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Part I Writing
One possible version:
College Students Learning Budgeting
It seems that today, many college students lack enough money to deal with their daily expenses.
The reasons for this are various. First of all, the increasing cost of living makes them spend a large part of their living allowances that their parents give them. Secondly, they also have to pay for their studies. For example, they have to buy dictionaries, books, etc. Lastly, they also spend money on their free time activities. However, most of the time, they don&t manage the money wisely.
It is important for college students to learn how to budget. They can take notes of their monthly expenses. If they spend too much on entertainment, for instance, they have to control their spending the next month. They should learn to keep their money in the bank. Only when they need money should they withdraw a small amount.
Part II Reading Comprehension
(Skimming and Scanning)
1. B)。参见第一段中&In the past few years, human resources experts say time off has consistently placed among the top three employee concerns, along with compensation and staffing levels ...&可知,过去几年中雇员对休息时间的关注程度有所提高。
2. B)。参见A New Generation 小标题下&... younger workers are more likely to be &family-centric& or &dual-centric& (with equal priorities on both career and family) rather than &work-centric& when compared to members of the Boomer Generation.&可知,出生在生育高峰期的那代人与当代的年轻人相比,他们对工作的重视程度要大于对家庭的重视程度。
3. C)。参见September 11th and the End of the Roaring Nineties小标题下&I started looking at things completely differently.&可知,Tony Jackson已经改变了对工作和生活的态度。
4. D)。参见September 11th and the End of the Roaring Nineties小标题下&Even before September 11th, some experts say the slow shift in worker attitudes was already underway due to the end of the roaring 1990&s ...&可知,在9.11事件之前就有专家称:工人们对待工作的态度在喧嚣的20世纪90年代末已经开始发生转变。
5. A)。参见September 11th and the End of the Roaring Nineties小标题下&... due to the fact that workers have been pushed to their limit in recent years.&可知,工人们的工作时间已经达到极限,这是他们改变了对工作的态度的原因。
6. D)。参见Monetary Needs Less Intense Due to Dual Income Households 小标题下&Financial pressures are eased by both of them working and keeping a careful watch on their expenses.&可知,他们没有过大的经济压力是由于夫妻双方都有工作,而且不乱花钱。
7. D)。参见Burnout小标题下&After a layoff, workers who remain behind are often asked to pick up most or even all the load of the people who were let go, requiring more and more hours at the office.&可知,裁员后,被辞退员工的工作通常由在职的员工帮助完成。
8. 20%。参见第一段最后一句&... but the desire for time off is up almost 20% from just three years ago
conducted a similar poll.&可知,与三年前的统计数据相比,要休息时间而不要补贴的人数上升了20%。
9. fatten their paycheck。参见Show Me the Money小标题下第一句话&... the majority in
poll still chose to fatten their paycheck if given the choice.&可知,如果有机会,大多数人仍然选择丰厚的报酬。
10. workforce。参见Companies Are Already Responding小标题下&... Larry Schumer, , &since most companies succeed based on a motivated and capable workforce ...&& 可知,多数公司的成功是因为有一支有积极性并有能力的员工队伍。
Part III Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)
11. K)。此处讲孕妇摄入的脂肪量和种类是否对心脏病的患病率有影响。
12. C)。此处讲研究还包括孕妇摄入的脂肪量和种类同高血压患病率之间的关系。
13. H)。此处讲尽管人们熟知高脂肪饮食与高血压之间有必然的联系,但是对于母亲饮食习惯与她的孩子患高血压的风险之间的相关研究却比较少。
14. A)。此处讲该项研究是由英国心脏病基金会资助的。
15. O)。prestigious的意思是&著名的,有声望的&。此处讲这项很有名的基金是英国心脏病基金会为加大对心脏病研究而投入的资金的一部分。
16. B)。此处讲这部分慈善基金用于针对心脏病的起因、预防、诊断与治疗方面的研究工作。
17. E)。此处需要动词的过去分词,A)和H)已经选过,只剩余D)和E),而此处讲的是我们饮食中的脂肪的种类和数量在过去的50年里已经发生变化。D)项的意思是&建立&,与句意不符。
18. I)。此处讲孕妇和我们饮食相同,consume的意思是&消耗&,符合文意。
19. M)。此处讲虽然孕妇和我们饮食相同,但是我们对孕妇饮食中脂肪的改变对其孩子未来健康和发育的影响知之甚少。此处是指饮食中脂肪改变所起的作用。要用名词形式affect是动词。
20. G)。此处是说研究结果可以帮助我们为孕妇提一些建议,该摄入多少脂肪以及什么样的脂肪应该避免摄入。
Passage One
21. C)。事实细节题。本题问的是骨关节炎的病理。根据第一段&Osteoarthritis is caused by damaged cartilage that the body cannot properly repair.&一句可知,骨关节炎的病因是:受损的软骨不能得到正常修复;选项A)意为它由老化磨损造成,这只是一种客观现象,而不是骨关节炎的病因;选项B)对原文内容做了改动,把progressively一词改成了abruptly,使意思发生了根本的改变;选项D)意为它由软骨中分泌介体的细胞造成,这也不是骨关节炎的病因。
22. C)。事实细节题。问的是哪个选项的内容不会诱发骨关节炎。在第二段,作者提到了可能诱发骨关节炎的因素,有过度肥胖、对抗性强的体育运动、关节损伤、重复性活动,故选项A)、B)和D)都是起因。选项C)意为&节食&,这不会诱发骨关节炎。
23. D)。事实细节题。问的是哪一项不是辅助治疗骨关节炎的可能方法。选项D)意为&做手术&,文章中并没有说做手术是辅助疗法。其他三个选项在文章中都提到了,都属于辅助治疗骨关节炎的方法。
24. A)。主旨题,要求给文章加题目。本文主要从一个新视角讨论了骨关节炎形成的主要原因及治疗方法,故正确答案为A)。选项B)意为&骨关节炎的新症状&,文章的重点不在说明骨关节炎的症状。选项C)意为&运动对骨关节炎的神奇效果&,文中虽提到了运动疗法,但如果用它来作文章的题目,则范围过于狭窄。选项D)意为&骨关节炎的新分类&,明显不是文章的内容。
25. A)。推断题。整篇文章对glucosamine sulfate的描述只用了很少的笔墨,所以这篇文章应该不属于药品广告。
Passage Two
26. D)。事实细节题。参见第二段&The improved energy efficiency would deliver fuel-cost savings of almost £4.5 trillion.&可知,如果采用高效能源将节赎4.5 trillion燃料费。其他三个选项在第二段也都提到了,但是它们都被做了改动而与事实不符。
27. C)。句子释义题。这句话的意思是&因能源消耗而产生的二氧化碳量将进一步增加,预计其中将有四分之三来自某些发展中国家。&
28. A)。事实细节题。参见第七段&The report claims oil will remain the world&s main source of energy for many years to come ...&可知,在未来许多年内,石油仍然是主要的能源来源。
29. B)。事实细节题。参见最后一段Mr. Tanaka所说的话可知,能源部门在应对环境变暖问题上应发挥主要作用。
30. B)。主旨题。纵观全文和文章开头,本文主要讲的是全球能源的需求量已经超出了现有资源的承受能力,如果不加以控制或采取高效能源替代措施,能源不日将被用荆
Part IV Cloze
31. D)。此处的意思是&因为孩子可以从学校的自动售货机中购买碳酸饮料,学校因此受到谴责,但是最新数据表明是否在校内销售碳酸饮料并不是决定孩子们喝了多少碳酸饮料的重要因素&,此处的语境具有强烈的转折意义,所以用转折连词but。
32. A)。参见上题解析,这里用factor表示&因素&的意思;part是&部分&的意思;place 是&地点&的意思;indicator是&指示物&的意思。
33. C)。根据上下文语义得知此处的意思是&研究人员比较了缅因州近500名学生的碳酸饮料饮用情况&,所以空格处的意思是&研究人员&,因此选择C),其他三项不符合句意。
34. D)。从语法上判断,此处考查定语从句,其先行词是students而不是Maine,所以关联词用who。
35. C)。根据语境可知此处指调查中有四所学校停止在校内供应碳酸饮料,另外三所学校没有做任何改变。make changes的意思是&做出改变&;make efforts是&做出努力&之意;make progress是&取得进步&之意;make contributions是&做出贡献&之意。
36. A)。by the end of 是&到&&为止&的意思,此处是讲到研究期结束为止,学校里所有孩子喝碳酸饮料的数量都减少了。
37. B)。根据语境得知此处的意思是&虽然孩子们所喝的碳酸饮料的量有所减少,但是不同学校之间的总体碳酸饮料消耗量无明显变化&,所以根据语义判断meaningful的意思最合适,表示&有显著意义的不同&,其他三项意思不符,meaningless是&无意义的&;helpful是&有帮助的&;helpless是&无助的&。
38. A)。根据上下文可知,此处的意思是&不同学校之间的总体碳酸饮料消耗量&。consumer的意思是&消费者&;assurance的意思是&确信,保证&;assurer意为&保证人&。
39. C)。根据语境可知,&校内碳酸饮料的禁止销售并没能使饮料消费模式发生明显改变。& result in 的意思是&导致&, A)项lead 与to 连用表示&导致&;B)项cause的意思是&引发&,是及物动词,后面直接接名词;D)项believe与in连用,意思是&信任&。
40. B)。此处的意思是&如果学校停止碳酸饮料的供应,那么女学生们喝低糖汽水的可能性就会减少,尤其是与那些没有停止供应碳酸饮料的学校的女学生相比&。cut off的意思是&切断&;set back的意思是&使&&受挫&;cut up的意思是&切碎&;set out的意思是&出发&。
41. A)。此处的语境同上题,语义中含有比较级,而且强调&女孩子们喝碳酸饮料的可能性就会减少&,所以选用less。
42. C)。此处考查过去分词作状语,主句的主语是girls,与compare形成被动关系,应该用过去分词,意思是&与其他学校的女学生相比&。
43. D)。这里考查固定短语play a ... role,意思是&起到&&样的作用&。
44. A)。as ... as是固定短语,意思是&和&&一样&。此处的意思是&并不像大家普遍认为的那样,其实学校对于孩子的不良饮食习惯可能并没有很大的影响&。
45. D)。根据上下文判断,此处考查分词作后置定语,意思是&《美国公共健康杂志》发表了一份引人深思的报告,报告显示孩子体重超标问题在夏天显得尤为严重,那时孩子们都放假,不在校内&。show的意思是&显示&,而describe 的意思是&描述&。由于study与show 是主动关系,所以用现在分词。
46. B)。本句的意思是说研究显示孩子体重超标问题在夏天显得尤为严重,所以用worse,其他三项与语义不符。
47. A)。空格处需要谓语动词,意思是&对幼儿园和一年级学生的研究发现&&&。find 和discover都是&发现&的意思,但是在指科学研究方面的发现时用find,而不用discover,后者更注重对具体事物的发现。另外时态要用一般过去时,因为后面有动词increased。
48. B)。根据语境可知,此处在说&对幼儿园和一年级学生的研究发现孩子们在夏天的体重指数的增加速度是在学习期间增长速度的两到三倍&,所以用during,表示在&学年内这段时间&。
49. D)。根据语境可知,本句的意思是&甚至是那些较瘦、需要增加体重的孩子在学年内也呈现出良好的饮食习惯&。appear 后用不定式,表示&呈现出&,不定式中动词用have。根据语境可知,此处的意思是&具有良好的饮食习惯&。
50. C)。此处的意思是&实际上,孩子们在校期间体重增加较多,而在夏天假期体重增加较少&。really意思是&真正地&;truly意思是&真实地&;actually意为&实际上地&;partially意思是&部分地&,所以用actually。
Part V Translation
51. they began to take her seriously
52. an endless succession of parties
53. she couldn&t concentrate on her work
54. has made an important contribution to the company&s development
55. In response to the pressure of the economic crisis
最想背的英语四级作文范文,第006篇:How to Study Efficiently,讲述了如何学习的英语
最想背的英语四级作文范文,第003篇:Natural Gas Output in
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本试题来自:(2000年大学英语四级历年真题,)Passage Two
Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage:
While still in its early stages, welfare reform has already been judged a great success in many states -- at least in getting people off welfare. It’s estimated that more than 2 million people have left the rolls since 1994.
In the past four years, welfare rolls in Athens County have been cut in half. But 70 percent of the people who left in the past two years took jobs that paid less than $ 6 an hour. The result: The Athens County poverty rate still remains at more than 30 percent -- twice the national average.
For advocates (代言人) for the poor, that’s an indication much more needs to be done.
"More people are getting jobs, but it’s not making their lives any better," says Kathy Lairn, a policy analyst at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities in Washington.
A center analysis of US Census data nationwide found that between 199S and 1996, a greater percentage of single, female-headed households were earning money on their own, but that average income for these households actually went down.
But for many, the fact that poor people are able to support themselves almost as well without government aid as they did with it is in itself a huge victory.
"Welfare was a poison. It was a toxin (毒素) that was poisoning the family,’ says Robert Rector, a welfare- reform policy analyst. "The reform is changing the moral climate in low-income communities. It’s beginning to rebuild the work ethic (道德观), which is much more important."
Mr. Rector and others argued that once "the habit of dependency is cracked," then the country can make other policy changes aimed at improving living standards.From the passage, it can be seen that the author ___________.A.believes the reform has reduced the government's burdenB.insists that welfare reform is doing little good for the poorC.is overenthusiastic about the success of welfare reformD.considers welfare reform to be fundamentally successful正确答案:有, 或者 答案解析:有,
单项选择题:()What is one of the possible conclusions of the experimentA.The ideal retirement age for an experienced football referee is 4S.B.Age should not be the chief consideration in choosing a football referee.C.A football referee should be as young and energetic as possible.D.An experienced football referee can do well even when in poor physical condition.答案:有,答案解析:有,单项选择题:()The word "officials' ( Line 2, Para. 4) most probably refers to ___________.A.the researchers involved in the experimentB.the inspectors of the football tournamentC.the referees of the football tournamentD.the observers at the site of the experiment答案:有,答案解析:有,


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