Standard tuning意难平是什么意思...

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Open E tuning.
Open E tuning is a
for guitar.
low- E-B-E-G?-B-E
Compared to standard tuning, two strings are two semitones higher and one string is one semitone higher. The intervals are identical to those found in . In fact, it is common for players to keep their guitar tuned to open d and place a capo over the second fret. This use of a capo allows for quickly changing between open d and open e without having to manipulate the guitar's tuning pegs.
Three familiar examples of Open E tuning are the distinctive song "Bo Diddley" by , the beginning guitar part on the song "Jumpin' Jack Flash" and the rhythm guitar on "Gimme Shelter" by , as well as their distinctly earthy blues song "Prodigal Son" from the
album, originally by . This tuning is also used in ' "It's So Easy," ' "She Talks to Angels", Glen Hansard's "Say It To Me Now", 's "Rocky Mountain Way", 's "We Just Disagree", ' "",
in "Just Got Paid", in ' "Gimme Shelter", lead guitarist Keith Richards uses Open E tuning. Open E tuning also lends itself to easy barre-chording as heard in some of these songs.
also uses this tuning live in the song , but puts a
on sixth fret.
Open E tuning is often used for slide guitar, as it constitutes an , which can be raised by moving the slide further up the neck. Most notably
used Open E for the majority of his slide work, such as in "".
1980s session guitarist David Persons experimented by using multiple tunings in the same recordings, and he pioneered several revolutionary tuning techniques, including using standard six string and open tuning together (for instance, standard tuning playing in E major and Open E tuning), which produced, due to the natural intervals involved, complementary counterpoints, which produced unique harmonies and dissonance. This can be heard on several of his early recordings. Influential punk-blues band The Gun Club heavily utilized open E tuning extensively throughout their earlier albums.
Christian Musician interview article with Persons, January 1986
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