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Should I Ask Out The Man I Just Started Dating?
& Should I Ask Out The Man I Just Started Dating?
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I was going to post this in the comments for my last blog, but felt it was worth its own post. It’s in response to another ad nauseum debate between&
It was my birthday on Monday. My wife made me a beach party, a fondue dinner, and got me an Amazon Kindle. My mom sent me a karaoke machine. My&
You’ve had enough. You’ve loved. You’ve lost. You have no desire to go through it again. You are ready to go on permanent guy-atus. Then you read this letter by&
&After reading Evan’s material. I enjoyed my dates and I learned to trust my feelings and instincts more.&He is everything I never knew I always wanted. He is kind and caring, with wonderful values. He makes me feel like the most special woman in the world.
I never have to wonder how he feels about me, I KNOW.Lisa R.&Your email gave me new motivation to be open to new possibilities that didn't fit in my box.&He makes me feel special, goes out of his way for me, doesn't keep me guessing about whether I'll hear from him, gives me his full attention.Jeannie R.&You really helped me filter and attract the 'kind, compassionate, funny' winner from the rest.&He was gentle, tough, hugely insightful and extremely accurate at decoding a man's words, his actions, his lack of action, his likely intentions. It was like having a direct line to a man's "private talk."Julie Z.&Evan answered my question on one of the calls and it was the best coaching ever.&I’ve chosen to be cherished and allow myself to know that I was worthy of love.
Now, I feel like when I go with the flow and stop trying to control any given situation, things fall into place. It’s so exhilarating!
Tina P.&Since working with you, I am happy, content, less anxious, more compassionate, more understanding, more patient, loving.&I learned from you something revelatory: men want to make women happy. Sometimes they don’t know how to do that, but my boyfriend really wants to make me happy…Carol A.
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《The Story Of My Life》歌词
— Michael Holliday
Night falls
And you're in my dreams
So real
You're still here
Day breaks
And the hope that seems
So real
Seems to disappear
And I wake up with the missing words
That would have made you stay
And although I learned my lesson late
At least I'm on my way
But a voice inside me says
I should have been here yesterday
Ain't that just
The story of my life
After it's too late I find the key
Ain't that just
The story of my life
I pray it's not too late for you and me
I know
It will all work out
Lord knows when
I will fight the doubt
Sheer will
Keeps me sane 'til then
When I look at the horizon
I can see you bright and clear
My mistakes are all behind me
A new chapters drawing near
And I may have missed the boat
But I can meet you at the pier
Ain't that just
The story of my life
Still no one knows what we're heading to
And I trust
The story of my life
Will have a happy end when I'm with you
This doesn't have to end up as a tragedy
Or need to be a melancholy tale
And though I never seem to choose the easy path
I try and fail
But we'll prevail
Ain't that just
The story of my life
It will all be worth what I've been through
For I trust
The story of my life
Will reach a happy end when I'm with you
Night falls
And you're in my dreams
It's the story of my life
It's the story of my life
《The Story Of My Life》歌词 --
Michael Holliday歌词
Michael Holliday最新MV
4.歌词上传成功后请耐心等待管理员审核。管理员有权对上传歌曲进行正常修改,对于不符合以上规范的歌词将会被删除So I haven’t shared a meal plan on the blog for awhile, and I wanted to get back to it. My meal planning has changed a little bit. I have been creating two plans a week instead of one, and grocery shopping twice. I decided to switch up the way I meal plan as I was finding that some of the produce I was buying was going bad. Also, we would end up not always making what I planned and would have too much food.
We have been tightening up the budget lately, and groceries was one of the major things we chose to cut back on. I have heard that doing groceries multiple days a week can lead to spending more money, but it has been working for us. My goal is to spend $50/grocery trip, or $100/week. We also do a big Costco trip once a month where we aim to spend no more than $300. We buy most of our meat from Costco.
Speaking of meat, you may notice that this week’s meal plan is fairly meatless. Lochlyn isn’t a fan of eating meat at the moment, and I have never particularly enjoyed it, so we have decided to make more vegetarian options. Josh is still a carnivore, so dinners have meat added to keep him happy.
Here is Monday-Friday’s meal plan – recipes courtesy of !
(so amazingly good)
Salad with leftover
w/ Tilapia, quinoa, and carrots
Lots of smoothies!
Grocery List
Bananas (a lot) – $4.04
Lemons (2) – $1.54
Lime – $0.33
Pineapple – $2.97
Avocado (2) – $1.94
Carrots – $2.27
Cucumber – $1.00
Cauliflower – $4.47
Lettuce – $1.47
Bell peppers (3) – $3.47
Spinach – $2.77
Yellow onion – $0.87
Sweet potato – $2.72
Russet potato – $0.49
Chickpeas – $0.97
Crackers (for Josh) – $2.48
Tofu (2) – $3.94
Chocolate milk (for Josh) – $5.85
Total: $43.92
I realize this list doesn’t include everything needed to make these recipes. We already had quite a few ingredients on hand, and I also made some substitutions to save a little cash.
I’ll be posting another meal plan this weekend.
A couple of weeks ago I wrote about how Josh and I have decided to de-clutter. We are looking to The Minimalists to help us get rid of some stuff. To be honest, Josh doesn’t really need much help. Although he has lots of stuff he could get rid of, he can easily just chuck it into the trash and not miss it. In the past, he has even thrown out his TV because he felt like he was spending too much time watching it!
I get pretty sentimental and attached to things, and have a harder time letting go. I think this process is more for me than him, but he is definitely on board.
of the journey, which involves planning how you hope to achieve you personal “musts”. I wrote about my “must list”
if you want to check it out. Part of the planning process involves answering a series of questions. My answers to these questions are below.
1.What is standing in the way of my musts?
I thought the answer to this would be time, money, energy … you know, resources. In reality, when I took the time to really think about it, I realized that wasn’t the case. I lack motivation, and the desire to actually follow through with what I want in life. I also lack faith that God will come through for me. I don’t always trust that my musts are really best for me.
I also tend to feel guilty about spending time doing what I want to do and taking care of myself. I am so used to taking care of my little family, but I realize that I need to take care of myself too so that I can be a better wife, mother, and friend.
I have a hard time opening up to my husband, which makes it difficult to work on our marriage. I have a hard time building relationships because I fear being rejected, or abandoned by other people. I also fear not having enough time to myself when I share my time with others.
I am afraid to commit to something and give it my all because that means I could fail.
2. When did I start giving so much meaning to possessions?
For as long as I can remember, I have given possessions quite a bit of meaning. When I was really little, I had a special “treasure” box. This box consisted of a torch I received at the Olympics, which I visited as a baby, a box with two little lovebird eggs, a silver bar, an old dress my mom wore as a baby … and some other items. I would take each item out when I was alone, and handle them lovingly, before carefully packing them all away again in their special box. I am pretty sure I still have that box buried in a storage room somewhere.
As I grew older I became pretty independent. I bought most of my own things except for clothes as a young teenager. I didn’t drive, so it was a big ordeal for me to get to the mall to go shopping. I didn’t have a ton of money either, so I kept everything in case I might need it.
As a young adult I moved to a new town, and had even less money, and relied on friends for transportation. I slowly ran out of clothes, and couldn’t really go buy more. I didn’t have a lot of possessions, and held on to everything that I had.
Now, living in a little townhouse with my husband, I think I drive him crazy. I keep so many items “just in case” we might need them, or because they are sentimental to me.
3. What is truly important in life?
My faith is number one in my life. After that comes love and relationships. I value and cherish both my immediate and extended family. I think happiness, joy, and fun are all super important to me. I want to spend my life loving others and receiving love. Ultimately, I want to live my life the way God calls me to, and help my family do the same.
4. Why am I discontented?
Who says I am discontented? Haha, okay maybe I am a bit or I wouldn’t be going through this process. I feel discontented because I am constantly doing little tasks around the house that never seem to get done. Always doing … never finished.
I spend so much time doing things that I don’t want to do. I know this is life, but maybe it doesn’t have to be?
I am also discontented because i feel like Josh and I are at an “in between” phase in life. We are waiting for a big change, but it hasn’t happened yet.
I feel like God has more in life for my little family and I want to find out what it is.
My house is full of things that I don’t love, that I spend my time taking care of.
I want more time to do fun things. I want to spend less time doing wasteful things like reading social media.
I guess I spend too much time on things that aren’t actually that important to me.
5. Who do I want to become?
I want to be a loving, caring, peaceful person. I want to have time for people, and build good relationships. I want to be happy, content, free, and easy-going. I want to spend my life in love with Jesus, and I want to be the best wife and mother that I can be.
6. How will I define my success?
This is a tough one. I will define my success by how I spend my time, and by my personal thoughts and feelings. I will also define my success by my relationship with God, my family, and my friends.
7. How will life improve if I own less stuff?
I hope that I will spend less time taking care of it! I also hope that life will be less stressful, with less clutter. I think that having less stuff will also make my husband much happier. He easily gets overwhelmed when the house feels cluttered. I also want to teach Lochlyn about material possessions, and not to hold on to things that aren’t needed.
I am hoping that once we de-clutter we will be more careful about spending money on things we don’t need, and have more money for trips and other fun experiences.
While answering these questions I realized that this whole 21-Day Journey isn’t necessarily about the things that we have, or our resources, but about ourselves. I have everything that I need to live the life that I want, I just need to change my mindset about it. The things that are truly important to me, are all available and within my grasp, and they aren’t material objects. I need to shift my mindset, and the way that I spend my time, in order to obtain what is actually important to me.
De-cluttering is simply a step in the right direction of living a more purposeful life. It is not the focus, and it is not the solution.
Day 3 in our journey is happening next weekend, which means we will be packing up our entire house! I am feeling both excited and nervous.}


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