afterturners crossingg hims...

One day a dentist was starting his morning work. Suddenly a man ran in. His face was red and he could only say “Quick! Quick!” The dentist thought he must be very ill. His assistant helped to make the poor man sit in a chair. The dentist gave the man some medicine to make him sleep. Then, he looked into the man’s mouth and pulled out all the bad teeth. As soon as the man woke up, he said in a low voice, “Quick, doctor, quick.”
“It’s all right now,” the dentist told him. “It’s over.”
“You don’t understand,” said the man, “I came to tell you your house is on fire.”
【小题1】The story took place (发生) _______. the morning the afternoon the evening night
【小题2】When the man ran in, the dentist thought he must be _______.
A.over B.ill C.all right
【小题3】The man _______ after he took some medicine.
A.began to work B.began to cry C.went home D.went to sleep
【小题4】The dentist pulled _______ out of the man’s mouth.
A.a tooth B.a bad tooth C.all the bad teeth D.all the teeth
【小题5】The man ran in _______.
A.because he was ill
B.because he wanted to sleep tell the dentist that he was all right tell the dentist that his house was on fire
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Bibliographic Record
The Memoirs of Mr. Charles J. Yellowplush
Also titled: The Yellowplush papers.
Miss Shum's husband -- The amours of Mr. Deuceace -- Skimmings from "The diary of George IV" -- Foring parts -- Mr. Deauceace at Paris -- Mr. Yellowplush's ajew -- Epistles to the literati.
Release Date
Sep 1, 2001
Copyright Status
Public domain in the USA.
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