Themy beautiful girll ...

有一首英文歌,歌词带有 you are so beautiful girl ,这首歌叫什么名字?
有一首英文歌,歌词带有 you are so beautiful girl ,这首歌叫什么名字?
09-03-08 &
歌名Beautiful girlBeautiful girl, wherever you areI knew when I saw you, you had opened the doorI knew that I'd love again after a long, long whileI'd love again.You said &hello& and I turned to goBut something in your eyes left my heart beating soI just knew that I'd love again after a long, long whileI'd love again.It was destiny's gameFor when love finally came onI rushed in line only to findThat you were gone.Whenever you are, I fear that I mightHave lost you forever like a song in the nightNow that I've loved again after a long, long whileI've loved again.Beautiful girl, I'll search on for you'Til all of your loveliness in my arms come trueYou've made me love again after a long, long whileIn love againAnd I'm glad that it's youHmm, beautiful girl.
You are so beautifulBaby you…you are so beautiful,So unbelievable.I love your smile.Oh baby you…oh you…you are so wonderfulIrresistible all your life.Anytime I wonder…wonder how I feelOh, you`re driving me out of my mind.Every time I see youBabe, is this for real?Oh, someone like you is hard to find.Oh, I promise you love.And I can’t get enoughEvery day and night.Oh, I do it for you,Everything what I dotill the morning lightBaby you…you are so beautiful,So unbelievable.I love your smile.Oh baby you…oh you…you are so wonderfulIrresistible all your life.The way you look tonightYou can`t give me more.Every time a story in your eyesListen to my heartbeat.Oh you can&#39;t ignoreYou `re the nearest thing to paradise.Are you ready for love?Oh, I can’t get enoughEvery day and night.Oh, I do it for you,Everything I can do till the morning light.Baby you…you are so beautiful,So unbelievable.I love your smile.Oh baby you…oh you…you are so wonderfulIrresistible all your life.Baby you…you are so beautiful,So unbelievable.I love your smile.Baby you…oh…you…you are so wonderful.Irresistible all your life.Oh Baby you…you are beautiful.So unbelievable…( I love your smile)Baby you…oh…you…you are so wonderful.Irresistible all your life.参考资料:
【You’re Beautiful】James Blunt Grammy Nominees 2007 格莱美提名2007
请登录后再发表评论!作文:形容漂亮女孩(Describe the beautiful girl)
& 形容漂亮女孩(Describe the beautiful girl)
形容漂亮女孩(Describe the beautiful girl)
  1. hey, look at the chick over there.  看看在那边的女孩.  chick 这个字代表的就是女孩子, 各位不要跟 chic (时尚) 这个字给搞混了. chick 这个字念起来就像是 chicken 前面的几个音, 所以蛮好认的. 一般而言 chick 和 girl 是可以交互使用的, 例如, 她是个十三岁的女孩, 就是 she is a thirteen-year-old chick.  2. she is gorgeous!  她真是漂亮.  要懂得适时地称赞女孩实在是每个男士必修的功课. 一句简单的 you are pretty! 或是 you are so beautiful 就可以让人家高兴上好半天. gorgeous 和 pretty, beautiful 都是美丽的意思, 但是程度上可能要比 pretty 和 beautiful 还要再来的高一些. 所以下次再看到美女, 别忘了说一声, you are gorgeous! 说不定她就变成你的老婆了.  3. she is a babe.  她是个美女.  这句话是用来形容美女的喔. 要特别注意 babe 跟 baby 只有一字之差但却相差十万八千里. 你千万不要说成 oh! i like the baby, 那么你很有可能被人家当成恋童癖.  4. she turns me on.  她让我眼睛为之一亮.  各位男生不知有没有这样的经验, 一位长发美女从你眼前走过, 你的目光便不自觉地投射在她身上, 全身的血液也开始跟著沸腾起来. 这要怎么用英文形容呢? 这就叫 she turns me on. 这好像是说, 她把你身上的电源都给打开了.  另外, turn-on 也可以当作名词用, 它用来表示任何令你觉得很不错的人, 事, 物. 另外你可以说 she is such a turn-on. 就是说她给我的感觉还蛮不错的.  5. i think she is a hottie.  她是个辣妹.  所谓的 hottie 就是指那种很辣的辣妹, 穿著打扮各方面可能都非常地时髦. 或是你也可以说, hot babe 或是 hot chick. 但有一点请注意, 也许你在国内对一个女孩子说, 你真是个辣妹啊! 她可能还会蛮高兴的, 但是在美国你不可以去跟女孩子说 you are a hottie. 那么你可能换回一巴掌.  另外有一个字眼跟 hottie 很像, 叫 hot tamale, 但是这个字一般而言比较少人在用. hot tamale 原是一种墨西哥食物, 被引申成为辣妹的意思, 不过这个用法比 hottie 更强烈, hottie 单指好看或漂亮的人, 但 hot tamale 则又加上了一些不能自己控制自己, 有点疯狂的意思, 所以也不要乱用喔.  6. do you know jean? she is a cutie.  你认识 jean 吗? 她好可爱喔!  看来中外皆然, 女孩子总是分为二种, 漂亮美艳型和活泼可爱型. 至于那种遵守交通规则型 (obeying the traffic rules 则不在本文讨论范围之内) 漂亮的女生叫 hottie, 相对的, 可爱的女生就叫 cutie. 或是你单讲, she is so cute! 也是不错的用法.  7. she is well-developed. 她很丰满.  刚才说的是以脸蛋来分的, 现在说的是以身材来分的. 看到身材很好的女生, 女生之间彼此会说 she is well-developed 或是 well-endowed
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