“scene意思” 什么意思。

scene是什么意思 scene在线翻译 scene什么意思 scene的意思 scene的翻译 scene的解释 scene的发音 scene的同义词 scene的反义词 scene的例句
scene英 [si:n] 美 [sin] 第三人称复数:scenescene 基本解释名词场面,现场; (戏剧的)一场; 景色,风景; 事件scene 相关词组1.
: 作好准备;2.
: 露面, 参与;scene 相关例句名词1. scene的翻译1. Did you make a scene with her?&&&&你跟她争吵了吗?2. The scene of this story is Germany during World War I.&&&&这个故事发生在第一次世界大战期间的德国。3. What a fantastic mountain scene!&&&&多么迷人的山景!4. 4. The scene of this play is set in Ireland.&&&&这出戏的场景是在爱尔兰。5. The criminal fled the scene.&&&&罪犯逃离了现场。scene 网络解释1. 场景 场景:Flash介绍层 场景 场景(Scene)是借用影视艺术里的术语,相当于在同一部电影里要采用不同的背景、不同的场合拍各种镜头一样. 场景是在复杂的Flash动画中的几个相互联系但性质不同的分镜头. Flash介绍 元件 元件(Symbol)就像是电影里面的演员,2. 情景:相信思考过的人都明白--情景(scene)是作品的重要组成部分,是作品用来令他人产生同感的手段3. scene的翻译3. scene: 个人精选scene 双语例句1. The Storyteller describes the setting of each scene, roleplays the actionsgenerally guides the story's plot.&&&&Storyteller要描述每一个场景,扮演出玩家角色遇到的每一个人物的每一个动作每一句话,通常他还要引导这个story的情节发展。2. The Storyteller describes the setting of each scene, roleplays the actions and speeches of the various people the players'characters encounter and generally guides the story's plot.&&&&Storyteller要描述每一个场景,扮演出玩家角色遇到的每一个人物的每一个动作每一句话,通常他还要引导这个story的情节发展。3. 3. The Storyteller describes the setting of each scene, roleplays&&&&Storyteller 要描述每一个场景,扮演出玩家角色遇到的每一个人物的4. The Storyteller describes the sef each scene, roleplays thes and speeches of the various people the players'characters eer and generally guides the story's plot.&&&&Storyteller要描述每一个场景,扮演出玩家角色遇到的每一个人物的每一个动作每一句话,通常他还要引导这个story的情节发展。5. The Storyteller ribes the setting of h scene, roleplays the actions and hes of the various people the players'ters unter and generally guides the story's plot.&&&&Storyteller要描述每一个场景,扮演出玩家角色遇到的每一个人物的每一个动作每一句话,通常他还要引导这个story的情节发展。6. 911查询·英语单词6. In the 15th episode, in the scene intercutting Anna looking for the cell phone Chul Soo bought her, and Chul Soo remembering Anna while touching the dial on the electric heating pad, the music used was a complete mistake.&&&&在第15集里,有一场戏是安娜在找哲秀买给她的手机,而哲秀拿着电热毯的开关想起了安娜,那里的音乐完全是个错误。7. scene的意思7. I knew it from the opening scene, from the first sounds of Nino Rota's music.&&&&罗塔乐曲的第一音符响起,我就知道这一次是不同的。8. 8. I add some props to the scene and choose a camera plan that would match my conception of this image.&&&&我添加了一些支持物到场景中,并选择了一个跟我制作这张图像的概念相匹配的摄像机角度。9. This is the concept of the scene, a very rough line drawing with simple shading.&&&&下图是场景的构思图,都是些简单的线条再加上简单的阴影。10. As the economic construction develops and the industrial structure continuously optimizes and adjusts itself, a series of newly professions have emerged, such as electronics, information technology, new materials, etc. And traditional agriculture has been transforming into modernized. At the same time, the production of all trades and all professions has been gradually transforming from labor-intensive to technology-intensive, and the personnel demands from skilled worker or primary professionals to secondary or senior professionals. Just can Higher Vocational Education supply those qualified manpower resources. Since 1990s, Higher Vocational Education in our country has made rapid progress, and it has presented an unprecedented scene of prosperity.&&&&随着经济建设的发展和产业结构的不断优化调整,出现了一系列新兴行业,如电子、信息、新材料等,传统农业也向现代农业的道路转化;各行各业生产由劳动密集型逐渐向技术型转化,由对熟练劳动者和生产初级人才的需求,转化为对中高级应用人才的需求,这种高素质人力资源,需要通过高职教育来提供。90年代以来,我国高职教育有了很大的发展,出现了前所未有的繁荣景象,为社会主义现代化建设事业培养了大批急需的各类专门人才,提高了劳动者的素质。11. In Intelligence Traffic System, the accurate detection of traffic flux at real time on road scene is very important steps.&&&&&&引 言在智能交通系统 ITS中,如何实时、有效地从道路场景中得到道路交通的流量、行驶速度、占道率、车辆类型等道路状况信息,是一个很重要的环节。12. Pneumatic relays Pneumatic relay is a PA, it will pressure the signal sent to distant places, eliminate the signal delay caused by longer pipelines, the main transmitter and the central control room for live instrumentation regulation between or the regulator valve and the scene between, there is a zoom function is to signal.&&&&&&三、气动替续器气动替续器是一种功率放大器,中央空调专用阀它能将气压旌旗灯号送到较远的处所,消除因为旌旗灯号管线加长所带来的滞后,主要用于现场变送器与中央节制室的调节仪表之间,或在调节器与现场调节阀之间,另有一种效用就是放大或由大变小旌旗灯号。13. It`s painted with a whimsical garden scene, which Dixon said is part of her signature art.&&&&&&葫芦上绘制了一个异想天开的花园景色,Dixon说这是她的艺术风格的一部分。14. Fans is to reflect the performances of drum scene.&&&&&&就是反映当时扇鼓表演活动的场景。15. Scene simulation federate is an important component of distributed interactive simulation platform.&&&&&&视景邦员是分布式交互仿真平台的重要组成之一,它采用计算机图形学技术、多媒体技术和虚拟现实技术给人以视觉和听觉上身临其境的感受。16. If you don't like the scene you are in&&&&&&如果你不喜欢你所处的状况17. I really like that scene, so I decided to use it.&&&&&&我真的想在那里,因此我决定用它。18. You said you wanted a scene...&&&&&&因为你说过你想要一场19. Not a long ago, a student he was studying painting and drawing in Spain painted an oil on canvas about that sight and scene and the title of theme of that painting is hugging or embracing.&&&&&&前不久一位在西班牙学习绘画的同学,把这幅场景画了一幅油画送给我,标题就叫《依偎》。20. \u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD20. The hotel backside of scene is shocking numberThe reporter understands in investigation, investigate its reason nothing more than at 3 o'clock: One, Hainan investment opportunity is not much, besides travel and estate, do not know to still what industry can invest.&&&&&&风光的酒店背后是触目惊心的数字记者在调查中了解到,究其原因不外乎三点:一、海南投资机会不多,除了旅游和房地产,不知道还有什么行业可以投资。scene 词典解释1. (戏剧、书的)场面,片段;(电影)镜头&&&&A scene in a play, film, or book is part of it in which a series of events happen in the same place.&&&&e.g. I found the scene in which Percy proposed to Olive tremendously poignant.&&&&&&&&&&&我觉得珀西向奥利芙求婚的一幕太让人心酸了。&&&&e.g. ...the opening scene of 'A Christmas Carol'.&&&&&&&&&&&《圣诞颂歌》的开篇场景2. (给人以某种印象的)景象,场景,场面&&&&You refer to a place as a scene when you are describing its appearance and indicating what impression it makes on you.&&&&e.g. It's a scene of complete devastation...&&&&&&&&&&&那是一副满目疮痍的景象。&&&&e.g. Thick black smoke billowed over the scene...&&&&&&&&&&&在这一场景中浓浓的黑烟滚滚升起。3. (通过画面显示的或看到的)事件,场面,情景&&&&You can describe an event that you see, or that is broadcast or shown in a picture, as a scene of a particular kind.&&&&e.g. There were emotional scenes as the refugees enjoyed their first breath of freedom...&&&&&&&&&&&当难民们呼吸到第一口自由的空气时,有许多感人至深的场面。&&&&e.g. Television broadcasters were warned to exercise caution over depicting scenes of violence...&&&&&&&&&&&电视台受到警告,要求对暴力场面的描绘采取谨慎态度。4. (事情发生的)地点,现场&&&&The scene of an event is the place where it happened.&&&&e.g. The area has been the scene of fierce fighting for three months...&&&&&&&&&&&这一地区 3 个月以来不断发生激战。&&&&e.g. ...traces left at the scene of a crime...&&&&&&&&&&&犯罪现场留下的痕迹5. (活动)领域,圈子;界;坛&&&&You can refer to an area of activity as a particular type of scene .&&&&e.g. Sandman is a cult figure on the local music scene.&&&&&&&&&&&桑德曼是当地音乐界的偶像人物。&&&&e.g. ...when he first burst onto the national political scene at age 28.&&&&&&&&&&&当他在 28 岁刚刚闯入国家政坛时6. 风景画&&&&Paintings and drawings of places are sometimes called scenes .&&&&e.g. ...James Lynch's country scenes.&&&&&&&&&&&詹姆斯·林奇的乡村风景画7. (当众)发脾气,吵闹&&&&If you make a scene, you embarrass people by publicly showing your anger about something.&&&&e.g. I'm sorry I made such a scene.&&&&&&&&&&&对不起,我失态了。8. 在幕后;秘密地;不公开地&&&&If something is done behind the scenes, it is done secretly rather than publicly.&&&&e.g. But behind the scenes Mr Cain will be working quietly to try to get a deal done.&&&&&&&&&&&但是,凯恩先生将背地里偷偷行动以争取达成交易。&&&&e.g. ...behind-the-scenes discussions.&&&&&&&&&&&秘密讨论9. (电影、戏剧、广播电视节目的制作)在幕后,在后台&&&&If you refer to what happens behind the scenes, you are referring to what happens during the making of a film, play, or radio or television programme.&&&&e.g. It's an exciting opportunity to learn what goes on behind the scenes.&&&&&&&&&&&可以有机会了解幕后的工作,令人非常兴奋。10. 换换环境&&&&If you have a change of scene, you go somewhere different after being in a particular place for a long time.&&&&e.g. What you need is a change of scene. Why not go on a cruise?&&&&&&&&&&&你需要换换环境。为什么不乘船去旅行呢?11. 介绍背景;事先介绍情况&&&&&&If you set the scene for someone, you tell them what they need to know in order to understand what is going to happen or be said next.&&&&&&e.g. But first to set the scene: I was having a drink with my ex-boyfriend.&&&&&&&&&&&&&不过首先介绍一下背景:我当时正在和前男友喝饮料。12. 为…铺平道路;为…做好准备&&&&&&Something that sets the scene for a particular event creates the conditions in which the event is likely to happen.&&&&&&e.g. Gillespie's goal set the scene for an exciting second half.&&&&&&&&&&&&&吉莱斯皮的进球为下半场的精彩比赛铺平了道路。13. 登场/离场;到场/消失;介入/摆脱&&&&&&When a person or thing appears on the scene, they come into being or become involved in something. When they disappear from the scene, they are no longer there or are no longer involved.&&&&&&e.g. He could react rather jealously when and if another child comes on the scene...&&&&&&&&&&&&&如果别的孩子也加入其中,他可能会表现得相当嫉妒。&&&&&&e.g. Harris disappeared from the scene as suddenly as he had appeared.&&&&&&&&&&&&&哈里斯突然出现,又突然消失了。14. 不喜欢;不合意&&&&&&If you say that an activity or place is not your scene, you mean that you do not like it or enjoy it.&&&&&&e.g. Lying on the beach all week isn't my scene.&&&&&&&&&&&&&我不喜欢整个星期都躺在沙滩上。Take care not to confuse scene and scenery注意不要混淆 scene 和 scenery。scene 单语例句1. He said he believes Yeung's handheld radio was also functioning properly at the fire scene, though two firemen complained that the radio line was busy.2. Elkins secured a discarded cigarette butt from Earl Gene Mann, and DNA on it matched evidence found at the crime scene.3. Bergen was buzzing with quality musicians and diverse music scene and it was here she planted her roots.4. The natural scene was found by accident by local villagers in 2006 and some animal fossils were also found in the cavern.5. He was kissed by George Clooney on the lips in a scene out of The Descendants and even ate a tainted pie from The Help.6. The role was a break for Duran who says China's increasingly competitive acting scene has made it more difficult for foreign actors to find roles.7. But firefighters did not reach the scene until half an hour later, by which time the store owner's son had perished in the blaze.8. The truck driver had fled the scene by the time rescuers arrived.9. " This is the largest cache of intelligence derived from the scene of any single terrorist, " Donilon said.10. The cacophony of instructions adds a somewhat musical note to the eeriness of the scene.scene 英英释义noun1. graphic art consisting of the graphic or photographic representation of a visual percept&&&&e.g. he painted scenes from everyday life&&&&&&&&&&&figure 2 shows photographic and schematic views of the equipment&&&&Synonym: 2. the painted structures of a stage set that are intended to suggest a particular locale&&&&e.g. they worked all night painting the scenery&&&&Synonym: 3. the visual percept of a region&&&&e.g. the most desirable feature of the park are the beautiful views&&&&Synonym: 4. a consecutive series of pictures that constitutes a unit of action in a film&&&&Synonym: 5. a subdivision of an act of a play&&&&e.g. the first act has three scenes6. an incident (real or imaginary)&&&&e.g. their parting was a sad scene7. the context and environment in which something is set&&&&e.g. the perfect setting for a ghost story&&&&Synonym: 8. the place where some action occurs&&&&e.g. the police returned to the scene of the crime9. a situation treated as an observable object&&&&e.g. the political picture is favorable&&&&&&&&&&&the religious scene in England has changed in the last century&&&&Synonym: 10. a display of bad temper&&&&e.g. he had a fit&&&&&&&&&&&she threw a tantrum&&&&&&&&&&&he made a scene&&&&Synonym: scene是什么意思,scene在线翻译,scene什么意思,scene的意思,scene的翻译,scene的解释,scene的发音,scene的同义词,scene的反义词,scene的例句,scene的相关词组,scene意思是什么,scene怎么翻译,单词scene是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 高频词,一定要记得哦!
n. 场面,现场;情景,景象;(戏剧的)一场;景色,风景;事件
the opening scene of `A Christmas Carol'
love scenes
You can just picture the scene, can't you?
There were emotional scenes as the refugees enjoyed their first breath of freedom.
It was an amazing scene.
搭配:[+ of crime, accident]
Fire and police crews rushed to the scene, but the couple were already dead.
The police were soon on the scene.
the political scene
the English rock scene
There was a scene, and he called her a lot of rude names.
搭配:[+ of film]
搭配:[+ of play, film]
James Lynch's country scenes
It's an exciting opportunity to learn what goes on behind the scenes.
But behind the scenes Mr Cain will be working quietly to try to get a deal done.
What you need is a change of scene. Why not go on a cruise?
Harris disappeared from the scene as suddenly as he had appeared.
Lying on the beach all week isn't my scene.
There are some great new young artists coming on the scene.
First to set the scene: I was having a drink with my ex-boyfriend, when...
Gillespie's goal set the scene for an exciting second half.
1.the place where some action occurs
the police returned to the scene of the crime
2.an incident (real or imaginary)
their parting was a sad scene
3.the visual percept of a region
the most desirable feature of the park are the beautiful views
4.a consecutive series of pictures that constitutes a unit of action in a film
5.a situation treated as an observable object
the political picture is favorable
the religious scene in England has changed in the last century
6.a subdivision of an act of a play
the first act has three scenes
7.a display of bad temper
he had a fit
she threw a tantrum
he made a scene
8.graphic art consisting of the graphic or photographic representation of a visual percept
he painted scenes from everyday life
figure 2 shows photographic and schematic views of the equipment
9.the context and environment in which something is set
the perfect setting for a ghost story
10.the painted structures of a stage set that are intended to suggest a particular locale
they worked all night painting the scenery
1.You were at the scene!
2.Three officers arrived on the scene.
3.The scene baffled all description.
4.The scene struck terror into his heart.
5.Do you remember the scene?
1.& the scene of the crime
2.& to make a scene


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