I amgo swimmingg in th...

I__swimming in the river and I always go to swim when I canA.liked B.like C.am liking D.was liking注意说明下为什么选哪个?也就是翻译下,便于那些不会的乱答,
亲,Like to do sth /like doing sth 喜欢做某事.AB中选择然后 I always go to swim when I can句子使用的是一般现在时态,故只能选B
选择B。Like to do something / like doing something 都是喜欢做某事的意思。没有C/D的用法,不用考虑。
B like doing
/ like to do
喜欢做某事关于时态,这里应当用一般现在时,与后边and 并列句时态一致我喜欢在河里游泳,我常常有空就去游
B翻译:我喜欢在河里游泳,当我有空的时候我经常去游泳。1、like在这里相当于be动词,后面固定接动词的ing形式;2、本句前后两个句子用and连接,前后时态必须一致,后面有always go to,表示这是一般现在时,那么前面的谓语动词也必须用一般现在时。...
应该是like 我喜欢在河里游泳,我有空的时候经常去游泳
扫描下载二维码The Fastest Way To Beat Your PB Times Even If You Haven't Improved In Years
As Taught By Australia's Top Master's Swim Coach
Swim with Olympic level technique and annihilate your old times
Feel the weight lifted off your shoulders as you cruise smoothly through the water
Now, this well kept secret is available for a short time...
Dear swimmer,
If you have watched Michael Phelps
at the Olympic games and wondered how you can learn smooth and fast
freestyle, you need to look no further.
I'm going to show you the step-by-step formula to swimming efficient
freestyle, in less time than you ever thought possible.
want you to imagine a scene.
You're standing at the end of the pool,
feeling your toes curled over the edge. You're about to dive in. It's
only a training session but you know everyone is watching, waiting to
size you up.
&I bet you're no good,& you imagine them
Their judging eyes peer across at you. You can feel your heart
pounding against your chest.
Butterflies appear in your stomach as you push off the wall,
entering the water.
&Why is this so hard?& you scream from inside. &It
looks so easy, but nothing seems to improve my technique or make me
any faster!&
You promised yourself you'd do something about it.
&But what?& you remind yourself.
Nothing has worked so far.
You've tried the local stroke correction group. The teacher could barely
swim himself!
You've hunted around the internet for answers, but nothing could put the puzzle
pieces together.
&There's got to be an answer out there!&
Luckily, there is a
What 9 Out Of 10 Swim Coaches Won't Tell You
Hi, I'm Brenton Ford and I'm an Australian National swim
don't know me because I've kept my training secrets strictly 'under the
radar' for the past few years. It's only since winning the national
titles that I've been forced to go public.
I'm going to let you in on a dirty
little secret of the swimming world.
Less than 1 in 10 coaches know how to teach swimming from scratch, and
they're afraid to admit it (I was one of them!).
And most elite coaches can only help 'good' swimmers make
minor adjustments (and improve only tenths of a second).
Ask them to help an everyday lap swimmer burn 5 seconds from a
100 meters and they'll run in the opposite direction.
It's not their
fault, they've never been taught how to teach
swimmers correctly.
As a two-time national championship winning coach, I can tell I didn't
always know how to teach freestyle.
In the beginning, most of my swimmers had the coordination of
a kangaroo in the water.
They'd tire easily. Choke on water. Even get frustrated with
lack of progress.
This is when I decided to find out how elite swimmers learn freestyle.
WARNING: Do Not Show This Program To Your Competition
The secrets to developing perfect technique were not easy to
Luckily I had connection.
My good friend and Australian team swimmer, Sam
his network of Olympic swimmers and coaches, I managed to extract the
steps to swimming perfect freestyle technique. One drill at a time.
I tested the program on my own swimmers first.
The results knocked me out of my chair.
&44 strokes per lap down to 32!&
I'd never heard anything like it.
&What about your times?& I asked. &Are they any different?&
&I had a hard time getting under 45 seconds for a lap. Now I can do 35
seconds without even kicking.&
This was silly!
&Are they having me on?& I wondered.
I counted their strokes and timed each of them to double check
they were telling the truth.
Sure enough, they were telling the truth. We were on to something.
Times were dropping like world records after the Speedo Lazer suits
were invented.
Swimmers were now conserving energy as they swam.
They were no longer sucking in water each breath.
Instead they were relaxed.Confident. Comfortable.
They swum with smooth even strokes that resembled the
techniques of elite swimmers.
I wondered &Why has this not been released to the public
We were fixing chronic issues with swimmers technique such as:
Dropped elbow in the arm recovery
on water after each breath
like a zig-zagging snake
that triathletes constantly battle with
feet which act like an anchor on your body
inefficient 'S' shaped pulling
rotation from the hips and shoulders
to breathe after a few laps
through the pull and not 'catching' the water
the program was showing amazing results. I was seeing traits which I'd
only ever seen in 'I-train-4-hours-a-day' swimmers.
Have a relaxed arm in the recovery and conserve
energy rather than expend it
comfortably so that you're never gasping
for air again
Swim straight and avoid 'fishtailing' to wipe
off seconds from swimming side-to-side
so that your moving forward and can easily
pick up the pace whenever you choose
Swim so 'high' in the water your body creates
almost no resistance
back to basics and discover the correct way your pull should feel
underwater so you won't be guessing if you're doing it the right way
Rotate easily from your hips to your shoulders
and move through the water efficiently
for hours by making one small change in
your stroke (no more stopping at the end of each lap necessary!)
Grab the water and move through it easily and
get rid of feeling like you're slipping with each pull through.
confident in the water and never be swam
over the top of again
a change in your physique (flatter stomachs here we come!) and stand
more upright now you'll be using the correct muscles in your swimming
How To Nip Bad Habits In The Bud And Swim Easier
An interesting discovery emerged from our tests.
Swimmers with 20 years experience...were improving their technique in less than an hour.
Even swimmers with little experience were having amazing results.
Going through the program step-by-step eradicated the 'bad
habits' our swimmers had fallen into. It's the way to develop Olympic
technique by using 'feel'...rather than theory.
We called it 'Mastering Freestyle Technique', because that's exactly
what was happening.
Here's just some of the types of people who have had success with it:
Lap swimmers
No expensive coach needed, just follow the program
- The technique you'll learn works in both open water and at the pool
so you can cross over in easily.
Competitive pool swimmers
- You can fit the drills around your normal training.
Surf swimmers
- The technique you'll learn has stood up to rough seas.
swimming veterans - Even if you think your technique will
never change, prepare to get a shock!
Parents with children
- We've had many parent give the program to their kids to develop good
technique early on.
Plus many others..!
You can see the program works for a wide range of people. But it won't
work for everyone.
Total beginners
- If you can't swim one lap of freestyle... I don't want you to buy
the program just yet...go to your local 'learn-to-swim' class first.
Babies & Toddlers
- 12 years & up is my rule of thumb, depending on their skill
Stubborn swimmers - If you want to keep your technique
exactly as it is...this program is not for you!
Each swimmer was finding the technique that worked for them.
What Happens When A 300-pound Giant-Of-A-Man Tries To Swim
not a one-size fits all program that works only for strong
(like other technique programs). The drills
our swimmers develop a technique that worked for their body shape
Overhaul your freestyle
technique or make small refinements...it all depends on what level
you're at.
Now, not everyone will be able
to drop 10 seconds from a lap.
It's not a miracle potion that will shed 30 pounds, give you
'Hulk' muscles and make you 7 inches
But it will make you swim faster
than you do now, and it will
make swimming easy.
Here's what other's have said about the program:
is mind blowing. Having been a noob (beginner) in the pool for so long
I feel like a PRO now doing only the basics!!! Thank you so much for
putting together this awesome program. I went from 40 seconds per lap
to 17 seconds in 5 weeks! For all the noobs (beginners)
out there, this
is highly recommended: Buy this!!&
Reich, Germany
I have spent 3 days so far doing the drills.
I have gotten through the introductory lesson as well as part of lesson one.
I am definitely seeing results.
I never knew the proper technique and I am a perfectionist. The beginning drills with watching all of the lessons multiple times has really shown me how I should be swimming. I have ended each pool session with 6 to 8x25 yards in freestyle and feel I am going faster with less effort.
I had a hard time swimming 25 yards in 30 seconds consistently and I am now swimming 25 yards in 20 seconds without even kicking.
If I could get this time to be a 2 to 4 seconds faster by the end I'll be super excited! It will definitely lead to a good 1.2 mile swim to start off a Half Ironman in a couple years!&
- Logan Hunter Bass, Connecticut, USA
&Hi Brenton,
Cruising through the introductory drills at the moment and having a ball. I am loving the chilled out relaxed feel of these drills and getting out of the water without feeling wrecked for a change!
Number one is a blissfully yogaic (well if it's not a word it should
be!!!) way to start out the session and I love(!!!) drills 4 and 5 -
being underwater is ace and I'm enjoying extending my breath lengths as
an aid to building up my fitness and lungs again.&
- Annette Jacobsen, Melbourne, Australia
always had trouble doing laps in the pool. I was always getting too
tired and thought that everybody else simply had more stamina then me.
It turned out that after speaking with Brenton I found out my troubles
were related to my technique. He put me onto Effortless Swimming.
I was really impressed with how simple the program is. It encourages
you to learn at your own pace with very easy exercises. It really is
Sokolowski, Melbourne, Australia
I've been practising and following the drills as per your advise. Last
Saturday I did the first olympic triathlon of
the year and to my surprise I
managed to shave off 3 minutes in the 1.5 km swim. Great
Thanks for the fantastic program! Thanks again.&
Mascaro, Birmingham, UK
&Honestly, I could not swim ONE lap of our local pool (25 metres) without stopping – I was one of those swimmers that always had something wrong with their goggles and was forever stopping to fix them!
After completing the effortless swimming program over the past 6 months, I can now swim up to 26 laps.
This was my aim when starting the program - to simply improve my technique so I could enjoy swimming a few laps of the pool – thanks to these videos which are so easy to follow and understand, I have been able to achieve this at my own pace.
I am amazed at the improvement in my swimming technique, across all areas – my balance, stroke, breathing and kicking.
I am now even considering entering the swim leg of a local triathlon!&
Jenny Waterhouse, Warrnambool, VIC, Australia
the last couple of months I have been trying to bust through the &2000
meters in 40 minutes& barrier and recently cobbled together a 1500m
freestyle and 500m breaststroke in 39 min 45 sec including a 1 or 2 min
It's probably due to having a new Australian coach, but it might just
be from practicing some
of the drills!&
Somerville, Ontario, Canada
&I wanted to do triathlons but my freestyle swimming was not strong enough and I never did any swimming workouts.
I used the Mastering Freestyle program to be able to swim the 1500 meter open water swim, easily...
What I like about the program is that I can keep coming back to it, watching the drills and repeating them, listening to the audio parts, reading the guides and continuing to improve.
I know I still have alot of room to improve, but I know I'm making progress and getting better.
I've done two triathlons and I am excited about the next one, and I'll be using the Mastering Freestyle as a part of my training.&
Laura Rogers, Hawaii
&Dear Brenton,
I am brand new to the sport of swimming, and I am trying to learn this skill to compete in triathlons.? I took a couple of lessons and learned some helpful things, but when?I tried to complete a workout, I felt as if something was missing.?
The head of the pool I swim at guided me to your website and Mastering Freestyle program.? I wish I would have started here.?
After the Introductory Lesson, my confidence in the pool skyrocketed, and after three sessions I moved on to Lesson 1.? I am still working on mastering this lesson, but will move on soon enough.?
Yesterday after performing the drills I swam a 50 and finished with a smile.? My biggest problem was breathing and energy conservation, and the program has helped me greatly.? When I finish I wish?I would be able to shake your hand for all the knowledge you have given me.&
Robert W. Johnson, Ohio, United States
these swimmers any different than you? No, they are not.
They are a
small cross section of the swimmers who face the same problem as you.
How to swim smooth, fast freestyle without training 4 hours a day.
were fed up not getting the results they wanted and decided to do
something about it. The only difference is that they discovered
Mastering Freestyle Technique…and decided to give it a try.
How To Make People Like Your Technique
less than what you would pay a professional coach for a one-on-one
session, you get the drills and advice a professionally trained coach
would give you.
For these swimmers, it was worth every cent.
Here's what you get:
4 Easy To Follow, Step-by-step Online Video Lessons
36 page Detailed Drills Manual (PDF)
Handy one-page Drill Overview Card to take to the pool during
sessions (PDF)
Two months of FREE workouts from Effortless Swimming Workouts, our swim training program where we reveal the latest in swim workouts we're using to improve speed and endurance (valued at $34)
don't know how much longer I'll keep this offer up because the more
people who get their hands on it, the more competition my swimmers will
have (and I like it when they win!).
Once I take it down it'll
be gone for good.
be focusing my time on my squad and helping those who have gotten 'in'
on the program. You'll have 24/7 access to me by email, so any
questions you have can be answered right away. I bet you won't find
another coach or teacher offering that kind of personal attention.
To Swimmers Who Want To Win Someday
you were to learn this from me in a one-on-one environment, it would
cost you hundreds of dollars (and that's if I agreed to take you on
Think about it. You would need:
Return flights to Melbourne $247
Hotel to stay at $120
Taxi to and from pool $35
An hour of my time $150
Lane hire $80
That's more than
$450 just to learn this secretive method. And
those are pretty conservation figures you'd agree.
you live outside Australia it could be as much as 5x that amount. I
rarely take swimmers in a one-on-one session because everything they
need to know is contained the the Mastering Freestyle program.
Guaranteed To Make You Look Like An Olympian
so confident the program will slash seconds from your times, drop your
stroke count and have you swimming fast and smooth freestyle that I'll
guarantee it.
Yep, that's right.
If after 60
days you're not swimming with Olympic level freestyle technique (it
should only take a few days at most to see dramatic results), then I
want to give your money back.
All you have to do is let me know. It's a no hassles, no
questions asked guarantee.
going to give you a full refund if by the end of 60 days you're not
swimming easier and faster than you ever have before. There is no risk
Why Some Swimmers Fail And Others Succeed
I've chatted with hundreds of swimmers about the program and
discovered there are
only three reasons why people don't buy.
1. &It sounds too good to
- I agree, it sounds almost too good to be true. After months, even
years of struggling with ugly technique it can seem like there's little
hope. And I'll be totally honest, not everyone who buys
Mastering Freestyle will swim better. If you do nothing with it,
nothing will happen. You have to go through the drills to see a
difference. If you do, I promise you you'll be swimming better.
2. &I've tried similar
programs before and they didn't work for me&
- I hear you! The number of 'quick fix'
tried is enough to keep any dodgy salesmen in a job. We all know these
'band-aid' solutions don't last
long enough to get you through to your next training session. It takes
a proven method that allows you to see the results (not just imagine
them) to make a change for the better.
3. &I don't need to
improve my swimming that bad&
- That's what I thought...until I developed a serious shoulder
injury from swimming with incorrect technique. It kept me out of the
water for weeks...but also stopped me from catching up with friends and
doing other things I enjoy. Incorrect technique not only
poses a real danger to injury, but to everyday life as well.
I know not everyone is going to take me up on this offer, in fact I
don't want everyone to.
you're a 'negative-nancy' who thinks the world is
against you and swimming effortlessly is only reserved for a special
few, please don't join the program.
you're reading this letter hoping the program doesn't work just so you
can tell me I'm wrong, please don't join the program (although I
challenge you to go through the drills and not improve!).
Australian National Coach Breaks Vow Of Silence
But if you are the kind of
person who wants more from their swimming, knows they can
improve and
is ready to feel what it's like swimming long, smooth freestyle, I'd
like to have you on board.
If that sounds like you, I suggest you scroll down to the
bottom of the page and order now before the bonus disappears.
I mentioned earlier, if I were to teach you these methods in a
one-on-one session, it would cost you over $450 (and that's if you
could book me).
If you're frustrated with a lack of
progress in your swimming, and you're ready to finally 'get it', now is
the time to take action.
Right now you get the
entire Mastering Freestyle program and bonus to have you looking
and feeling like an elite swimmer for only $97.
After that
I'll be taking away the bonus (and possibly the entire program) if
enough people take me up on this offer because I want make sure you
receive the attention you deserve after you order.
are ready to swim with long, smooth and relaxed technique, I suggest
you fill in your details on the next page to get you started.
Here's A Quick Way To Shake Up Your Rivals
Imagine 5 minutes from
sitting in your seat, watching the videos that will change your
swimming forever. No more chocking on water. No more being overtaken by
swimmers who look much less capable than you.
In less than
5 minutes you could be swimming long, elegant freestyle and cruising
past other swimmers.
I remember 3 years ago thinking &how good would
that feel?& And so I took action. I got the information I needed so I
could swim freestyle that looked and felt like Olympic technique.
already work your butt off in the pool, it's time you invested a little
bit of money into getting it right.
But what if you never use the
program in your first two months? Fine. Send us your details and we'll
fully refund your purchase plus send you a lovely little 'Thank you for
trying us out!' note along with your refund.
So, secure your copy of
Mastering Freestyle today for only
Brent! I want to learn:
to swim effortlessly through the water without gasping for air at the
end of each lap
to cruise past other
swimmers who are 'just getting their laps in'
?&Olympic level technique
that looks good and feels fast.
Click the 'Get Instant Access Now'
button below and fill in your details on the next page, and in under 5
minutes you'll have access to the entire program!
Today these
stroke-changing videos are available for only
your copy today and receive two months of FREE workouts from Effortless Swimming Workouts (valued at $34), our swim training program.
you've seen, beautiful freestyle technique isn't reserved for a
'special few'. Now you too can swim with graceful technique that glides
past competitors with little effort.
received an email
happy customer the other day saying he was &cruising faster than most
people that were 'just getting their laps in&.
He wasn't a
particularly fast swimmer before that either.
mentioned the 'dirty
little secret' that most coaches don't want you to
Now's the time to take advantage of that and to start swimming
with Olympic level technique so swimming is easy, fun and best of
all...you'll be the expert at it.
When your friends talk about swimming,
you'll be the one they go to. You
can keep the source of your amazing
technique a secret if you choose!
If you're ready to feel and look like an Olympian in the water, click
the 'Add To Cart' button above and fill in your details on the next
Best Regards,
Brenton Ford
Head Coach
Effortless Swimming
Remember the two months of FREE workouts from Effortless Swimming Workouts (valued at $34) is available right now.
P.P.S- You could have access to these technique-changing videos
in under 5 minutes if you act fast. Imagine sitting where you are now,
seeing exactly what you need to do to swim easy, fast freestyle like Phelps.
P.P.P.S - If you were to
learn these strategies from me in person, it would cost you well over
$400. Today, you can get access to them for much less than that.
We offer a full 60-day money back guarantee.
If you're not satisfied, simply email our support center and we'll
refund your money. There is NO risk to
you, try it out for 2 months and see for yourself. If you aren't
getting great results from your swimming and you're not happy,
we'll give you your money back!
About Effortless Swimming: We are a swimming coaching company located in Melbourne, Australia. We teach at the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic center in Albert Park and coach hundreds of swimmers online and offline from around the world. If you would like to shoot through an email with any questions you have feel free to reach me at brent[@] or on Facebook at /EffortlessSwimming. You can also reach me on Skype at ‘brentonford’.}


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