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网站备案:京ICP备号-13 | 京公网安备号翻译考试历年中级口译真题(2):参考答案及解析
2006年3月中级口译答案及解析SECTION 1: LISTENING TESTPart A: Spot Dictation【答案】1. popularity 11. press buttons2. simply to reduce 12. The Amount to be Withdrawn3. suspect 13. verify4. round-the-clock 14. work on the request5. plastic card 15. personal ID number6. offer ATM service 16. without authorization7. transaction 17. ask you to try again8. machine's keypad 18. keep the card9. four or six digits 19. card theft10. display screen 20. in a single dayPart B: Listening Comprehension1. Statements1. 【原文】Up to now, none of the candidates who applied for the position has the required credentials. We'd better let our ad in the Help-Wanted Section run for more weeks.【预测】划出每个选项的关键词:A) B) C) D)interviewed nine,显然话题是应聘、面试。B)、C)项矛盾,可能有一个成立。A)中的qualified应该是关注的重点,此选项的内容在深度上高于其他3个注重数字的选项。【解析】答案为A)。听力的重点在前半句:none of the candidates who applied说明B)、C)错。D)中的nine是对none的混淆,也不对。none...has required credentials与A)中的not qualified相符合。【注释】credentials:证件,关于某人可以相信、信任或具有权力的证件或证明书。Help-Wanted Section:(报纸上的)求助、招聘版。run an ad:做广告。2.【原文】Originally Florence was only asked to make some introductory remarks, but she ended up giving a speech herself when the speaker came down with the flu.【预测】划出每个选项的关键词,判断话题显然是speech,并涉及到introduce remarks(介绍辞),选项中有一个混淆点:是Florence还是speaker作了演讲?听时特别注意判断这个问题。【解析】答案为B)。前半句讲的是originally(原本的)情况:Florence致介绍辞,后半句的but转折必然是重点:end up giving a speech(最终作了演讲),原因是speaker came down with flu(得了流感病倒了)。句子提供的信息与B)相符。【注释】end up doing sth:以(没有预期到的结果)告终。come down with (disease):病倒了。3.【原文】You know what? I've got to finish that evaluation report for the board meeting next week. A 10-page report within the week! There goes my social life this weekend.【预测】读题划关键词,每个选项均有一个不同的动宾词组: hate to jo not attend board meeting。听力时判断整句的主题最为重要。【解析】答案为C)。此题的干扰项中出现原句中的不少关键词汇,但正确的选项却是根据说话者的语气推理出来的:前两句说到report的长度和时限,后半句说道:周末的社交生活又泡汤了!由此可推出work extra time这个信息,故选C)。【注释】There goes...:losing sth/opportunity/money as a result of sth that has just happened。例如:There go our chances of winning the championship!赢得冠军的机会又泡汤了!4.【原文】The director is kind of busy now and has no time to read over your proposal. How about dropping in tomorrow morning to see if I have something definite?【预测】四个选项中出现的关键词频率最高的是:director, proposal,四个选项似乎牵涉到三个主题,听时注意主语和动词的判断,以确定主题。【解析】答案为A)。答案根据前半句判断,它所表达的意思即:主管太忙了没时间读一遍你的计划,read over和A)中的attend to(关注)信息相符。后半句给出一个建议:明天再来看看有什么确切的消息(something definite)。显然讲话者是主管的助手或秘书。此题的干扰项B)中的错误在于help you read一词,不合逻辑。【注释】proposal:提议,建议。kind of busy:有点忙,口语中常用到kind of, 表示有一点。5.【原文】We don't have enough information for our financial plan, but it is due tomorrow. So I'm afraid we'll just have to make do with what we have got..【预测】读题划关键词,发现B)、C)、D)均牵涉到时间状语的辨析,而A)中的ask for more time 也与时间有关,听时关注原句中的时间信息。【解析】答案为D)。原句中与时间相关的信息:it is due tomorrow,并且整句并未提到要求延期的信息,later than expected及ask for more time均可排除。所以选D)。【注释】have do with sth:将就着用,凑和着用。例:I haven't got any cream, so we will have to make do with milk.6.【原文】Americans use a variety of strategies to avoid silence. They keep on talking, especially during business negotiations. Because they think that silence makes a bad impression.【预测】划出每个选项的关键词,A)核心词:talk too much,bad impression;B)核心词:silence, uncomfortable;C)核心词:keep silent, employ strategy;D)核心词:aggressive。四个选项均与Americans在business negotiation方面的行为/态度相关。【解析】答案为B)。前半句清楚地指出:Americans avoid silence,选项A)、C)可以排除。后半句的keep on talking和silence makes a bad impression均进一步指出美国人在谈生意时的态度,但没有达到D)中aggressive(好争吵的、有决心成功的)那样的程度。故选A)。【注释】a variety of strategies:各种策略。employ:动词,正式用法,使用。例:He employs a special teaching method in the classroom.7.【原文】We have enjoyed a relationship with China for more than half a century. But I do not believe there has ever been a more exciting time to do business here.【预测】四个选项的信息量很大,快速浏览,发现A)、C)、D)三个选项中均有表达转折的词:though;despite, 而B)则是虚拟语气:could have done more business, 所以在听原句时关注语气:是虚拟还是转折?判断语气后,若能排除虚拟,再根据A)、C)、D)中的关键词: unab need to find a better time来确定答案。【解析】答案为A)。这题较难,是一道推理题。听到But时,确定转折语气,按听力的原则,but带出的句子往往是考点所在:我觉得之前在这里没有更好的做生意的时机。暗示的意思就是:现在是最佳时机。【注释】I do not believe there has ever been a more exciting time to do business here.=I believe there has never been a more exciting time to do business here。8.【原文】I've already mentioned to the director about the signing of the agreement three times this month. Each time he said he was ready, but nothing happens.【预测】每个选项的动词不同而主语和宾语相同:A) B)read 3 C)can' D)not ready to sign。听时尤其注意动词的辨析。【解析】答案为D)。此题也是一道推理题。整个句子描述了一个情节:mention the signing of agreement?said he was ready?nothing happens。也就是说,说好签却没有签。【注释】略。9.【原文】We are a new and growing firm in the area. And we're willing to do our best to attract customers away from our competitors with more favorable terms.【预测】四个选项均是因果关系。划出关键词:A)not compete, B)want more customers, C)unable to provide best service, because no c D)merge competitors, as growing。【解析】答案为B)。句子的后半句是理解关键:attract customers away from our competitors (把顾客从竞争对手那里吸引过来),凭什么条件?more favorable terms(更加优惠的条件)。【注释】terms pl)条件,例如:We are trying to negotiate the loan on favorable terms.(我们正在协商,力争以更优惠的条件获取贷款)。 merge our competitors:合并我们的竞争者。10. 【原文】Compared to a meat-centered diet, meatless meals can easily supply all the essential nutrients our body requires, and cost only 20 to 30% as much.【预测】划出关键词,按常识可以排除B)。判断句子的主题是有肉/无肉的饮食对身体是否有益。【解析】答案为C)。理解的重点在后半句:supply all the essential nutrients,与C)中的equally nutritious相符;cost only 20% to 30% as much与less expensive相符。【注释】meat-centered diet:以肉为中心的饮食。essential nutrients:必要的营养物质。(补充:素食者:vegetarian;veggie(口语))。2. Talks and ConversationsQuestions 11-14【原文】M: By the way, Christina, when is Nancy going to leave for New York? W: She is already gone. She left last Friday.M: The office won't seem the same without her. But we certainly gave her a great farewell party. W: Yes, but was it really a surprise? M: Well, I think so. Didn't you ask everyone not to say anything about the party? W: Of course I did. But I think somebody gave the surprise away. M: Who would do anything like that? W: Mrs. Sampson might. You know she can't keep a secret. And she and Nancy are such good friends.M: Didn't you warn her to be careful about what she said? W: I told her not to say a word. M: Well, surprise or not, I'm sure Nancy had a good time. She was smiling and laughing all evening. W: And crying a little too. She asked everyone to come and visit her in New York.M: And everyone was asking her to write or to call, or best of all, to come back.W: We're all going to miss her. Just about everybody in the office working for Nancy in the correspondence section. M: Yes, and she is a true friend and always tries to help everyone. W: It won't be too long before I see her again. I'm going to New York next month. And she invited me to stay with her. M: That'll be wonderful. Anyway, she's still working with the same company. So I'm sure we'll get to talk to each other on the phone pretty often. 【大意】 这个对话发生在两个同事之间。办公室的一个同事Nancy走了,他们都觉得Nancy是一个很不错的人,在她走之前同事们还给她举行了欢送派对,不过有人事先走漏了风声,把这个"惊喜"事先告诉了她。Nancy将去纽约工作,还在同一家公司,所以他们仍能保持联系。女士还准备了下个月去纽约看她。【解析】11. What happened to Nancy?答案为C)。推理题。对话开头提到:when is Nancy going to leave for New York?说她要走,但没有讲原因。到对话结尾处提到:she's still working with the same company.点出了她其实是transfer(调走)了。12. What did her colleagues do for her?答案为B)。细节题。对话开头即提到we certainly gave her a great farewell party。13. Which of the following is not true about Mrs. Sampson?答案为A)。细节题。出处为W: Mrs. Sampson might. You know she can't keep a secret. And she and Nancy are such good friends. M: Didn't you warn her to be careful about what she said? W: I told her not to say a word. 听到这部分对话时可以在B)、C)、D)旁打勾。而听到对话结尾时也不应忽略女士所说的I'm going to New York next month. And she invited me to stay with her,应在A)旁做好相应的笔记,这样才能确保答题时万无一失。14. According to the conversation, who is going to New York the following month?答案为D)。细节题。女士在结尾说I'm going to New York next month. And she invited me to stay with her.而在对话开头寒暄时,男士称女士为Christina。故选D)。Questions 15-18【原文】American businessmen frequently use social situations to make business deals. One of the best examples of this practice is the business lunch. Therefore, knowing how to conduct yourself at business lunch is often just as important as the business discussion.For formal business lunches, it is wise to phone at least 1 day ahead to reserve a table. After you have been seated and given a menu, your waiter will come and ask if you would like to order anything to drink. Nowadays, it is quite acceptable to order a mineral water, a soda, or fruit juice, apart from wine or a mixed drink. After he has taken your beverage order, your waiter will leave you to make your food selection from the menu you have been given. It is the host's responsibility to discover whether or not his guests have any special dietary restrictions. If, however, a host does not do that, a guest should not announce his dietary practices to everyone at the table. Instead, he should discreetly ask the waiter about the ingredients of any dish in question. He should also have in mind a second dish he might order, just in case. Usually, the host will allow his guests to order first. Occasionally, a host may collect orders ahead of time and place them himself.Napkins should be placed on your lap, and used periodically to wipe the corners of your mouth, especially when you are eating soup, salad with dressing, or an entrée in a sauce. When you finish the meal, the napkin is then placed on the table beside the plate.【大意】商业午餐是美国商人用来谈生意的重要手段之一。本文介绍了美国商业午餐的习俗,比如该如何点饮料,如何点主菜,作为主人和客人分别应怎样做才算礼貌。文末还具体的讲述了餐巾的使用方法。【解析】15. Which of the following is recommended for a formal business lunch?答案为B)。细节题。出处为For formal business lunches, it is wise to phone at least 1 day ahead to reserve a table。16. After being seated and given a menu, what are you supposed to order first?答案为D)。细节题。出处为After you have been seated and given a menu, your waiter will come and ask if you would like to order anything to drink。17. What should you do if you've got any dietary restrictions?答案为A)。细节题。对于下述这句话It is the host's responsibility to discover whether or not his guests have any special dietary restrictions(饮食禁忌). If, however, a host does not do that, a guest should not announce his dietary practices to everyone at the table. Instead, he should discreetly(慎重地) ask the waiter about the ingredients(成分) of any dish in question. He should also have in mind a second dish he might order, just in case正确理解,可以排除错误选项。 18. According to the talk, where should you put the napkin when you finish the meal? 答案为D)。细节题。文章的最后一句话When you finish the meal, the napkin is then placed on the table beside the plate正是答案所在。Questions 19-22【原文】M: Good evening, Madam. What can I do for you?W: The name is McDonald. We've booked two double rooms for a week.M: Let me see. I'm afraid there's been a mistake, Madam. Look, you've booked for next week.W: Oh, lord. I shouldn't have let my mom do the booking for us. Haven't you any room free at all?M: At this time of the year? In August, Madam? I'm terribly sorry, but the whole town's booked out. I'm afraid you won't find a room anywhere.W: Not even a bed and breakfast place? M: You might possibly find a farm if you went inland.W: We want to be by the sea because of the children. They especially like to build sand castles.M: Then I don't know what to suggest. There's a caravan park two miles along the coast. But I'm sure it's full. Or there's a Butlan's holiday camp. W: No, thank you. We want some peace and quiet. Is there anywhere we can get a meal? We want to have our supper.M: At this hour, it's already night o'clock. You could try the next town. The restaurants will be closed, but there are one or two snack bars. W: We've been twelve hours on the road. There were queues five miles long in places. The children are dead tired. M: Well, I'm sure we can do something for the children. They can sleep on the sofas in the lounge. But I'm afraid, I can't help you and your husband.W: Oh, don't worry about us. We can sleep in the car. Cheer up dear. The drive home won't be so bad. There won't be nearly so much traffic going back to London. 【大意】这个对话发生在宾馆的前台接待和一名女旅客之间。一对夫妇带着孩子经过长途跋涉从伦敦赶到了这个宾馆所在的海边小镇,却发现房间预订错了时间,而在度假旺季整个小镇根本已无可供食宿之处。最终的决定是:让孩子们在宾馆休息室沙发过夜,夫妇俩回车上睡觉,第二天打道回府。【解析】19. Where's the conversation most probably taking place? 答案为C)。推理题。从对话开头的一问一答就可以推理出双方的关系:M: Good evening, Madam. What can I do for you? W: The name is McDonald. We've booked two double rooms for a week。显然是在宾馆前台的一个对话。20. Why didn't the women and children check in?答案为B)。细节题。出处是男士说的一句话Let me see. I'm afraid there's been a mistake, Madam. Look, you've booked for next week。21. What's the reason that makes the woman choose to spend holiday by the sea?答案为D)。细节题。出处为We want to be by the sea because of the children. They especially like to build sand castles(孩子们爱搭沙堡)。22. Where would children sleep according to the conversation?答案为B)。细节题。对话快要结束时男士提出了这个解决方案:Well, I'm sure we can do something for the children. They can sleep on the sofas in the lounge。Questions 23-26【原文】Have you ever heard of bungee jumping? It is a rather thrilling and breath-taking sport of leaping from a high place with a rubber band tied around some part of one's body. The places you jump from can be a bridge, crane, tower, or even a cliff. As we already know, the modern day bungee was started in England by Oxford Dangerous Sports Club. It was later commercialized most successfully in New Zealand, although the name of the sport was changed into "bungy", instead of "bungee". Now it becomes more and more popular in other European countries, as well as in the United States and Japan, in particular, among young people who are looking for thrill and excitement. There are several ways to jump. The most common ways to attach yourself to the rubber band are by using a body harness, or a leg harness, that is, to tie the rubber band to your body, or to tie the rubber band to your legs only. If you're jumping with just a body harness, you are afforded quite a bit of freedom to move around. Your arms and legs are free to move around. The rubber band will be attached to a point close to your belly. As you jump, you can do many flips on the way down. If you're jumping with a leg harness, either one of your legs or both of your legs, will be tied to the rubber band. The leg harness can really give you the feeling of flying. And it is especially favored for watcher touchdowns, and swallow dives. You take a light slip away from the platform of a high place. Your arms stretched out wide, and soar like a bird down towards the earth. One more thing, if you intend to try bungee jumping, most countries require that you be over the age of 18, and join a bungee jumping club, or be properly and duly instructed for the sport.【大意】本文讲述了蹦极这一极限运动的形式、起源、方式和参加条件。蹦极者用橡皮筋绑住身体的一部分从高处往下跳。这一活动起源于牛津极限运动俱乐部,然后在新西兰得到成功的商业化发展。蹦极的方法主要有两种:用橡皮筋绑住身体或绑住腿。前者的绑法令你在跳的时候手脚自由,而后者能带给你飞翔的感觉。参加的要求是年龄在18岁以上,参加相关的俱乐部或受过正规的指导。【解析】23. Where was bungee jumping started?答案为C)。细节题,出处为As we already know, the modern day bungee was started in England by Oxford Dangerous Sports Club。24 Why are young people today especially interested in the sport of bungee jumping?答案为A)。细节题,文中提到among young people who are looking for thrill and excitement。25. According to the talk, which way of jumping can give you the feeling of flying like a bird?答案为D)。细节题。出处是The leg harness can really give you the feeling of flying.26. Which of the following is not required in taking up the sport of bungee jumping?答案为D)。推理题。从One more thing, if you intend to try bungee jumping, most countries require that you be over the age of 18, and join a bungee jumping club, or be properly and duly instructed for the sport这句知道参加的条件,那么没提到的就是答案。Questions 27-30【原文】M: Patricia, You are now a third year college student at the end of your second term. What are you doing recently?W: I'm doing comparative literature. At the moment, I'm comparing English, French and Russian novels. We write papers on our work. And then about 10 of us meet with our professor and read them and discuss them. M: Is this what you call the seminar system in the universities?W: Yes. And it works, because we get on well with the professors and lecturers. Some of them are much older than us. And they don't mind at all if we disagree with them.M: You are lucky. When I was a college student, we had classes. But we hardly ever ask questions or discussed anything. It was partly our fault. We were a dull lot, but so were the professors. They didn't seem to be able to do anything but lecture. Besides, the course itself was so out of date, so were the textbooks. I think students ought to have a say in planning and changing their programs of study. W: Things have changed a lot since then. Many universities nowadays are experimenting with new ideas and new subjects.M: I can remember worrying about examinations all day long, especially during this time of the year. At that time, everything depended on how well a student does in his finals at the end of his academic year. The uncertainties were surely a great strain on us. W: Well. We don't. find so great a strain now. We have final exams though. But we also get marks for the work we do during our three years at university. These marks will count with degree. Then we will play an important part in deciding whether we get first, second or third class honors. M: I said you are lucky. You surely are. 【大意】这个对话对比了现在和过去的大学教育。女士比男士年轻,她在读大三,正在进行比较文学研究,采纳的是"研讨会体系",这令男士颇为羡慕,因为在他上大学时,课程老套,老师只会上课,学生只懂听课而不会提问,一切成绩取决于期末考试。相比之下,现在的大学有很多新的理念和课程,评价体系也大为改变。【解析】27. What subject is the woman doing recently? 答案是C)。细节题。女士在对话开头就提到I'm doing comparative literature。28. According to the conversation, what is a seminar? 答案B)。推理题。对话中女士先提到We write papers on our work. And then about 10 of us meet with our professor and read them and discuss them,然后男士又补充一句Is this what you call the seminar system in the universities?,女士给出了肯定回答。29. What does the man think of the professors at his university? 答案是A)。细节题。男士抱怨过去的大学教育时说道We were a dull lot, but so were the professors(我们当时很无趣,可教授们也是这样)。30. What made the man worry at the end of each academic year? 答案是C)。细节题。出处为I can remember worrying about the examinations all day long, especially during this time of the year。Part C: Listening and Translation1. Sentence Translation(1) If the price of fuel continues to be increasing as the result of global oil shortage, countries all over the world, including the oil-producing ones, will suffer.【关键词汇】global oil shortage(全球石油危机)。oil-producing(产油的)。【辨音难点】注意price of fuel中的fuel一词发音不要与few混淆。【解
析】难点:背景知识。这句句子除了上面提到的一个发音难点之外,并无生词,如果考生对于石油危机的背景知识比较熟悉,这个话题应该比较容易把握,因为其中的因果关系是我们耳熟能详的,只需稍加理解,便不难写出整句。常见的问题是对于including the oil-producing ones这个词组反应较慢。【参考译文】如果能源价格由于全球石油短缺而不断攀升,世界各国,包括产油国,都会遭受损失。(2) Physical fitness is the result of many factors, good medical care, proper nutrition, adequate rest and relaxation, and sensible personal habits, plus one very essential factor, regular physical exercise. 【关键词汇】physical fitness(身体健康)。proper nutrition(适当的营养)。adequate rest(足够的休息)。sensible(明智的)。【辨音难点】句子开头的fitness一词读音较为模糊。【解
析】难点:修饰词的堆砌。本段是典型的对数条列举进行笔记,注意在笔记时不妨抛开good, proper, adequate, sensible等修饰词,重点记录medical care, nutrition, rest, personal habits等实词,在写下译文的过程中合理补足就可以了。【参考译文】身体健康由很多因素决定,包括医疗条件良好,营养适当,休息放松充足,个人习惯合理等,加上非常重要的一条,定期进行锻炼。(3) The university says it doesn't have enough money to offer the courses we want to take. Meanwhile, it announces it can afford 2.5 million dollars to build a new gymnasium. I really can't figure it out.【关键词汇】gymnasium(体育馆)。figure out(搞明白)。【辨音难点】can afford连读。【解
析】难点:句子的长度,数字。首句比较好译,但有些考生记不下we want to take这个定语从句,碰到这种情况,可以果断放弃修饰语的翻译以保全后句。后半句注意meanwhile一句隐含的转折/对比含义,并且能把后半句的2.5 million和gymnasium两个细节听清楚。这样一来,简单的逻辑判断都能帮助我们译出整个句子的大意。【参考译文】大学声称没有足够的资金开设我们要选修的课程,但与此同时它又宣布有资金建一个造价250万美元的体育馆。对此我实在弄不明白。(4) The world is growing smaller each day. Globalization, information revolution, and communication have made our planet earth more closely-knit for the people who live on it. 【关键词汇】globalization(全球化)。Revolution(革命)。 closely-knit(紧密结合)。【辨音难点】对于大多数考生来说closely-knit一词听不懂。【解
析】难点:三个名词的列举,词汇。关键词Globalization, information revolution, and communication的记录可以记首音节,以减少大脑的负荷。整句唯一的难词closely-knit可以通过上下文,结合more开头,充分利用closely本身意思确定大意。【参考译文】世界每天都在变小。全球化、信息革命和通信交流使居住在这个星球的人们更紧密地联系在一起。(5) To be successful, managers of international companies cannot just sit back and wait for things to happen. Rather, they should be active in their approach to challenges and opportunities.【关键词汇】sit back and wait for things to happen(坐等事情发生)。rather(相反地)。approach to(处理的方法)。【辨音难点】rather的辨音,听出此词对于转折关系的理解颇为重要。active一词读得较快。【解
析】难点:句子的语言组织。词汇要求不高,但对组句有一定要求,比如cannot just sit back and wait for things to happen以及be active in their approach to challenges and opportunities不用严格按照原文,逐字译会很啰嗦。果断,永远是口译考试和实际口译的必备素质。【参考译文】要想获得成功,跨国公司的经理们不能坐等,而是应该主动采取措施,应对机遇与挑战。2. Passage Translation(1) Nowadays, more and more young couples prefer not to have a child immediately after their marriage. What explains this trend toward delayed childbearing? First, the increasing divorce rate is making many newly-weds think twice about starting a family right away. Second, many young couples want to be more financially secure before having a baby. Finally, more married women prefer to devote time to their career. They think that being pregnant and caring for a child will make them less competitive in today's rapidly changing world. 【关键词汇】delayed childbearing(延迟分娩)。newly-weds(新婚者)。financially secure(经济上稳定,财务上安全)。【解
析】这是一个比较容易把握的话题。昂立最新模考中曾出现关于现代社会中婚姻,包括离婚,对年轻人的影响。本篇难度一般,first, second, finally分类清晰,属于中高口中常考的句型。考生可能出现问题的地方就是词汇,如上述关键词汇所列。【辨音难点】newly-weds一词因为不熟悉而可能出现听力障碍。devote time连读。【参考译文】现如今,越来越多的年轻夫妇不愿意在婚后马上要孩子。究竟什么导致了这种推迟生育的趋势呢?首先,离婚率的上升,使很多新婚夫妇在马上要孩子之前会考虑更周全。第二,很多年轻夫妇想在要孩子前经济上更稳定。最后一点,更多的已婚女性愿意把时间花在事业上。她们认为,如果怀孕或者有个孩子要照顾,会削弱她们在当今日新月异的世界中的竞争力。(2) In continuing education, courses for adults may be vocational or recreational. That is, they may be related to a person's job, or taken purely for interest and pleasure. In Britain today, there are several million fulltime and part-time students at further education colleges and evening institutes, their ages ranging between 16 and 80. Some of them take specialist courses in their particular skill and work for a diploma. Others just go back to school and study general subjects like English, math, and history. 【关键词汇】vocational(职业的)。taken purely for interest and pleasure(纯粹出于兴趣和娱乐而参与)。evening institutes(夜校)。range(动词,范围是......)。specialist(专门技能,专家)。【解
析】难点:词汇。首句关键词vocational or recreational决定了下面几句分别讨论了这两种课程的不同定义和特点,如果能快速反应,极大地有助于掌握全文。接下来的一句中taken purely for interest and pleasure中的动词在发音上给考生带来比较大的困难,但此句把握好interest和pleasure基本能译出大意。最后两句的some...others...因为结构比较清楚而容易翻译。中级口译的段落翻译一般难度本身不大,考生要注意的还是边听边记,包括笔记和脑记的协调问题。【辨音难点】taken purely的连读;specialist听成special;for diploma的连读。【参考译文】继续教育向成人开设的课程有两种,职业课程和休闲娱乐课程,即要么和某人工作相关,要么纯粹出于兴趣和娱乐。如今在英国,有数百万全日制和业余制的学生在继续教育学院和夜校学习,年龄结构从16到80岁不等。其中部分选择一些加强某项技能的专业课程,并为文凭而努力。还有人回到学校,学习英语、数学和历史等常见科目。SECTION 2: STUDY SKILLSQuestions 1-5【概要】本篇文章驳斥了传统的工作观,即:工作就是真实生活,工作就是自我价值的实现。文章开头通过举出工作满意度下降的数据,引出其原因:工作时间长,缺乏安全感。随后,作者通过比较新旧工作观以及女权主义工作观,谈到尽管我们时常被教育工作的好处多多,但多数工作单调无趣,而且我们总是忽视了是否值得去做这一问题。最后水到渠成的提出自己的观点:我们应该留出时间享受生活,而不是都花在工作上。【解析】1. 答案为D)。事实细节题。题干关键词为Before,realize themselves through work,答案出处为第三段的第一句话。原文提到:the less we did the better,比较四个选项,只有D)(他们强烈希望从工作中解脱出来)符合。2. 答案为A)。词义句义题。该句子在第三段中承接的上文信息是:Mrs. Thatcher认为只有工作才能实现真我,而且该句本身carry on(延续)也告诉我们Blair观点是和Mrs. Thatcher的一致。所以,选择A),而crusade(十字军、运动)意思不了解并不重要。3. 答案为B)。事实细节题。题干关键词为women,答案出处为第四段。第四段开头谈到:很多女权主义认为妇女要像男人那样工作,但却没有考虑是否值得这样去做。接着又提到feminism没有必要一定通过工作实现,所以作者的态度很明显是不赞成,而且这也符合全文反对拼命工作的观点。4. 答案为D)。结论推断题。答案出处为文章的最后一段。该段开头谈到多数人是以金钱来衡量他们的生活,以此为办事的动力。而且这个例子后半句也提到my friend浪费了很多宝贵时间在路途中,下文则清楚的提到我们应找回我们的时间,不要都花在了工作上。5. 答案为D)。主旨大意题。比较四个选项:A)努力工作的好处是什么,B)你认为未来是什么样子,C)工作使人自由,D)为你自己找回时间。本文的主题就是反对拼命工作,不赞同工作就是真实的观点,只有D)与之相符。【难点】1. gull:动词,意思为"欺骗、欺哄",如文章中But my generation has been gulled into thinking that work is real life。2. factor:常用作名词,表示"因素"的意思。但在本文中最后一段的...without factoring in how much...中用作动词,意思为"考虑到、把......作为因素计入"。Questions 6-10【概要】本文向我们展示了英国白金汉宫的历史和大致的构造。文章开头介绍了白金汉宫宏伟规模,以及形成这一规模的原因:尽管招致非议,但它还是被不断地扩建。到了Queen Victoria时期,由于女王的钟爱,白金汉宫更为受人关注,而且规模得到进一步发展。现如今,白金汉宫已成为了英国王室居住和办公场所。【解析】6. 答案为B)。事实细节题。题干关键词为financial retrenchment和题干中出现的人名,答案出处为原文第二段最后两句话。题目中问的是结果,最后一句中的提到:然而,还是外表优美占了上峰。很明显Joseph Hume的反对失败了。7. 答案为C)。事实细节题。题干关键词为Ballroom,答案出处为原文第三段的第三、四句话。A)(授职仪式),B)(政府宴会),C)(宗教服务),D)(外事接待),只有C)在文中未被提到。8. 答案为D)。事实细节题。根据题目的具体信息,答案出处为第三段的最后一句话。但问题问的是女王的统治时间,实际上根据Golden 一词可以知道时间是五十年。A)、B)时间明显有误,C)提到是女王的年龄为五十岁,也不正确。9. 答案为A)。事实细节题。题干关键词为working from home,答案出处为文章最后一段。第一和第二句话中清楚交代了白金汉宫不仅是王室的住所,也是王国政府行政总部和办公场所。比较四个选项,先可排除B)(文中未提到royal family在那工作)和D)(文中未提到royal staff住在那),A)和C)比较,后者不是关键原因。10. 答案为D)。事实细节题。题干关键词为most famous,答案出处为原文第四段第二句话。这句话清楚提到了best known 两个字。【难点】1. retrenchment:名词,意思为"削减、紧缩、删除",如文章中的financial retrenchment(削减经费)。它的动词为retrench。2. reign:动词,意思为"统治、起支配作用、占上峰",如文章中的elegance reigned。这个单词也常用作名词,表示"统治(时期)、王权"。3. jubilee:名词,意思为"周年纪念(尤其是25周年、50周年等具有特殊意义的时间)"。如golden wedding jubilee(金婚纪念)。Questions 11-15【概要】本文一开始就对英国的Lake District进行了简要介绍:没受到工业化的影响、风景优美的度假胜地等。然而,下文谈到了在1968年圣诞节期间的Lake District却不像往常那样热闹,原因是人们担心口蹄疫传染的该地,影响其畜牧业。后文则具体描绘了因为这个原因人们不得不放弃许多传统活动,减少外出,尽管天气依然是那么的宜人。【解析】11. 答案为D)。词义句义题。答案出处为第一段第五行及其上下句中所提到的信息,特别是make this ... holiday areas这部分,判断很明显this应为Lake District。12. 答案为C)。事实细节题。题干关键词为principal industry,答案出处为自文章第一段。第一段第二句和最后一句话中都提到了principal industry/activity是sheep-farming。13. 答案为D)。事实细节题。题干关键词为foot-and-mouth disease,答案出处为原文第一段第四句话,羊群会感染口蹄疫。而且在下文中谈到的fear中清楚讲到会导致complete annihilation(绵羊的全部死亡)。14. 答案为B)。事实细节题。题干关键词为enterprising(有事业心的),答案出处为文章第二段的第四句话。根据其中提供的信息:决定在冬天也开业的饭店,可以找到正确选项。15. 答案为A)。事实细节题。浏览四个选项,会发现它们都来自第三段。A)是第三段的第四句话,B)是第一句话,C)是第六句话,D)是第五句话。与原文信息对比,A)中是漏掉了原文的a hundred and one,因而信息有误。 【难点】1. annihilation:名词,"歼灭、毁灭"。它的动词为annihilate,"毁灭、废弃、取消"。2. enterprising:形容词,意思为"有事业心的、有胆量的"。它的名词是enterprise,"企业、事业心、冒险精神。"Questions 16-20【概要】本篇文章主要分成两个部分叙述,前面三段主要以Kim Garretson这个人为例子,谈论了为什么男人容易发怒,这主要是因为他们不知道如何控制自己的情感。后面则顺水推舟的讲述了男人应该如何控制自己情感,其中的一些方法包括:用一些有创意的发泄方法;通过体育锻炼的方法;试着一点点表达自己的情感;直面自己的情感,尽管这样做可能很不舒服。【解析】16. 答案为D)。事实细节题。根据题目中出现的人物,答案出处为第一段。而他angry是在饭店送上了still-frozen entree,只有D)与之相符。17. 答案为C)。事实细节题。答案出处为第二段。在第二段中主要谈到的是男人易怒的原因。在第二句话中谈到:他们担心如果你让步情感一英寸,它们会进一英里。理解上下文,此处的they是emotions。18. 答案为A)。事实细节题。根据题干的详细信息,答案出处为第二段结尾Kenneth W. Christian所说的话,他谈到不学会如何处理自己的情感,你就如同影子般生活,迟早会崩溃。19. 答案为A)。事实细节题。题干关键词为ways to control emotions,答案出处为文章后半部分。对照原文提到的方法,很容易发现A)中的信息未在文中出现。20. 答案是C)。主旨大意题。文章结构非常清晰,前面揭露男人容易发怒的原因--不会控制自己的情感,后文则具体对症下药提出解决方法,比较四个选项内容,自由C)最为合理。【难点】1. flinch:动词,意思为"退缩、畏缩",如:flinch at pain(因痛而畏缩),flinch from a difficulty(在困难面前退缩)。2. outlet:名词,意思为"出路、(感情、精力等的)发泄途径",如文章中的a creative outlet(有创意的发泄方式)。outlet还有"商行、商店"的意思,如:a retail outlet(零售店)。Questions 21-25【概要】本文作者幽默地介绍自己参加世界经济论坛的经历,揭示了人们过于关注权利、财富和由此带来的不平等现象。文章第一段告知了我们一件奇怪的事情:著名大学的经济学家却从未参加过世界经济论坛。而在会议举办点,作者也是处处碰壁:必须走边门;会场没有座位,只能站着;不准进入某处就餐。此外,文章中用各种颜色的徽章指代不同身份的人,进一步印证这是一场贴着标签,权利和财富的大会。【解析】21. 答案为C)。词义句义题。答案出处为第二段第一句话,作者站在mink coats and cashmere overcoats的后面,可以猜测mink为一种衣服料子。再结合选项内容,可以轻易排除A)、B)、D)。mink意思为"貂皮"。22. 答案为B)。事实细节题。题干关键词为orange badge,答案出处为第三段的第三句话。事实上通过前句的信息我们已经知道了green badge是指forum employees,所以可以先排除A)。通过第三句话,我们可以知道orange badge是指作者的身份,早在第二段中的Reporting press?问句中,我们可以了解到作者是correspondent(记者)。23. 答案为D)。事实细节题。尽管本题是根据第四段的第二句话提问的,但通过对前面一道题的解答我们可以排除B)。根据文章的第一段牛津大学经济学家的话,可以排除C)。比较A)和D),后者的身份更适合参加World Economic Forum(世界经济论坛)。24. 答案为D)。事实细节题。题干关键词为ruthlessly controlled,在与前面三道题目解答的相关信息中以及文章最后一段的最后一句话,我们可以轻易排除前面三项。 25. 答案是A)。事实细节题。根据前面几道题目的回答,我们知道green badge是forum employees; white badges是chief executives;colored badges是与记者身份类同的于会者;orange badge是记者。【难点】1. badge:名词,意思为"徽章、奖章",文章中用如white badge等来指代佩带白色徽章的人。Questions 26-30【概要】本篇文章分为两个部分,第一段作者提出自己的观点:来自观察或趣闻的饮食营养观应该需要我们严肃思考,但其中观察者自身生理和心理的一些特点也应该值得我们思考,因为很多实验结果部分依赖于观察者的资质或出于他们的成见,所以有些营养观点并不客观全面。在第二段中,作者用蛋白质与动物、儿童成长的关系来例证上述自己的观点:生长发育对蛋白质的需求,并不一定是越多越好。【解析】26. 答案为B)。事实细节题。答案出处为文章的第一段的第一句话。在这句话中,作者谈到来自观察和趣闻的有关营养的观点值得被严肃考虑,但观察者自身生理和心理的一些怪癖也应该考虑到。所以,题目所要填的信息应该是B)。27. 答案为D)。词义句义题。line 12实际上是文章第一段的最后一句话,比较这句话中前后两个较为工整的结构,而且通过相同的attribute...to的使用,很容易知道it的指代内容。28. 答案为C)。事实细节题。题干关键词为young animals protein,答案出处为原文第二段第一、二句话。在这两句话中作者谈到这些young animals蛋白质的喂养主要是以经济节减为原则,因为蛋白质很贵等信息,不难看出在四个选项中只有C)(最少投入,最大输出)符合经济节减的原则。29. 答案为A)。事实细节题。题干关键词为maximum growth rate和rapid growth,答案出处为第二段的第五句话。这句话已经清楚的告诉我们选择A)(寿命)。30. 答案是C)。事实细节题。答案出处为文章第二段。其中,A)与是第二段的第八句话一致;B)与第四句话信息一致;C)中的long survive 与倒数第二句话中的not long survive相悖;D)来自倒数第五、六句话。【难点】1. quirk:名词,意思为"怪癖、古怪举动"。2. preconception:名词,意思为"成见、事先的看法、事先认为"。3. diet:名词,在文章中意思为"日常饮食/营养"。此外diet还可以用作"(有助减肥或医疗的)规定饮食、日常大量接触的东西",如:go on a diet(节食),a diet of noise pollution in big cities(大城市里日常随处可见的噪音污染)。SECTION 3: TRANSLATION TEST (1)【主题点睛】肥胖、饮食过度、健康食品、心脏病【翻译解析】
1. As a scourge of the modern society, obesity has become the world's biggest public-health issue today-the main cause of heart disease, which kills more people these days than AIDS, malaria, war. 1) 关于scourgeA source of widespread, dreadful affliction and devastation such as that caused by pestilence or war.灾难,灾祸:涉及面广的令人害怕的苦难和破坏的根源,例如由瘟疫或战争引起的。2) 关于选词英语中存在许多近义词,看似相似,表达的意义却有差别。比如说"胖",chubby表示小孩子胖嘟嘟的模样,如:a chubby toddler圆嘟嘟蹒跚学步的小孩;chubby cheeks 胖嘟嘟的脸蛋。plump表示女性身材悦目的丰满。 obese和corpulent都指总体超重,如:Her father is too corpulent to play handball. (她父亲太胖以至不能玩手球。) fleshy 指肉过多,如:firm, fleshy arms (结实、多肉的胳膊。) stout指身材矮胖、粗壮的人,如: Even slim girls can become stout matrons. (甚至苗条的女孩也能变成强健的妇女。) rotund含有身材圆滚的意思,常常译作"圆胖"。本句obesity指导致身体不健康的胖,译成"肥胖"比较合适。3) 关于同位语的翻译英语中有许多组合句子信息的方式,同位语是英语中常见的语法现象,它可以出现在修饰说明的名词之前,如本句的a scourge of the modern society;也可以出现于其后,如本句的the main cause of heart disease。对于同位语,翻译的时候一般都处理为汉语中的一个独立的句子。2. Since the World Health Organization labeled obesity an "epidemic" in 2000, reports on its fearful consequences have come thick and fast.1)联合国主要机构中文全称
中文简称 英文全称
Security Council
SC关税及贸易总协定 关贸总协定 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade GATT国际电信联盟
国际电联 International Telecommunications Union ITU国际法庭
International Court of Justice
海事组织 International Maritime Organization
IMO国际货币基金组织 货币基金组织International Monetary Fund
金融公司 International Finance Corporation
开发协会 International Development Association
劳工组织 International Labour Organization
原子能机构 International Atomic Energy Agency
IAEA经济及社会理事会 经社理事会 Economic and Social Council
General Assembly
United Nations University
UNU联合国儿童基金会 儿童基金会 United Nations Children's Fund
UNICEF联合国环境规划署 环境规划署 United Nations Environment Programme UNEP联合国开发计划署 开发计划署 United Nations Development Programme UNDP世界粮食理事会
粮食理事会 World Food Council
气象组织 World Meteorological Organization
卫生组织 World Health Organization
World Intellectual Property Organization
Universal Postal Union
UP2)关于thick and fastthick有不少固定搭配的词组,有着固定的意义。如:thick and fast adv. 密集地thick-and-thin adj. 甘苦与共的, 始终不变的, 忠实的thick as hail adj.
纷至沓来的thick on the ground 遍地皆是, 多得很3. Will public-health warnings, combined with media pressure, persuade people to get thinner, just as they finally put them off tobacco? 1) 关于combined withcombined with和词组as well as, together with, along with一样,用于连接两组并列的信息,连接两个名词词组,因此不必要译作"结合"。2) 关于put off和put...off...put off是固定词组,意思是"推迟、延迟"。put...off...则表示"使......远离或戒除......"。4. In the rich world, sales of healthier goods are booming and new figures suggest that over the past year Americans got very slightly thinner for the first time in recorded history. 1) 关于多义词的意义选择上下文是词语意义的载体,翻译时上下文是决定词语意义的决定因素,尤其是对于英语中存在的多义词语,必须在上下文中确定其意义,切忌先入为主。如本句中的suggest不可译作"建议",而是"说明",figure与身材无关,这里表示统计的数字。2) 关于in recorded history翻译时需要稍作变通,并非"有记录的历史",而是指"有历史记载以来"。5. But even if Americans are losing a few ounces, it will be many years before the country solves the health problems caused by half a century's dining to excess.1) 关于句型it is / was (a period of time) before...这个句型适合转变表达方式,不说"在......之前有多长时间",而说"......需要等到多长时间以后",所谓反译。6. And, everywhere else in the world, people are still piling on the pounds. 1) 直译和意译由于文化和语言表达方式的差异,翻译不可能做到百分之百的直译,如果直译意思不能够对等,或者表达效果比较牵强,就应该采用意译的方式,改换表达方式来表达出原文的意义。如本句中的pile on the pounds不适合译作"堆积许多磅",它说明的是体重增加的现状,可以换一种表达方式。7. That's why there is now a consensus among doctors that governments should do something to stop them.1) 关于词语的转译英语中存在许多抽象名词,是静态的语言。汉语动词使构成句子的主体,是动态的语言。所以转译是基本的翻译技巧,常常把英语的抽象名词转译为汉语的动词,如本句中的consensus可以由名词意义"共识"转译为"一致认为"。2) 关于代词的翻译英语的指代频繁,上文提及的人或事物或情况,下文往往用代词替代。英译汉时必须把握好代词所指代的名词,明确其意义,在汉语中省略或者重复译出。如本句中的them指代上文的"人们",但实际上却暗指人们越来越胖的趋势或者人们让自己越来越胖的做法,翻译时要明确。【参考译文】肥胖是现代社会的灾难,目前已经成为最严重的公众健康问题,心脏病主要因肥胖而起,肥胖夺去的生命比艾滋病、疟疾、战争还要多。2000年世界卫生组织把肥胖定性为"流行病",自此人们纷纷探讨肥胖能够引发的严重后果。媒体的压力,健康的警告,能否使人们的体重有所减轻,就如同当初使人们远离烟草一样?的确有可能。在富裕的发达国家,健康食品的销售量不断上升,最新数字表明在过去的一年,美国人的体重有史以来首次有所下降。然而虽然美国人体重有所减轻,美国要解决半个世纪以来饮食过度带来的健康问题还得等到多年以后。而且,在世界上其他地区,人们的体重仍然在不断上升。正因为如此,目前医生一致认为各国政府应当采取措施抑制人们不断肥胖的发展趋势。SECTION 4: TRANSLATION TEST (2)【主题点睛】上海、国际大都市、充满活力、日新月异、充满希望【翻译解析】
1.上海市是一座朝气蓬勃、充满活力、多姿多彩的国际大都市,改革开放以来,上海变化之大令世人瞩目。1) 英语的时态英语以不同的时态体现不同时间发生的情况,而且对于一些短语或分句,根据习惯必须使用特定时态,比如对于"......以来"对应的英语结构since...,主句一般采用现在完成时。2) 英语的并列结构本句中有三个形容词"朝气蓬勃、充满活力、多姿多彩",对仗工整,适合翻译成英语的并列结构,即表达方式和结构相似的词语、词组或句子。如果"朝气蓬勃"翻译成一个形容词,"充满活力"也应该翻译成一个形容词,而不是词组full of vitality。3) 增词英语逻辑性较强,通过结构明确地表达词语之间的逻辑关系,汉语中的许多涵义意会即可,所以翻译时需要适当地增词或者减词来体现语言的特点,如本句"改革开放以来",如果译作since reform and opening-up便不符合英语的逻辑,因为since后接续的往往是一点时间,如某时某天某年,或者是在某一点时间发生的事件,作为主句说明的情况时间上的起始点,所以这里应该添加词语。2.经济高速发展,社会秩序稳定,人民安居乐业,呈现出一片繁华气象。1) 主语的选择除去祈使句和感叹句,英语的句子一般都要由主语和谓语构成,所以中译英时首先要确定句子的主干结构,即主语和谓语。这个句子"呈现出一片繁华气象"的主语应该是"上海",需要添加。2) 短句与名词词组的转换汉语是意合的语言,往往有许多小短句构成完整的意思,而英语时形合的语言,许多的信息往往组合在一句话中表达出来。所以翻译时常常要把汉语的小句子转化为英语的名词词组。转化可以通过转译或者变序来完成,如"经济高速发展"可以把"发展"翻译成名词,"社会秩序稳定"可以把"稳定"翻译成名词,即转译;而"人口多"翻译成"多的人口","底子薄"翻译成"薄的底子"就是变序进行翻译。3.今天,尽管上海还有着不少色彩斑斓的过去可以留恋和回味,但城市日新月异的面貌却使越来越多的世人所折服。1) 主语的选择汉语是个主题性的语言,把话题作为主语,可以不考虑主语和动词之间的语义关系,如"上海下雨了"英语中就不适合用"上海"作为主语。本句以"上海"来作为"令人折服"的主语更为合理。2) 词语的省略汉语的重复现象多,用词的重复,意义的重复,都比较突出。相对而言,英语重复少,指代多,省略多。对于汉语重复的词语翻译时可以进行省略,如"百折不挠、万难不屈"就是语义的重复,英语中不需要重复译出,本句的"留恋和回味"、"日新月异"都存在着语义的重复,翻译时应适当地省略。4.上海就像一轮红日,光芒四射,鲜艳夺目。上海的明天充满希望。1) 句子的连接最后的两句话连接起来翻译效果很好,符合英语形合的特征。如果两句话主语一致,在英语中比较容易衔接,可以利用分词、不定式、同位语等等,省略其中一句相同的主语。比如最后一句"上海的明天充满希望"如果改作"上海"作为主语,前面一句就可以转变为同位语,两句共用"上海"作为主语,句子的衔接更为紧密。【参考译文】Shanghai, a vigorous, dynamic and versatile international metropolis in China, has attracted worldwide attention with its dramatic changes since the introduction of reform and opening-up. It presents a picture of prosperity with its rapid economic development, social stability, peaceful and contended life of residents. Taking a new look with each passing day, Shanghai is drawing more and more admiration, despite its colorful past for nostalgia. The city, brilliant and splendid like the sun, promises a better future.}


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