
  We'll adapt your idea.
  In what way?(怎么调整?)
  We'll change your idea to better suit us.
  We'll make a few adjustments to your idea.
  *adjustment“调整”、“调节”。make a few adjusments“稍稍调整”。
  How did the negotiations go?
  The proplsal went through.
  *proposal“提案”、“计划书”。go through“被批准”。
  We landed the deal.
  *land the deal“做成交易”。
  The proposal was accepted.
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  我替你打电话吧。    I don't know how to reconfirm my flight.(我不知道怎样确认我的飞机票。)  I can call it for you.(我替你打电话吧。)    *reconfirm“再次确认(预定的飞机票等)”。    Shall I call for you?  I'll make the call for you.  Let me call for you.   
  我会从车站再给你打电话的。    What time will you get here?  (你什么时候到这么?)    I'll call you again from the station.  (我会从车站再给你打电话的。)    *call “打电话”。    i'll call again when i get to the station.  when i get to the station,i'll call again
  我没打过电话。    i didn't make any calls.(我没打过电话。)    are you sure?(你确信?)    *make a call“打电话”。    i didn't make any phone calls.  i didn't call anyone.  i didn't use the phone.      try to make it happen   
  我现在正在上班。    i''m on
duty now.(我现在正在上班。)  Oh,i''ll call you lalter.  (哦,那过后我再打。)    *duty“工作”、“任务”。on duty“在上班”。  I''m working.  I''m at work.  My shift has started.    *shift“(轮班制)上班时间”。
  33楼    我现在正在上班。    i'm on duty now.(我现在正在上班。)  Oh,i'll call you lalter.  (哦,那过后我再打。)    *duty“工作”、“任务”。on duty“在上班”。  I'm working.  I'm at work.  My shift has started.    *shift“(轮班制)上班时间”。  
  我打电话求援。    I'll call for help.(我打电话求援。)    Tell them to hurry.(让他们快点来。)    *这里的call表示“打电话”,它也有“大声喊叫”的意思。  i can call for assistance.*hurry &赶紧&。    *call for “请求”、“叫人来”。assistance“帮助”、“援助”。    i can ring for help. *英国英语的说法。
  我想预约。    I'd like to make a reservation.  (我想预约。)    For where and when,sir?  (先生,什么时候,去哪儿?)    make a reservation“预约”。给旅行社打电话时使用。  I'm calling to make a reservation.  May i make a reservation?  (我可以预约吗?)
  I'll leave it in your hands.  交给你了.(你看着办吧)  下面德望第一个对话发生在由中途变换的负责人继续完成工作的时候,第二个对话发生在把决断权交给别人的时候.这两种回答方式可以互换.    I'll take over from here.(下面就由我接受干了)  I'll leave it in your hands.(交给你了)    Should I report it to the staff?(我可以告诉员工吗?)  I'll leave it up to you.(你看着办吧)   
  Good luck!  祝你好运!(面对机会)  &祝你好运!&,&好好干吧&,&加油&,&祝你成功&,这些话都是用来鼓励面对机会或挑战的人,也就是将要承担重担的人说的话,不仅在日常会话中,在生意场合这句话也常常用到.    He's a potential buyer.(他是个潜在的买主)  Good luck.(祝你好运)   
  【新起点英语】每天跟我学一句商务英语(1)  You've made a good choice.     你的眼力不错。    解析:[choice]    adj. 上等的,精选的     n. 选择     例句与用法:     1. She can exercise little choice.
运用]  她几乎没有选择余地。     2. They are the choice of the men.   他们是队伍中的精英。     3. We each had to make a choice.   我们每个人都必须做出选择     4. There is no choice between the two.   两者半斤八两。     5. She wouldn't be my choice as Prime Minister.
[ Prime Minister n. 总理, 首相]  她不是我看中做首相的人。      choice  a choice  make a choice  the courage of making a choice
勇气,胆识,气概]  Morality may consist solely in the courage of making a choice
存在于] [solely 仅仅]       
  That's ridiculous.
荒谬的,可笑的    那太荒唐了。    1.That is just ridiculous.   那也滑稽。    2.The question sounds ridiculous.   这个问题看似荒谬。    3.This is quite ridiculous.   这更是十分荒唐。    4.Fabulous( ridiculous, absurd) price   乱开(高)价    5.An odd or ridiculous person.   畸形人,怪人一个奇怪或不可思议的人    6.He had a ridiculous mind.   他有一个荒谬的想法。    7.It strikes me as ridiculous.   它使我觉得滑稽可笑。    8.Who made this ridiculous rule?   这条荒唐的规则是谁定的?    9.Blow sb. up to ridiculous proportions   肉麻地吹捧某人    10.The Greeks personated their gods ridiculous.   希腊人把他们的上帝拟人化,说它非常荒谬。
  @静语-01 09:38:19    楼主,我想请几天假,怎么说?  -----------------------------    请假英文表达为 ask for a leave
  We're sorry for the inconvenience.  给您带来不便,我们很抱歉.  从&inconvenience也就是&不方便&,&不凑巧&这个单词中可以看出,这句话是&事情进展不顺利,给您带来不便,添了不少麻烦&的意思,这和前面的&I'm sorry to bother.&意思相近,但是这句话只有在发生了什么事情之后才使用,不用于和别人打招呼的情况.    I demand an apology.(我需要一个道歉)  We're sorry for the inconvenience.(给您带来不便,我们很抱歉)   
  We hope we did't cause you too much trouble.  但愿没有给你们带来太多的麻烦.  这句话可以用来职业化地,委婉地对对方表示歉意.可以用它来表达'虽然说没有造成什么大的问题,但是还是有可能给别人带来小问题,添了麻烦&这种自己对所发生的事情感到过意不去的心情.    Your shipment arrived late.(你们的货晚到了)  We hope we did't cause you too much trouble.(但愿没有给你们带来太多的麻烦)   
  寒暄用语  多亏了你......  Thanks to you,I finished the work quickly.(多亏了您,工作很快就完成了)  I'm happy to help.(我很高兴能帮上忙)    Thanks to your help, ...  Due to your help, ...  *due to...&因为...&    Because of your help, ...  *because of... &由于...的原因&   
  这可帮大忙了  I came in early today to finish checking inventory.(我今天早来是为了把存货清点完。)  Thank, That helps a lot.(谢谢,这可是帮大忙了 。)    *inventory &存货&  *对已经做完的事情可以这么说。  That makes a big difference.(真是大不一样啊。)  That's a big help.   
  你能这样做真是太好了  I'll extend your deadline two weeks.(截止日期我给你们延长两个星期吧)  That'll be a big help.(你能这样做真是太好了)    *deadline指&截止日期&,&最后期限&.  *That'll是That will的缩写形式,即将得到对方帮助时可以这么说.    That'll help a lot.    I'd be very happy if you
did.(你要是这样做,我很高兴)    That would be a great help.    That will make a positive difference.  *make a difference&产生不同结果&.positive&好的&,&积极的&    That will certainly help.(真的是太好了)  *进一步强调的说法.   
  要是这样,谢谢了  Could i get you a cup of coffee?(我给您拿一杯咖啡,好吗?)  I''d appreciate it if you would.(要是这样,谢谢了)    *appreciate"感谢","感激"    That would be really nice to you .  I''d sure appreciate it.  I''d be happy if you would.  It would please me.   
  We're sorry for the inconvenience.  给您带来不便,我们很抱歉.  从&inconvenience也就是&不方便&,&不凑巧&这个单词中可以看出,这句话是&事情进展不顺利,给您带来不便,添了不少麻烦&的意思,这和前面的&I'm sorry to bother.&意思相近,但是这句话只有在发生了什么事情之后才使用,不用于和别人打招呼的情况.    I demand an apology.(我需要一个道歉)  We're sorry for the inconvenience.(给您带来不便,我们很抱歉)   
  寒暄用语  多亏了你......  Thanks to you,I finished the work quickly.(多亏了您,工作很快就完成了)  I'm happy to help.(我很高兴能帮上忙)    Thanks to your help, ...  Due to your help, ...  *due to...&因为...&    Because of your help, ...  *because of... &由于...的原因&   
  这可帮大忙了  I came in early today to finish checking inventory.(我今天早来是为了把存货清点完。)  Thank, That helps a lot.(谢谢,这可是帮大忙了 。)    *inventory "存货"  *对已经做完的事情可以这么说。  That makes a big difference.(真是大不一样啊。)  That''s a big help.   
  @静语-01 09:38:19    楼主,我想请几天假,怎么说?   -----------------------------  I want a few days off.  May I have/ take a few days off?
  那东西非常有用.  That was really uesful.(那东西非常有用)  I'm glad we had it.(有它真是太好了)    *useful
&有用的&    That was helpful.  That was beneficial.    * beneficial
&有益的&, &有利的&    it was good to have it.   
  真让人长知识  That was really informative.(真让人长知识)  Yeah, I learned a lot.(是啊,我学到了很多东西)    *informative &提供消息(或资料)的”“增长知识的”。    Did you learn anything from it?(你从中学到了一些东西吧?)  Yes,This was a good lesson for me.(是啊,真是给我上了一课)    *lesson &功课”,“教训”,“经验”    I learn a lot.(我学到了很多)    That was very educational.    *educational &有教育意义的&    That was enlightening.    *enlighten &指导”, “教育”, “启发”   
  非常感谢你为我做的一切  Thank you very much for everything you've done for me.(非常感谢您为我做的一切.)  It was truly my pleasure.(别客气)    *向招待过自己的主人告别时用这句话.    I appreciate everything you've done for me.  *appreciate&感谢&,&感激&  It was kind of you to do so much for me.   
  Can I help you?(要我帮忙吗?)  I appreciate your offer.(谢谢关心)    *offer &提议&,&建议&    How niceof you to offer!  Thank you so mush for offering.
  要是这样,谢谢了  Could i get you a cup of coffee?(我给您拿一杯咖啡,好吗?)  I'd appreciate it if you would.(要是这样,谢谢了)    *appreciate&感谢&,&感激&    That would be really nice to you .  I'd sure appreciate it.  I'd be happy if you would.  It would please me.   
  非常感谢你为我做的一切  Thank you very much for everything you've done for me.(非常感谢您为我做的一切.)  It was truly my pleasure.(别客气)    *向招待过自己的主人告别时用这句话.    I appreciate everything you've done for me.  *appreciate&感谢&,&感激&  It was kind of you to do so much for me.   
  那东西非常有用.  That was really uesful.(那东西非常有用)  I'm glad we had it.(有它真是太好了)    *useful
&有用的&    That was helpful.  That was beneficial.    * beneficial
&有益的&, &有利的&    it was good to have it.   
  真让人长知识  That was really informative.(真让人长知识)  Yeah, I learned a lot.(是啊,我学到了很多东西)    *informative &提供消息(或资料)的”“增长知识的”。    Did you learn anything from it?(你从中学到了一些东西吧?)  Yes,This was a good lesson for me.(是啊,真是给我上了一课)    *lesson &功课”,“教训”,“经验”    I learn a lot.(我学到了很多)    That was very educational.    *educational &有教育意义的&    That was enlightening.    *enlighten &指导”, “教育”, “启发”   
  真让人长知识  That was really informative.(真让人长知识)  Yeah, I learned a lot.(是啊,我学到了很多东西)    *informative &提供消息(或资料)的”“增长知识的”。    Did you learn anything from it?(你从中学到了一些东西吧?)  Yes,This was a good lesson for me.(是啊,真是给我上了一课)    *lesson &功课”,“教训”,“经验”    I learn a lot.(我学到了很多)    That was very educational.    *educational &有教育意义的&    That was enlightening.    *enlighten &指导”, “教育”, “启发”   
  多谢你昨晚所做的一切  Thanks for everything last night.(多谢你昨晚所做的一切)  It was my pleasure.(别客气。)    *thank &感谢&    Thanks for last night.  I want to thank you for last evening   
  These documents don't copy well.  (这些文件复印不清楚。)    Blue ink never copies as well.  (蓝墨水写的东西从来复印不清楚。)    *copy“复印”、“抄写”。Well “很好地”。    I can't get a good copy of these documents.    *get“获得”。    i'm not getting good copies of these documents.
  I want to ask you,the owner of the posts ,whether all these sentences are written by you and how you confirm they are correct.
        免费测试你的英语水平: /apply4/
  太遗憾了  I have to leave.(我得走了)  That's a shame.( 太遗憾了)    *leave &走&, &离开&  *这里的shame表示&糟糕的事,&遗憾的事&    That's too bad.  *太遗憾了的惯用表达方式.    I'm sorry  *这里的sorry表示&遗憾的&   
  这只是一家分公司  Is this the main office?(这里是总公司吗?)  No. This is only a branch.(不,这只是一家分公司.)    This is not the main office.(这里不是总公司)  This is one of our smaller offices.   
  我们办公室有6名员工  You must have a very large staff.(你一定有很多员工.)  There are six people working in my office.(我的办公室有6名员工.)    There are six of us in the office.  We have six employees in the office.    *employee&员工&   
  接待访客  请问你有什么事情?    How can i help you?(请问你有什么事情?)  I'm here to see Mr.Smith.(我来见史密斯先生。)    *说Can I help you?也可以,但加上how听起来更有礼貌。对客人或上司可以这么说。    May i help you?  can I help you?  What can I do for you?  What wpuld you like?   
  谢谢楼主的分享       楼主坚持啊
  那是一家新公司吗?  Is that a new company?(那是家新公司吗?)  No. They've been around for
a long tome.(不是,很早就有了)    *be around&经营&    Did that company just start?  Is that company a new one?   
  我们已经和他们生意往来很长时间了  How well do you know them?(你们了解他们多少?)  We have a long-standing relationship with them.(我们已经和他们生意往来很长时间了)    *long-standing&长期持续的&,&多年的& relationship with...&和......的关系&    Our relationship with them is a long one.  Ours is long-standing relationship.   
  mark ,mark ,每天过来看看
  能告诉我你您的名字吗?  I have an appointment with Mr. Smith.(我和史密斯先生有个约会。)  May I have your name?(能告诉我您的名字吗?)    *在正式场合询问对方姓名时的说法。    May I ask your name?  And your name...?   
  能告诉我你您的名字吗?  I have an appointment with Mr. Smith.(我和史密斯先生有个约会。)  May I have your name?(能告诉我您的名字吗?)    *在正式场合询问对方姓名时的说法。    May I ask your name?  And your name...?   
  我一周工作5天。  How many daysdo you work?(你一周工作几天?)  I'm working a five-day week.(我一周工作5天。)    I work a normal five-day week.  I work five days a week.   
  您对我们工厂有什么看法?  What do you think of our factory?(您对我们工厂有什么看法?)  I'm very impressed with it.(它给我留下了很深的印象。)    *think of...“思考”、“考虑”。  *be impressed with...“被......感动”、“给以深刻印象”。    what do you think of our plant?  How do you feel about our factory?  What's you opinion of our factory?   
  %很不错的内容,适合我学习~    要坚持多发一些哦~~    看在你给那么好的资料,大家学习,我也不吝啬。给个学习商务英语的资料你也去瞧瞧吧  /%DE%B9%D2%C2%B2%DD632/blog/item/4bb8b9a8a59ef089d0435811.html      
  我想约琼斯先生见个面  May I help you?(你有什么事吗?)  I'd like to make an appointment to see Mr.Jones.( 我想约琼斯先生见个面。)    *电话预约见面时的说法。I would like to...“我想......”。    May I make an appiontment to see Mr.Jones?  I need an appiontment with Mr.Jones.   
  学英语的话,建议去乐知英语学习下   他们有专门的口语外教 网上教学像家教一样  能矫正你的口语发音 我学习了一段时间 感觉不错 这
  ding 支持..
  在乐知学了3个月,我觉得学英语还是靠坚持,之前也报过培训班没坚持学下去  现在在乐知学,坚持下来还是觉得有效果的。  一个班人数不多,练习的机会很多,老师讲的很好。练口语学语法什么的都很适合。  你要去的话建议可以先去试听下课程了解下先  这是听课的地址,自己注册个账号就可以听课了  /sessionhall.html?uid=Yltpx
请遵守言论规则,不得违反国家法律法规我想报BEC 的初级学习班,帮我选个班吧,是报沪江网校还是新东方的网校呢?哪个比较好?
—— hueaons


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