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If you have ever wondered if you would have made a great writer, there are a few signs that you may have missed that would indicate something towards the truth. Even if you are only suspecting it now, after a stable career, a second degree or starting a family, it is never too late to start writing.
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There are a lot of really good published authors in the world that did not start writing until they retire from their regular lives. Regardless of your age, you may have a great novel in you.
J.K. Rowling was never published before Harry Potter, and was turned down by 12 well-known publishers before being picked up by Bloomsbury, with only a 1,500 British Pounds advance. The only reason Bloomsbury&s editor, Barry Cunningham agreed was because he gave the first chapter to a chairman&s 8-year-old daughter Alice Newton to read and she demanded more.
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I have met many writers that have the kind of talent it takes to top the New York Times Best Seller list with ease yet many of them do not publish their work. They write for the sheer joy of writing and most just post the work online for the world to enjoy. But if you ever wondered if you are a writer at heart, check out the following:
12 Signs You Are A Writer At Heart
Sign #1: Dream Writer
Have you ever fantasized about writing? Or have you just fantasized more than you think is normal? If you have a tendency to drift off to fantasy land you may be a writer. One of the traits of a great story teller is the ability to fantasize vividly. Many writers can do this at will and some can do it while keeping up with a conversation.
Sign #2: A Childhood Passion
Did you enjoy writing when you were young? If you enjoyed writing when you were a child, it could be a sign that you were meant to write. Children know what they like and tend to know what they will do with their life even if they cannot express it.
Take the child who is always concerned with the well being of others becoming a doctor or nurse, or the child who loved to sing being active in the church choir all her life. There are numerous examples.
Sign #3: A Born Screenwriter
Have you got a knack for figuring out Movie Plots? Writers think differently from others. While those around you are getting cheap thrills and are completely surprised by , the natural writer is 10 scenes ahead in figuring out who the killer is or how the mystery is solved.
Many writers were surprised that the people in the theater around them watching The Sixth Sense did not know Bruce Willis was dead until the very end. To us, it was obvious around the midway point because there was no other way for the story to play out. Everyone loves a good story.
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Sign #4: Reading Is (Forever) A Hobby
Do you absolutely love to read? Writers read. It is just a fact of life for us. That is not to say that everyone who reads can write, but the writer is drawn to books like ants to a picnic. If you love to write and were always an avid reader, well& need I say more?
Sign #5: No Glory? No Problem
Have you ever considered living like a pauper, and still want to write? Have you ever considered the prospect that if you committed yourself to writing full time, you might live in poverty and yet, you still want to write? If the writing is more appealing to you than living poorly is unappealing, you have the bug. Do you have the talent?
Sign #6: Can&t Stop Writing
Do you have more than a couple of notebooks filled with writing from cover to cover? When writers first start out, they write anywhere and everywhere. As children, we write on walls, then in journals, books and notebooks. Later, we find ourselves scribbling ideas on cocktail napkins and the backs of envelopes when nothing else is handy.
Anyone who has jumped out of bed after a dream and frantically searched in the dark for something to write with, and on, will know what I mean.
Sign #7: The Day Dreamer
Have you ever found yourself lost in thought? Have you ever found yourself totally immersed in your own thoughts when you should be focusing on something else and those thoughts are plots, poems or lyrics?
If you get an idea for a story stuck in your head and keep going back to it, even at inopportune moments, it is like a drive in you that forces you to follow through with an idea. This is a really good sign that you have a writer under the surface.
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Sign #8:"Tell Us A Story"
Do children prefer you tell them a story of your own making rather than from a book? Kids can spot a writer a mile away. The very first time you tell a story, you may as well hang a storyteller sign that only children can read, around your neck.
Sign #9: What&s That Word?
come across a word you do not recognize, Do You NEED To find Its meaning? Writers are wordsmiths. We love to come across words we do not understand and more often than not, we can fathom the meaning by simply reading it in a sentence or formulating the point of the paragraph.
Still, we have to know for sure. We had several dictionaries and a thesaurus or two lying around the house. Does this sound like you?
Sign #10: Board Games Are Fun!
Do you find words more fun than a barrel full of board games? When it comes to playing games, most people like cards, monopoly, or other board games that move quickly or involve very little brain power. For them, fun means cycling down the mind and operating on autopilot. &
Writers are drawn to crosswords, scrabble and Trivia. What kind of games do you enjoy?
Sign #11: Long-Term Part Time Job
Do you write when you get the chance despite a hectic lifestyle or a tiring career? A natural born writer cannot help themselves. If they are not writing, they are thinking about writing. If they work 16 hours a day, they sleep six, write for one, and are driving back and forth the rest of the time.
When you are not writing, do you find yourself wishing you were? Do you make the time? If so, you are more than likely a writer at heart.
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Sign #12: It&s 5 Already?
When you write, and this is real important, do you lose track of time? If you have ever found yourself sitting in front of your word processor at 3:30am when you meant to quit writing at midnight, you have skimmed the surface of the writer&s zone.
This is a magical world that somehow speeds up natural time. You begin to write and the next thing you know, you have eight thousand words and it is almost dawn. It is a wonderful and creative place that you long to revisit. If this is you, please think about showing your work to a publisher.
3 Signs you May Not be a Writer
And then, there are people who think they are writers, who are in the zone for a temporary high, but
are basically not going to be in it for the long run. Are you in this side of the fence?
Sign #1: No To Criticism!
Do you take criticism well? If you are turned down by a publisher or told by someone, in whose opinion you put no stock, that you cannot write well and it just rolls off without the , you may not be a writer. If there is one thing that almost all writers have in common, it is that we are a sensitive bunch of people who have feelings that are easily hurt when it comes to our life&s ambition.
We do not become so easily dissuaded or disillusioned, but it hurts like crazy when someone tells us we are not good at what we do regardless of who it is. The reason for this deep sensitivity is the amount of heart a writer puts into his or her work.
It is akin to being told by someone with whom you are deeply, madly, passionately in love with that they do not love you.
Sign #2: Bells And Whistles
Do you hate some parts of writing& like editing or proofing, rewriting or research? Any writer that tells you they hate to
is maddening is simply telling you what he or she thinks you want to hear. The fact is that writing is not just putting down meaningful words for us. We may whine and moan when it comes to some parts of our profession but we would not want to be doing anything else.
We love even the worst part of what we do. If you really , you may be good with words, but are you really in love with the profession?
Sign #3: Not A Bragging Right
Do you think of writing as a romantic profession, or something worth bragging about? Do you brag about being a writer or use it to impress the opposite sex? If you write to impress other people or because the idea of being a writer is somehow romantic to you, you may want to rethink what you are doing. If you write part time and dream of doing something else, you probably should.
If you write well enough to earn a little money online but are unconcerned with what you sell or to whom you sell it, you may actually being doing much more harm than good.
What it Means to be a Writer
Writing is a sacred calling that pulls at your soul.
It is the air that you breathe and what makes your heart continue beating. Your soul is filled with words that have no meaning until you sit down and pour them through your heart like a sieve. This is what writing is to the writer. The writing profession is unlike any other because it is not a profession to us. It is a way of life. We are drawn to it, sometimes despite our best efforts to pull away.
You will find us scribbling endlessly on scrap paper, writing during our lunch breaks at a corner table, and sitting at our computers for 20 hours at a time. We write because we have to write. Sometimes, our words are pleasing to other people and that is good. We write even when they are not. If this is not you, you may not be a writer. You may just be good at writing.
Cyril Connolly said it best when she wrote, &Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.& So tell us, are you a writer at heart?This question has been answered by Sobrerod
If you try to use the F10 Platform Updates option in System Services to update firmware, but get the following error:& &The updates you are trying to apply are not Dell-authorized updates&
FIX:& Make sure your server is running a minimum firmware revision for the following two items:
iDRAC & at least revision 1.85 or newer
Lifecycle Controller & at least revision 1.5.2 or newer
***The current Lifecycle Controller Repair package will NOT resolve the &issue, as it only updates the LFC to version 1.5.1, which is too old.
The iDRAC is easily updated by using the &Update& option in the iDRAC webpage interface.
The Lifecycle Controller can (as of 11/9/12) only be updated in a Windows or Linux environment.& For &ESXi users, you can boot to OMSA Live and apply the LFC .bin update via command line.& Or create a Linux bootable Repository Manager utility.& You CANNOT simply create a custom repository and point the System Services to it. &That won&t work.
Or you can boot to the SBUU/SUU combo, but I have not yet verified if that works.
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I've updated the thread with links to the latest versions of the firmware files. &The LCC was just updated by Dell about a week ago. &
Also, if anyone gets stuck uploading the firmware files to the iDRAC (where the upload just hangs forever), you can try rebooting the iDRAC. &You do this by removing power cables from server for two minutes. &Or you can connect to the iDRAC via putty/SSH and run the command &racadm racreset&. &The iDRAC will be available to log into again within 10-20 minutes. &
You can download putty at the link below. &You open it and type the iDRAC IP address and click on connect. &Then log into the iDRAC with your regular iDRAC credentials.
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The easiest way to resolve this issue is download the SSU 7.00 ISO then use the USC and point to& the DVD. this will get you path the issue and upgrade you to bios 6.1.0 and then you can download SSU 7..4.1 and get all the firmware going did it last night.
hope this helps someone
Donovan Sobrero
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ok with&SBUU/SUU combo. I've used:
with success..
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We've spent the better part of two days trying to update the Lifecycle Manager on our R710's with no success.& As ESXi users, we're gobsmacked a seeming independent system OS now relies on Windows (native) or Linux (native) to update.& We're now faced with having to mess about with Live CD's just to do something that used to &just work& prior to September 2012.& Needless to say, we're less than excited.
Infrastructure Engineer, Network novice, unashamed Dell/EQL fanboy and Crash Test Dummy.
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Edited 6/17/13 to update firmware links to newest versions.
To update the firmware on your server to the latest versions, you'll first need to update two individual components. &The iDRAC and System Services.
1) Configure your iDRAC for Internet Access (skip to step 2 if this is already done).
a) Reboot server
b) Press CTRL+E during POST when you get the option
c) Scroll down to &LAN Paramenters&
d) Scroll down to IPV4 configuration
e) Configure it for a static IP address
f) Escape all the way out and save your changes
2) Connect to the iDRAC's IP address from Firefox or Chrome (IE often does not work well for these steps due to a 'file upload' issue).
3) Click on &iDRAC& from the left menu.
4) Click on &Update& from the right/top menu.
5) Point the update process to this file: &BDF_1.5.5_BIN-12.usc
6) Allow the update process to begin and finish (takes 5-10 minutes).
7) Now update the iDRAC itself. &Download this file:
a) Extract the file
8) Point the update process to the .d6 file extension you extracted.
9) Allow the update process to begin and finish (takes 10-20 minutes).
10) Now you can use all the normal methods to update the remaining firmware on the server.
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You no longer need a Windows or Linux environmen to update the Lifecycle Controller (LCC). &Dell has released a Lifecycle Controller update package that can be applied via the iDRAC web interface. &Please see my second post for more info.
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Sorry, here is the most recvent Lifecycle Controller f/w file. &Use this one instead of the BDF_1.5.0_BIN-25_A00.usc file listed above.
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Could you&re post&your latest link? &I cannot download the file. &Thanks!
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This one, maybe?
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That might work.
Can you confirm that file is the correct one?
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Hi Alestan. &Yes, R.Scottie.Cameron posted the correct file! &
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Yea, but I had to run it three or four times for it to work, and then my Dell Repository SuuImage.iso STILL would not work. However, now if i feed the BIOS update from another mounted ISO, it works where it hadn't before.
It's progress, circular, but it's progress. But, we're making good time...
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I've seen a lot of problems trying to update the iDRAC and LCC controller firmware when using Internet Explorer 9. &I've had the best results when using Firefox. &Much quicker and less security configuration is needed to make it work.
If all you want to do is update the BIOS, then the quickest method I've found is to download a bootable DOS disk and put the &hard drive& or &non-packaged& (.exe) version of the update onto it. &Boot to that and run the BIOS filename from DOS and it quickly updates the BIOS without any hassle. &
I use the &hard drive& version of Dell's &32bit Diagnostics Utility& to create my bootable DOS CD's or thumb drives.
It takes two minutes + reboot times.
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Great! Thanks!
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For anyone else who is unable to run the LC USC file from the IDRAC firmware update, try powering the server off first.& This seems to be the only way I could&100% complete the LC update on an R910.
Whilst the server was running it would only get to 10% and then fail... very frustrating!& Thanks to this post though for&pointing me in the right direction.& I'm no longer seeing the &not Dell authorized updates& message.
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I have a T410 server that has an older version (1.70) of iDRAC6 *before* version 1.85 - & Change to Certificate Chain to ensure continued ability to make updates& - and I'm having this same problem, but I can't get the web method described to work either.&& Finally figured it out and was able to follow Eddie Walton's instructions!& Although, once I got iDRAC updated to v1.95, I couldn't login again with Firefox, just got stuck on the verifying credentials.& (I got in with Chrome though, so I know it was working.)& Anyway, at that point, I booted back to the USC and was able to download and update everything else that before was giving me that& &not Dell-authorized updates& error.& Quite the catch-22 they have there, real nice.
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I've updated the thread with links to the latest versions of the firmware files. &The LCC was just updated by Dell about a week ago. &
Also, if anyone gets stuck uploading the firmware files to the iDRAC (where the upload just hangs forever), you can try rebooting the iDRAC. &You do this by removing power cables from server for two minutes. &Or you can connect to the iDRAC via putty/SSH and run the command &racadm racreset&. &The iDRAC will be available to log into again within 10-20 minutes. &
You can download putty at the link below. &You open it and type the iDRAC IP address and click on connect. &Then log into the iDRAC with your regular iDRAC credentials.
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Full Audio
Title: You Are Not A Banana
Genre: , ,
Release Date: 19 Feb, 2015
Buy You Are Not A Banana
Recent updates
I believe the music and sound design used in a game are as important to your gaming experience as the visuals. I'm giving away
to give you a taste of what the full soundtrack will have to offer.
The full-length chiptune mp3s are,
Mayhem In Single Valley (5:36 mins)
Banana Split (4:09 mins)
Home of Horrors (5:09 mins)
Happy listening! – Brian
. Hope you enjoy. Please support and share this game when/where possible to help it move to full production.
“Offers some of the most original humor I’ve seen in a video game.”
“A great diversion when you need to crack a smile and feel like it’s 1985.”
“Experiencing the game’s surprises and strangenesses for yourself is one of the game’s strengths.”
About This Game
You Are Not A Banana is set in everyday life and has a sprinkle of imagination and humor. The audiovisuals seek to evoke nostalgia for the 80s and 90s. This short form experimental game unfolds as a sequence of thought provoking events and surprises. This game also comes with a free catchy chiptune soundtrack.
By supporting this debut game you are supporting the development of
a new and improved spiritual successor to You Are Not A Banana.
Free original soundtrack (7 chiptune mp3s)
HD pixel art graphics
Dynamic Fmod sound and music
Sound based puzzles
Surreal mini games
Play as a banana!
Don't get lost in the infinite graveyard!
Avoid dying in your sleep!
And for the love of Hades, find your way home before the milk turns sour!
System Requirements
OS: OS: Windows XP+
Graphics: Graphics card: DX9 (shader model 2.0) generally everything made since 2004 should work.
Storage: 115 MB available space
OS: Mac OS X 10.6+
Graphics: Graphics card: DX9 (shader model 2.0) generally everything made since 2004 should work.
Storage: 115 MB available space
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(110 reviews)
A quick &art-game& with some decent chiptune music. Honestly, it's such a simple little game that there's not much to say about it. This is more of a &neutral& than a &thumbs up&, but if it's on sale and you like weird games that don't overstay their welcome, you'll probably be entertained for an hour or two.
Quite possibly the worst thing I've had the misfortune to play on steam. Has almost no redeeming qualities. Your goal is to get to the supermarket and get milk for your cereal. The 20 minute quest to get milk and come back has you doing some absolute nonesense in between. You won't have the slightest clue what the point of it all is. There is also a horribly designed &puzzle& that consists of a maze in which you have to follow an audio cue to find the exit. If you miss the audio cue at the start of the maze, you are left to wander the maze infinitely. It seems to stretch in all directions with no boundaries whatsoever. There is nothing to distiniguish where you are. The only way out is to retrace your steps (unlikely) or restart the game, because it has to be beaten in one go (no save).At one point you visit an art gallery and the character makes a joke about minimalist art. I found that very ironic as to me this game is even more asinine than minimalist art.I said the game had &almost& no redeeming qualities. It comes with its soundtrack, which is decent and worth a listen.
Can't even play. Only one screen resolution available, double-wide for a dual head system, which always puts the center of the image in the gap between monitors.
Don't buy this game. I know it's tempting because it's racist to me since I am a banana and it's name is insulting me, but 2e there is literally 20minutes of gameplay. Rest of the time you will spend searching for such bad hint when you hit graveyard.-No music-No gameplay-Story is 0.
Originaly you went to buy milk, but your bike got stolen, then you chase a guy on graveyard to get bike back, But on the graveyard you search for a hole to find a pass to the art club (God knows why he thought he should add this as a story) and if you have the luck to find the pass and go to the art club inside you get teleported to the house and there where the game ends. Wtf!? 2e for that!? Should be asheamed!
Product received for free
A friend saw my username and gifted me the game....I was at the graveyard ... pressed esc to pause game... then i realized this game doesnt saverip/Banana
This. Was. Awesome.Short.Don't ragequit!
If you are not sure whether you are or not a banana after playing this game, you have got it all wrong. OR NOT?Good: Funny, strange and amusing. Oh, and it gives you Steam Cards. That's a plus. Bad: Short, doesn't save, a bit expensive on a Steam Shelf price. (For what it is, but then again, I have seen them more expensive and been very disappointed.)
I am a bananaStaph lying 8/10!
You can be a banana.
A quick &art-game& with some decent chiptune music. Honestly, it's such a simple little game that there's not much to say about it. This is more of a &neutral& than a &thumbs up&, but if it's on sale and you like weird games that don't overstay their welcome, you'll probably be entertained for an hour or two.
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Quite possibly the worst thing I've had the misfortune to play on steam. Has almost no redeeming qualities. Your goal is to get to the supermarket and get milk for your cereal. The 20 minute quest to get milk and come back has you doing some absolute nonesense in between. You won't have the slightest clue what the point of it all is. There is also a horribly designed &puzzle& that consists of a maze in which you have to follow an audio cue to find the exit. If you miss the audio cue at the start of the maze, you are left to wander the maze infinitely. It seems to stretch in all directions with no boundaries whatsoever. There is nothing to distiniguish where you are. The only way out is to retrace your steps (unlikely) or restart the game, because it has to be beaten in one go (no save).At one point you visit an art gallery and the character makes a joke about minimalist art. I found that very ironic as to me this game is even more asinine than minimalist art.I said the game had &almost& no redeeming qualities. It comes with its soundtrack, which is decent and worth a listen.
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Don't buy this game. I know it's tempting because it's racist to me since I am a banana and it's name is insulting me, but 2e there is literally 20minutes of gameplay. Rest of the time you will spend searching for such bad hint when you hit graveyard.-No music-No gameplay-Story is 0.
Originaly you went to buy milk, but your bike got stolen, then you chase a guy on graveyard to get bike back, But on the graveyard you search for a hole to find a pass to the art club (God knows why he thought he should add this as a story) and if you have the luck to find the pass and go to the art club inside you get teleported to the house and there where the game ends. Wtf!? 2e for that!? Should be asheamed!
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8 people found this review funny
Saddens me to leave a bad review after enjoying it so much.
The first 10-15 minutes of the game were spectacular, then the milk scene happened and I had to quit as I thought there was a game breaking bug.
It turned out that I needed to fetch the milk from the shelf and continue my game.
I was so excited to play again after being so sure it was broken.
That's where my frustration began to incline.
Now, here's my thought process:You start off the game in your house, hearing music playing, and as you walk around there are little hint bubbles above your head.
I would even say that 75% of the floor area is covered in triggers that make hint bubbles appear above your head.
They are extremely clear.
You will soon figure out how to stumble your way out of that first scene, I really enjoyed it.
Then the bike level, pretty tame, but I also enjoyed the challenge of how difficult it was to complete without error.
Bike level 2, even harder, same thing, I get it, it's challenging, I win, go me.
It's very clear what you need to do.Then this graveyard level.
I gotta say, no one should ever experience that.
My cat was even starting to worry about me after playing that level for an hour straight.
So luckily I saw a thread in the discussion area that you need to be aware of your heart beat in order to navigate the graveyard.
So I do just that, go out there with that in mind, trying to feel my way around listening very carefully.
Walk a few blocks in one direction, few in another, always going back in alternate directions to make sure that I didn't potentially walk past any point where I was supposed to turn.
The tone never changed for me.
You can walk for 10 minutes in one direction, 10 minutes in another, zig zag around, doesn't matter.
The whole area is infinite, there is no way to reach any corner of the level, it's a giant loop.
I literally walked around trying different directions for an hour straight, not even the slightest change in the tone.
I don't get it?
It's the most maddening experience.
I don't wish it upon anyone.
So let me just GUESS at random numbers here:
let's say you walked 100 graveyard blocks to the right, and then went 20 blocks up, did you miss it right at the beginning?
Then from this point is the only way to go back to where you came to retrace those steps?
I can't tell if the tone changes if you are within 5 blocks or 1 block or what.
It's just dumb.
You can spend your whole life in there bumping around.
How would you ever start from the beginning again?
You can't.
The only way is to press the escape key.
What happens if you press 'escape'?
The game terminates immediately, without warning, no dialogs, settings, anything like that.
The game instantly shuts down.
You can't resume where you left off.
You have to start the game back up and play through ALL of the previous levels each time you play.
So if you were frustrated at a few of the previous levels, well surprise surprise, you need to go back and beat them all over again just to have another chance at perhaps walking in the right direction on the graveyard level.
It really wouldn't be so bad if you could resume at the last checkpoint, similar to how when you die in other levels it just restarts from a checkpoint.
There is no way to restart the graveyard.
You get lost, well, game over.
Start the entire game from scratch again.Can I remind the reader once again that the first stage has popup hints almost 75% of the time while you walk around, very clearly telling you EXACTLY what to do.
Then when you are shopping at the store level, it's up to you to figure out that there are 1000 things in the store and you have to know which button to press at which wall.
The only way to do it is to know in advance where to go or to button mash every key and walk to every single corner and eventually you will find it.
Not really a puzzle!
Just seems like lazy game design.
Put all of the effort in the beginning and then send the player out to button mash.
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3 people found this review funny
While I overall Can't reccomend this game, I will say I was a bit split.
The game excels at being a weird, WTF prompting, mind bending adventure.
The game sucks at being a fun to play game though which is why I can't actually reccomend it.
As far as the story goes, the game is absurd, hilarious, and will have you questioning what is going on the entire time (mostly in a good way!)
If you enjoy
game that just wants to mess with you maybe you should check it out.However the actual gameplay is clunky, confusing, and can be breaken down to a series of unrelated mini games.
The game progresses through mechanics seemingly at random.
At first it's a game about exploration, then it's a dodging mini game, bike racer, then puzzle solver.
None of these are done well, and you're fighting the mechanics every step of the way.Basically I could only reccomend this game if you're into the YouTube scene.
It makes a great wierd game to play for your fans, and that's about it's only strong quality.
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You're pretty much paying for the soundtrack and that's all.
You'll beat this game in under 30 minutes on average.
As far as gameplay goes it's extremely lackluster, you can go to Armor Games or Newgrounds and find a flash game that'll hold your attention much longer than this.
It's a game when I saw the screenshots I really wanted to like, but there is no meat on these bones at all.
I mean $2 isn't exactly highway robbery but I'm sure it'd be better used going towards something with a little more depth.
If you got this in a game bundle, it's a 30 minute distraction.
If you're looking to outright purchase this game hoping for something that'll occupy your time longer, I'd say avoid it unless if you think $2 is worth the soundtrack, which I have no complaints about the soundtrack one bit.
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You are not a banana is an extremely short, nearly experimental narrative based adventure with a few interesting mechanics and minigames thrown in for variety. The dialogue is nothing impressive but it has just enough humor to entertain, but its not witty by any measure of the imagination. The game twists in a surreal manner fairly often raising the entertainment value further. The main menu contains a joke so if the game is really WAY too short, its because you havent figured out the joke yet. There is about 20 minutes of gamepay here. Overall I would say its worth a buck because the game is.... nearly directed, like a movie would, with an interesting use of change of camera panes, and nice integration of sound effects as an additional mechanic layer and really adds texture to the game at times. The music when its present is a suprisingly symphonic retro 8 bit treat, you do get an occasional use of stock music from uncopyrighted sources but they are not part of the main musical score and are mostly used as accessory for a few npcs. Worth a quid in my book but if you are not a fan of adventure games to begin with you might want to skip this.
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This game is a giant time waster. If you literally have nothing better to do, it's fit for purpose. But from arbitrary go here, now go there, now go back because &you& forgot this (and bare in mind, even on a second play through, you know that you are going to &forget& the item/action and you can't do anything about it, you MUST walk all the way over there to be prompted that you forgot) to how slow the character walks, sluggish controls, just everything about it is about drawing out the time. There's no save feature if it crashes. There's only mild curiousity about what happens next. It's just fun.
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My character was the least likeable person I've ever met and the game quickly became a random mess of somebody trying to be meaningful and deep.
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Amusing. Kind of sucks that you have to start from the beginning whenever you stop playing though. That's it. Thanks for your time. You're a lousy secretary. You're a lousy boss. Ok. I'm done. Post.
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