
Book IUnit 1Warming UpWelcome to Click here for Language Learning, the home of live, natural online language learning.Click Here for Language Learning helps you improve your language skills, and offers the most positive1 learning experience you may ever have. Whether you’re learning English, Chinese, French, Spanish, or any other language, just click here! Using the latest2 technology, we offer foreign language classes at a minimal3 cost and give you a learning experience unlike any other.Click Here for Language Learning provides constant feedback(回馈,反馈) so you’ll feel confident in your ability to speak, listen, write, and read the foreign language of your choice.Click Here for Language Learning is a click towards success, and you can start learning from home today! You can learn a foreign language on your own schedule, whenever it’s convenient, on CD-ROM or online.Click Here for Language Learning helps you learn a second language as naturally as learning your first!注释:1.positive
a. (原级)迟的,晚的later
a. (比较级)更迟的,更晚的
a. (位于the, this, these后)后面的;〔the latter〕后者
a. (最高级)最迟的,最晚的,最新的3. minimal
a. 最小的,最低的
vt. 使…成极少,减到最少
vt. 把…增大(扩大)到最大限度
n. 最大量,最高值Understanding Short ConversationsNow you will hear ten short conversations. A question will follow each conversation. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.1. W: I saw an ad on the Internet about online language studies.M: Me too. I saw an ad for, “Click Here for Language Learning”.Q: What do the man and the woman have in common1?
B2. M: You have to be 18 years old to enter some online language classes.W: Really? I had no idea that there was a minimum age required for some classes.Q: What did the woman NOT know about online language classes before?
C3. M: Unlike regular classes, online classes can be taken at your home.W: That’s exactly why I decided to begin studying online!Q: Why did the woman decide to study online?
A4. W: I keep on making2 new friends as I study online.M: So do I! There are so many people online, and I want to meet them all!Q: What is one benefit of studying online?
C5. M: My online teacher asked the class for suggestions to make the class better.W: That’s great! I always like it when a teacher does that.Q: What did the man’s teacher want to do?
D6. M: I had no idea that online language learning could be so effective!W: It sure has helped me practice my language skills!Q: What is it about online language learning that surprised the man?
C7. M: My classmates and I help each other solve homework problems online.W: It sounds like you’re using the Internet in a useful way.Q: What does the man do online?
C8. M: Online learning is ideal for anyone who doesn’t have time to travel to school.W: Yes, but it also has its own challenges.Q: What does the woman have to say about online learning?
A9. M: Virtual classroom are changing how students study!W: They sure are! And I, for one, am very excited about it.Q: According to the man, what is happening to students because of virtual classrooms?
B10. M: What advice did your professor give you? W: He said that taking an online class would help me learn.Q: What did the woman’s professor suggest?
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HIV also makes infected people more likely to suffer from infections that do not often occur or that are usually not serious. These infections are called opportunistic because they benefit from damage to the immune network. With an opportunistic infection or one of several other serious illnesses or a sharp drop in the number of CD4 cells, an HIV-infected person is considered to have AIDS. There are many opportunistic infections that usually enter AIDS patients in North America and Europe.
Questions 1 to 5 are based on the passage you have just heard:
1. According to the passage, when and where was the first AIDS patient discovered?
2. How many viruses cause AIDS?
3. Where does HIV-2 often occur?
4. What will the CD4 cells do after being infected by HIV?
5. Why are the infections called opportunistic?
Key: 1. (C)
Doctors have known for a long time that very loud noises can cause heating damage or loss. The noise can be the sound of an airplane or machines in factories or loud music or other common sounds found at home and at work.
A person only needs to hear the noise for little more than one second to be damaged.
An American scientist has found that using aspirin can increase the short term hearing loss or damage from loud noise. He did an experiment, using a number of men at a university who had normal heating. He gave them different numbers of aspirin for different periods of time, then he tested their heating ability. He found that students who were given four grams of aspirin a day for two days suffered much greater short term heating loss than those who did not use aspirin. The heating loss was about twice as great.
The scientist said millions of persons in the United States use much larger numbers of aspirin than were used in the study. He said these persons face a serious danger of suffering heating loss from loud noise.
Questions 6 to 10 are based on the passage you have just heard:
6. What have doctors known for a long time about noise?
7. What will be the effect of noise on one's hearing?
8. What understanding can you draw about aspirin?
9. Why are millions of Americans in danger of suffering heating loss?
10. What was the purpose of the experiment the American scientist did?
Key: 6. (B)
People today expect to be examined when they enter a doctor's office. At least they expect their blood pressure and temperature to be measured. However, as recently as two hundred years ago, a doctor's examination depended on talking with the patient. In general, the communication between doctors and their patients was the most important part of medical methods. The modem age of medicine began with the stethoscope, an instrument for listening to the beat of the patient's heart and breathing. Before that, a doctor did not touch a patient. In fact, there was no such thing as a medical examination. All advice was the result of the patient's telling the doctor what the
problem was and the doctor's being able to understand it.
The stethoscope
and all the other medical instruments had a serious effect on the practice of medicine. Doctors became better at finding the medical problems. More lives were saved. At the same time, doctors gave less importance to the communication between patients and doctors. Some doctors actually stopped talking to their patients. It is easy to understand why some sick people thought of themselves as broken machines. Questions 11 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.
11. What did a doctor's examination mainly depend on two hundred years ago?
12. What does the word &stethoscope& mean?
13. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
14. What did the doctors of 200 years ago not know?
15. Which of the following is suggested but not openly stated in the passage? Key: 11. (D)
Listening Task 1
1. cheerful
2. surround
3. sympathize
4. curiosity
5. anniversary
7. mission
8. accidental
9. honeymoon
Key: 1. (A) 2. (B) 3. (C) 4. (C)
5. (C) 6. (A) 7. (A)
9. (B) 10. (A) Listening
1. considerably
3. quotations
4. colleagues
5. congratulate
6. environment.
7. conveyed
8. restrained
9. anniversary. 10. fading
Listening Task 1
1. Mr. Johnson died yesterday, leaving a widow and four children.
2. Everyone turned around as her father led the beautiful bride into the church.
3. My husband replied in his usual cheerful way.
4. You need the sadness of loss doesn't disappear in one day, you know.
5. Jane shared happiness with her husband in the forty years of their married life.
6. Tom had lodged at Mrs. Smith's for two years and had got quite used to sharing with the family.
7. The lawyer asked the person who saw it to try to recall as much about the accident as possible.
8. I tried to convey my sympathy by touching her hand.
9. Girls respond better than boys to our new teaching method.
10. She scanned the menu outside the restaurant, but decided it looked too expensive. Key: 1.(B) 2. (B) 3. (B) 4. (B) 5. (A) 6. (B) 7. (A) 8. (A) 9. (A) 10. (A)
Listening Task 2
1. The whole family was delighted when she gave birth to a healthy child.
2. The church was filled with more and more people who came to celebrate the wedding service.
3. With the passage of time, the children's memory of their father slowly faded.
4. I often mistake her on the phone for her mother.
5. She decided to live on her own because she could not bear her husband's mother complaining about her all day long.
6. My wife has just worked her way through a great pile of washing for the children.
7. What matters is that we don't miss the next train to Beijing.
8. She wished that she had never brought up the subject of money in the face of her relatives.
9. The company is planning to set up a factory in this area, so it could provide some employment for the local people.
10. Someone knocked over the candle and the curtain began to catch fire.
Key :I.(C) 2.(C) 3.(B) 4.(A) 5.(B) 6.(B)
8.(B) 9.(B) 10.(B)
Listening Task 1
It is my practice to interview couples who ask me to marry them, and then to give suitable advice to them before their marriage. If some serious problem is not covered, I will try my best to deal with it. After talking to David and Betty, I had serious doubt about marrying them at all. It became obvious that David's main desire in marriage was the satisfaction of his physical desires. Betty was closing her eyes to this because she was determined to escape an unpleasant situation at home and because she was blinded by David's false praise.
In a talk alone with Betty I warned her as carefully as I could against marrying immediately. Maybe time would help them understand each other better and bring things to the surface so that
they could deal with them more wisely. Certainly if David loved Betty he would be willing to wait
a little while for her. But Betty became angry and told David of my advice to her. They decided
to have nothing more to do with me. I lost touch with them after that. But four years later I heard the news that David divorced Betty and Betty was struggling to finish her education while
providing for her children. It was a marriage without real love that had failed to keep them
Questions 1 to 5 are based on the passage you have just heard,
1. What is the speaker likely to be?
2. What did the speaker tell Betty to do in his talk alone with her?
3. What was Betty's reaction after she had a talk with the speaker?
4. Who caused David and Betty's divorce?
5. What happened after David and Betty got divorced?
Love is a popular subject today. Never before in history have we heard so much about it and yet seen so little of it in action. Often we use the word in a rather free way. For example, a person may say he loves his family, his work, his new car, or even a particular dish. Hardly anyone defines the kind of love he means. Newspapers have been known to announce &love murders& or &love suicides&-- it seems to be a strange idea indeed! It is obvious that the word &love& means
different things to different people in different situations. Yet love is a basic idea as well as the single most important part in a successful marriage. We ought to find out what love really means.
Let us consider a person's first experience of love.
A baby must be loved or it will die. It receives love, but it has none to give in return. The loving
holding which mothers understand as an expression of love is really only the baby's natural effort to get food and satisfy itself. Newborn babies love only themselves. As the baby grows, however, he becomes more aware of his mother. She cares for him, feeds him, and provides companionship for him through most of his waking hours. This new awareness includes growing and developing. A child's first expressions of liking (love) will, therefore, usually be directed to his mother.
Questions 6 to 10 are based on the passage you have just heard.
6. How is the subject of love different from the past?
7. How is the word &love& used nowadays?
8. What relation does the talk suggest between love and marriage?
9. How does the mother usually take care of her baby?
10. What is true of newborn babies according to the talk?
Some say marriage is the graveyard of love. Some say marriage is the beginning of a new chapter in life. According to many dictionaries, marriage is the official uniting of a man and a woman so that they can live together and produce children. They don't say anything about love and trust. Clearly dictionaries know very little about marriage.
As a white man with an Asian wife, I was interested to read the article &White Men on Asian Women&. However, I found it showed as little understanding of love and marriage as most dictionaries! If I were an Asian woman reading this article I would certainly think twice about getting connected with a white man. Though the article states otherwise, its tone seems to suggest that white men are mostly concerned with Asian women's physical qualities and serving behavior. My experience is very different.
When I was younger, I seemed to form friendships much more quickly with Asian children and classmates. I think it was probably because their behavior was quiet, shy and polite. My non-Asian classmates always seemed much wilder and I felt less comfortable with them. My high school was near a Chinatown and 40% of the student body was Chinese. I was attracted to my
wife, a classmate, for the same reason I formed friendships with other Asian classmates. She was bright, kind, and thorough and we shared common interests. Her mother had a horrible marriage to a man with an Asian background similar to her own. Many of my own relatives and family members had ended up divorced from partners of the same particular racial background. But I
think a marriage can fail or a marriage can succeed no matter whether the couple are of the same race or not.
Questions 11 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.
11. How is marriage defined according to many dictionaries?
12. What does the tone of the article suggest?
13. Why did the speaker find it easier to make friends with Asians?
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