apple in my eyee sight failed...

你可能喜欢driving test
i passed my driving test 10 years ago i could just read the reg plates which worried me a great deal the eye clinic said my eye sight was upm to standard and because i worry so much it would not help me i had another council driving test 3 years ago i was so worried i nearly failed through the eye sight test it is due again and i am now starting to worry as this is my job. my perscription in both eyes is 5each i asked for laser&&but they told me it was to high i am 44 years old is there any thing i can do or get done to inprove my eyesight even a little bitThis discussion is related to Odd Vision problem, no diagnosis.
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If you are 44 years old its likely you need bifocals for near work and reading. See an Eye MD ophthalmologist for a complete medical eye exam.
If you are 44 years old its likely you need bifocals for near work and reading. See an Eye MD ophthalmologist for a complete medical eye exam.
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driving test
i passed my driving test 10 years ago i could just read the reg plates which worried me a great deal the eye clinic said my eye sight was upm to standard and because i worry so much it would not help me i had another council driving test 3 years ago i was so worried i nearly failed through the eye sight test it is due again and i am now starting to worry as this is my job. my perscription in both eyes is 5each i asked for laser&&but they told me it was to high i am 44 years old is there any thing i can do or get done to inprove my eyesight even a little bitThis discussion is related to .
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