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35.I can’t land a job because I do not have any work experience.But how can I gain experience if nobody wants to hire me?Isn’t it _______?A.a catch-22 B.a feet of clayC.a piece of cake D.the salt of the earth
你好,同学 正确答案:选A. a catch-22
即:I can’t land a job because I do not have any work experience. But how can I gain experience if nobody wants to hire me? Isn’t it a catch-22? 翻译:因为我没有工作经验,所以我找不到工作.但是没有人愿意雇我,我又怎能获得经验?这不是很矛盾吗? 解析:这题需要了解一些英美文学常识.Catch-22,《第二十二条军规》.《第二十二条军规》是一部严肃的、讽刺性极强的小说.通过这部小说,约瑟夫·海勒将他眼中的美国社会展现在读者眼前.这个社会处于一种有组织的混乱、一种制度化了的疯狂之中,这个社会的一切只服从“第二十二条军规”的荒诞逻辑.根据第二十二条军规,只有疯子才能获准免于飞行,但必须由本人提出申请,但你一旦提出申请,恰好证明了你是一个正常人,还是在劫难逃. 其它选项: a feet of clay 按字面解释“泥巴做的脚”,这个意思的确令人费解,其实它的确切解释应该是“内在缺陷、致命的弱点 a piece of cake 小菜一碟,形容非常简单 the salt of the earth 社会中坚(高尚的人)古时候,盐非常难得,“物以稀为贵”,盐就显得特别珍贵,用盐款待朋友被看成是最高的礼遇,吃了某人的盐(eat sb's salt)意味着“在某人处做客;受到某人款待”.同客人一块用餐时,盐罐放在餐桌中间,客人坐在盐罐上首(above the salt),离主人近,视为贵宾;因此above the salt指在上席,尊为上宾;普通客人往往坐在盐罐的下首(below the salt),离主人远,是末座,因而below the salt指居下席,屈为末座.耶稣把他的门徒就喻作“盐”,“世上的盐”(salt of the earth),其中earth 指人类,salt表示象往食品中加盐一样,人类社会的精华赋予人类生活最伟大的价值,因而salt of the earth指“社会精华,最优秀的人,最高尚的人.”
扫描下载二维码用所给词的适当形式组成句子(请看问题补充)1、can read magezine I not the 2、milk any want you do 3、front blackboard teacher the the of in is stand 4、I but like wine not do any now want 5、please give a piece meat me of to 6、do cabbage Sam like not 7、please give a piece meat me of 8、they apple like do want any but bow they not
1.I can not read the magazine.2.Do you want any milk?3.The teacher is standing in front of the blackboard.4.I like wine but do not want any now.5.Please give a piece of meat to me.6.Sam doesn't like cabbage.7.Give me a piece of meat,please.8.They like apple but they don't want any now.祝 进步!
可以教我几道修改病句吗?Two cat are runing on the wall.2、They are comming now 3、The girl is siting between her mother and father 4、They likes bananas,but they doesnot want any now. 5、I want a pound of beefs
6、To tell you truth,I do not like tea at all. 7、I want some pear 8、He likes orange,but he doesn't like apple.9、Children usually like ice creams. 10、The Toms likes mince very much.
1. Two cats are running on the wall.
2. They are coming now.
3. The girl is sitting between her mother and father.
4. They like bananas, but they don't want any now.
5. I want a pound of beef.
6. To tell you the truth, I do not like tea at all.
7. I want some pears.
8. He likes oranges,but he doesn't like apples.
9. Children usually like icecream.
10. The Toms like mince very much.
1. I can not read the magazine.2. Do you want any milk?3. The teacher is standing in front of the blackboard.4. I like wine but do not want any now.5. Please give a piece of meat t...
扫描下载二维码英语翻译1.can u teach me a few good words in french language?3.well i have liked many girls but i respect all of them and i think let me 4.complete intercourse?5.do u know any common thing which all girls like in boys?6.do they like musculine males?7.wat if u meet me and u r really impressed by me then will u like to have a relationship with me?8.ya i m serious if u wish bcoz i m ready but ur wish really matters 4 me9.so mam assume me to be him and den accept my proposal10.i told u assume me to be him11.dont worry i m saying it on his part12.so never cheet him
1.你能教我一些法语里比较好的句子吗?2.luv [lʌv] n.爱,爱情3.我曾经喜欢过很多女孩,也很尊重所有这些人,并且我认为...4.彻底的交往?5.你知不知道女孩都喜欢男孩身上哪些东西?6.他们喜欢穆斯林男子吗?7.当你见了我会怎样?如果你对我印象很好,那么你是否愿意跟我交往呢?8.是的,如果你想的话,我就是认真的.因为我已经做好了准备,我们的期望对我真的很重要.9.因此妈妈设想我就是他,并拒绝了我的提议.10.我告诉过你,把我假设是他.11.别担心,我是站在他的立场说这件事的.12.所以,不要欺骗他.
扫描下载二维码这些句子错在哪里?为什么会错?说说错在哪里了,怎么会错的?(错的原因)1Who dose you want to write?2 can i has any writing papers?3 Are you love timn brother?4 He wants do better ,but do not know how.5 there is bus every five minutes.不好意思,有些单词可能打错了,但并不影响这个题目!(不是单词错误)
1 Who dose you want to write?错误1、“you”是第二人称,“do”不用“does”错误2、“写信给某人”是“write to sb”Who do you want to write to?2 can i has any writing papers?错误1、情态动词“can”后接动词原形,“has”应为“have”错误2、“any”应为“some”错误3、“paper”解释为“纸”时,不可数Can I have some writing paper?3 Are you love timn brother?错误1、“love”是动词,在做一般疑问句时,用动词“do”提前Do you love timn brother?4 He wants do better ,but do not know how.错误1、“want”的用法是“want to do sth”错误2、“but”引导的从句主语是“he”,动词“want”要用第三人称单数He wants to do better,but does not know how.5 there is bus every five minutes.错误1、名词“bus”前要用冠词There is a bus every five minutes.
1 does应为 do,因为你是第二人称2 has 应为have,因为我是第一人称3 爱是动词,应用Do you4 短语 want to do5 漏了冠词a ,应为a bus
1Who dose you want to write? dose?是lz拼错,还是题目本身比较 显然does啊2 can i has any writing papers? paper不可数,所以paper3 Are you love timn brother? are 改为Do4 He wants do better ,but do ...
1改为Who do you want to write?第二人称用do不用dose2改为Can i have any writing papers? 第一人称用have不用has 3 改为Do you love timn brother?
love 是动词,提问时用do不用Are4 改为He wants to do better ,bu...
1Who DO you want to write? 1 does改为do
第二人称用do,are……does用于第三人称2 can i HAVE any writing PAPER? 2 has改为have can+do,have……3 DO you love timn brother? 3 are改为dolove...
1Who DO you want to write? 2 can i HAVE any writing PAPER? 3 DO you love timn brother? 4 He wants TO do better ,but DOES not know how. 5 there is A bus every five minutes.
应用DO,因为DOES用于三人单.应用HAVE,因为CAN是情态动词,后应加动词原形.双胞胎的单词拼错了.WANT TO DO STH.句意错误.
1 does 改为DO
第二人称2 has 应为have3 Are 改为Do4 wants 后+to 5 bus 前+a 表单数
第三个应该是“Do” you love timn brother? 大概一看都是中国英语类型的俺英痴,来取经了


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