I need to doing( ).i mad...

1.Tests provide grades,but they also let you know what you need to spend more time _____ and they help make your new knowledge permanent.A.to studyB.studyC.studiedD.studying2.Mickey:You look a little pale.Are you OK?Nancy:_______,I feel terrible.A.To speak outB.To begin withC.To tell you the truthD.To sum up3.A:What a surprise!You changed your hair style.B:Yes,and another surprise.I'm going to get married next Saturday.A:______A.Really?Congratulations!B.Oh,sorry,I nearly forgot that.C.How about another time?I'll be busy then.D.That's OK.Saturday is the most suitable day for any marriage.4.Speaker A:Want to come over Thursday for supper?Speaker B:_______ .A.I really can't.You'll not mind,I thinkB.Let's put it off till laterC.Thanks,but I have to work that eveningD.No,I don't want to5.A:I've just heard that the tickets for Swan Lake have been sold out!B:Oh,no!______A.I was looking forward to it.B.It doesn't matter.C.It's not at all interesting.D.I knew it already.6.I'm not sure which restaurant _____.A.to eat onB.eating atC.to eat atD.for eating7.A:East Bouren 54655.B:Hello.Terresa here.Can I speak to Jack,please?A:________ B:OK.A.Who's that speaking?B.Could you take a message?C.I think she's gone shopping.D.Hold the line,please.8.A person who talks to _____ is not necessarily mad.A.himselfB.oneselfC.yourselfD.itself9.My brother is four years older than me and someone I look______ to,even though he is shorter than me.A.upB.downC.belowD.over10.Receptionist:Can I help you?Customer:______.Where do I pay my fees?A.As you pleaseB.Yes,pleaseC.Thank youD.Yes,you can11.Jackson:What's there to do at night?Clerk:There are clubs,concerts,plays,and so on._______!A.You make itB.You name itC.You find itD.You manage it12.The invention of chopsticks _____ the wisdom of Chinese ancient people.A.deflectsB.reflectsC.conflictsD.relicts13.My mother was relieved that her son would be satisfied with his performance so he wouldn't do another one,at least for her _____.A.sakeB.lakeC.makeD.wake14.Tom's parents died when he was young,so he was _____ by his uncle.A.brought upB.brought outC.grown upD.taken out
扫描下载二维码i need to talk to someone please...
Hi, im 20 years old, i dont have a job and i dropped out of highschool.
i met this girl last month at her sisters party, she is probably the most beautiful girl ive ever set eyes one, every time im with her im still shy and nervous and stumble my words, i love everythign about her, right down to her cute little lisp =)
shes got amazing eyes, and the softest skin, a kiss that could cause heart failure.&&shes absoloutly perfect, and we have alot in common.
well about a week ago she told me she was crazy about me. and 2 days ago, she told me shes confused about who she likes and she doesnt know if she likes me anymore.3 years ago was my last relationship and i thought i was gonna be with her forever, but i started cutting and even attempted suicide.but this girl is nothing like the last one, she doesnt have a mean hair on her body,&&i sit in my room and shake just thinking about her, picturing her smile and her cute little giggle and the kiss that drives me mad. i sit here and cry, and shake and feel like death is the best thing for me at this point, i dont wanna die but i feel like i have too to escape. i dont know what to do, and this razor and these scars keep calling my name but thats a life long scar, physically and mentally, i dont know what to do...
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You are definitely not alone, we are always here for you and understand.&&I know your heart is broken over this girl, but trust me there will be others.&&Everything happens for a reason, and though we may not see it now, later you will look back and know why.&&You're young and so is she, and she obviously is not sure of who or what she wants. When a woman tells you that she doesn't know &who& she likes or if she likes you anymore, make the decision for her and walk away!&&This shows self-confidence and self respect. She may not like your response but she will respect you for refusing to play this childish game. I think right now you need to concentrate on you, and find a job and see a professional about the cutting.&&Death is never an out, and may be a much worse situation.&&A woman wants a man who is stable both emotionally and financially.&&I think you owe it to yourself to get help, and try to find a job.&&I know it's hard in this economy, and dropping out of high school is not an excuse.&&There are many people who have succeeded in spite of this, and you can too.&&Start thinking of you, and turn your life around, start thinking more positive about life. Seek help and go from there.&&Good luck and take care.
You are definitely not alone, we are always here for you and understand.&&I know your heart is broken over this girl, but trust me there will be others.&&Everything happens for a reason, and though we may not see it now, later you will look back and know why.&&You're young and so is she, and she obviously is not sure of who or what she wants. When a woman tells you that she doesn't know &who& she likes or if she likes you anymore, make the decision for her and walk away!&&This shows self-confidence and self respect. She may not like your response but she will respect you for refusing to play this childish game. I think right now you need to concentrate on you, and find a job and see a professional about the cutting.&&Death is never an out, and may be a much worse situation.&&A woman wants a man who is stable both emotionally and financially.&&I think you owe it to yourself to get help, and try to find a job.&&I know it's hard in this economy, and dropping out of high school is not an excuse.&&There are many people who have succeeded in spite of this, and you can too.&&Start thinking of you, and turn your life around, start thinking more positive about life. Seek help and go from there.&&Good luck and take care.
thank you mammo, i completly understand where your coming from saying i should just walk away, but its really hard you know? shes just so.. amazing i have tried just not talking to her already and i broke into tears cuz i just wanna hear her voice..
i have applied at a few jobs so far so im working on that, i want to be the man who can support a wife/girlfriend but its really a confidence downer when all you read is, whats your level of education on all the apps...
thank you mammo, i completly understand where your coming from saying i should just walk away, but its really hard you know? shes just so.. amazing i have tried just not talking to her already and i broke into tears cuz i just wanna hear her voice..
i have applied at a few jobs so far so im working on that, i want to be the man who can support a wife/girlfriend but its really a confidence downer when all you read is, whats your level of education on all the apps...
I know it's hard, she's everything you want and I'm am in no way taking your pain lightly.&&I do believe what will be will be, and you can't change that.&&Nor can you make yourself sick over something you can't change.&&But you can change yourself, your attitude, and how you view life and people.&&This girl may appear to be all that and a bag of chips, but you don't know that there isn't another side to her.&&Just don't allow this to define you as a person, and doubt yourself.&&You're still young, so you may have to start out working somewhere and work your way up.&&My niece dropped out of high school and worked for a temp agency for $7.00 an hour, and today at 37 makes $200,000 a year.&&She worked her way up in the company.&&You can do this.&&It's just as much about ambition, drive and confidence, trust me on this.&&It's a bad time to find a job with this lousy economy, but keep trying, never give up on this or yourself.&&You sound like a good guy, you are bigger than this and I know you will succeed.&&Take care.
I know it's hard, she's everything you want and I'm am in no way taking your pain lightly.&&I do believe what will be will be, and you can't change that.&&Nor can you make yourself sick over something you can't change.&&But you can change yourself, your attitude, and how you view life and people.&&This girl may appear to be all that and a bag of chips, but you don't know that there isn't another side to her.&&Just don't allow this to define you as a person, and doubt yourself.&&You're still young, so you may have to start out working somewhere and work your way up.&&My niece dropped out of high school and worked for a temp agency for $7.00 an hour, and today at 37 makes $200,000 a year.&&She worked her way up in the company.&&You can do this.&&It's just as much about ambition, drive and confidence, trust me on this.&&It's a bad time to find a job with this lousy economy, but keep trying, never give up on this or yourself.&&You sound like a good guy, you are bigger than this and I know you will succeed.&&Take care.
Well, some dropouts do very well.&&You could turn out to be the next Steve Jobs or Bill Gates.&&But it's highly unlikely, so getting it together and finishing school is important.&&It's something you should at least think about.&&As for the woman, you've got an extremely idealized view of women, which is unfair to you and them.&&Women are just people, with all the blemishes and faults of men, including (maybe especially) extremely attractive ones.&&There's no way they can ever live up to your expectations.&&I think you need to talk to a good therapist and examine your beliefs and actions and see if you can't learn more about yourself and become more conscious and less anxious and judgmental of yourself.&&Good luck to you.
Well, some dropouts do very well.&&You could turn out to be the next Steve Jobs or Bill Gates.&&But it's highly unlikely, so getting it together and finishing school is important.&&It's something you should at least think about.&&As for the woman, you've got an extremely idealized view of women, which is unfair to you and them.&&Women are just people, with all the blemishes and faults of men, including (maybe especially) extremely attractive ones.&&There's no way they can ever live up to your expectations.&&I think you need to talk to a good therapist and examine your beliefs and actions and see if you can't learn more about yourself and become more conscious and less anxious and judgmental of yourself.&&Good luck to you.
well i partied with he rlast night, to find her in bed with my best friend this morning, later to tell me, she broke up with her boyfriend TWO days ago and was just using me as a crutch.
you see you guys this is what i mean. **** my life.
well i partied with he rlast night, to find her in bed with my best friend this morning, later to tell me, she broke up with her boyfriend TWO days ago and was just using me as a crutch.
you see you guys this is what i mean. **** my life.
Whoa, slow down there.&&You are looking at this as a reflection of you, and this is not the case.&&What you thought was your dream girl turned out to be a night mare.&&Her actions and words should make you feel better about all this, she's not worthy of you!&&For her to tell you that she was using you as a crutch shows a very shallow, mean, unlikeable person.&&Be gald you find out what she truly is so you can move on.&&I think we have all been attracted to the wrong kind of person at some point, just take something positve away from the experience.&&Sometimes people are not as they appear, and before you jump to thinking someone is perfect, get to know them first.&&This girl is not capable of caring about anyone but herself, and I'm sure she will end up with HIV or other STD's.&&Your life would have been a lot worse had you spent any more time with this girl!&&There are other girls out there that you will find just as attractive, but they will be sweet, honest, not sleeping with every guy that comes along, and will respect you and your feelings.&&You may not see it now, but the day will come when you will look back on this and think, &what was I thinking.&
Whoa, slow down there.&&You are looking at this as a reflection of you, and this is not the case.&&What you thought was your dream girl turned out to be a night mare.&&Her actions and words should make you feel better about all this, she's not worthy of you!&&For her to tell you that she was using you as a crutch shows a very shallow, mean, unlikeable person.&&Be gald you find out what she truly is so you can move on.&&I think we have all been attracted to the wrong kind of person at some point, just take something positve away from the experience.&&Sometimes people are not as they appear, and before you jump to thinking someone is perfect, get to know them first.&&This girl is not capable of caring about anyone but herself, and I'm sure she will end up with HIV or other STD's.&&Your life would have been a lot worse had you spent any more time with this girl!&&There are other girls out there that you will find just as attractive, but they will be sweet, honest, not sleeping with every guy that comes along, and will respect you and your feelings.&&You may not see it now, but the day will come when you will look back on this and think, &what was I thinking.&
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i need to talk to someone please...
Hi, im 20 years old, i dont have a job and i dropped out of highschool.
i met this girl last month at her sisters party, she is probably the most beautiful girl ive ever set eyes one, every time im with her im still shy and nervous and stumble my words, i love everythign about her, right down to her cute little lisp =)
shes got amazing eyes, and the softest skin, a kiss that could cause heart failure.&&shes absoloutly perfect, and we have alot in common.
well about a week ago she told me she was crazy about me. and 2 days ago, she told me shes confused about who she likes and she doesnt know if she likes me anymore.3 years ago was my last relationship and i thought i was gonna be with her forever, but i started cutting and even attempted suicide.but this girl is nothing like the last one, she doesnt have a mean hair on her body,&&i sit in my room and shake just thinking about her, picturing her smile and her cute little giggle and the kiss that drives me mad. i sit here and cry, and shake and feel like death is the best thing for me at this point, i dont wanna die but i feel like i have too to escape. i dont know what to do, and this razor and these scars keep calling my name but thats a life long scar, physically and mentally, i dont know what to do...
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Do I need to cut my kids some slack?
posted: April 22,
This morning I came across an image in my Facebook stream from:
It says “So often, children are punished for being human. Children are not allowed to have grumpy moods, bad days, disrespectful tones or bad attitudes, yet we adults have them all the time. None of us are perfect, and we must stop holding our children to a higher standard of perfection than we ourselves can attain.” – Rebecca Eanes
I had to stop when I read that. Am I guilty of this? The older my children get (and they aren’t very old at all at 3 and 5) I realize I’m a much stricter parent than I though I’d be. I have low tolerance for potty talk, crying, whining and rude behavior.
Now I don’t think this statement is saying that kids should be allowed to be disrespectful as a whole, but I think it’s a good reminder that kids have bad days too. Sometimes I have to look at my kids and figure out their mood. Are they tired? Are they hungry? Did something happen at preschool to make them mad or sad?
As parents, one of our toughest jobs is to . It’s hard to put them into words so it’s vital for kids to learn how to identify and verbalize what they are feeling. Most adults struggle with this, so with kids, it’s next to impossible.
My daughter is a screamer. When she gets angry, frustrated or irritated, she screams . It infuriates me, but I am working on not only finding a way to reprimand her for her behavior but to give her other tools for her feelings. I’m coaching her to stomp her feet and say “I’m mad” when she’s angry. Then I can respond appropriately and at least acknowledge her feelings.
That’s my biggest struggle as a parent of preschoolers. I’m quick to yell, but slow to put myself in their shoes. Often times, if I would just take a deep breath and say “You’re upset because…xyz” we’ll solve the problem faster and with less tears than if I’d just yelled. I also need to remember that the heat of the moment is not the be I need to wait until things are calm again.
I know child experts have written it out over and over again – children are NOT tiny adults. They can’t comprehend things they way we do.
I needed the reminder.
Sometimes my kids will be hellions and they’ll need to be disciplined. Sometimes a time-out will be necessary. But sometimes, just sometimes, they may just be having an off day, and I need to cut them just a little bit of slack.
Erin Lane is a corporate marketer turned work at home mom to a seven year old son and five year...
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