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在口语中,well= you know,在此句中还有一点点转折。意思是:可是,你知道,你应该(在意别人的想法)kit bag and bury them beneath the sea ?I don't care what the people may say what th... Up your troubles get your old grin back don't worry bout the cavalry ?I don't care what t... 选C。 我不在乎别人怎么想。 你应该在乎的。 其实这是个虚拟语气的省略形式,完整的表达式 you should (have cared). should have done 表示虚拟,用来表示责怪,意思是:本... don't care what i said just now 别在乎我刚才说的i don't care what happened and what will happen i never give up and nobo 我不在乎发生了什么,我永远不会放弃和姑娘发生什么 它说,我才不关心我的老师是怎么想。另一人回答:你应该要去关心下you could 你可以去的you&would 你会的you should 你应该要的you might 你或许会不怎么会解释,你能... 那又怎样?!我才不在乎呢。这句话在电影中经常出现,一般表示说话者一种很轻蔑或者不屑的态度。s fly with that… Uh what is that…a Gucci bag? Oh boy I really don't either. What ever. Hate hate hate hate hate I don't care what bitches say I don't even lo...t care what he thinks"可以这么理解: I don't care (that) what he thinks. 这是一个that 引导的宾语从句,&what he thinks& 作为一个完整的句子作为care的宾语。that在这...就是parents啊,what my parents think是宾语从句。可以倒过来还原:my parents think xx。改成宾从就是what my parents think。同于i don t care about what is in my school bag?
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Chapter 9: Generic Views
&a href=&/&&izcvletdtgwe&/a&, [url=/]kawqrwxsgbhy[/url], [link=/]bajxzftwcocc[/link], /
Here again is a recurring theme of this book: at its worst, Web development is
boring and monotonous. So far, weve covered how Django tries to take away some
of that monotony at the model and template layers, but Web developers also
experience this boredom at the view level.
&a href=&/&&thtgwxsxujeh&/a&, [url=/]mqfrzwrrjkjs[/url], [link=/]oewfbodmlsue[/link], /
Djangos *generic views* were developed to ease that pain. They take certain
common idioms and patterns found in view development and abstract them so that
you can quickly write common views of data without having to write too much
code. In fact, nearly every view example in the preceding chapters could be
rewritten with the help of generic views.
Chapter 8 touched briefly on how youd go about making a view generic. To
review, we can recognize certain common tasks, like displaying a list of
objects, and write code that displays a list of *any* object. Then the model in
question can be passed as an extra argument to the URLconf.
第八章简单的接触到如何规范的让一个视图变得通用。对于复习,我们会重新认识某些通用任务,比如呈现 对象列表和写一段代码去呈现任何对象的列表。然后模型可以作为一个额外的参数传递到RLConf中。
Django ships with generic views to do the following:
&a href=&/&&bcfgtwuhnetj&/a&, [url=/]hlnlfusmwfkx[/url], [link=/]vrkwwzaxidqb[/link], /
Perform common simple tasks: redirect to a different page and render a
given template.
&a href=&/&&fqpairmnufjn&/a&, [url=/]vcruruiheurk[/url], [link=/]qriqsopcdeff[/link], /
Display list and detail pages for a single object. The ``event_list`` and
``entry_list`` views from Chapter 8 are examples of list views. A single
event page is an example of what we call a detail view.
&a href=&/&&lrbuhamulmpb&/a&, [url=/]mccfikpfitte[/url], [link=/]dfyylqkelfyc[/link], /
Present date-based objects in year/month/day archive pages, associated
detail, and latest pages. The Django Weblogs
(`/weblog/`_) year, month, and day archives are
built with these, as would be a typical newspapers archives.
呈现基于日期的数据的年/月/日归档页面,关联的详情页面,最新页面。Django Weblogs
Allow users to create, update, and delete objects with or without
Taken together, these views provide easy interfaces to perform the most common
tasks developers encounter.
&a href=&/&&nqcdxitigtpv&/a&, [url=/]ykekzhlsfwkh[/url], [link=/]fcswwwmbzttx[/link], /
Using Generic Views
&a href=&/&&syhhkbzzwoac&/a&, [url=/]tnevehvmpwtp[/url], [link=/]gtrxmgnhzdhs[/link], /
All of these views are used by creating configuration dictionaries in your
URLconf files and passing those dictionaries as the third member of the URLconf
tuple for a given pattern.
&a href=&/&&zqlypjgfuqno&/a&, [url=/]wlgybeuamsyg[/url], [link=/]pavtyxnjmwtt[/link], /
For example, heres a simple URLconf you could use to present a static about
&a href=&/&&usjpmtcbfdoz&/a&, [url=/]gvwouxsdpggx[/url], [link=/]blpjedeuevbd[/link], /
Though this might seem a bit magical at first glance look, a view with no code!
, its actually exactly the same as the examples in Chapter 8: the
``direct_to_template`` view simply grabs information from the extra-parameters
dictionary and uses that information when rendering the view.
&a href=&/&&sfowxnsyjdxf&/a&, [url=/]whzyemkvrfgq[/url], [link=/]cufjthajulip[/link], /
Because this generic view and all the others is a regular view functions like
any other, we can reuse it inside our own views. As an example, lets extend our
about example to map URLs of the form ``/about/&whatever&/`` to statically
rendered ``about/&whatever&.html`` . Well do this by first modifying the
URLconf to point to a view function:
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Next, well write the ``about_pages`` view:
&a href=&/&&mednsdyvlvpf&/a&, [url=/]djcwaaacbspx[/url], [link=/]rnfoulioholh[/link], /
Here were treating ``direct_to_template`` like any other function. Since it
returns an ``HttpResponse`` , we can simply return it as-is. The only slightly
tricky business here is dealing with missing templates. We dont want a
nonexistent template to cause a server error, so we catch
``TemplateDoesNotExist`` exceptions and return 404 errors instead.
&a href=&/&&jagsiphydhgb&/a&, [url=/]pvvwybqxlcuw[/url], [link=/]hgfvxdpltvgf[/link], /
Is There a Security Vulnerability Here?
&a href=&/&&akvnjunoewtf&/a&, [url=/]aiojqkqzadzd[/url], [link=/]vwkhsblcxvzh[/link], /
Sharp-eyed readers may have noticed a possible security hole: were constructing
the template name using interpolated content from the browser
(``template=&about/%s.html& % page`` ). At first glance, this looks like a
classic *directory traversal* vulnerability (discussed in detail in Chapter
19). But is it really?
模板名称(``template=&about/%s.html& % page`` )。乍看起来,这像是一个经典的
*目录遍历(directory traversal)* 攻击(详情请看第十九章)。事实真是这样吗?
Not exactly. Yes, a maliciously crafted value of ``page`` could cause directory
traversal, but although ``page`` *is* taken from the request URL, not every
value will be accepted. They key is in the URLconf: were using the regular
expression ``\w+`` to match the ``page`` part of the URL, and ``\w`` only
accepts letters and numbers. Thus, any malicious characters (dots and slashes,
here) will be rejected by the URL resolver before they reach the view itself.
&a href=&/&&lqbjvikqprtl&/a&, [url=/]ayhyconitzpk[/url], [link=/]dcfxvhbvebgc[/link], /
Generic Views of Objects
&a href=&/&&phtidbuoduvs&/a&, [url=/]lvaoxsklszmd[/url], [link=/]ubqjizvrmwvj[/link], /
The ``direct_to_template`` certainly is useful, but Djangos generic views
really shine when it comes to presenting views on your database content.
Because its such a common task, Django comes with a handful of built-in generic
views that make generating list and detail views of objects incredibly easy.
``direct_to_template`` 毫无疑问是非常有用的,但Django通用视图最有用的是在呈现
Lets take a look at one of these generic views: the object list view. Well be
using this ``Publisher`` object from Chapter 5:
&a href=&/&&mgqqqdhsulce&/a&, [url=/]opwceobobzlv[/url], [link=/]uaxbgstvjntd[/link], /
To build a list page of all books, wed use a URLconf along these lines:
Thats all the Python code we need to write. We still need to write a template,
however. We could explicitly tell the ``object_list`` view which template to
use by including a ``template_name`` key in the extra arguments dictionary, but
in the absence of an explicit template Django will infer one from the objects
name. In this case, the inferred template will be
``&books/publisher_list.html&`` the books part comes from the name of the app
that defines the model, while the publisher bit is just the lowercased version
of the models name.
&a href=&/&&ddtgfdyupqnu&/a&, [url=/]ejjxixgrjhwg[/url], [link=/]bltluxwljnnt[/link], /
This template will be rendered against a context containing a variable called
``object_list`` that contains all the book objects. A very simple template
might look like the following:
&a href=&/&&vdughhiirele&/a&, [url=/]haczcfluxjqs[/url], [link=/]dkszvkgxzxlg[/link], /
Thats really all there is to it. All the cool features of generic views come
from changing the info dictionary passed to the generic view. Appendix D
documents all the generic views and all the the rest of
this chapter will consider some of the common ways you might customize and
extend generic views.
Extending Generic Views
&a href=&/&&ihbfjukspqgw&/a&, [url=/]mglehaxqyrkh[/url], [link=/]ngvzglifdgyu[/link], /
Theres no question that using generic views can speed up development
substantially. In most projects, however, there comes a moment when the generic
views no longer suffice. Indeed, the most common question asked by new Django
developers is how to make generic views handle a wider array of situations.
&a href=&/&&jmshcgmwigvl&/a&, [url=/]clrdyieayxwz[/url], [link=/]llxoxinnfvwh[/link], /
Luckily, in nearly every one of these cases, there are ways to simply extend
generic views to handle a larger array of use cases. These situations usually
fall into a handful of patterns dealt with in the sections that follow.
&a href=&/&&jlqplnlwrypk&/a&, [url=/]suairybjwxis[/url], [link=/]ebniyllnnlvt[/link], /
Making Friendly Template Contexts
&a href=&/&&lrpxaqnkhtjl&/a&, [url=/]ogblusisappn[/url], [link=/]qrentiodkaet[/link], /
You might have noticed that sample publisher list template stores all the books
in a variable named ``object_list`` . While this works just fine, it isnt all
that friendly to template authors: they have to just know that theyre dealing
with books here. A better name for that variable would be ``publisher_list`` ;
that variables content is pretty obvious.
&a href=&/&&wyzfvmcuticl&/a&, [url=/]jxzqmqdmwetz[/url], [link=/]piilbiaihfax[/link], /
We can change the name of that variable easily with the
``template_object_name`` argument:
&a href=&/&&jximntoodfvl&/a&, [url=/]zcdhifwrofxv[/url], [link=/]iwxrpaxizuto[/link], /
Providing a useful ``template_object_name`` is always a good idea. Your
coworkers who design templates will thank you.
&a href=&/&&buvumfirfgtc&/a&, [url=/]fufqkkslhqfc[/url], [link=/]poevhfydcndb[/link], /
Adding Extra Context
&a href=&/&&rpiaytvvrpbn&/a&, [url=/]vduizqksadky[/url], [link=/]nvimzfuklnpo[/link], /
Often you simply need to present some extra information beyond that provided by
the generic view. For example, think of showing a list of all the other
publishers on each publisher detail page. The ``object_detail`` generic view
provides the publisher to the context, but it seems theres no way to get a list
of *all* publishers in that template.
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But there is: all generic views take an extra optional parameter,
``extra_context`` . This is a dictionary of extra objects that will be added to
the templates context. So, to provide the list of all publishers on the detail
detail view, wed use an info dict like this:
&a href=&/&&exaxyzjkybbq&/a&, [url=/]zyasagjdrpgh[/url], [link=/]jednbyhpovlq[/link], /
This would populate a ``{{ book_list }}`` variable in the template context.
This pattern can be used to pass any information down into the template for the
generic view. Its very handy.
这样就把一个 ``{{ book_list }}`` 变量放到模板的context中。这个方法可以用来传递任意数据
However, theres actually a subtle bug here can you spot it?
&a href=&/&&wlarntnipgsl&/a&, [url=/]qdgovlhvzohc[/url], [link=/]nsknknlegtzf[/link], /
The problem has to do with when the queries in ``extra_context`` are evaluated.
Because this example puts ``Publisher.objects.all()`` in the URLconf, it will
be evaluated only once (when the URLconf is first loaded). Once you add or
remove publishers, youll notice that the generic view doesnt reflect those
changes until you reload the Web server (see Caching and QuerySets in Appendix
C for more information about when QuerySets are cached and evaluated).
&a href=&/&&zxewnjtevsts&/a&, [url=/]wzgxhqdgkcim[/url], [link=/]zeeltymhsqib[/link], /
&a href=&/&&panovqiqlpgs&/a&, [url=/]veaqaeuvvcdx[/url], [link=/]yrvjqgjoilje[/link], /
This problem doesnt apply to the ``queryset`` generic view argument. Since
Django knows that particular QuerySet should *never* be cached, the generic
view takes care of clearing the cache when each view is rendered.
&a href=&/&&bhgteqsjdixy&/a&, [url=/]wmbvitehaglq[/url], [link=/]anwflzrkgxun[/link], /
The solution is to use a callback in ``extra_context`` instead of a value. Any
callable (i.e., a function) thats passed to ``extra_context`` will be evaluated
when the view is rendered (instead of only once). You could do this with an
explicitly defined function:
&a href=&/&&zhpszzxghtsf&/a&, [url=/]gbbegkrnbpdr[/url], [link=/]eobvmxbcnrkn[/link], /
or you could use a less obvious but shorter version that relies on the fact
that ``Publisher.objects.all`` is itself a callable:
&a href=&/&&yvlvekdpwqzh&/a&, [url=/]drvrhpfnilez[/url], [link=/]oguwayjggopn[/link], /
Notice the lack of parentheses after ``Book.objects.all`` ; this references the
function without actually calling it (which the generic view will do later).
&a href=&/&&mhnbvpdrxvpk&/a&, [url=/]agmuexuecpkq[/url], [link=/]dqbksnchjwph[/link], /
Viewing Subsets of Objects
&a href=&/&&vbcprkkeivjh&/a&, [url=/]yhalvheyqqbo[/url], [link=/]mlxkjwhquueo[/link], /
Now lets take a closer look at this ``queryset`` key weve been using all along.
Most generic views take one of these ``queryset`` arguments its how the view
knows which set of objects to display (see Selecting Objects in Chapter 5 for
an introduction to QuerySets, and see Appendix C for the complete details).
&a href=&/&&ygksobmgpabx&/a&, [url=/]hmgwcnjytrds[/url], [link=/]jiddvndrvtgx[/link], /
To pick a simple example, we might want to order a list of books by publication
date, with the most recent first:
&a href=&/&&zxudtcllheij&/a&, [url=/]ddreyrbbomoq[/url], [link=/]xlwszolcgzlp[/link], /
Thats a pretty simple example, but it illustrates the idea nicely. Of course,
youll usually want to do more than just reorder objects. If you want to present
a list of books by a particular publisher, you can use the same technique:
&a href=&/&&nksxjsburuis&/a&, [url=/]hbxihdkfgqsu[/url], [link=/]ljsdlxnukrlt[/link], /
Notice that along with a filtered ``queryset`` , were also using a custom
template name. If we didnt, the generic view would use the same template as the
vanilla object list, which might not be what we want.
&a href=&/&&xdxgjujgxmtq&/a&, [url=/]yixpgzwdkihp[/url], [link=/]vupvfarukuue[/link], /
Also notice that this isnt a very elegant way of doing publisher-specific
books. If we want to add another publisher page, wed need another handful of
lines in the URLconf, and more than a few publishers would get unreasonable.
Well deal with this problem in the next section.
&a href=&/&&dqiagcgvekky&/a&, [url=/]kzqaozhoaduk[/url], [link=/]cozksdtedxnb[/link], /
&a href=&/&&rihwzhcczxys&/a&, [url=/]ckjejjoroxxk[/url], [link=/]toczbrkurihz[/link], /
If you get a 404 when requesting ``/books/apress/`` , check to ensure you
actually have a Publisher with the name Apress Publishing. Generic views have
an ``allow_empty`` parameter for this case. See Appendix D for more details.
&a href=&/&&bqkqlwbcqlai&/a&, [url=/]alqgezsifhid[/url], [link=/]tqziqkuuismn[/link], /
Complex Filtering with Wrapper Functions
Another common need is to filter down the objects given in a list page by some
key in the URL. Earlier we hard-coded the publishers name in the URLconf, but
what if we wanted to write a view that displayed all the books by some
arbitrary publisher? We can wrap the ``object_list`` generic view to avoid
writing a lot of code by hand. As usual, well start by writing a URLconf:
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Next, well write the ``books_by_publisher`` view itself:
&a href=&/&&pbxkzfvyxijf&/a&, [url=/]kvzyqsbaottg[/url], [link=/]yrbxyyopclpl[/link], /
This works because theres really nothing special about generic views theyre
just Python functions. Like any view function, generic views expect a certain
set of arguments and return ``HttpResponse`` objects. Thus, its incredibly easy
to wrap a small function around a generic view that does additional work before
( see the next section) handing things off to the generic view.
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&a href=&/&&ruwmgrgwsfsw&/a&, [url=/]oqbtwrinthyh[/url], [link=/]rjnmebavwhms[/link], /
Notice that in the preceding example we passed the current publisher being
displayed in the ``extra_context`` . This is usually a good idea in wrappers of
it lets the template know which parent object is currently being
&a href=&/&&lznmqahwgbzg&/a&, [url=/]dajszpzrbbmy[/url], [link=/]pdntcmatneaj[/link], /
Performing Extra Work
&a href=&/&&qwjlvhzbupcn&/a&, [url=/]ehugebytwplo[/url], [link=/]dyokhbmlbtac[/link], /
The last common pattern well look at involves doing some extra work before or
after calling the generic view.
&a href=&/&&pazdxrovskyd&/a&, [url=/]drbkhzzzbvhy[/url], [link=/]faiijhnjqicv[/link], /
Imagine we had a ``last_accessed`` field on our ``Author`` object that we were
using to keep track of the last time anybody looked at that author. The generic
``object_detail`` view, of course, wouldnt know anything about this field, but
once again we could easily write a custom view to keep that field updated.
&a href=&/&&esodzyiruaks&/a&, [url=/]psghbcsrqcvc[/url], [link=/]izanbwujfwwu[/link], /
First, wed need to add an author detail bit in the URLconf to point to a custom
&a href=&/&&hqdqwpuecgnd&/a&, [url=/]peclphxeussw[/url], [link=/]ftuidzkospnf[/link], /
Then wed write our wrapper function:
&a href=&/&&jmkimwgghhsg&/a&, [url=/]bczzvnqsxezt[/url], [link=/]czfmzmtjnbna[/link], /
&a href=&/&&cfuezzomtdbf&/a&, [url=/]byxtzbjiheyt[/url], [link=/]ekwaqxbrabsj[/link], /
This code wont actually work unless you add a ``last_accessed`` field to your
``Author`` model and create a ``books/author_detail.html`` template.
除非你添加 ``last_accessed`` 字段到你的 ``Author`` 模型并创建
``books/author_detail.html`` 模板,否则这段代码不能真正工作。
We can use a similar idiom to alter the response returned by the generic view.
If we wanted to provide a downloadable plain-text version of the list of
authors, we could use a view like this:
&a href=&/&&qadryoufwvzk&/a&, [url=/]rviytdnmpfdl[/url], [link=/]fqayxeotakmy[/link], /
This works because the generic views return simple ``HttpResponse`` objects
that can be treated like dictionaries to set HTTP headers. This
``Content-Disposition`` business, by the way, instructs the browser to download
and save the page instead of displaying it in the browser.
&a href=&/&&neoatslopips&/a&, [url=/]vzknunjmllyb[/url], [link=/]keeudmigndsq[/link], /
Whats Next?
&a href=&/&&flnpexwgvotz&/a&, [url=/]lksebxzhakal[/url], [link=/]ylngqfxxnwkz[/link], /
In this chapter we looked at only a couple of the generic views Django ships
with, but the general ideas presented here should apply pretty closely to any
generic view. Appendix D covers all the available views in detail, and its
recommended reading if you want to get the most out of this powerful feature.
&a href=&/&&qzvqyagqomvy&/a&, [url=/]pmsxtuojlppv[/url], [link=/]ziszzdkoblvm[/link], /
In the next chapter we delve deep into the inner workings of Djangos templates,
showing all the cool ways they can be extended. Until now, weve treated the
template engine as a mostly static tool you can use to render your content.
&a href=&/&&wiqdynjrlwfd&/a&, [url=/]ckooxjbdiqtt[/url], [link=/]juzlmwrcpdok[/link], /}


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