
求助,英语专业翻译,高分悬赏-请会英语的进、帮忙翻译 _汇潮装饰网
Ergonomics has had a major impact on the practice of safety. Modifications that have developed in the investigation and analysis of manual material handling incidents are a good example of that impact. Reviews of injury analyses previously made by some safety professionals resulted in the conclusion that often, when improper lifting was given as the incident causal factor, the root causal factor was actually workplace design, improper lifting had been programmed into the work procedure.Consider this example.Bags weighing 100lbs. are delivered to work stations on pallets. Workers slit open the bags and lift them to shoulder height to pour the contents into hoppers. Speed, stooping and twisting are required. Back injuries are frequent. In incident investigation reports, causal factors are always recorded as improper lifting. Corrective action always includes reinstructing the worker in proper lifting techniques.Obviously, this is a work methods design problem. No amount of training or reinstruction or behavior modification is an adequate solution.Yet,safety professionals accept that this scenario relates too often to the actuality of past investigation and analysis practices. For remedial action, another ernployee training program would be conducted on how to lift safely. Back injuries would continue to occur.OSHA is committed to the issuance of an ergonomics供弧垛旧艹搅讹些番氓 standard. However, it will have a substantial impact on both the content of safety practice and how an ergonomics program is organized. Debates continue on what the standard should contain arid opinions vary greatly.In January 1989, OSHA published its voluntary general Safety and Health Program Management Guidelines. While a safety professional might fault them on detail, they are generally sound. If those guidelines become a standard, an ergonomics supplement could easily be fined to them, with a good interface. This represents the simplest, yet a very sound, approach.
OSHA's only official ergonomics guidelines are the Ergonomics Program Management Guidelines For Meatpacking Plants issued in August 1990. In the Introduction to the Ergonomics Guidelines the Safety arm Health Program Management Guidelines issued in 1989 &are recommended to all employers as a foundation for their safety, and health programs and as a framework for their ergonomics programs.& Note the wording &foundation for their safety and health programs and as framework for their ergonomics programs.&相关说明:
我尽量翻译的畅通,但是毕竟不懂这个专业,所以不对之处请谅解 工效学对做法的安全产生了重大的影响。在调查和分析人工材料处理的事件是一个很好的例子。通常,以前的一些安全专业人员在审查分析损伤所得出的结论是不当解除从而给出该事件的致病因素,致病因素的根源实际上是工作场所的设计所致,所以不正当的程序已被取消。 审议这一案例所得的价值不少。先把东西送到工作站的托盘上,沿着粘贴缝打开袋子,并取出他们投入到资料袋中的内容。在事故调查报告中,背部受伤频繁。做这些的原因都是解除不当的记录。纠正行动中总是包括工人适当的技术。 显然,这是一个工作方法的设计问题。进行较多的培训对行为矫正是一个适当的解决办法.然而,专业的安全人员接受这种情况往往涉及到对于过去的现状进行调查与分析的做法,进而采取补救行动,另一方面培训计划将进行关于如何解除安全隐患,防止背部受伤将继续发生。 职业安全与卫生署致力于发出人体工效学科的标准。然而,这将对内容安全实践和如何有组织的提高工效是有重大影响的。各方面在继续辩论标准应包含什么时的意见差异很大。 1989年1月,职业安全与卫生署公布一般安全和健康计划管供弧垛旧艹搅讹些番氓理准。虽然他们对安全专业可能会有所影响,但通常是无害。如果这些准则成为一个标准,一个工效补充可以很容易地以良好的借口罚款他们。这是一个最简单的、非常健全的办法。 职业安全与卫生署的唯一官方工效学的肉类植物工效计划管理准则发表于1990年8月。人机工程学准则、手臂健康安全管理准则计划于1989年发表。“我们建议所有雇主为雇员最基础的安全和卫生作一个项目框架,暨工效计划。”
工效学产生了重大影响的做法安全。修改制定了在调查和分析的人工材料处理的事件是一个很好的例子,这种影响。审查损伤分析以前的一些安全专业人员导致的结论是,通常,当不当解除给出该事件的致病因素,致病因素的根源实际上是工作场所的设计,不正当的程序已被取消的工作程序。 审议这一example.Bags重百磅。被送到工作站在托盘上。工缝打开袋子,并解除他们肩高投入到料斗的内容。速度,弯着腰和扭曲是必需的。背部受伤频繁。在事故调查报告,原因都是记录不当解除。纠正行动总是包括reinstructing工人在适当的起重技术。 显然,这是一个工作方法的设计问题。再多的培训或reinstruction或行为矫正是一个适当的solution.Yet ,安全专业人员接受,这种情况往往涉及到过去的现状调查与分析的做法。供弧垛旧艹搅讹些番氓采取补救行动,另一ernployee培训计划将进行关于如何解除安全。背部受伤将继续发生。 职业安全与卫生署致力于发出人体工学标准。然而,这将有重大影响的内容安全实践和如何工效是有组织的。辩论继续什么样的标准应包含干旱意见差异很大。 1989年1月,职业安全与卫生署公布其自愿一般安全和健康计划管理准则。虽然安全专业可能故障他们详细,它们通常是无害。如果这些准则成为一个标准,一个工效补充可以很容易地被罚款给他们,以良好的接口。这是最简单的,但一个非常健全的,办法。 职业安全与卫生署的唯一官方工效学准则的工效计划管理准则肉类植物发表于1990年8月。在介绍了人机工程学准则手臂健康安全管理准则计划于1989年发表的“我们建议所有雇主为基础的安全,卫生项目和作为一个框架,其工效计划。 ”注意措辞“基金会为他们的安全和健康计划和框架的人体工程学设计的程序。 ”
我外面留学的,这是人体工学,我们这几天刚好在学这个。我没帮法帮你全部翻译,。大意就 人体工效学是调整人体坐姿和一些真确身法的一门学科。有什么专门电脑人体工学,办公室工学。保持健康的重要方式。但是上文提到OSHA是这种学的专业标准。(我学的是OHS,因该是一样的)。大意就这样了,建议自己学习,这很重要。
工效学产生了重大影响的做法安全。修改制定了在调查和分析的人工材料处理的事件是一个很好的例子,这种影响。审查损伤分析以前的一些安全专业人员导致的结论是,通常,当不当解除给出该事件的致病因素,致病因素的根源实际上是工作场所的设计,不正当的程序已被取消的工作程序。 审议这一example.Bags重百磅。被送到工作站在托盘上。工缝打开袋子,并解除他们肩高投入到料斗的内容。速度,弯着腰和扭曲是必需的。背部受伤频繁。在事故调查报告,原因都是记录不当解除。纠正行动总是包括reinstructing工人在适当的起重技术。 显然,这是一个工作方法的设计问题。再多的培训或reinstruction或行为矫正是一个适当的solution.Yet ,安全专业人员接受,这种情况往往涉及到过去的现状调查与分析的做法。采取补救行动,另一ernployee培训计划将进行关于如何解除安全。背部受伤将继续发生。 职业安全与卫生署致力于发出人体工学标准。然而,这将有重大影响的内容安全实践和如何工效是有组织的。辩论继续什么样的标准应包含干旱意见差异很大。
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狼的团结和合作到目前,世界上将狼分为17种现存的亚种和2种最近灭绝的亚种,是群居性极高的物种。一群狼的数量大约在5到12只之间,外形比狗稍大,吻更尖、长,眼角微上挑。因为产地不同,所以毛色也不同。野生的狼一般可以活12——16年,人工饲养的狼有的可以活到二十年左右。奔跑速度极快,可达五十五公里左右,持久性也很好。智能颇高,可以气味、叫声沟通。在自然界中,最有秩序和纪律的动物之一.表现出极强的团队精神.狼的团队精神表现在以下两个方面:⒈ 整体与个体方础袱壁惶撰耗辩同菠括面:狼群的社会秩序非常牢固,每个成员都明白自己的作用和地位,一切行动都依每个成员在狼群中的地位而定.狼嚎的原因是为了打破一切等级界限提供时间,场合和机会,狼在一起嚎时,一切等级界限都消失了.⒉ 善于交流. 狼是最善于交际的动物之一.它们并不仅仅依赖某种单一的交流方式.而是虽需使用各种方式.它们嚎叫,用鼻尖相互挨擦,用舌头舔,采取支配或从属的身体姿态.使用包括唇,眼,面部表情以及尾巴位置在内的复杂精细的身体语言或利用气味来传递信息。其突出特点在于:1:卧薪尝胆;2:众狼一心;3:自知之明;4:顺水行舟;5:同进同退;6:表里如一;7:知己知彼;8:授狼以渔。正因为狼如此的团结和合作,使得在自然界残酷的淘汰中,得以保存,对于它们的团结精神也十分值得我们人类学习。但随着人类社会的发展,大量的狼被人类捕杀而导致灭绝,有时候人门常听说狼吃人的事情,其实,如果人不去惹狼群,狼是不会轻易攻击人类的,这也许就是狼对人类的一种一种惩罚吧,据记载,狼吃人的例子可谓是少之盛少。既然我们同属于自然界,同样是一个生命,让我们携起手来,来保护它们吧——我们的朋友(狼)。
Wolf's solidarity and cooperation Up to now, the world will be divided into 17 kinds of wolf subspecies and the existing two kinds of recently extinct subspecies, is a highly gregarious species. First a pack of wolves around the number of 5-12 between the shape slightly larger than the dog, kissed more sharp, long, his eyes on the micro-pick. Because of different origin, so a different color. Wild wolves generally live 12 - 16 years, some wolves in captivity can live to about two decades. Run extremely fast, up to 55 kilometers around, persistence is also good. Intelligent high, you can smell, and sounds to communicate. In nature, the most orderly and disciplined one of the animals. Demonstrate strong team spirit. Wolf team spirit in the following two aspects: ⒈ overall and individual aspects: Wolves of the social order is very strong, each member understand their role and status of all actions a础袱壁惶撰耗辩同菠括re in accordance with each member's position in the wolves may be.狼嚎reason is that in order to break all grades boundaries to provide time, occasions and opportunities, with a wolf howl, all grade boundaries have disappeared. ⒉ good at the exchange. The wolf is the most adept at communication, one of the animals. They do not depend only on the exchange of a single way. But although the need to use a variety of ways. They are howling, with the nose tip rub each other hard, with the tongue licking and take dominant or subordinate body position. the use, including l......加到200分,我帮你 一 一 解答.实在太长了长得有价值才行,谢谢...
翻译为----The Wolf's solidarity and cooperationSo far, the world will be Wolf into 17 kinds of existing subspecies and two subspecies of extinction, is recent social high species. The number of wolves in about five to twelve, appearance is more than older dogs, kiss, canthus tip, the micro pick. Because of different colour, so different also. The wild Wolf can live for 12-16 years in captivity, the Wolf some can live up to 20 years. Run very fast, can reach 55 kilometers, persistence is also very good. Intelligence is quite high, can smell, quack communication.In nature, most of the animals in order and discipline. Show strong team spirit. Wolf team spirit performance in the two aspects:But the whole and individual aspects: the social order is very stable, everyone understand their role and status in every action, all members in the position of wolves. Howl is to break all level, and provide time limits, wolves howling at all together, boundary level disappears.The good communication. The Wolf is one of the animals most sociable. They do not only depend on a single communication. It is used in various ways to use the tip. They howl, touching each other with his tongue, wipe, to control or affiliate body posture. Use, including the lip, facial expressions and tail position, sophisticated or use body language to transmit information.The outstanding features:1: WoXinChangDan, 2: the Wolf heart, 3: self-knowledge, 4 times: do boat, With 5:6: you, 7: enemy, 8: &......Wolf's solidarity and cooperation Up to now, the world will be divided into 17 kinds of wolf subspecies and the existing two kinds of recently extinct subspecies, is a highly gregarious species. First a pack of wolves around the number of 5-12 between the shape slightly larger than the dog, kissed more sharp, long, his eyes on the micro-pick. Because of different origin, so a different color. Wild wolves generally live 12 - 16 years, some wolves in captivity can live to about two decades. Run extremely fast, up to 55 kilometers around, persistence is also good. Intelligent high, you can smell, and sounds to communicate. In nature, most have order and discipline in one animal. Demonstrate strong team spirit. Wolf team spirit in the following two aspects: ⒈ the overall and individual aspects: Wolves of the social order is very strong, each member understand their role and status of all actions are in accordance with each member's position in the wolves may be.狼嚎reason is that in order to break all grades boundaries to provide time, occasions and opportunities, with a wolf howl, all grade boundaries have disappeared. ⒉ communicate good. The wolf is the most adept at communication, one of the animals. They do not depend only on the exchange of a single way. But although the need to use a variety of ways. They are howling, with the nose tip rub each other hard, with the tongue licking and take dominant or subordinate body position. the use, including lips, eyes, facial......看,这是哪一个班!这就是凝结团结合作,同舟共济的五年级(8)班!五年级(8)班是个好班,无论在学习气氛上,还是彼此间的友谊上,都能表现出互助互爱的精神,带来无限和生机!
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