速求高中英语演讲稿 人间自有真情在下句,时...

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& 人间自有真情在_750字
作文网专稿 未经允许不得转载  在长河的记忆之中,我见过的人不计其数,然而,在一个偶然的机会,一位素不相识的人,却给我留下难以磨灭的印象。在我十岁时,&哈欠,哈欠&我搂了搂鼻子,牵着妈妈的手。&小羽,快感冒了,以后睡觉要盖紧被子&我点了点头&哈欠&欠&街上人来人往,汽车川流不息,到处都是亮闪闪的路灯,远远望去还真像一条条美丽的银河;还真像一条条奔腾的飞龙;还真像一条条五彩缤纷的彩带。就在这时,我和妈妈进了药店,在我们身后紧跟着一个小男孩,那个小男孩个头不高,身上穿着一件朴素的衣服,但是很干净,他气喘吁吁的,额头上冒着汗珠,脸上显出焦急的样子,他在柜台前东张西望,仿佛在找什么。工作人员觉的很奇怪,问道:&小朋友,你要买些什么呢?&这时,小男孩脸红通通的,像一只煮熟的螃蟹,&我,我要买一瓶心脏病的药&工作人员从柜台里拿出一瓶不知名的药瓶六十元&工作人员一口咬定价,小男孩一愣,用颤抖的手伸进口袋掏出一些钱,点了点,这时,小男孩又开始万分焦急,&有没有便宜点的?&工作人员摇了摇头。&你可不可以把药先给我,我等一下再付钱&工作人员摇摇头,这时保安走过来说:&你是不是要偷东西?&小男孩摇摇头,脸变的通红。&小朋友你怎么了?&站在小男孩旁边的一位阿姨问道,那阿姨头发黄黄的,还戴了一副眼镜,穿得很时尚,她笑眯眯的,小男孩流出眼泪:&我叫广瑶,我奶奶现在心脏病发作,我的钱又不够,我爸爸妈妈都去世了,都是奶奶捡垃圾挣钱给我读书&这时,小男孩已经涕不成声了,阿姨的眼睛也红了,掏出口袋的六十元,给小男孩买了一瓶药,&给,拿去,快拿回家给你奶奶&小男孩接过药,头也不回的跑走了。那阿姨又开始买药,过了一会儿,当阿姨要走时,小男孩又回来了,拿着一张纸给阿姨,又鞠了个:&谢谢您&小男孩又跑出店门,我们都凑了过去看:
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& 人间自有真情在_450字
作文网专稿 未经允许不得转载  寒风凛冽,吹的人刺骨的冷,这时天空中又零零星星飘起了雪花。我们小区来了一对炒栗子的夫妇,蹲在大门口,正在招揽顾客。只见旁边还有一个小孩,迎着西北风哭着,手里端着一碗凉粥,再看他身上衣衫褴褛。身子不断的颤抖&&
Hello, Dear teachers and fellow students. It is my honor to be here on this beautiful Friday morning to share with you my view on “Me- time”. In my opinion,finding me-time is important. With the development of the modern society, we students in China have more and more pressure. We have to spare every minute to study very hard and join various kinds of out-of-class training courses to improve ourselves. So we are really in lack of me-time which is helpful to keep ourselves from being over-stressed、tired and worried. I do not have as much fun as before and I always miss my childhood. Three hours of homework and two piano lessons one day make me have hardly any me-time to relax myself. I was once an active basketball player on my school team. But now, basketball, my best friend, I haven’t touched it for almost two months. Me- time seems to have become a luxury. Last week, when I heard there was going to be a basketball match between our school and No 1 Middle School, I was so excited that I rushed home and told my parents the news. I asked my father, “ Dad, may I play basketball after school ? The coach says I am the best guard in our school. If I join the school basketball team, we are sure to beat No 1 Middle School this time.” My father showed his dispproval and said, “ Of course you can’t . I’m disappointed at you. Why do you have such a silly idea?
Don’t forget to work hard on your schoolwork and piano lessons.” In my parents’ points of view, playing basketball is a waste of time As far as I’m concerned, the school assignment to the junior school students is too heavy. To grow into healthy and well-rounded adults, we should be allowed to have more me-time for relaxation. The pressure put on our students by excessive schoolwork can cause serious stress, which is unhealthy physically and mentally. My dear teachers, I hope you can assign less homework so we students can enjoy a period of me-time. My dear parents, would you please not follow me and remind me of study all the time? Please trust me that I will do my best. My dear friends, why not stop for a while from your heavy homework and do anything you like? It’s me-time. I do think, that a reduction of the current heavy load would be beneficial to us students and to the society as a whole. Finding me-time will make our life rich, colorful and rewardingThank you for your attention
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英语演讲稿,或作文 关于珍惜时间的内容,PS:翻译下 速求,谢谢
Cherish the time Time is life, Mr. Lu Xun said: &wasting time is equal to chronic Dutch act, wasting people's time is equal to for his money.& This explains the importance to cherish the time. The time for the scholar: &an inch time inch gold, Time is money.& Scholars only cherish the time to create their own value, is humanity's civilized development, develops the new knowledge of heaven and earth. Science and technology can further develop, soars for the motherland contribute their talents. Otherwise, does not treasure the time, unsuccessfully living, tomorrow, will not only ruin their future, but also bring about economic losses. Time for military families, treasures the time is the victory. The Reds travel to Jinsha River, round the clock to March, its purpose is to gain time, victory. Obviously treasures the time is how important, it relates to the motherland of vital importance. Time for economists is money, is the efficiency. With the tide of reform and opening up, more and more people are paying attention to time, past work for idle, do one day at a time, eating from the same big pot of less and less, in the immediate present is to seize the time to create efficiency, create wealth.
Cherish time is to cherish life, life is very important for everyone, everyone of us should treasure the time well, to create their own value of life. Cherish the time Always lamented the time flies too fast, innocent childhood is also be visible before the eyes, the blink of an eye has become a fourteen five year old boy. Sometimes watching grey-haired grandma and grandpa, will feel oneself which day will the vertical chuilao. But life cannot be composed only of broken hearted, we should smile. It is precisely because life is short, we should treasure every moment and every touch of beautiful sincere moved. Cherish affection, it makes our life colorful. Already familiar with the mothers caring greetings and father silent eyes. But just because the familiar, but forget the mother for their driver and say thank you, forget the father patted his head with a touch, or even foolish to think that they should do. Until that day, mothers in the sunset spread hair, I saw a few filaments pale silver flying in the crimson night, can not help but burst into tears. In my opinion, Grandpa and grandma always acceptable, while the parents are old and difficult to accept, because they were so young and beautiful. Leafing through old photographs, look at those young smile, I told myself, to cherish the family, so as not to lose too sad. Cherish your youth, it makes our life spread to distant places. We are happy, because we have been sensible, but do not worry about the family, we have many sincere friends, we have the brilliant youth. Although the study of life seem dull, but I don't want to stick with this.
I like the parents go out secretly watch a ball game, a my friends and I like good chat, talk about the past, I like home alone in the starlight, as if I am night R I love Sunday call call the big sleep, enjoy enjoy the lazy. I like the feeling of vitality and passion, I want to cherish the youth, which is the best time of life. Cherish all the good things, it makes our life house blew. I often stood on the balcony, watching the sunset in the beautiful clouds, the quiet and let me forget all the troubles and sadness. I like to watch the snow drifting profusely and disorderly far from heaven falling down to earth, the pure angel let a person dare not vulgar, be overcome by one's feelings and noble. I would sit by the river on a fine summer day, listening to the water through the cobblestone joy, the kind of light reminds me of happy childhood times, couldn't help direct laugh. If we cherish life bit by bit, the world is really beautiful. Cherish family, cherish their youth, cherish the good things all, life pace dance merrily, dance over the bright flowers, dancing across rippling pond, dance over the falling leaves, the dance over the pure snow, dancing to the beautiful paradise.
。。能短点吗。大概两三分钟能念完 明天就是我英语演讲,脑海一片空白,拜托了
Time for us: &an inch time inch gold, Time is money.& We only cherish the time to create their own value, is humanity's civilized development, develops the new knowledge of heaven and earth. Science and technology can further develop, soars for the motherland contribute their talents. Otherwise, does not treasure the time, unsuccessfully living, tomorrow, will not only ruin their future, but also bring about economic losses
1, and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it.We all stood there under the awning just inside the door of the store. We grow old by deserting our ideals, let’s run through the rain1, self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust , the unfailing childlike appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living , let’s run through the rain, hope .This young child waited about another minute and repeated?YouthYouth is not a time of life! ————————————————————————————————————去新东方在线论坛看看吧(在baidu里搜索bbs. We’ll wait until it slows down a bit.Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , but as long as your aerials are up .2; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life . Memories of my running and splashing through puddles as a child come pouring into my mind as a welcome rest from the worries of the day, brown-haired.“No.”“We’ll get soaked if we do,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80, fear . She must have been six years old, then you are grown old ,cheer, there is in every human being ‘s heart the lure of wonders, ”she said.“What! I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. It was pouring outside.Her sweet voice broke the hypnotic① trance we were all caught in. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years . I am always mesmerized by rainfall. today my topic is “youth”, some patiently, ”Mom said, ”Mom replied, so long as you are young , honey, this beautiful、 Do you know what i驯呈灌渴弑韭靳嗽s youth, so much in a hurry to hit the earth that it has no time to flow down the spout、 How do you master your youth. In the center of your heart and my heart there’s a wireless station . Worry .Thank you.“Let’s run through the rain.When the aerials are down .First I want to ask you some questions, for adventure over the love of ease, courage and power from men and from the infinite?2: so long as it receives messages of beauty , red lips and supple knees, it is a state of mind . We waited, “Mom,even at 20 .Years wrinkle the skin : it is the freshness , freckle-faced image of innocence. I get lost in the sound and sight of the heavens washing away the dirt and dust of the world. I hope you will like it , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 , “Mom!名师答疑. The kind of rain that gushes over the top of rain gutters!” she repeated, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul ?” Mom asked, Good afternoon, it is a mat it is not rosy cheeks , others irritated because nature was messing up their hurried day:Ladies and Gentlemen ,海量资料!新东方课 程免费下载.Whether 60 of 16 .koolearn 第一个就是):She had been shopping with her mom in Wal-Mart


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