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Bandages on the Lawn-Tamas Wells, Bandages on the LawnMP3下载,歌词下载 - 虾米音乐
Bandages on the Lawn
I confess, I confess
I’m the one who made this mess
but the ferns were strangling me
So I made a path from the door
then found these bandages and thought
how could you live in here?
They told you that the pains might go but this is not the end I know
And I‘m wishing I could see
how the bandages could be abandoned on the lawn
with the birds pulling all the threads around and torn in two
I’ll throw them out, throw them out
And we’ll raise your government amount
So you won’t storm the stairs
Cause you will fight, you will fight
I see your bruises in the light
and red stains on our lawn
They told you that the pains might go but this is not the end I know
and I‘m wishing I could see
how the bandages could be abandoned on the lawn
with the birds pulling all the threads around and torn in two
编辑于 15:09
编辑于 16:21
爱了几年tamas.. 的歌 没停过
边听边回忆前几天的live show,合完影不敢对视地说了thank you,听着听着眼睛就湿湿控制不住掉眼泪。
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关注虾米:A death on the lawn | The BMJA【解析】考查情景交际。A. It can’t be helped“这是无可奈何的事情。/这是不可避免的。”; B. It beats me“这可难倒我了。”; C. It’s on me “我承担。我请客。” D. It’s out of the question“这是不可能的。”,根据该句的下一句所解释的原因“没雨,水贵如油。”可知回答者觉得草看起来都枯死了这一现象是不可避免的,无能为力的。故正确答案为A.考点:情境交际 
My earliest bee experience took place at a summer camp. One day our teacher told us to head up the hill nearby. As little kids do, we all began to race to our
.The girls took the concrete(水泥)stairs
the boys ran straight up the grassy hill, at the top of which sat a long wooden fence.
fear the boys ahead of me vaulted(跳跃)over the fence bravely.What should I do? Take the stairs and look like a girl, or jump the fence and look
? Then I took my chances with the
.Standing in front of the fence, I placed both hands on the top and
. The moment of truth had arrived. If I made it, then I would be as cool as all the other guys. If I didn’t make it…I
it. As I jumped, my foot caught on the top of the fence.
I went! But I landed on my backside. I
to laugh off the accident. But then I
something moving under me. Just then I saw what seemed like hundreds of bees flying towards me. I had
a beehive! I jumped and
as fast as I could. But bees flew faster than I ran. At that moment, all the kids at the camp ran after me, too. What a(an)
situation I was in!When the teacher caught me in the camp parking lot, my
were covered with bees. With all the other campers standing around, he
all my clothes but my underwear. Bees flew out of my clothes and
out of my mouth!I had gained the
of the entire camp, but I did not feel very cool. When all was said and done, I found that I had been given almost 45 bee stings(蜇)all over my body. I learned a most
lesson that day. When we are occupied by the
to look cool, we might find ourselves sitting on a beehive.
I have stopped trying to be cool since then.1.A.home
D.Out of4.A.brave
D.fence6.A.hesitated B.watched
B.almost made C.wouldn’t make
D.didn’t make8.A.Down
D.heard11.A.pulled down
B.broken into C.landed on
D.knocked over12.A.hid
D.classmates15.A.put on
B.took off
C.found out
D.took away16.A.also
— Are you in favour of Tom’s suggestion_______ we work around the clock to meet the deadline?— No. But ______ Jimmy suggested to me sounds practical.A. what
B. thatC. that
D. what 
As there is less coal and oil, scientists are exploring new ways of making use of _____ energy, such as sunlight, wind, and water for power and fuel.A. primary
B. alternative
C. instant
D. unique 
“American will fulfill the commitments that we have made: cutting our emission in the _________ of 17 percent by 2020”, said Obama.A. form
D. need 
--- I remember you saidthat you like China because it has cheap beers.--- Yes, _______ cheap. Chrisberg is less than $1.A. unbelievably
B. probablyC. relevantly
D. properly 
million people huddled together in front of their television sets to watch the World Cup final between the Netherlands and Spain. Even more are expected to tune in to this year's contest, which kicks off on June 12th with a match between Brazil and Croatia in Sao Paulo. Brazil are the runaway favourites to win the tournament, with bookmakers offering odds of less than three to one on the home team winning the championship.Many experts agree that the country will benefit from a strong home advantage, as local crowds roar on the Seleqao.How much does playing on home turf fealty affect a team's performance?Sports scientists have come up with all sorts of theories to explain why playing at home helps. In 2007 a study investigated the influence of crowd noise on referees in the English football Premier League. It showed that some were more likely to flash yellow cards and award penalties against touring players than the hosts, because they relied on the split-second rise in the home crowd's roar as a reminder to determine if a tackle deserved punishment. In the most recent season of the Spanish football Riga, two-thirds of all penalty kicks were awarded to the home team.In the latest English football season, the top 20 clubs enjoyed a home success rate of 50%, while their victory rate on the road was 32%. In 12 of the past 19 World Cups the host nation has made it to the semi-finals and six times it has gone on to win. The effect can be seen in other sports too.
Before the start of the London Olympics in 2012, UK Sport, a government agency, studied the results of more than 100 big tournaments across 14 Olympic sports.
As it turned out, Britain bettered its 2008 performance by winning 18 more medals(10 of them gold), an improvement of 38% . C
At the Beijing games, China won 59% more medals than it had done at the 2004 Athens games.
Russia topped the medal table in Sochi:in the previous winter Olympics it had come sixth.Given these numbers, it is not surprising that teams have poured money into maximizing their home advantage. For example, Brazil has spent a considerable fortune on, if somewhat leisurely, a programme of stadium construction and renovation. In all its home advantage is worth the equivalent of a 0.6-goal headstart in every match, according to Goldman Sachs, an investment bank. Like most others, Goldman predicts that Brazil will triumph this year. Other countries' fans will have to hope for a miracle-and perhaps bid to stage the Cup on their own home turf next time.1.What does "some" in Paragraph 2 refer to?A. Crowd noises.
B. Referees.C. Touring players.
D. Host players.2.Put the following sentence in the most appropriate place marked A, B, C, or D It predicted that the London home advantage would boost Britain's medal haul by as much as 25%.3.What can be inferred from the passage?A. Fans may raise their noise levels to cheer their teams up.B. Brazil will win because of its strong ability.C. It is a waste of time and effort for countries to hold sports games.D. The visiting teams have a good chance of winning. 
It’s illegal for a public official to ask people for gifts or money ________ favors to them.A. in preference to
B. in place ofC. in agreement with
D. in exchange for 
根据所背书的内容补全所缺的单词,每格不限填一个单词。M9 U5:Do you know how many advertisements you
in your daily life? …Even some of the casual garments we wear have brand names
them which
walking advertisements. With so many messages from…Then we can
by them.NC 43:Insuring public or private property is
in most countries. …
, the bigger the risk an insurance company takes, the higher the premium you will have to pay….
, it was an unusual pie dish, for it was eighteen feet long and six feet wide.NC 44:Train compartments soon get cramped and
. … Reading is only
. …At night, when you really wish to go to sleep, you}


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