WES Ref#ref是什么缩写么

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例句与用法It was admitted by her family that she wes contrary but mary dalton was of age and went where she pleased .她的父母承认,她常常违背他们的意愿,可玛丽道尔顿已经成年,想去哪就可以去哪。Photography and painting in the history of wes tern art西方美术史中的摄影与绘画Wes : do you have experience in all those areas韦斯:你有这些方面的经验吗? Wes : that ' s good . how organized * are you韦斯:很好。你做事有条理吗? For more on library aspects , see wes isberg s有关库方面的详细信息,请参阅wes isberg的“ Wes grand canyon tour 49 , skywalk 25:西大峡谷专车49玻璃桥25 Wes : i see . do you plan to return to the united states韦斯:我懂了。你打算有一天回美国吗? These are my friends clare and bobby . - pleasure , wes这是我的朋友克莱尔和鲍比-很高兴认识你,韦斯Y ou know the name wes benteen你知道韦斯本汀这个名字吗Y ou know the name wes benteen你知道韦斯本汀这个名字吗更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
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Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)
Average Rating:
Reviews Counted:
Critics Consensus:
Fantastic Mr. Fox is a delightfully funny feast for the eyes with multi-generational appeal -- and it shows Wes Anderson has a knack for animation.
Average Rating:
Reviews Counted:
Critics Consensus:
Fantastic Mr. Fox is a delightfully funny feast for the eyes with multi-generational appeal -- and it shows Wes Anderson has a knack for animation.
User Ratings:
Mr. and Mrs. Fox live an idyllic home life with their son Ash and visiting young nephew Kristopherson. But after 12 years, the bucolic existence proves too much for Mr Fox's wild animal instincts. Soon he slips back into his old ways as a sneaky chicken thief and in doing so, endangers not only his beloved family, but the whole animal community. Trapped underground and with not enough food to go around, the animals band together to fight against the evil Farmers -- Boggis, Bunce and Bean -- who are determined to capture the audacious, fantastic Mr. Fox at any cost.
PG (for action, smoking and slang humor)
Action & Adventure
Kids & Family
Directed By:
Written By:
In Theaters:
Nov 25, 2009
Mar 23, 2010
87 minutes
as Mr. Fox
as Mrs. Fox
as Kristofferson
as Franklin Bean
as Coach Skip
as Linda Otter
as Walter Boggis
as Nathan Bunce
as Mrs. Bean
as Squirrel Contractor
as Bean's Son
as Action 12 Reporter
as Explosives Man
as Beaver's Son
as Dr. Badger
as Rabbit's Ex-Girlfriend
as Rabbit Girl
as Field Mouse
as Fire Chief
as Kristofferson
Visually, the movie is a wonder, with its profusion of detail and exquisitely focussed "performances" by the figurines, whom Anderson frames in images as precisely composed as those in his live-action work.
| March 11, 2014
New Yorker Top Critic
Sometimes too clever by half, the film, replete with in-jokes, may in some ways work better for adults. Meryl Streep, Bill Murray, and Jason Schwarztman also provide adept voice work.
| March 11, 2014
Christian Science Monitor Top Critic
A boisterous and magnificent treat.
| May 5, 2011
Top Critic
The same eye for immaculate compositions that had seemed increasingly to hem in his human actors here serves as the basis for some of the most inventive animated set pieces this side of Nick Park.
| November 25, 2009
The New Republic Top Critic
Adds yet another wry, carefully composed bibelot to the cabinet of curios that defines the Anderson oeuvre.
| November 25, 2009
Washington Post Top Critic
The result is not only marvellous whimsy, but also something that advances the burgeoning retro-tech movement.
| November 24, 2009
Toronto Star Top Critic
'Fantastic Mr. Fox' may be the purest distillation of Anderson's specific, inimitable style.
| June 18, 2016
If Fantastic Mr Fox feels like Anderson's freshest film since Rushmore, that can only be due to the animation. Beneath those tactile textures, there's nothing you could strictly call fantastic.
| March 11, 2014
New Statesman
Fantastic Mr. Fox is gorgeous and fanciful, with a glorious stop-motion animation style of its own.
| March 11, 2014
Toledo Blade
No matter how thin the narrative clay gets in this stop-motion animated piece, there's more than enough faux fur to make you purr from plush-toy flashbacks.
| March 11, 2014
It's the perfect animation format for Wes Anderson and makes permeable Anderson's frequently airtight outlook.
| March 11, 2014
Austin American-Statesman
Though Anderson's trademark deadpan banter and clever silliness are in full force, the script is no less sophisticated than anything out of the filmmaker's catalogue.
| March 11, 2014
Carlos Magalh?es Super Reviewer
danny d Super Reviewer
Spencer S. Super Reviewer
John Manard Super Reviewer
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