spread spectrumome butter ...

面包上抹点奶油,spread some butter on a piece of bread,音标,读音,翻译,英文例句,英语词典
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1)&&spread some butter on a piece of bread
2)&&bread buttering machine
3)&&spread Butter on Bread (=spread Bread with Butter)
4)&&butter bread
6)&&milk fat spread
1.N-MASS黄油;牛油Butter is a soft yellow substance made from cream. You spread it on bread or use it in cooking....bread and butter...面包和黄油Pour the melted butter into a large mixing bowl.把熔化的黄油倒在一个搅拌用的大碗里。2.VERB给…抹上黄油;涂黄油于If you butter something such as bread or toast, you spread butter on it.&She spread pieces of bread on the counter and began buttering them.她把几片面包摆在台上,开始抹黄油。...buttered scones.抹过黄油的烤饼4.PHRASE明白自己的利益所在;善于为自己打算If you say that someone knows what side their bread is buttered on, you mean that they know what to do or who to please in order to stay in a good situation or to avoid a bad one.&These chaps know what side their bread's buttered on.这些家伙知道怎样做对他们有利。相关词组:SOME INSECT VIRUSES DISCOVERED IN GUIZHOU的翻译是:一些昆虫病毒在贵州发现Can some pets act like cowards?的翻译是:在一些宠物像懦夫呢?He shows me some cheetah tracks.的翻译是:他教了我一些猎豹曲目进行编程。He put some grass in the manger.的翻译是:他把一些草在马槽里。I am contemplating buying some new furniture .的翻译是:我正考虑买一些新的家具。On Some Viewpoints in Transaction Cost Theory的翻译是:在交易成本理论的一些观点Thank you. May I see some identifications?的翻译是:感谢您。 我看到一些标识呢?Some people have a bias against foreigners.的翻译是:一些人对外国人的偏见。SOME EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS FOR MODEL REDUCTION的翻译是:一些实验结果的模式减少No great loss without some gain.的翻译是:如果不进行一些没有很大的损失。Some Methods to Establish Rationally DTM的翻译是:一些方法建立合理dtmSome beer and chocolate taste bitter.的翻译是:一些啤酒和巧克力味道苦了。What happened after Alice ate some cookie?的翻译是:爱丽丝吃了一些饼干后发生了什么?I spread some butter on my bread.的翻译是:我把一些黄油面包片上。Latch on to some very valuable books.的翻译是:闩锁到一些非常有价值的书籍。Some chandeliers are suspended from the ceiling.的翻译是:悬吊在天花板上的枝形吊灯一些。Some Property of Moore_Penrose Generalized Inverse Matrix的翻译是:一些物业的普遍moore_penrose逆向矩阵Some rather loose bowling, ie in cricket的翻译是:一些比较宽松、保龄球场、ie在板球I placed aside some money for travelling.的翻译是:我被放在一边一些钱,旅行时随身携带。4. Recommendation of some Special Dishes的翻译是:4。 建议一些特别的菜式
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[新课标人教版] 模块六语言知识能力
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.How much is the car?
A.About $13,000. B.About $15,000. C.About $16,000
2.What will happen to Ted according to the woman?
A.Ben will apologize to Ted.
B.Ted’s mother will punish him.
C.Ben’s mother will apologize to Ted.
3.What will the man do?
A.Pay his own bill.
B.Pay the bill for the woman.
C.Let the woman pay the bill.
4.What does the woman mean?
A.She doesn’t want Susan to play with Jack.
B.She’s afraid that Susan will quarrel with Jack again.
C.She is surprised that Susan and Jack forget their quarrel so soon.
5.What does the man mean?
A.It’s easy to forget the key.
B.People often make the same mistakes.
C.He has taken the wrong key out of the room himself.
6.What is the new baby's name?
A.Frances. B.Francis. C.Francy.
7.Who wrote the article about the relationship between students' names and their marks?
A.The man speaker. B.The woman speaker. C.An uncertain person.
8.What can you infer from the conversation?
2,4,6A.Those named Elmer and Huber are always bad guys,
B.School students' marks depend on their names.
C.Some people are often affected by their strong feelings towards names.
9.Where did the conversation take place?
A.In London. B.In Paris. C.In an Italian village.
10.What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?
A.Old classmates.
B.Husband and wife.
C.Members on the school football team.
11.According to Jordan, what was Helen not good at when she was a student?
A.She was not good at languages.
B.She always gave wrong answers,
C.She was poor in remembering things.
12.In U.S, what can a girl do if she finds her marriage gifts useless?
A.She can ask for another useful gift.
B.She can exchange it for a useful one.
C.She can return it to the person who gives it.
13.Why do we usually give a couple gifts at their marriage?
A.To make marriage accepted.
B.To show the importance of marriage.
C.To express our good wishes.
14.Why does a young husband have to work for his wife’s family in some societies?
A.Because he has to wait until he has three children.
B.Because he wants to earn enough money for his wife.
C.Because it is necessary for a marriage.
15.According to the weather report, when would it start raining?
A.In the afternoon.
B.At night.
C.In the morning.
16.What did Paul forget to bring?
A.Raincoats. B.Umbrellas. C.Rain shoes.
17.Where did Sara leave the playing cards?
A.Next to picnic table. B.On picnic table. C.Under picnic table.
18.What question may doctors ask about children?
A.What games they are interested in.
B.How much exercises they get every day.
C.How long their parents stay with them daily.
19.What does the Institute suggest the children under two doing?
A.Receive early education.
B.Have more activities.
C.Have regular check-up.
20.How should children’s bedrooms be?
A.No place for play.
B.Near a common area.
C.A place without TV set.
21.According to constitutions, Putin is obliged to leave office at the end of his second term although he is popular in Russia.
A.the, the B./, the C./, / D.the, /
22.A thief who broke into a church was caught because traces of wax, found on his clothes, _______ from the sort of candles used only in churches.
A.had come B.coming C.come D.that came
23.-Have you ever heard of Jay Chou’s new movie “Kungfu Dunk”?
- . Does it come out in February?
A.Yes, I see. B.No, I never heard it.
C.Yes, it rings a bell. D.No, it came as no surprise.
24.If you let challenges stimulate annoy you, much more can be accomplished than you thought possible.
A.more than B.other than
C.less than D.rather than
25.A recent survey shows 4 million Chinese came to Beijing from other cities to work and live, and is called the “floating population” is growing annually.
A.who B.those C.what D.as
26.Only when the government increases affordable homes for low-income groups .
A.the imbalance of demand and supply can be removed
B.can be removed the imbalance of demand and supply
C.can be the imbalance of demand and supply removed
D.can the imbalance of demand and supply be removed
27.This crop has similar qualities to the previous one, _______ both wind-resistant and adapted to the same type of soil.
A.being B.been C.to be D.having been
28.Frequently single-parent children _______ some of the functions that the absent adult in the house would have served.
A.take in B.take on
C.take over D.take after
29.The price of beer _______ from 50 cents to $4 per liter during the summer season.
A.altered B.ranged
C.separated D.differed
30.We are all for your proposal that the discussion .
A.be put off B.was put off
C.should put off D.is to put off
31.Criticism and self-criticism is necessary _______ it helps us to find and correct our mistakes.
A.by that B.at that
C.on that D.in that
32.―Will you be this afternoon, John?
―It depends. I’m afraid I’ll be called in by my manager.
A.suitable B.convenient
C.accurate D.available
33.With only eight months until the Olympics, chefs at Beijing’s hotels are refining menus for visitors who will come from around the world.
A.going B.gone C.being going D.to go
34.The rise of housing prices, 1 percent higher than of October, hit a new high at the end of December.
A.that B.one C.the one D.those
35.In previous times, when fresh meat was in short _______, pigeons were kept by many households as a source of food.
A.store B.provision C.reserve D.supply
Children model themselves largely on their parents. They do so mainly 36 identification. Children identify with a parent when they believe they have the qualities and feelings that are characteristic of that parent. The things parents do and say―and the 37 they do and say to them―therefore 38 influence a child's 39 .However, parents must consistently behave like the type of 40 they want their child to become.
A parent's actions 41 affect the self-image that a child forms. Children who see mainly positive qualities in their 42 will be 43 to see themselves in a positive way, 44 children who observe chiefly 45 qualities instead will have a hard time 46 positive qualities in themselves. Children may 47 their self-image, 48 , as they become increasingly influenced by peers before they reach 13 .
Isolated events, 49 dramatic ones, do not 50 have a permanent effect on a child's behavior. Children interpret such events according to their 51 attitudes and previous training. Children who know they are loved can, 52 , accept the divorce of their parent's or a parent’s early death .But if children feel unloved, they may interpret such events as a 53 of rejection or punishment.
In the same way, all children are not influenced alike by toys and games, reading matter, and television programs. 54 we have observed in the case of a dramatic change in family relations, the effect of an activity or experience depends on 55 the child interprets it.
36.A.across B.with C.through D.over
37.A.gesture B.expression C.way D.extent
38.A.mainly B.largely C.rarely D.hardly
1,3,539.A.behavior B.words C.mood D.reactions
40.A.person B.humans C.creatures D.adults
41.A.in turn B.nevertheless C.also D.as a result
42.A.eyes B.parents C.peers D.behaviors
43.A.possible B.perhaps C.probable D.likely
44.A.when B.since C.as D.while
45.A.negative B.cheerful C.various D.complex
46.A.see B.seeing C.to see D.to seeing
47.A.modify B.copy C.imitate D.continue
48.A.thus B.therefore C.but D.however
49.A.rather than B.besides C.even D.apart from
50.A.necessarily B.deeply C.basically D.slightly
51.A.found B.founding C.established D.establishing
52.A.at least B.for example C.at most D.in return
53.A.symbolize B.signal C.signature D.sign
54.A.Which B.As C.Like D.When
55.A.what B.whom C.how D.why
The old camera Brownie picked up in a charity shop was a splendid find .But the undeveloped film still inside turned out to be even more of a treasure.
New owner Don Roccoforte had it developed and saw in it an attractive dark haired woman in her thirties with two young boys. He immediately determined to try to find out who they were.
A few weeks later the California-based camera collector received the news that left him stunned . The woman was his wife Jaqueline’s aunt in a picture taken around 50 years ago ,and one of the boys ,her cousin.
The couple have now unraveled(揭开)the astonishing coincidence ,which leads back to Mrs. Roccoforte’s native Lancashire ,where many of her family still live. The camera was bought from a shop in Preston by Brownie ,a friend of Mr. Roccoforte ,who knew of his interest in photography and thought it would be an unusual gift.
Back in Californis, the contents of his new possession inspired Mr. Roccoforte’s curiosity .Recognizing the water in the background of the photo as a lake in Lancashire, he sent a copy to the local paper in Preston to see if any readers could help.
Another relative recognized the group as Winnie Bamber ,still living in the area at the age of 81, her son Tony ,Mrs. Roccoforte’s cousin ,and Tony’s childhood friend, Mick Murphy.
Yesterday Mrs. Bamber was still gasping (惊奇地吸气)at the turn of events which has reunited two strands(分支)of her family.
She said she remembered taking the boys to the lake and losing the camera. The two boys ,both now 58,still live near Preston.
Mrs. Roccoforte’s father is Winnie Bamber’s brother ,Billy Charnley.
He and his wife moved to America in the 1960s. Their daughter met Mr. Roccoforte there and they married and moved to Preston for two years before returning to America.
56.Which of the following is the right order of what happened?
a. Don Roccoforte received a special present from his friend.
b. Another relative recognized Winnie Bamber and the two boys.
c. Winnie Bamber ,together with two boys ,went to take pictures at a lake.
d. Don Roccoforte sent a copy of the picture to a paper in Preston.
e. The film was developed.
f. The camera was lost.
g. Brownie bought an old camera in a shop.
A.c→f→b→a→d→g→e B.b→c→a→f→d→e→g
C.c→f→g→a→e→d→b D.a→c→b→f→e→g→d
57.Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.Tony is the son of Winnie Bamber.
B.Billy Charnley’s daughter was married to Don Roccoforte.
C.Brownie married Winnie Bamber.
D.Mrs. Roccoforte is Winnie Bamber’s niece.
58.The underlined word “stunned” is closest in meaning to .
A.disappointed B.shocked C.worried D.satisfied
59.Lancashire is most likely to be located in .
A.America B.Russia C.California D.England
60.The best title for this passage would be .
A.The Film that Waited 50 Years to Be Developed
B.An Unusual Reunion after about Half a Century
C.A Special Present to a Special Friend
D.An Old Camera and the Beautiful Pictures In side
WASHINGTON ,Jan. 21―“I want to be a builder. I want to build houses and buildings for the homeless,” said Aman Efrem ,a third-grade student from Hearst Elementary in Washington. D.C. For another student, Azalea Westray ,the dream is “that all people stop violence” and “all people love and respect one another.”
The two were among various answers to the Washington Post’s blank filling to “My dream is…” when Americans observed the Martin Luther King’s Day Monday.
From Atlanta to Chicago ,memorial services ,forums and rallies are held nationwide Monday to honor the advocate of peaceful resistance and equality for people of all races .
The Wall Street in New York ,in particular ,kicked off the celebration of the Martin Luther King’s DAY on Friday in an unusual way with the leader of American’s most important civil rights group ,also chirman of the Congress of Racial Equality Roy Innis ringing the opening bell in the morning at the Nasdaq stock exchange.
Memory of Martin Luther King’s unfulfilled dream adds fuel to the speculation(推测)on the first African American presidential hopeful ,Illinois Senator Barack Obama ,as the 2008 presidential primary will move to South Carolina on Jan. 26, which homes a large black population.
Obama and two other Democratic presidential candidates ,New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and former North Caroline John Edwards ,Monday turned the memorial events into their campaign stages to persuade the black who accounts for a significant percentage of the total Democratic voters in the state.
At the rally ,Obama echoed Martin Luther King’s “dream” and called for the end of divisions that he said has damaged the presidential contest .And Clinton ,on the other hand ,recalled listening to King’s speech in her childhood and reminded voters of his vision of racial equality. “The dream is nowhere fulfilled ,” she said. “Now we are called to rise up ,speak up and finally get it done.”
61.This passage mainly tells up that .
A.the dream of Martin Luther King Jr. has not been fulfilled until now
B.Martin Luther King’s Day was celebrated in the U. S. on Monday
C.everybody has his own dream ,including school children
D.U.S presidential candidates seek support from the blacks
62.The two students mentioned in the first paragraph .
A.expressed their whishes in reply to an American newspaper
B.were black children who suffered poverty and violence
C.were asked to make a speech entitled “I have a dream”
D.were determined to fulfill the dream of Martin Luther King Jr.
63.The Wall Street in New York .
A.refused to celebrate the Martin Luther King’s Day
B.observed the Martin Luther King’s Day on Friday instead of on Monday
C.started the celebration of the Martin Luther King’s Day in an unusual way
D.invited Barack Obama to ring the opening bell at the stock exchange
64.It can be learned from the passage that South Carolina is the hometown of .
A.Martin Luther King B.Barack Obama
C.many black people D.the U.S. president
65.At the rally ,Clinton tried to show to voters that .
A.she once listened to King’s speech
B.she was for the equality among different races
C.the “dream” has already been fulfilled
D.she was the one who could fulfill King’s “dream”
How would you like to sleep with one half your brain asleep and the other half a wake? Dolphins sleep this way. Recently , scientists at Indiana State University have discovered that ducks sleep this way too. They found that ducks sleep half awake so they can rest and watch for danger at the same time.
After putting their ducks in a row and videotaping them, some researchers found ducks on the end of each row spent more time asleep with one eye open ,apparently looking for predators.
“The more the ducks felt threatened ,the more they slept with one eye open,” said lead author Niels C. Rattenborg ,a graduate student at Indiana State University ,Terre Haute .”the unique aspect is not that they do it ,but that they control it . When they sleep at the edge of a group ,they tend to realize greater danger ,so they spend more time sleeping with one half of their brain.” Ducks with one eye open were still awake enough to detect predators ,said the authors of the study ,which appears today in the journal Nature.
The researchers studied four groups of four ducks held in plastic boxes ,which were arranged in a row .Ducks on the end were found to sleep with one eye open 31.8 per cent of the time, compared to 12.4 percent of the time for ducks in the central position.
Also ,ducks in the central position did not open one eye more than the others, while ducks on each end kept the eye facing away from the group open 86.2 per cent of the time. Brain wave readings of the ducks showed that the half of the brain receiving signals from the closed eye indicated that half of the brain was sleeping. Signals from the half of the brain receiving signals from the open eye showed a state between fully a wake and asleep.
66.It was discovered that .
A.most people would like to be half asleep
B.ducks can sleep half awake
C.dolphins sleep on their way
D.ducks have different sleeping habits from each other
67.A predator is most likely to be .
A.an animal that hunts ,kills and eats other animals
B.a human being who looks after and feeds ducks
C.a scientist who does research work on animals
D.an animal that is likely to be friends with ducks
68.Ducks at the end of each row sleep with one eye open because .
A.they are looking for food
B.they want to enjoy the scenery
C.they are watching out for danger
D.they are unique in their sleeping habit
69.How many ducks were used in the experiment?
A.Four. B.Eight. C.Twelve. D.Sixteen.
70.Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Ducks on the northern end of a row would keep their eye facing the south open.
B.Ducks with less sense of duty usually choose to stay in the center of a row.
C.Ducks with one eye open at the edge can still enjoy a certain degree of sleep.
D.A video tape recorder was the only electronic device used in the experiment.
With spring officially here , we can look forward to fresh flowers and cherry blossoms. While you could stay home and admire the change in season ,why not celebrate the end of winter with a fun spring time holiday ? We’ve found a handful of terrific packages at home and abroad ,good for departures through mid-Mary.
London’s Chelsea Flower Show for $ 849
Every May ,London hosts the world famous Chelsea Flower Show ,showcasing astonishing gardens and lively horticultural(园艺)displays that set the latest in garden design trends. This year , Virgin Vacations offers a six-night air-land packages priced at a sweet $ 849. Good for departures May 21―23 ,this deal covers the following costs :airfare from New York; daily coand one full-day entrance to the Flower Show (May 24,25 or 26).
Cherry Blossoms in D. C. from $ 319/nt
You don’t need to travel far for an impressive flower show! From March 31 through April 15, Washington D.C. is hosting its yearly Cherry Blossoms Festival ,marking the 95th celebration of the original gift of 3,000 cherry trees from the city of Tokyo to the people of D.C. Several hotels are honoring the occasion with special deals: for example ,Hay-Ad-ams offers a Cheery Blossom Package from $ 319/night with lodging (two-night minimum stay ),free breakfast and free parking.
Spring Flowers of Amsterdam for $ 739
Want to catch the spring flowers blooming in the lowlands of Holland?Amsterdam is a treat to visit at this time of year ,as its numerous gardens explode with color. At just $ 739 for a four-night stay with airfare ,this spring escape is priced to go! Good for travel between April 1 and May 17. The deal includes air from New York; accommodati daily breakfast ,and a local map and guide.
Tokyo spring Fun for $ 949
To spot the cherry blossoms right at the source ,we recommend a spring venture to Tokyo. Now you can visit on the cheap with the Asian Affair Holidaa Tokyo spring special starts at just $ 949!This deal cove five nights’ lodging at Tokyo Hilton I and a half-day city tour. This particular price is valid for departures between April 1 and April 30, perfectly timed for the best of cherry-blossom season.
71.If you are not free until late May ,you may travel to .
A.London B.Amsterdam C.Washington D.C. D.Tokyo
72.If you want a guide ,you may choose .
A.London’s Chelsea Flower Whow B.Spring Flowers of Amsterdam
C.Cherry Blossoms in D. C. D.Tokyo Spring Fun
73.The minimum cost for the closest show is .
A.$ 849 B.$ 739 C.$ 319 D.$ 638
74.From the passage we can learn that cherry blossoms originally grew in .
A.England B.Holland C.the U.S. D.Japan
75.This ad is aimed at consumers from .
A.the UK B.Holland C.the USA D.Japan
第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)
Experts are finding your standard first aid response may be the worst thing you can do in an emergency. Here’s how to update your first aid kit.
When the skin isn’t broken, it’s hard to beat iodine (碘酒) for killing bacteria, doctors use it to clean before surgery. But when there’s a cut, full C strength iodine and rubbing alcohol can be harmful to skin cells, preventing healing. Putting iodine on cuts and wounds kills bacteria, but it won’t clean the wound. The most effective way is washing the wound with water.
If you spread some butter on the burn to ease the pain, it isn’t a good idea. Butter was thought to cool the burn, but it can cause infection and create and environment for bacterial growth. Run the burn under cool water immediately to help remove the heat and put an end to the damaging process. Wrap the burn with a bandage, and keep it clean and dry. If blisters (水泡) form, don’t break them.
When a child swallows anything poisonous, parents probably think they’re well prepared if ipecac (催吐剂) is on hand. Wrong. Ipecac was thought to be a good way to treat a child who had swallowed a poisonous substance, but not any more because it doesn’t always remove the toxic substance. That may cause dehydration (脱水) and prevent doctors from giving other treatments.
Everyone learns how to stop bleeding with a tourniquet (止血带). But studies show this method causes more harm than good. Tourniquets can increase the risk of tissue damage or even the loss of a limb. Apply direct pressure to the wound. Simply place a clean cloth on the wo don’t remove the cloth, event if it gets black. If necessary, add more cloths. If that’s not enough, you can further slow the blood flow by applying pressure to the main artery (动脉) of the upper arm or leg.
76.What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)
77.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?
However, by studying we know this method does more harm instead of doing more good.
78.Please fill in the blank with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.
(Please answer within 5 words.)
79.What should we do in order to give useful first aids? (Please answer within 30 words.)
80.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.
第二节 写作(满分30分)
假如你叫李华,参加学校开展的“有困难向谁求助”(Whom do you turn to when in trouble?)的调查活动,调查结果如下表。请用英语给校报编辑写一封信反映相关内容。
6―8 BCC 9―11 BAA 12―14 BCC 15―17 BAA 18―20 ABC
21―25 DACDC 26-30 DABBA 31-35 DDDAD
36-40 CCBAA 41-45 CBDDA 46-50 BADCA 51-55 CBDBC
56―60CCBDA 61―65 BACCB 66―70 BACDC 71―75 ABDDC
76.Correct First Aid Responses / First Aids You Should never Use
77.But studies show this method causes more harm than good.
78.That’s why
79.We should completely change the traditional and so C called right first aids, and use the scientific and right first aids to save the injured according to the different actual hurts.
Dear editor,
I'm a student in Senior Three. We have made a survey--"Who do you turn to when in trouble?" Here are the results.
Most of the students will go to their classroom or friends when in trouble they're almost of the same age, so they can talk with and understand each other easily. Some students will tell their teachers or parents about their troupes and ask for their help as the teachers and parents have rich experience and love them very much. They can be trusted by these students. Only a few students solve their problems all by themselves. They hate to talk with others and can’t get on well with others. They have few friends.
In my opinion, when in trouble we’d better ask our teachers, parents, friends or classmates for help.
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
W: That’s a very nice car you’re driving. I guess it must be very expensive.
M: Well, the price is OK, just around fifteen thousand dollars.
M: Ben just admitted that he had broken my window, not Ted.
W: Poor Ted, he must be suffering at the moment. I told his mother that he had done it.
W: Shall we go out to dinner together? It’s on me.
M: I’d like to go to dinner with you, but please let me share the bill with you this time.
M: Susan has made a very beautiful kite and is flying it with Jack on the lawn.
W: But they quarreled only this morning. How come they are playing together again?
W: Oh, dear, I have locked the key in my room again. How I wish I could ever remember!
M: Will, take it easy. Mistakes always repeat themselves.
第二节 (共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)
W: My sister's baby arrived yesterday. An eight-pound boy. They named him Francis. That's spelled with an "i" before the "s".
M: That's right. Frances with an "e" is a girl's name, but they are both pronounced the same. What if the baby was a girl? Did they have a girl's name in mind too?
W: They couldn't agree on one. Whenever he suggested a girl's name, she said, "I hate that name? " Some people have very strong feelings about names.
M: I think most people do.
W: That reminds me of something I read a few days ago. Somebody found that school children with different names get different marks in school just because of their names. Students with names like Huber and Elmer often get low marks. That's what the article said.
M: That's not fair!
W: Of course. But styles change, and those names aren't in style any more.
M: Well I hope Francis won't be out of style by the time your nephew starts going to school
M: I say, aren't you Helen Linton? We went to school together, I think.
W: I'm Helen Linton, all right, but who are you?
M: Don't you remember me? I'm Jordan Williams. I was the fellow who sat at the back and always gave the wrong answers.
W: Oh, it's you! You were the captain of the school football team.
M: But this is really a surprise. It must be five years since we last met in London, isn't it? And now to run into each other in Paris! Do you come here often?
W: It's my first visit. I'm on my honeymoon. This is my husband, Tom.
M: So you are married.It's very nice to meet you, Tom! Is this your first trip to Paris, too?
W: Tom doesn't speak English. He comes from a small Italian village.
M: Don't tell me you went wandering around small Italian villages before you met Tom.
W: We met in London. Tom was at a language school there.
M: And how much Italian do you speak? As far as I remember, you weren't that good at languages at school.
W: Not a word.
M: So you don't speak Italian and Tom doesn't speak English. How on earth did you manage to get married?
W: Looking back, I have no idea.But at least we haven't quarreled yet.
In the United States, couples usually receive gifts from their relatives and friends before they get married. Sometimes a girl will exchange a gift for something else if she doesn’t find it useful. We give gifts to express our good wishes for the marriage, but gifts aren’t necessary for the marriage itself. However, in some societies gifts are very important, and marriage isn’t accepted without them. One type of gift is called wife service. A young husband must work for his wife’s family. He may work for as long as fifteen years or until the third child is born. Wife service may seem strange to us, but it is necessary in societies where people don’t have money to exchange at marriage.
M: Sara, I've been looking forward to our yearly camping for three weeks. It's going to be a wonderful day for going out tomorrow. The great outdoors camping under the stars . This is the life.
W: Yeah, but Paul, I'm a little bit worried about the weather though. The weatherman said it was going to rain later tonight.
M: Ah. Nothing can spoil our plan. Those weather reports are never right.
W: And it said there was a chance of high winds.
M: Ah. Don't worry.
W: Oh. It’s raining. Paul. Did you remember to bring our raincoats just in case, like I told you?
M: Uh . . . no. I left them at home. We'll have to sleep in the car! Hurry! Get in!
W: So, Paul, what are we going to do now?
M: How about playing a card game?
W: Uhh. I left the card next to the picnic table. [Hmmm] Hey, you don't want me to go out in this rain and get them, do you?
M: No. That's okay.
Next time you bring your children for a check-up, don’t be surprised if the doctor asks you about their tastes in fun. The American Institute of Medicine suggested last week that doctors work with parents to judge how much TV children watch and what they see, what computer games they play, which websites they visit on the internet, what music they like and what books they read. Doctors are worried that children who spend too much time in front of the TV don’t get enough exercise, and can become overweight. The institute is also concerned that the messages children get from TV programs can make them more violent. The Institute suggested that children under age two not watch any TV. “Children need activities to excite their brains during the first two years of life,” says Dr. Miriam Barren, who chairs the Institute’s Committee on Public Education. Older children, she says, should watch TV in a common area. Their bedrooms should be “electronic media-free” zones where they can have a quiet place to read, study, play or just rest.
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