
  13. 句子的种类
  (一)按利用目的可分为陈述句、疑问句、祈使句跟感叹句。 CopyRight
  1) 陈述句(Declarative Sentences):说明一个事实或陈述一种看法。
    Light travels faster than sound. 光比声速度快。  (说明事实)
   The film is rather boring. 这部片子很乏味。
  (阐明看法) 内容来自
  2) 疑问句(Interrogative Sentences):提出问题。有以下四种:
    a. 个别疑问句(General Questions): 内容来自
      Can you finish the work in time?
    b. 特殊疑问句(W Questions&H Questions):
      Where do you live? 你住那儿?
      How do you know that? 你怎么知道那件事?
    c. 决定疑问句(Alternative Questions): CopyRight
      Do you want tea or coffee?
    d. 反意疑问句(Tag-Questions): 内容来自
      He doesn't know her, does he?  CopyRight
  3)初中五中基本句型中的 祈使句(Imperative Sentences):提出请求,倡导或发出命令,例如:
     Sit down, please. 请坐。
     Don't be nervous! 别弛缓! 内容来自
  4) 感叹句(Exclamatory Sentences):表示谈话人惊奇、喜悦、愤怒等感情,例如:
     What good news it is! 多好的消息啊! CopyRight
  1) 简略句(Simple Sentences):只包括一个主谓构造句子叫简单句,例如:
  She is fond of collecting stamps.  她喜好集邮。
  (主)  (谓)
  2) 并列句(Compound Sentences):包含两个或两个以上主谓结构的句子叫并列句,句与句之间通常用并列连词或分号来连接,例如:
    The food was good, but he had little appetite.
   (主)   (谓)      (主)(谓)
    食物很精美,但他却没什么胃口。 CopyRight
  3) 复合句(Complex Sentences):包含一个主句从句跟一个或多少个从句的句子叫复合句,从句由从属连词引导,例如:
   The film had begun when we got to the cinema. 内容来自
        主句       从句
   咱们到达电影院的时候,电影已经开演了。 CopyRight
  (三)英语五种基本句型(Basic Sentence Patterns):英语中变幻无限的句子归根结底都是由以下五种基本句型组合、扩展、变革而来的:
  1)主 + 动(SV)例如:
    I work. 我工作。 内容来自
  2)主 + 动 + 表(SVP)例如:
    John is busy. 约翰忙。 CopyRight
  3)主 + 动 + 宾(SVO)例如: 内容来自
    She studies English. 她学英语。
  4)主 + 动 + 宾 + 补(SVOC)例如: 内容来自
    Time would prove me right. 时间会证明我是对的。
  5)主 + 动 + 间宾 + 直宾(SVOiOd)例如: CopyRight
    My mother made me a new dress. 我母亲给我做了一件新衣裳。
  13.1 祈使句结构
  1) 祈使句有两种类型,一种是以动词本相开头,在动词原形之前加do (但只限于省略第二人称主语的句子)。
      Take this seat.
      Do be careful.
   否定结构: CopyRight
     Don't move. 内容来自
     Don't be late.
  2)英语五中基本句型中 第二种祈使句以let开头。
    Let 的反意疑问句
   a. Let's 包含谈话者 
     Let's have another try,shall we / shan't we? CopyRight
    = Shall we have another try?
   b. Let us 不包括说话者
     Let us have another try,will you / won't you? CopyRight
    = Will you please let us have another try?
  否认结构: CopyRight
   Let's not talk of that matter. CopyRight
   Let us not talk of that matter.
  13.2 感叹句结构
    感叹句通常有what, how引诱,表现褒奖、惊叹、喜 悦、等情绪。 内容来自
    what修饰名词,how 润饰形容词,副词或动词,感叹句结构主要有以下多少种:
    掌握它的搭配,即把持了感叹句的重点。 CopyRight
  How +形容词+ a +名词+       陈述语序    内容来自
  How+形容词或副词+         陈说语序
  What +名词+            陈述语序
  What+a+形容词+名词+        陈述语序
  What+ 形容词+复数名词+       陈述语序 CopyRight
  What+ 形容词+不可数名词+      陈述语序
  How clever a boy he is!
  How lovely the baby is! CopyRight
  What noise they are making!
  What a clever boy he is!
  What wonderful ideas (we have)!
  What cold weather it is!
  What a clever boy (he is)!
  1)___ food you've cooked!
  A. How a nice  B. What a nice  C. How nice  D. What nice
   答案D. 由于How 修饰形容词,副词;what修饰名词。且food为不可数名词,因此A,B 打消。C How + adj. 后面不能再加名词,因此只有D正确,其句型为What + adj. +n. (不可数)
  2)___terrible weather we've been having these days!  内容来自
  A. What  B. What a  C. How  D. How a 
   谜底A. weather为不可数名词,B,D消除。C为how + adj. 后面不应有名词。只有A,合乎句型What +形容词+不可数名词。
  3) --- _____ I had!
    --- You really suffered a lot.
  A. What a time  B. What time   C. How a time   D. how time CopyRight
   答案A. 感叹句分两类:
       1:What + n.+主谓部分
       2:How + adj. / adv. / v.+主谓部分。本题属第一种,但省略了bad,绝对 What a bad time I had! 这是个习惯用语。
  13.3 强调句结构
    常考的强调句结构是it 勾引的句子。
    It is (was) 被强调部分+ that (who) + 句子其余部分。
    此结构强调的成分仅限于主语,宾语和状语。 内容来自
     It is from the sun that we get light and heat.
     It was not until I had read your letter that I understood the true state of affairs. 内容来自
  1) It was last night ___ I see the comet. 内容来自
  A. the time B. when  C. that  D. which
    答案C. 强调句的结构是: It +be +强调部分 + that (who) + 主谓句。 强调句的连词只有两个,that和who。当强调的部分是人,且为句子的主语时,才用 &who&,其余用that。
   原句: My father did the experiment in the lab yesterday evening.
   强调主语: It was my father who did the experiment in the lab yesterday evening.
   强调宾语: It was the experiment that my father did in the lab yesterday evening.
   强调时间: It was yesterday evening that my father did the experiment in the lab. (留心不用when)
   强调地点: It was in the lab that my father did the experiment yesterday evening.
  2)It is ten years ___ Miss Green returned to Canada.
  A. that B. when  C. since  D. as CopyRight
    答案C. 考点是连词用法。 本题易误选为A. that. 切实本句不是强调句。若是,去掉It  be& that还应是一个完整的句子。而本句去掉 'It is&that',只剩下ten years Miss Green returned to Canada. 不成句。因而本句不是强调句。
    It is /was +时光+ since& 其中is&---& has been  was &---& had been.
  13.4 用助动词进行强调
    强调句还有一品种型,就是用助动词do (did,does) 强调谓语。 CopyRight
   She does like this horse. 她确切爱好这匹马。
   Please do take care of yourself. 千万保重。
  13.5 反意疑难句
  1) 陈述部分的主语是I,疑问部分要用 aren't I. 内容来自
    I'm as tall as your sister,aren't I?
  2) 陈述部分的谓语是wish,疑问部分要用may +主语。
    I wish to have a word with you, may I?
  3) 陈述部分用 no, nothing, nobody, never, few, seldom, hardly, rarely, little等否定含义的词时,疑问部分用肯定含义。 CopyRight
    The Swede made no answer, did he / she?
    Some plants never blown (开花), do they ?
  4) 含有ought to 的反意疑问句,陈述部分是肯定的,疑问部分用shouldn't / oughtn't +主语。 CopyRight
    He ought to know what to do, oughtn't he? / shouldn't he?
  5) 陈述部分有have to +v. (had to + v.),疑问部分常用don't +主语(didn't +主语)。
    We have to get there at eight tomorrow, don't we? 内容来自
  6) 陈述部分的谓语是used to 时,疑问部分用didn't +主语或 usedn't +主语。 CopyRight
    He used to take pictures there, didn't he? / usedn't he?
  7) 陈述部分有had better + v. 疑问句部分用hadn't you?
    You'd better read it by yourself, hadn't you?
  8) 陈述部分有would rather +v.,疑问部分多用 wouldn't +主语。
    He would rather read it ten times than recite it, wouldn't he?
  9) 陈述部分有You'd like to +v. 疑问部分用wouldn't +主语。
    You'd like to go with me, wouldn't you?
  10) 陈述部分有must 的疑问句,疑问部分根据实际情况而定。 内容来自
    He must be a doctor, isn't he? CopyRight
    You must have studied English for three years, haven't you? / didn't you?
    He must have finished it yesterday, didn't he?
  11) 感叹句中,疑问部分用be +主语。 内容来自
    What colours, aren't they?
    What a smell, isn't it?
  12) 陈述部分由neither& nor, either& or 连接的并列主语时,疑问部分根据其实际逻辑意思而定。 内容来自
  Neither you nor I am engineer, are we? CopyRight
  13) 陈述部分主语是领导代词或不定代词everything, that, nothing, this, 疑问部分主语用it。
    Everything is ready, isn't it? CopyRight
  14)  陈述部分为主语从句或并列复合句,疑问部分有三种情况:
   a. 并列复合句疑问部分,谓语动词根据邻近从句的谓语而定。
    Mr. Smith had been to Beijing for several times, he should have been in China now, shouldn't he?
   b. 带有定语从句,宾语从句的主从复合句,疑问部分谓语根据主句的谓语而定:
    He is not the man who gave us a talk, is he? 内容来自
    He said he wanted to visit Japan, didn't he? CopyRight
   c. 上述部分主句谓语是think, believe, expect, suppose, imagine等引导的定语从句,疑问部分与宾语从句相对应构成反意疑问句。
    I don't think he is bright, is he? 内容来自
    We believe she can do it better, can't she?
  15) 陈述部分主语是不定代词everybody, anyone, somebody, nobody, no one等,疑问部分常用复数they,有时也用单数he。
    Everyone knows the answer, don't they? (does he?)
    Nobody knows about it, do they? (does he?) 内容来自
  16) 带情态动词dare或need的反意疑问句,疑问部门常用 need (dare ) +主语。 内容来自
    We need not do it again, need we ? CopyRight
    He dare not say so, dare you? 内容来自
    当dare, need 为实义动词时,疑难局部用助动词do + 主语。 内容来自
    She doesn't dare to go home alone, does she?
  17) 省去主语的祈使句的反意疑问句,疑问部分用will you。
    Don't do that again, will you? 内容来自
    Go with me, will you / won't you ?
  英语五中基本句型留神: Let's 开头的祈使句,后用shall we? 内容来自
    Let us 开头的祈使句,后用will you? 内容来自
    Let's go and listen to the music, shall we?
    Let us wait for you in the reading-room, will you ? 内容来自
  18) 陈述部分是&there be&结构的,疑问部分用there省略主语代词。
    There is something wrong with your watch, isn't there? CopyRight
    There will not be any trouble, will there?
  19) 否定前缀不能视为否定词,其反意疑问句仍用否定情势。 内容来自
    It is impossible, isn't it? 内容来自
    He is not unkind to his classmates, is he?
  20) must在表&揣测&时,根据其推测的情形来肯定反意疑问句。 内容来自
    He must be there now, isn't he?
    It must be going to rain tomorrow, won't it?
  陈述部分的谓语      疑问部分           内容来自
       I          aren't I        
      Wish         may +主语          
  few, seldom, hardly,     断定含意
  rarely, little等否定
  ought to(确定的)    shouldn't/ oughtn't +主语   CopyRight
  have to+v.(had to+v.)  don't +主语(didn't +主语)  
  used to        didn't +主语或 usedn't +主语  
  had better + v.     hadn't you          CopyRight
  would rather + v.    wouldn't +主语        CopyRight
  you'd like to + v.    wouldn't +主语       
  must           根据实际情况而定       内容来自
  感慨句中         be +主语           CopyRight
  either&or 衔接的根   据实在际逻辑意思而定
  教唆代词或不定代词 内容来自
  everything,that,      主语用it
  并列复合句       谓语依据邻近从句的谓语而定   CopyRight
  主从复合句       根据主句的谓语而定      
  suppose,imagine等领导  与宾语从句相对应的从句    
  somebody,nobody,no one  复数they, 单数he      
  情态动词dare或need    need (dare ) +主语
  dare, need 为实义动词     do +主语         CopyRight
  省去主语的祈使句     will you?
  Let's 开头的祈使句    Shall we?
  Let us 开头的祈使句   Will you?           CopyRight
  there be   相应的谓语动词+there(省略主语代词)  
  否定前缀不能视为否定词    仍用否定形式      
  must表&揣摩&   根据其推测的情况来判断反意疑问句  
扫描二维码关注线话 英​语​五​种​基​本​句​型​练​习​题英语五种基本句型专项练习题 用所学的五种句型造句: A:1.正在下着雨。 2.我的哥哥很用功。...  英语五种基本句型及练习_英语_高中教育_教育专区。英语...谁知道答案? 2. He │enjoys │reading. 他喜欢...这种句型中作间接宾语的常常指“人”,直接宾语常常...  五种基本句型的讲练(附答案)_高一英语_英语_高中教育_教育专区。基本句型翻译...翻译练习: 1. 我不信任那个人。 2. 他指出了我的作文中的错误。 3. 圣诞...  五种基本句型练习--答案版_高三英语_英语_高中教育_教育专区。五种基本句型练习--答案版五种基本句型练习练习 1: 分析下列句子成分,辨认属于五种基本句型中的 哪...  英语五种基本句型及练习附答案精品_英语_高中教育_教育专区。基本句型翻译练习基本句型一: 主+系+表 1. 当时他看起来不高兴 3. 我擅长英语。 5. 在公路对面...  英语五种基本句型及练习_英语_初中教育_教育专区。英语五种基本句型基本句型一: 主+系+表此句型的句子有一个共同的特点:句子谓语动词都不能表达一个完整的意思 ...  简单句的五种基本句型讲解及练习题_高一英语_英语_高中教育_教育专区。英语中五种基本句型的讲解和句子成分的划分,为以后的语法尤其是从句的学习打下基础。简单...  打印英语五种基本句型及练习_英语_高中教育_教育专区。基础写作训练(一)英语五种...谁知道答案? 2. He │enjoys │reading. 他喜欢看书. 3. My sister is ...英语比较级常用的句型结构
& 发表时间: 9:17:49
1.可以修饰比较级的词,much,a lot,far,…的多a little,a bit,…一点儿even甚至,still仍然  例如,Lesson One is much easier than Lesson Two.第一课比第二课容易得多。  Tom looks even younger than before.汤姆甚至比以前更年轻。  This train runs much faster than that one.这辆火车比那辆跑地快  She drives still more carefully than her husband.她开车仍然比她丈夫还认真。  2.比较级常用的句型结构  (1)"甲+be+(倍数)+形容词比较级+than+乙"表示"甲比乙…"或"甲比乙…几倍"  例如,Tom is taller than Kate.汤姆比凯特高。  This room is three times bigger than that one.这个房间比那个大三倍。  "甲+实意动词+(倍数)+副词比较级+than+乙"表示"甲比乙…"或"甲比乙…几倍"  例如,I got up earlier than my mother this morning.我今天早晨起床比我妈妈还早。  He runs three times faster than his brother.他跑的速度比他弟弟快三倍。  (2)"甲+be+形容词比较级+than+any other+单数名词(+介词短语)"表示"甲比同一范围的任何一个人/物都……",含义是"甲最……"。  例如,The Yangtze River is longer than any other river in China.  =The Yangtze River is longer than any of the other rivers in China.长江比中国的任何一条其他的河都长。  =The Yangtze River is longer than the other rivers in China.长江比中国的其他所有的河都长。  =The Yangtze River is the longest river in China.长江是中国最长的河流。  注意:The Yangtze River is longer than any river in Japan.长江比日本的任何一条河都长。  "甲+实意动词+副词比较级+than+anyother+单数名词(+介词短语)"表示"甲比同一范围的任何一个人/物都……",含义是"甲最……"。  例如,Mike gets to school earlier than any other student in his class.  = Mike gets to school earlier than any of the other students in his class.迈克比他们班上任何一个其他的同学到校都早。  = Mike gets to school earlier than the other students in his class.迈克比他们班上其他的同学到校都早。= Mike gets to school earliest in his class.迈克在他们班到校最早。  注意:Mike gets to school earlier than any student in Tom's class.迈克比汤姆班上任何一个学生到校都早。(迈克和汤姆不是同一个班)
&& 下一页:
& 共有&74 条记录英语五种基本句型详解
IO :&&&& Indirect Object (),
DO:&&& Direct Object () ,
OCObject Complement
&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &
1&&&& &S+V&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&+不及物动词)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&We &work. ()
2&&&& &S+V+O&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&+及物动词+宾语)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &He& plays& () the piano.
3&&&&& S+V+P&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&+系动词+表语)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& We& are&&& () students.
4 &&& S+V+IO+DO&&&&&&+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语)&& &She& gave &() me a pen.
5 &&& S+V+O+OC&&&&&&&&+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语)&&&&&& He& made& () the boy laugh.
&1Birds fly.
&2He&& runs& in the park.
+ in the park
&3Class begins.begin
We begin our class at eight.
sleep&&& & &&
walk&&&&& &&
swim&&&& &&
happentake place&&&
come&&&& &&&&
work&&& &&&
laugh&&&& &&&&
&& My father&&&&&&& read&&&&&&&& the book. .
&&&&&& &&&&
&4You must listen to me.
&Listentolisten to
& 5She likes English.
& 6I know him very well.
& 7They want to go.
& 8He stopped writing.
9The teacher advised that we learn English well. ()
& 3S+V+P ++
&10He&&& became&&&&&&& a scientist.
&&&&&& bebecome &
&11They are honest.& &&
&12He became a scientist.&
&13 His face goes red.&
&14 It grew dark.&&&&&&&
keep&& & &&
feel&&&&&& &&&
grow/get/go/turn&& &&&&
4S+V+IO+DO +++
&15He&&&&&&& gave&&&&& Tom&&&&&&& a present.
&&&&& &&() &&()&& &&()
&16Give&&& &&&&it&&& &&&&&&&to& me.
&&& ()& ()&&&&&& ()
&&&&&&&&& 2
& 17We&&&&& sent&&&& them&&&&&&&& a telegram.
&&&&&& &&&&& ()&&&&& ()
give&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&
show&&&&&&& &&&&
send&&&&&& &&&
bring&&&&&& &&&
pass&&&&&&& &&&&
lend&&&&&&& &&&&&
leave&&&&& &&&&&
tell&&&&&&&& &
return&&&& &
write&&&&& &
buy&&&&&&& /&&&&
draw&&&& /&&&
(give, handlend, pass, show, send, write)(bring)8tovt.+sth.+to+sb.
Read the first paragraph to me.
&1. He found his new job boring. ()
&2. The called their daughter Mary. ()
&3. This placed her in a very difficult position. ()
&4. We went to her house but found her out. ()
&5. What do you advise me to do()
&6. We thought him to be an honest man. (to be)
&7. He believed them to have discussed the problem. ()
&8. He believed her to be telling the truth. ()
&9. Did you notice him come in(to)
“半帮助”指可以带也可以不带to;feelhear, listen tohave, let, makenotice, observe, see, watch,在这些动词后有不定式作宾补时,不定式的符号to
&10. I saw her chatting with Nancy. ()
&11. He watched the piano carried upstairs. ()
&1. He felt it his duty to mention this to her.
ithis dutyto mention this to her
2. I think it best that you should stay with us.
itbestthat you should stay with us
We are short of money. (be short ofshort)
She is always making trouble for her friends. (troublemake)
He has carried out our instructions to the letter. (our instructionscarry out)
We are waiting for the rain to stop. (wait forthe rainto stop)
Did you ask the price()
She asked them their names. ()
I asked James to buy some bread. ()
I asked to speak to Fred. ()
Didn't you ask him in(in)
He has asked for an interview with the President. (ask for)
&3. There be
There is a television in the sitting room.
There are two girls and a boy dancing in the hall.
There are a lot of difficulties facing us. There were many things to be done. (to do).
There will be a concert in the park tonight. There was little change in him.
There used to be a cinema here.
There seems to be something the matter with her.
Is there going to be any activity tonight?
there bebethere
&Is there any hope of getting the job?
There is nothing wrong with your watchis there?
there belivefollowcomestandsitexist
Once upon a time, there lived a fisherman on the island.
There came a knock at the door.
At the top of the hill there stands an old temple.
there to bethere being:
You wouldn't want there to be another war. ()
The teacher was satisfied with there being no mistakes in his homework. ()
There being nothing else to dowe went home. ()
1. He is running.
2. The loud voice from the upstairs made him angry.
3. The little boy is asking the teacher all kinds of questions.
4. She seemed angry.
5. My father bought me a beautiful present.
6. Why do you keep your eyes closed?
7. Will you tell us an exciting story?
8. We must keep our classroom tidy and clean.
9. I heard the baby crying in the sitting room.
10. Can you push the window open?
& 2. ---------
& 3. ---------
& 4. -------
& 5. ---------
& 6. ---------
& 7. ---------
& 8. ---------
& 9. ---------
10. ---------&
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