What is the difference between eastern culture and western culture?
What is the difference between eastern culture and western culture?
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This is a discussion on What is the difference between eastern culture and western culture? within the Critical Thinking & Philosophy forums, part of the Topics of I What is the difference in lifestyle between eastern culture and western culture? We as westerner, are more independent thinking, more ...
What is the difference between eastern culture and western culture?
What is the difference in lifestyle between eastern culture and western culture? We as westerner, are more independent thinking, more about career and being individualistic. We are more thinking based. Base this life as the only one we have. Eastern Culture is more feeling base. Act more as a family unit than individualistic. They are probably introverted more than us in the west. They have a belief that every you can get in life comes from within. Believe in reincarnation. Looking within to improve yourself. We westerners, look at materlistic things like cars, money, etc. Outwardly things that would make us happy. I looked at this link
Lol maybe I should have been born in the east.
The difference is that Eastern Cultures are cultures.
There really are no Western cultures, any more.
We finished them off when we started down the one-size-fits-all route.
West: Individualistic, more physical, assertive, Extroverts
East: Group-Oriented, more mental, passive, Introverts
Keep in mind, these are HUGE generalizations, also
West: Porn
East: Tentacle-Porn
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Originally Posted by the crow
The difference is that Eastern Cultures are cultures.
There really are no Western cultures, any more.
We finished them off when we started down the one-size-fits-all route.
The various countries of Europe will be startled to hear this news.
For the OP, it's impossible to make that generalisation. Define the East and the West. What is consider "the East" varies based on what "Western" country you're from. "the East" has at one time or another covered basically everywhere that isn't "the West". Taking this into account, the culture of "the East" is impossible to define. As if that of "the West" for that matter.
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Originally Posted by Mouse222
West: Porn
East: Tentacle-Porn
I believe I read somewhere that the United States was Japan's porn industry's main customer. Wouldn't surprise me, considering the kind of fetishes we have here, lol.
Also, I think the 'West' is normally defined as Europe, North America, Central America, and South America. I'm not actually sure where Africa stands (I would think the West, if we consider the fact that the effects of Western colonization are still being felt in Africa). As for the Middle East (all of Egypt, northwest into Turkey, northeast into Armenia and Azerbaijan, east into Iran, and all of the Arabian Peninsula), they're usually grouped together with the rest of Asia and the Pacific Isles as 'Eastern civilization'. However, the definition of 'Western' also seems to include Australia, New Zealand, and those islands that were extensively colonized by Westerners over the centuries.
There's a more defined definition on this map by Samuel P. Huntington (a controversial figure, to be sure):
Perhaps a better definition would be this: Western civilization constitutes those countries where the Latin alphabet is the main linguistic script. Countries utilizing these scripts tend to have a rather wide assortment of similarities, or so the theory goes.
I'd phrase it the opposite way. Asian cultures retain more of their shamanistic roots and, as a result, they tend to be more holistic, pragmatic, and affective. They don't value thinking any less, but do value their feelings more. In the west we retain fewer of our shamanistic roots and, as a result, our cultures tend to be more reductionist, abstract, and intellectual. Emotions are more often treated by westerners as vile, sinful, bestial, enemies to be conquered. Hence, it makes more sense to speak of what westerners have sacrificed than to say Asians value thinking any less.
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You're good at phrasing things the opposite way.
In fact you seem to inhabit a parallel universe, where everything is inverted and the opposite of what it is in earth-reality.
Westerners are demonstrably emotion-driven in comparison to orientals.
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Eastern countries tend to still have their specific nationalities and religions. Majority of western countries are more multi-cultural with different religions practiced.
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I think both east and west are equal parts emotional and intellectual. The difference is in their focus. There's a lot of pragmatic logic involved in eastern 'collective' philosophy (as per philosophies such as Buddhism and Confucianism), but there's also a lot of pragmatic logic in western 'individualistic' philosophy (Epicurus, Machiavelli, etc). For example, with individualism comes the ability for individuals to be more capable of doing things on their own (potentially useful in a variety of situations). With collectivism, on the other hand, you have better chances at uniting disparate individuals and maintaining them in such a way that they can be more productive together. Both have the capability of being productive and useful from a dispassionate point-of-view.
I think elements of both have been implemented in most societies, but I honestly see more of an 'engulfing' effect by western cultures on eastern cultures. It may have something to do with history: western civilizations colonized and traded extensively in more modern times, hence why western ideas are more widespread. I'm starting to see an increase in individualism and materialism in eastern civilizations, but not much of peaceful collectivism in western countries. I think one just appeals to human nature more, and as I believe has been demonstrated by science many times in the past, nature always wins out in the end.
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I think it's too complex to simplify either as one or the other.
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