shinewritee three sentenc...

The news-sun ( July 10, 2005 )Lesson 5:Writing an IELTS Essay Introduction
In the writing for task 2, you must write an IELTS essay introduction, but you only have 40 minutes.
In this time you need to analyze the question, brainstorm ideas to write about, formulate an essay plan, and then write your response.
Even for a native writer of English, this is a lot to do in 40 minutes!
So you need to use your time carefully.
You need a good IELTS essay introduction, but one thing you do not want
to do is spend too long writing it so that you end up rushing your
Your paragraphs are the most important thing as they contain all your supporting arguments and demonstrate how good you are at organizing your ideas.
therefore need a method to write your IELTS essay introduction fairly
quickly. When you write an introduction, you should make sure you do two
Write a sentence introducing the topic and giving some background facts about it
Tell the reader what you are going to be writing about
How you do this will vary depending on the question, but here is an example:
Example 1:
sports have become a hot topic for debate in recent years. As society develops
it is increasingly seen as an uncivilized activity and cruel to the
animals that are killed. Blood sports should be banned.
To what extent to you agree or disagree?
Sample IELTS essay introduction:
Despite the fact that killing animals for sport is
popular in modern society, it remains a contentious issue. I
that blood sports are cruel and uncivilized and so should be
banned as soon as possible.
As you can see, the first sentence consists of the topic plus some background facts on the topic which have been taken from the rubric.
The second sentence then gives the writers opinion and tells us that in the essay the writer will be arguing the reasons why it is cruel.
topic does not have to be in the first sentence, but it should be made
clear somewhere in the introduction. You must always have a thesis.
Another important point - don't copy from the question! You must paraphrase (put it in your own words). To do this you can use synonyms and move the order of the sentence around.
Using some of the same words is acceptable, but don't copy whole phrases.
can see how the question above has been paraphrased. All the
information is from the question, but it has been written in a different
way and has not been copied.
Further Examples
Example 2:
technology have helped the world make many advances. The Arts,
such as painting,
theatre and dance, to name just three examples,
however, are also valuable.
What things do
the Arts provide to the world that Science and Technology do not?
Sample IELTS essay introduction:
have developed rapidly over time due to the many advances in science
and technology.
However, the arts are also very important and provide
our world with many things that science and technology cannot.
Example 3:
to a recent study, the more
time people use the Internet, the less
time they spend with real human beings.
Some people say that instead of
seeing the Internet as a way of opening up new
possibilities world wide,
we should be concerned about the
effect this
is having on social interaction.
How far do you agree with this
Sample IELTS essay introduction:
recent study has shown that as people use the Internet more, they are
spending less time with human beings. I believe that although this has
increased the communication around the world in positive ways, it has
also led to negative effects on the day-to-day social interaction of
human beings.
Example 4:
has become an increasing problem in the recent past.
factors contribute to an increase in unemployment and what steps can be taken
to solve the problem?
Sample IELTS essay introduction:
recent years, the level of unemployment has been increasing at an
alarming rate in many countries around the world. This essay will
discuss the reasons for this increase and consider what practical
solutions are available.
Example 5:
people think children in secondary
school should study international
news as part of the curriculum. Others think
that this would be a waste
of time as there are already too many subjects for
children to
concentrate on.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Sample IELTS essay introduction:
some people are of the opinion that it would be useful to include
international news as a subject in the school curriculum, others believe
that this is a waste of students time because
they are already
overloaded with subjects to study. This essay will examine both sides of
the issue.
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