
练习英语口语可以根据前面文章提到的方法和介绍到的英语口语资料。另外比较合适的是英语口语情景对话。只要大家参照常见的场景 进行角色扮演,模仿情境对话。通过角色带入,是很有效果的。学习英语口语情景对话需要注意的点是:语速的把握,情绪的控制,语调之类的。一定不是死记硬背,要灵活的运用。切不可在没听懂就匆匆答复。下面列举一些常见的情境对话。大家可以感受下:1.自我介绍(可以介绍自己的姓名,年龄,班级,国籍,电话号码,出生日期,出生地点)自我介绍怎么对话?试试吧.A: Hello, my name is Tom, what's your name?B: My name is Jan, nice to meet you, Tom.A: Nice to meet you, too, Jan. Where are you from?B: I'm from China, how about you?A: I'm from America. I'm twelve, how about you?B: Me, too. I'm in Class one, Grade one, and you?A: Oh, I'm in Class two, Grade one. When and where were you born?B: I was born in Beijing in 1996. and you?A: I was born in New York in 1996, too. I have to go now, can I have your number?B: Yes, it's 123456, and yours?A: It's 456123.如果是直接自我介绍,就这样写:My name is Tom, I'm in Class one, Grade one. I come from China, I speak Chinese. I was born in Beijing, China in 1996. My telephone number is 123456.2.职业(可以介绍自己的职业,家庭成员职业,学习工作地点)A: Hi, good morning.B: Hi, good morning. Nice to meet you.A: Nice to meet you, too, what do you do, please?B: I'm a teacher, how about you?A: Oh really? My sister is a teacher, too. I'm an office lady.B: Sounds like a good job, do you like it?A: Yes, I like it very much. Where do you teach?B: I teach in No. 1 Middle school, and you?A: I work in a company on Renmin Road.B: Great! My brother works there, too.A: Oh? Good. I have to go now, bye.B: Byebye.3.购物(去商场购物,售货员与客户之间的对话,可以询问物品的颜色,价钱,试穿,是否要购买等等)A:Good morning, may I help you?B: Yes, please. I want to buy a dress.A: Oh, good. What color do you like?B: I want a red one.&A: How about this one?B: Nice. Can I try it on?A: Yes, go ahead.B: How much is it?A: It's 70 yuan.B: Good, I'll take it.A: Thank you.4.校园生活(讨论一周有几节课,分别是什么?有什么学科?你最喜欢的科目?最喜欢的户外活动,及其原因)A: Hi, Linda, how many lessons do you have in school?B: There are 30 lessons a week, and you?A: It's the same. We have Chinese, Maths, English, Arts, PE, and music.B: It's the same. What's your favourite subject?A: I like English best, because it's good. and how about you?B: Oh, I like Chinese best, because it's beautiful.A: Haha, I see. What's your favourite after-class activity?B: I like palying badminton, it makes me happy, and you?A: I like playing basketball with my friends, we are happy, too.5.借物(你的物品坏了,例如自行车,怎样问别人借,可以借多久,什么时候还?)A: Hi, Tom, can I borrow your bike this week?B: Yes, of course, but why?A: Mine is broken. We went to a mountain last week.B: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. When do you want it?A: This saturdayB: Oh, no problem at all.A: How long can I keep it?B: You can return it next week.A: Oh, it's veyr kind of you.B: it's all right.6.打电话(你家里的厨房电风扇坏了,打电话叫人来修理)A: Hello, can I help you?B: Hi. I need your help.A: Yes?B: The fan in our kitchen is broken, can you help?A: Yes, of course. Where are you?B: Flat 203, Building 1, Renmin Road. When can you come?A: We can arrive in ten minutes.B: Oh, good, thank you.A: You are welcome.英语口语情景对话的一些内容就到这里,需要更多的。后期文章会进行更新。祝大家学习进步!
(C) 列表网&京ICP证100421号&京ICP备号-1&琼公网安备08推荐一篇英文对话大学英语对话.两人的.简单一点的.嘻嘻~时长3分钟左右.
a; what can i do for you?b;i am looking for a sweater for myself,u know it is my birthday todaya;wow,happy birthday to ub thanks a lota;what kind of sweater r u looking for?we have the woollen ones and the cotton onesb;oh i'd like the cotton onesa;what color do u prefer,we have yellow ,blue ,red black and so onb;give me the black onea what sizi do u wearb size ma wow it fits u so wellb ok i will take this one,how much does it costa it is 120 yuanb ok i will take it,here is the moneya may i pack it up for ub thank u so mucha my pleasure


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