用英语邀请函写邀请函 Toby想在周六下午4...

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英文翻译on saturday afternoon&&&& be living&&&& post meridiem&&&&on saturday morning&&&&on saturday morning&&&&o wwdsatpmshex weather working days saturday pm sundays h ...&&&& on on wensday afternoon&&&&on saturday afternoon&&&&sashex saturday afternoon sunday holiday excluded&&&&saturday&&&&sashex saturday afternoon sunday holiday excluded&&&&the teachers and parents got together on saturday afternoon&&&&come here at half past two every saturday afternoon&&&&a short season of silent film classics on saturday afternoons&&&& post meridiem (p. m.)
在下午 下午四点 at four p.m&&&& electronic hits&&&&last saturday&&&& at/ at/ at/ on/ at the ...&&&&on sunday&&&& around&&&&on friday&&&&on monday&&&&holy saturday&&&&six days a week&&&&saturday you got over me&&&&saturday’s dragon
例句与用法Please come to my birthday party请在周六下午6点钟来参加我的生日聚会We are having a housewarming party on saturday afternoon . it stars at 1 . 00 pm我们将在周六下午搞个庆祝乔迁之喜的聚会。下午1点开始。 Police said the robbery occurred some time between late afternoon saturday and dawn sunday警方称偷盗过程发生在周六下午到周日拂晓的一段时间。 Police said the robbery occurred some time between late afternoon saturday and dawn sunday警方称这次抢劫案发生在周六下午较晚时候到周日凌晨之间的某个时候。 Owen hargreaves could be on the bench for united ' s barclays premier league trip to birmingham city on saturday tea - time欧文?哈格里夫斯可能会在周六下午英超曼联对阵伯明翰城的比赛中作为替补。 The former birmingham man joined up with rafa benitez and the first team squad at their swiss training camp after completing his move on wednesday and could be in line to make his debut against kaiserslautern on saturday afternoon这名前伯明翰球员在周三完成转会后,与贝尼特斯和他们瑞士训练营的一队阵容汇合,并且可能在周六下午与凯泽斯劳滕的比赛中首次登场。 &&
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