写一篇关于高中国庆节的第一天作文的英语作文 1 学...

父亲的爱是深沉而伟大的,下面,是学习啦小编为你整理的有关父亲的高中英语作文,希望对你有帮助! 有关父亲的高中英语作文篇1 From the first day I was born to now, many people help me and play important role in my life. But to me, father is the
  From the first day I was born to now, many people help me and play important role in my life. But to me, father is the most important person in my life. In my memory, my father is kind but strict. He always smiles to me and spends a lot of time with me. We can talk to each other in many things. To some extend, we are friends. However, sometimes he is a father. If I did something wrong, he would point it out directly and ask me to make sure never do it again. Or, when I meet some troubles, he is the first person who gonna help me and encourage me. He always tells me that never give up no matter how bad the situation is. Hold a good wish for the future. I love my father, my friend.
  My father is a common worker. He works in a very far place. I only stay with him about two months a year. He often has a winter holiday for two or three months, because the place he works is very cold. People can not work in such cold weather. Therefore, winter is the season I like most. I like father staying at home. At weekends, he often takes me out, go to the zoo or fairground. We have many things to do. He works very hard to support my family. He said that he would work at my city soon. It makes very exciting. Finally, we have much more time together.
  My father is thirty-five years old. He is an attractive middle-age. He is an engineer, working in a big factory of my city. His working time is regular, going to office at eight o&clock and coming home at six o&clock. He works hard and becomes an important person in his factory. At weekends, he does not go to work, so that he usually stays at home or take my mother and I go out. In my opinion, my father is a great person. He brings happiness to my family.
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1228&人参与&&日 19:26&&分类 : 中考、高考资料&&
小编提示:亲爱的同学们,新的学年开始了。来到了新的学校、新的班级,认识了新的老师、新的伙伴,你一定有不一样的感受吧。如果要写一篇英语短文,叙述一下开学第一天的感受,那要如何下笔呢?2初中学生适用:”开学第一天的感受“[写作指导]1.文章主题:描写你在新学校的所见所闻,让大家分享你的快乐。2.谋篇布局:A. 先介绍学校的外观,然后具体就某事或某个有特点的人进行叙述和描写。B. 用一两句话表达自己的第一印象和感受。3.遣词造句:A. 习作应用第一人称和一般现在时进行叙述和描写。B. 除了运用be动词之外,学会运用一些简单的实义动词,如like, look等。C. 介绍学校时可用:My new school is ... There is / are ... in our school.介绍人物时可用:She is / looks ...【例文】My first day in schoolToday is September 1st. It’s the first day of a new term. I’m very happy because I’m a student in Chengli Middle School.The school is very big and beautiful. There are so many teachers and students. They are very friendly. I’m in Class 2, Grade 7. Miss Liu is our head teacher. She teaches us English. She looks very strict. In our first class she told us what we should do and what we shouldn’t do in school.I like my class, teachers and my classmates.【教师点评】小作者用简单的语言叙述了自己开学第一天对学校、老师、同学的印象,字里行间流露出自己的真情实感。作为七年级的学生能写出这样完整的、思路清晰的短文,确实不错。比如There are so many teachers and students这句中的 There be句型是初中经常要用到的,使用时应记住:There is+单数名词或不可数名词;There are+复数名词。另外,文中还运用了She teaches us English和She looks very strict 等句子,因句中主语为第三人称单数she,所以句中的谓语动词也要使用第三人称单数形式。同学们在写作时一定要注意,千万不要因粗心大意而忽略此用法。3高中生适用:”如何用英语描述开学第一天“【写作指导】一、审题定调本写作体裁为日记,主要描述开学第一天的所见及所感。写作时要注意要点全面,层次清晰。本写作以陈述当天发生的事为主,故时态以一般过去时为主。人称以第一人称为主。二、谋篇布局本写作的格式已给出,故只需写正文部分。正文部分可分为三部分:第一部分:描写校园环境;第二部分:描述你对老师和同学们的印象;第三部分:表达自己的感受。三、组织语言第一部分:描写校园环境普通表达:◆When I went into the school, I found it so beautiful.◆Green trees and different kinds of flowers are here and there. Our school seems like a big garden.◆When I went into my school, I saw a tall teaching building. On the top of it our national flag was flying.◆The air had the smell of flowers. It made me feel relaxed.高级表达:◆Entering through the school gate, I was amazed at its beautiful scenery.◆With green trees and different kinds of flowers everywhere, our school looks like a big garden.◆ On stepping into my school, I saw a tall teaching building, on the top of which our national flag was flying.◆ In front of it was a beautiful garden and the air was filled with the smell of flowers, which made me feel relaxed.第二部分:描述你对老师和同学们的印象普通表达:◆ All my new teachers are kind and patient.◆They use different teaching methods.◆She used a new method of teaching. I had never experienced it before.◆ All my classmates are friendly and hard-working.◆I hope many of them will be my friends. / I hope to make many new friends.高级表达:◆Then I was happy to find that my new teachers were not only enthusiastic but also experienced.◆Their teaching methods seemed new and effective.◆I was attracted by her new method of teaching, which I had never experienced before.◆All my classmates are friendly and brilliant.◆I’m looking forward to making friends with them.第三部分:表达自己的感受普通表达:◆I can’t forget my first day at Senior High school.◆I think I’ll have happy high school days.◆I will make progress here.高级表达:◆My first day at Senior High school made a deep impression on me.◆I’m sure I’ll spend my high school days happily.◆I believe with excellent teachers helping me, I will make great progress here.普通范文September 1st, Thursday FineToday is my first day at Senior High school. ①When I went into the school, I found it so beautiful. ②Green trees and different kinds of flowers are here and there. Our school seems like a big garden.③All my new teachers are kind and patient. ④They use different teaching methods. At the first lesson, I felt nervous at first, but I was soon relaxed after our teacher asked us to introduce ourselves to each other. Besides, all my classmates are friendly and hard-working. ⑤I hope many of them will be my friends.⑥I can't forget my first day at Senior High school. ⑦I think I'll have happy high school days.高级范文September 1st, Thursday FineToday is my first day at Senior High school. ①Entering through the school gate, I was amazed at its beautiful scenery. ②With green trees and different kinds of flowers everywhere, our school looks like a big garden.③Then I was happy to find that my new teachers were not only enthusiastic but also experienced. ④Their teaching methods seemed new and effective. In the English class, Mr. Smith, our foreign teacher fromAmerica, told us about his interesting experiences inChina. Besides, all my classmates are friendly and brilliant. ⑤I'm looking forward to making friends with them.⑥My first day at Senior High school made a deep impression on me. ⑦I'm sure I'll spend my high school days happily.温馨提示:同学们,仔细阅读两篇文章之后,你会发现相同标号的内容采用了不同的表达方式来表达相同或相近的含义。因此,大家在平时的写作中,应该多使用一些复杂结构或高级词汇,同时,也应学会使用简单词汇或句式来表达复杂的意思
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分享:支付宝微信请根据下面的提示和要求写一篇作文.提示:(1) 英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言之一.讲英语的人近三亿. (2) 英语是国际会议中使用得最多的工作语言.世界上有百分之六十的电台和百分之七十的邮件用英语.数以百万计的书籍和杂志是用英语写的. (3) 借助英语可以更快.更好地学习现代科学和技术.学好英语.我们可以更好地为祖国服务.要求:1.150词左右,开头已给 题目和参考答案——精英家教网——
& 题目详情
请根据下面的提示和要求写一篇作文。提示:(1) 英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言之一。讲英语的人近三亿。 (2) 英语是国际会议中使用得最多的工作语言。世界上有百分之六十的电台和百分之七十的邮件用英语。数以百万计的书籍和杂志是用英语写的。 (3) 借助英语可以更快、更好地学习现代科学和技术。学好英语,我们可以更好地为祖国服务。要求:1、150词左右;开头已给出,不计入总词数。 2、请勿逐字逐句翻译。 Why Do We Study English?
不唯一Possible version: Why Do We Study English?English is one of the most widely used languages in the world. It is spoken by nearly three hundred million people. People in England, the United States, Australia, Canada and many other countries speak English as mother tongue or official language.It is one of the working languages at international meetings and is more used than the others. It is said that 60 percent of the world’s radio broadcasts and 70 percent of the world’s mails are in English. Millions of books and magazines are written in English, too. English is really a bridge to knowledge. With the help of English we can learn modern science and technology faster and better form the developed countries. Only in this way can we serve our country better.试题分析:这是一篇提纲类作文,首先要认真阅读题目。请根据下面的提示和要求写一篇作文,(1) 英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言之一。讲英语的人近三亿。(2) 英语是国际会议中使用得最多的工作语言。世界上有百分之六十的电台和百分之七十的邮件用英语。数以百万计的书籍和杂志是用英语写的。(3) 借助英语可以更快、更好地学习现代科学和技术。学好英语,我们可以更好地为祖国服务。用一般现在时来写这篇文章。需要写的内容和开头已经给出,但是写作时不要仅仅对要点进行生硬的翻译,而是要添加些内容,使文章看起来更充实,要组成一篇通顺连贯的短文。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括,缺一不可,尤其注意一定要表达自己的观点。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,不能出现文章脱节问题。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。注意写150词左右,不要太多也不要太少。点评:本文属于提纲类作文。动笔前,一定要认真分析要点,理解要点要表达的含义,不能遗漏要点,跑题偏题。平时除了加强词汇积累,写作联系以外,还可以适当记忆一些类似的范文,这样在考试中可以起到事半功倍的效果。
目前青少年压力过大,为排解压力一些青少年染上了一些恶习,如吸烟,饮酒等,请你以学生会的名义参照以下提示用英语写一封倡议书,呼吁中学生要“养成好习惯,健康过生活”。写作要点如下:1. 青少年中存在的恶习以及它们的危害。2. 好习惯的重要性和必要性。3. 呼吁你校学生养成好习惯,过健康生活。注意:1. 词数100-120。&&&2. 开头结尾已给你写好不计入总数。&&3. 适当增加细节,使文章内容充实,连贯。Dear students,In the present world, we teenagers are living under great stress.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&That’s all. Thank you!
Directions: Write an English composition in over 120 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.人人渴望幸福,但由于忙于学业或工作,我们忽视了幸福。你认为幸福是什么?结合生活中的事例阐述你对幸福的理解。
假设你是李华,今年暑假你和家人一起到杭州和苏州度假。请根据表格中的内容,用英语写一篇文章对两座城市进行简单的比较。相同点风景优美,并称为天堂城市历史悠久,经济发达,人口稠密&不同点&杭州以西湖等自然风光而著名,有许多传奇故事,生活费用比苏州要高一些;苏州以园林等一些建筑而闻名,苏州四季更加分明。注意:词数100-120左右可以适当增加细节,使文章更加流畅。paradise/ heaven 天堂&&& Suzhou gardens 苏州园林&& cultural atmosphere 文化气氛distinctive seasons 分明的四季_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
目前,越来越多的中学生因各种原因不吃早餐。请根据下面表格所提供的信息,就此现象写一篇英语短文,并谈谈自己的看法。原因大部分学生认为早晨时间太紧,一部分觉得没食欲,还有一些女生减肥后果没精力,上课注意力不集中,记忆力下降,不但不能减肥,还会增加体重你的观点……注意:1.短文必须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥;2.短文开头已写好, 不计入总词数;3.词数;120词左右;4. 参考词汇;集中注意 concentrate on.
近来你们学校正准备创建和申报“省绿色学校”请你据此给某英文报写一篇短文。内容包括 :1. 建设绿色校园的重要性。2. 绿色校园不仅是指绿色的环境,……3. 为了建设绿色校园我们应该……注意: 1、词数120左右2、可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯 3、开头语已为你写好,不计入总词数。 Recently, our school is aiming at building a green campus. What is a green school?
Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below in Chinese.随着科技的发展,iPod 已成为中学生的新宠。用iPod既可听音乐、阅读纯文本电子书, 又可玩电子游戏。请你用英语写一篇小短文,谈谈中学生使用iPod的情况。内容必须包括以下几点:使用iPod对学习的好处;对课堂纪律和学习可能产生的负面影响。注意:词数不少于120个。
目前地球面临水资源危机, 请你以Global Shortage of Fresh Water 为题,根据以下提示写一篇短文。提示:1. 人们以为淡水是取之不尽的(雨水,河水,井水……)2. 实际上淡水是非常紧缺的(人口增加,工业用水增加,污染……)3. 人类应该怎么办?注意:1.词数100左右。2.可适当增加细节以使行文连贯。
书面表达(满分30分)春节期间燃放烟花爆竹是我们中华民族的传统,但每年很多人因此而伤亡。是否该禁止燃放烟花爆竹一直是人们热议的话题。请按下面的要求, 用英语写成一篇100-120字的短文,向21世纪英文报投稿。请就此话题谈谈你的看法, 至少列出两条理由;提出合理建议。注意:短文的开头已给出(不计词数)。Fireworks display 燃放烟花爆竹Whether fireworks display should be banned during the Spring Festival has been long debated. As far as I am concerned, _____________________________________________.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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