantly strives. Cao Cao loves talent of really the Emperor Guan, therefore complies to ask, and the courteous reception, once thick presented as a gift thing in every possible way and so on damask silk brocade, money household utensils, different brocade battle dress, red rabbit horse, after Emperor Guan receives, transfers uses for the brothers and sisters-in-law, in battle dress Yu Jiupao is showing not to forget the former master, but the great distance good colt red rabbit horse Duke Guan accepts with pleasure, will wait will seek brother in the future. In March, the Duke Guan should Cao Cao invite in the same year, to cut Yuan Shao the face to be under good, offers emperor to commend its merit, seals for ¨the Hanshou pavilion marquis〃, after the child, Emperor Guan cuts the civilian clown, Shao Yuan Lianzhe two commanding generals, the vitality damages severely, therefore draws back the armed forces military positive, holds troops. This time the Duke Guan knew that the elder brother Liu Bei whereabouts, repeatedly seek an interview Cao Cao to say good-bye, Cao Cao knew that the Duke Guan asks the heart, evades intentionally does not meet, the Duke Guan then seals Jin Guayin, escorts the brothers and sisters-in-law to leave Xuchang. [overcomes one difficulty after another must already loyal minister righteousness younger brother auxiliary court discipline] Because does not have Cao Cao to allow to pass the archives, suffers the hindrance repeatedly along the way, then has the crossing the five passes (east range pass, Luoyang, booklet water gate, Jungyang pass, Yellow River ferry spot mountain pass), cuts six (Kong Xiu, Han Fu, Meng Tan, Bian Xi, Wang Zhi, Qin Qi) the matter, latter Cao Cao sees the Duke Guan to benefit firmly, allows to pass the archives including next three, a Duke Guan line only then can pass unimpeded, passes by when lies nearby the cow mountain, the Duke Guan receives Zhou Cangwei, will arrive at the old city, has a reunion Zhang Fei, Zhang Fei welcomes two sisters-in-law to enter the city, the Duke Guan toward welcomes Liu Bei, the process lies once more Niu Shanshi, chance encounter Zhao Zilong, line of people gather the old city, just like Long Huhui wind and cloud. The Jianan eight years, Liu Bei stations troops Sinyeh, because the military strategist Xu multitudious idea, receives Fancheng one, commands troops by Emperor Guan guards. Because after that the Xu multitudious recommendation, helping of the Liu Bei Wolong Mr. Zhuge Kong Ming, maps out strategic plans in an army tent many times again, routs the Cao armed forces. A Chibi service, Cao Cao defeats runs away the beautiful face saying that at that time the Duke Guan presented command of the Kong Ming when this waited for Cao Cao were many, because once received favors in Cao Cao, the Duke Guan did not endure Cao Cao to become under the knife the ghost, therefore righteousness released Cao Cao. Service's of Chibi achievement, lets Liu Bei receive has south of Yangzi River various counties, soon the Duke Guan is sealed ¨suppresses bandits for the Xiangyang grand minister superintendent imperator〃. Jianan 20 years, because Liu Bei, Kong Ming goes to Yizhou one after another, is guards Jingzhou by the Duke Guan, at that time Sun Quan desired ardently to recall Jingzhou, Emperor Guan thought that Jingzhou was the guy territory, Sun Quan has no right to recall, but insisted not also, Sun Quan therefore the lawksawk design Duke Guan, gives a banquet in the Linjiang pavilion to invite the Duke Guan, wanted to force the Duke Guan by the military force to obey, the Duke Guan started a solo run, although fully realized there is no such thing as a good banquet, still the joke freely, afterward the attire was at the session drunk seizes the chance to hold under duress the lawksawk to the waterfront, hoisted the sails to turn over to, to protect the Jingzhou area. Jianan 24 year in July, Liu Bei takes a seat is the Hanzhong king, Cao Cao hears the news to be angry, sends Sima Yijie well in Sun Quan, by isolates Liu Bei, at that time Sun Quan was on good terms at the same time with Cao Cao, at the same time wanted to win over Liu Bei, dispatched the human and the Duke Guan in secret discusses marries, is actually resisted by the Duke Guan stern words& . Soon Cao Jun intends to capture Jingzhou, Liu Bei seals the Duke Guan is heads of the five beave general, member of the five tiger senior general except the Duke Guan outside, still had Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao and the yellow loyal four people, five people attack Xiangfan place with joint forces. At that time the Duke Guan in the Fancheng and the Cao Cao senior general pound confrontation, in the left arm the arrow, the black and blue could not move, highly skilled doctor China tuo treated, blew law of the bone by the broken arm to cure the wound, Sergeant Man Zhang covers the face the change colors, only the Duke Guan still chatted as usual, drank wine to play chess, the look did not change.
[oath swallows Wu Wei to fail when success seemed within reach lifts offers sacrifice receives respects ten thousand th honorific titles of guanyu] Jianan 24 year in October, the Dongwu Lu Mongolia malinger, lures the Duke Guan to move besieges the Fancheng, at that time Lu Meng a flour dim sum soldier 30,000, went to attack Jingzhou, at the same time also discussed in private the attacking from both sides Duke Guan with Cao Cao, the Duke Guan is attacked front and rear, retreats the wheat city, because of reinforcements standing grain, also the night walked near ju. Actually seizes for the Dongwu ambusher, its sub-customs standard hears the news to rescue, the strength is captured. The dawn, the Sun Quan deep supine Duke Guan gallantry, is eager to do induces somebody to capitulate, at that time the Dongwu official in charge of documents and archival materials left salty time thought that this act not different leaves trouble for the future, therefore Sun Quan assigns cuts the Duke Guan fathers and sons, the Duke Guan father and son is also murdered. The Duke Guan dies at the age of 60, closes the ordinary year 41. The Duke Guan is murdered the news biography arrives at the wheat city, guards Mai Cheng Zhou Cang, in Wang Fu and the camp sergeant the grief and indignation difficult to damp, suicides together the dying for host. Meantime, Sun Quan after the idea kills the Duke Guan, gives a banquet to celebrate the merit, rewards according to merit at the session, Lu Menggong occupies the first place, Sun Quan urges somebody to drink the foreword merit, Lu Meng meets when the liquor, suddenly fierce obloquies Sun Quan, the people in great surprise, knew that the Duke Guan hero soul takes possession on Lu Mengshen, soon Lu Mengji bleeds profusely from the head perishes. Sun Quan after the Duke Guan is murdered, is very much afraid Liu Bei to revenge, therefore shifts blame by the wooden chest splendid attire Duke Guan severed head for Cao Cao, on the one hand elaborate funeral Duke Guan stature in the Dangyang Zhang township. After Cao Cao receives the wooden chest, sees the Duke Guan appearance to be as usual, the mouth opens the item to move, in the heart is greatly hurried, assigns the human to engrave immediately sinks the fragrant wood for qu, buries together with the severed head in the Luoyang Nanmenwai, Cao Cao after receiving this frightens, namely falls ill, in a Jianan 25 year in first lunar month was mad that&& &perishes. After the folk hands down the Duke Guan is murdered, the hero's soul disrespects, fluttered easely to the Dangyang jade Quanshan, in the mountain old monk Pu once had the casual acquaintance only with the Duke Guan in Zhenguo Temple, at that time the Duke Guan presented the sister-in-law northbound, when passed by the river bank water gate, under garrison commander Bian Xishe the treacherous plan, in Zhenguo Temple laying down executioner hundred, at that time in the hand buddhist priest Pu only saw with own eyes the Duke Guan on the point of death, in secret warns, causes the Duke Guan and the brothers and sisters-in-law turns danger into safety, but Pu also lived in seclusion only in jade Quanshan. This time meets by chance, Pu sees only closes the public spirit to have the unwillingness, the hero soul drifts in the air loudly shouts ¨also my to come〃 in the clouds, therefore has a mind affiliation machine enlightening, then expounds the cause and effect to the Duke Guan, the Pu only cloud: ¨general, corrects one's errors, all hurons, the cause and effect, has the fate early. Now general harms for the Lu Mongolia, loudly shouts also my to come, however former days Yan Liang, the civilian clown and five will turn off six heads, could also demand to who?〃The Duke Guan heard that the word just likes severe warning, awakens greatly thanks only to Pu goes. Afterward the Duke Guan often in the jade Quanshan appearance Saint mark, the native then constructed the temple at the summit to offer sacrifices. When the Tang Dynasty Yifeng first year (A.D. 676 years) jade Quanshan constructs the Buddha courtyard, once listened by the Duke Guan in Zhenguo Temple after and Pu buddhist priest changes magically the cause only, ordered that the Duke Guan is ¨god of the garden〃, becomes Buddha two to teach altogether to offer sacrifice to the gods. After the Duke Guan is murdered, the body first minute buries two places, therefore the folk has ¨to decide Luoyang, the body is stranded the Dangyang, the soul turns over to the hometown〃 the view, has in these three constructs the temple to stand offers sacrifice, ¨often is respectively even be Shanxi Province Jiezhou Yuncheng Duke Guan hometown Chang Pingcun the ancestral temple〃, the Henan Province Luoyang ¨to close the forest〃, the Hubei Province Dangyang County ¨to close the mausoleum〃.
&First, practicing martial art presents is ¨the honorific title of guanyu〃. Second, the scholar regards as god of the culture and education, with Wenchang, Zhu Yi, four stars in the bowl of the big dipper, the Lu immortal hecheng is ¨five articles Prosperous god〃 ¨Emperor Wen Hengsheng〃. Third, the merchants regard him to bless the people to get rich ¨the God of Wealth〃. Fourth, Buddhism thought that Duke Guan's healthy tendency protects buddhist law sufficiently, will present for the protection god, lists as ¨the garden Protects buddhist law〃. Fifth, Taoism politely calls ¨three Emperor Fu Moda〃. Sixth, the folk calls ¨graciousness your majesty〃. ¨the sage guan god〃 is Cheng Shenhou respectful designation.&
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