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IASK Corporation, All Right Reserved全新版大学英语(第二版)综合教程4第二单元课文翻译(Test&B)
Steve Shladover outlines the benefits to be
gained from vehicles that could drive themselves and discusses how
this could be achieved.
Steve Shladover
1. Even when cars were still young,
began thinking about vehicles that could drive
themselves, without human help. Perhaps the best known of these
was the General Motors Futurama, the hit of
the new century, it's worth taking a fresh look
at this concept and asking how
might change transportation and the quality of our
2. Consider some of the implications of cars that
could drive themselves.
● We might eliminate the more than ninety percent of traffic
crashes that are caused by human errors such as misjudgments and
● We might reduce antisocial driving behavior such as ,
significantly reducing the
of driving.
● The entire population, including the young, the old, and the
infirm, might enjoy a higher level of mobility without requiring
advanced driving skills.
● The luxury of being
to your destination might be enjoyed by all, not
just the wealthiest individuals.
● Fuel consumption and pollution might be reduced by smoothing
traffic flow and running vehicles close enough to each other to
benefit from aerodynamic .
● Traffic-management decisions might be based on firm knowledge of
vehicle responses to instructions, rather than on guesses about the
choices that drivers might make.
● The capacity of a freeway lane might be doubled or , making it possible to
growing demands for travel without major new
construction, or, equivalently, today's level of congestion might
be reduced, enabling travelers to save time.
This is now a
prospect. With advances in technology we can readily
your trip on an automated highway system.
4. Imagine leaving work at the end of the day and
needing to drive only as far as the nearest on-ramp to the local
automated highway. At the on-ramp, you press a button on your
dashboard to
the off-ramp closest to your home and then relax as your
car's electronic systems,
roadside electronics and similar systems on
other cars, guide your car smoothly, safely, and effortlessly
toward your destination.
you save time by maintaining full speed even at
rush-hour traffic . At the end of the off-ramp you
normal control and drive the remaining distance to your
home, better rested and less stressed than if you had driven the
entire way.
5. Although many different technical developments
are necessary to turn this image into reality, none requires
technologies, and all can be based on systems and
that are already being actively developed in the
international motor vehicle industry. These could be viewed as
replacements for the
functions that drivers perform every day: observing the
road, observing the
vehicles, steering, accelerating, , and deciding when and where to change course.
Researchers have developed a road-reference and sensing system that
makes it possible to determine accurately a vehicle's position and
relative to the lane's center. Cheap permanent
are buried at four-foot intervals along the lane
centerline and detected by magnetometers mounted under the
vehicle's bumpers. These meters provide the information used by the
vehicle's control computer to determine its exact position of the
7. Other researchers have used computer vision
systems to observe the road. These are vulnerable to weather
problems and provide less accurate , but they do not require special roadway , other than well-maintained lane markings.
preceding vehicles
The distances and closing rates to preceding vehicles can be
measured by a radar or a
rangefinder. Both technologies have already been
in commercially available systems in Japan and
Europe. The laser systems are currently less expensive, but the
radar systems are more effective at detecting dirty vehicles and
operating in
weather conditions. As production volumes increase and
unit costs decrease, the radars are likely to find increasing
accelerating and braking
of these driver
functions are electromechanical devices installed in the
automated vehicle. They receive electronic commands from the
onboard control computer and then apply the appropriate steering
angle, throttle angle, and brake pressure
small electric motors. Early versions of these
devices are already being introduced into production of vehicles,
where they receive their commands directly from the driver's inputs
to the steering wheel and . These decisions are being made for reasons largely
unrelated to automation. Rather they are associated with reduced
energy consumption,
of vehicle design, enhanced ease of vehicle
, improved ability to adjust performance to match
driver , and cost savings compared to traditional direct
mechanical control devices.
when and where to change course
Computers in the vehicles and those at the roadside have different
functions. Roadside computers are better suited for traffic
management, setting the target speed for each
and lane of roadway, and
vehicles to different lanes of a multilane automated
facility. The aim is to maintain balanced flow among the lanes and
to avoid obstacles or incidents that might block a lane. The
vehicle's onboard computers are better suited to handling decisions
about exactly when and where to change lanes to avoid interference
with other vehicles.
There remain a number of difficulties to be overcome. These are
mainly technical, but there are in addition a number of
non-technical challenges that need to be . These involve issues of liability, costs, and
12. Automated control of vehicles &
for most crashes from the individual driver (and his or her
insurance company) to the designer, developer, and vendor of the
vehicle and roadway control systems. Provided the system is indeed
safer than today's driver-vehicle-highway system, overall liability
should be reduced. But its costs will be shifted from
automobile insurance premiums to the purchase or
price of the automated vehicle and toll for use of the
automated highway facility.
—— 车辆 ——
13. All new technologies tend to be
when they first become available in small quantities,
then their costs decline as production volumes increase and the
technologies . We should expect vehicle automation technologies to
follow the same pattern. They may initially be economically viable
only for heavy vehicles (transit buses, commercial trucks) and
high-end passenger cars. However, it should not take long for the
costs to become
to a wide range of vehicle owners and , especially with many of the enabling technologies
already being commercialized for volume production today.
14. The largest impediment to
of electronic chauffeuring may turn out to be the
general perception that it's more difficult and expensive to
implement than it really is. If political and industrial decision
makers perceive automated driving to be too futuristic, they will
not pay it the attention it deserves and will not invest their
resources toward accelerating its . The perception could thus become a self-fulfilling
15. It is important to recognize that automated
vehicles are already carrying millions of passengers every day.
Most major airports have automated people movers that transfer
passengers among terminal buildings. Urban transit lines in Paris,
London, Vancouver, Lyon, and Lille, among others, are operating
with completely automated, some have been
doing so for more than a decade. Modern commercial aircraft operate
on autopilot for much of the time, and they also land under
automatic control at suitably equipped airports on a regular
16. Given all of this experience in implementing
safe automated transportation systems, it is not such a large leap
to develop road vehicles that can operate under automatic control.
That should be a realistic goal for the next decade. The
transportation system will thus gain substantial benefits from the
revolution in information technology.


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