let the worldthe keep dog...

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Let the Great World Spin is a novel by
in the United States. The book won the 2009 U.S.
and the 2011 , one of the most lucrative literary prizes in the world. Its title comes from the poem "" by .
The plot of the book revolves around two central events. The first, laid out clearly in the book's opening pages, is the sensational real-life feat of the
tightrope walk of
110 stories up, performed in 1974. This lays the groundwork for the author's description of the human ability to find meaning, even in the greatest of tragedies, for which the Twin Towers serve as a metaphor.
The second central event, which is only revealed halfway through the book, is the fictional courtroom trial of a New York City prostitute. This serves as a sort of point of balance, bringing the book back down to its more earthly, and therefore more real basic story lines.
In the novel the author employs the unusual literary technique of designating multiple protagonists within the same book. In fact, no fewer than eleven different protagonists are introduced throughout the course of the book, each in their own dedicated chapters. Additionally, the various protagonists are sometimes cast in roles which are naturally in conflict or tension with one another: for example, first a prostitute, and then the judge who must pass sentence upon her. In this particular case, first an earlier chapter of the book presents the courtroom story through the eyes of the prostitute, later in the book the same story is retold through the eyes of the judge.
Throughout the book the author weaves the stories of each of his protagonists through both of the two central events, exploring the personal impact that each of these two events had on the lives of each of the various protagonists. Additionally, some other issues which are unique to certain of the various protagonists are touched upon, such as the loss of a child, or the personal struggles that a member of a Catholic religious order must contend with. This religious protagonist, named John A. Corrigan, was loosely based on the real-life Catholic priest, .
While some of the story lines may pass more directly through one of the two central events than the other, all are either directly or indirectly linked to them both. Through the author's ability to draw the reader into the minds of each of the many and varied protagonists, the reader is given an in-depth and multifaceted view of both the heights and the depths of life in New York City for both its ordinary, and its more extraordinary citizens. In subsequent interviews, the author has noted his intention to point out the melodramatic tensions present in all of our lives, whether perched upon a death-defying high wire, or merely trying to live out a more "ordinary" life, "where there is still an invisible tight-rope wire that we all walk, with equally high stakes, only it is hidden to most, and only 1 inch off the ground".
reviewer Jonathan Mahler ranked this book as, "One of the most electric, profound novels I have read in years."
The novel received numerous honours including the U.S. . It was named winner of the 2011
in June 2011. The judging panel, among whom were
and , described the book as a "remarkable literary work [...] a genuinely 21st century novel that speaks to its time but is not enslaved by it", noting the book's opening pages in which "the people of New York city stand breathless and overwhelmed as a great artist dazzles them in a realm that seemed impossib Colum McCann does the same thing in this novel, leaving the reader just as stunned as the New Yorkers, just as moved and just as grateful".
said it was "wonderful and fitting to have a Dublin winner in the year that Dublin was awarded
designation, a designation in perpetuity".
Colum McCann and musician
cowrote a song-cycle—"The House That Horse Built (Let the Great World Spin)"—based on McCann's novel. The album is narrated from the perspective of the character Tillie. It was recorded with Hurley’s band The Gents—James Mastro (),
(), and Ken Margolis ()—and features ' , , soul singer , film actress , Denis Diken and . It was produced by
and Hurley.
. . Retrieved 27 March 2012.
(With interview of McCann and other material.)
. . Quote from Diane Rehm interview with Colum McCann
Mahler, Jonathan (2 August 2009). . The New York Times 2010. New York Times book review.
. The Irish Times. 12 April .
. CBC News. 15 June .
. BBC News. 15 June .
. The Irish Times. 15 June .
Flood, Alison (16 June 2011). . The Guardian. UK 2011.
Taylor, Charlie (15 June 2011). . The Irish Times 2011.
Philbrook, Erik (August 2010), , Blog Horizonvu Music 2011
, Financial Times, 29 August 2009
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Recipients of the
: Hidden categories:英语翻译Is that all these is?Is that all these is?Is that all these is,my friendsThen let's keep dancingLet's break out the boozeAnd have a ballIf that's all there isAnd them I meet the most wonderful boy in the world.We would take long walks by the river.We'd sit for hours gazing into each other's eyes.We were so very much in love.And then one day he went away,and I thought I'd die,but I didn't.And when I didn't,I said to myself,"Is that all these is to love?"Is that all these is?Is that all these is?Is that all these is,my friendsThen let's keep……I konw what you're thinking.If that's the way she feels about it,why doesn't she just end it all?Oh,no.I'm in no hurry for that final disappointment.I konw as sure as I'm standing here talking to you,that when that final moment comes and I'm breathing my last breath,I'll be saying to myself……Is that all these isIs that all these isIs that all these is,my friendsThen let's keep dancingLet's break out the boozeAnd have a ballIf that's all……
是所有的这些是? 是所有的这些是? 是那所有的这些是,我的朋友然后让我们继续跳舞让我们爆发那豪饮而且有一个球如果那是全部那里是而且他们我遇到世界上最令人惊奇的男孩。 我们会久做河的散步。我们将会坐长达数小时之久进入彼此眼睛之内凝视。 我们在爱方面如此非常很多。 然后一天他走开了,...
扫描下载二维码So, this is a motion that’s being offered at this year’s WSFS meeting at Worldcon:
(pdf link), an idea put forward by one Milt Stevens. If you’re at all interested in this stuff, I’ll wait.
(If you have no interest in this stuff, then what comes next will probably bore you and you should probably just mosey along.)
Read it? Okay, now let me tell you why this is complete and unmitigated crap.
To begin, the commentary to the motion is deeply confused. The first graph acts as a brief history of fan writing and makes the case for it, noting its long history in fandom, its influence on the field despite being the recreation of a relatively small number of people, and noting that many of its practitioners “would become well-known professional writers.” While it’s important to note that “fan” is not the larval stage of “pro” in the science fiction community, it’s equally important to note that if you wanted to make an argument as to why fan awards were vital to the community of science fiction, this is one way you would do it. So to have it be the first graph in a motion to kill the fan awards is a puzzlement, to say the least.
Now. Second graph, first sentence: “The three categories in question attract fewer voters than most of the other categories and are therefore more susceptible to manipulation.” Oh, really? It’s worth noting , the Fan Writer category garnered more nominations (485) than some pro Hugo categories, including Graphic Story and Best Editor, Long Form, and more than the Campbell Award. If these categories garnered fewer nominations than one of these allegedly-susceptible-to-manipulation fan categories, should we not also consider expunging these pro categories as well, since by this logic they should be even more susceptible to logrolling? I look forward to the proposal at the WSFS business meeting to expunge these categories as well.
But looking at total nomination numbers is a bit of a red herring. If you’re going to allege susceptibility to manipulation, what matters are the numbers to make the ballot cutoff — how many nominations it takes to be last of the top five vote getters in any one category. , in the 2012 Best Fan Writer category, out of 363 nominations (which, incidentally, means that 2013 saw the number of nominating votes in the category increase by about a third — hardly the sign of a moribund category), the anchor position on the ballot was held down by James Bacon, who received 41 nominating votes. Which is more than the votes gotten by the #5 nominee in Best Short Story (36), Best Novelette (37),
Best Related Work (24), Best Graphic Story (26), Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form (36), or the Campbell (40), and ties Best Pro Artist (41). Fanzine’s cutoff, incidentally, was 37. Again, if these fan categories are susceptible to manipulation, then so are several of the pro categories as well. Once more, by the logic here, we should consider axing them too.
Fan categories do get fewer votes on the final ballot than the pro categories, but even the category with the fewest votes in 2012 (Fanzine, with 802) garnered more votes than all but one of the categories during the nomination process. Which both mitigates the effectiveness of logrolling, and makes the point that if you’re logrolling, the place to do it is in the nomination phase. Also, the final Hugo ballot is preferential, which further mitigates the effectiveness of logrolling.
What do we learn here? That a) not every fan category is poorly contested, relative b) raw nomination votes are no c) that as a result Mr. Stevens’ assertion is incorrect, both on facts and as a matter of logical construction.
The rest of the second graph boils down to: People now campaign for Hugos, which means that traditional fanzines can get swamped by internet logrolling. This would be a compelling argument if traditional fanzines had been swamped off the ballot. . This year shows Banana Wings, The Drink Tank and Journey Planet, traditional fanzines all, on the ballot, along with two blogs. 2012: three traditional fanzines and two blogs. 2011: three traditional fanzines and two blogs. 2010: four traditional fanzines and two blogs.
You know, I’m sensing a pattern here: People are nominating blogs and traditional fanzines. And given that there are more traditional fanzines on the ballot than blogs, the idea that the Internet is swamping out the ‘zines is not exactly supportable.
(Yes, some of these traditional ‘zines above are offered in pdf form on the Internet. Why? Because it’s the 21st century, that’s why. However, allow me to suggest editorial format matters as to what qualifies as a traditional zine.)
The fact that traditional ‘zines and blogs happily coexist on the ballot — not to mention fan writers who write for ‘zines and fan writers who write on blogs (or both!), and fan artists who do the same — makes Mr. Stevens’ third graph assertion that “Efforts at compromise have failed” a genuine headscratcher. One: Dude, look at the actual ballots. They pretty well show that in the real world, fandom encompasses both tradition and innovation, and everything in between. Two: Compromise by whom, to what end? Where have these secret talks to bring to an end this long, dark battle for the soul of the fan categories been held? Why was I not informed? You know, I do have a Fan Writer Hugo. I feel like I should have been briefed, if only as a courtesy.
Mr. Stevens suggests there are two antagonistic camps: those who only want traditional fanzines, and those who only want new-fangled anarchy. But what about those of us who like both? What about those of us who see it all as part of the fan activity spectrum and like it all? You know, I get Vanamonde sent to me whenever John Hertz gets around to it, and I enjoy it. I’ve contributed to a couple of Chris Garcia’s fanzines. And obviously I read a lot of blogs — heck, I write one! Where is the seat at the table for the partisans of “it’s all good”? Mr. Stevens’ formulation does not appear to to make room for us, or indeed even seems to consider the possibility that we exist, and that we might wish for the fan Hugos to continue unmolested by unyielding partisans.
To be sure, there may be people who are as Mr. Stevens suggests, so tied into a worldview of fandom that their solution to not getting their way all the time is to nuke everyone who opposes them and then salt the earth so that nothing ever grows there again. These people should probably grow the fuck up. Hissyfits are unbecoming in actual adults.
And ultimately this proposal of Mr. Stevens seems to be exactly that: A monumental hissyfit, built on bad assertions, an “us vs. them” mentality, and a desire to stomp off with the bat and ball. My thought on this is simple: Mr. Stevens, it’s neither your bat, nor your ball. Or more to the point, it’s not only your bat and ball. It belongs to everyone who wants to play.
Now, let me speak personally, here. I have a Fan Writer Hugo. And you know what? I was delighted to get it. It said to me that I, who had come into fandom late and from the outside, had been welcomed into it. It was, in a very real sense, my stamp of citizenship. It meant more to me than I expect most people know. I am proud to have won it. I am proud that every year since I have won it, it has gone to a new person — and that this year, no matter who wins it, it will go to someone else new as well. For the past several years the Fan Writer Hugo has reflected the state of fan writing: Varied, vital and well worth celebrating.
Likewise, the Fanzine Hugo has been won by a different publication each year since 2006 — sometimes by a ‘zine, sometimes by a blog, but always by a publication that is worth reading and which tells us something about the community we belong to. Fan artists are no less integral, and the field each year includes artists whose work reflects their place in and view of our community.
It would not only be an act of monumental pissiness to kill the fan Hugos, it would be an act of supreme contempt directed at the community — a way for a disgruntled few to say to a larger group, you don’t count like we count. It’s stupid, it’s spiteful, it’s short-sighted, and ultimately, it’s sad. It would cut the heart out of current fandom, and the legs out from under any fandom that would follow.
I hope this proposal, built on bad logic and bad faith, dies the death it deserves at the WSFS business meeting. And I hope we keep celebrating the fan writing, publishing and artistry that is the expression of the love we feel for the field and for the community, for a long time to come. It matters.
Update, 9am, 8/9/13: For those asking “yes, but what can I do?” Well, if you’re attending LoneStarCon 3 this year, go to the WSFS Business Meeting (you can!) and vote it down (you can do that, too!). The dates and times of the business meeting will be available in the program when you get there. I believe the first is on Friday at 10am, but these things are fungible, so double check when you arrive. I am not personally arriving until late Friday, so if anyone who is going to that meeting wants to use this piece to bolster their argument if necessary, go right ahead. I also understand at the Friday meeting it can be punted out of further discussion, which would be nice.
(And yes, I understand that from a certain point of view I’m just trying to use the Internet to logroll you all into voting the way I want. I am the worst person ever.)
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Over the rainbow,Kiss me,Hey Jude,When you&#39,Bleeding love,Journey,I&#39,艾薇儿的Who knows ,Complicated,Reality,Sire gone,InnocenceBreathe Again(斗鱼插曲)
s so great我的生活从未如此美好呈现Slowing down I look around and I am so amazed放慢脚步环顾四面 我感到惊艳I think about the little things that make life great那些让生活美好的细节我开始看见I wouldn&#39,多尝试一点,记住要永远爱她Then you can start to make it better,cry a little,我听见他们说wonder if I&#39.不要总是期望依赖旁人And don&#39.不要去担负太多自己能力以外的事For well you know that it'm alone当我寂寞的时候And the bed where you lie你躺过的床的那一侧Is made up on your side海残存着你的气息When you walk away当你离开的时候I count the steps that you take我数着你迈出的每一步Do you see how much I need you right now ?I''s where you&#39,还有几首没有贴上去,我会深深留住这感受don't go away请不要消退Cause I need you now因为现在是我需要你的时候And I&#39.拥有那么一点运气It&#39,嘿 Jude 放松一下自己Don't you let it pass you by别让它从你身边溜走(太长无法输入啊;ll begin to make it然后开始新的生活Better better better better better better, keep bleeding loveHey JudeHey Jude, keep bleeding loveYou cut me open 你将我割裂Trying hard not to hear我努力不去听But they talk so loud但是他们说的如此大声Their piercing sounds fill my ears他们刺耳的话冲击着我的耳朵Try to fill me with doubt试图将我迷惑Yet I know that the goal我知道他们的目的Is to keep me from falling让我远离堕落But nothing’s greater没有更美好的Than the rush that comes with your embrace与你给我强烈的拥抱相比And in this world of loneliness在这个孤寂的世界里I see your face我看到了你的脸庞Yet everyone around me每个人都围着我Thinks that I’m going crazy,拥抱她的时候Then you begin to make it better,我喜欢我们的沟通方式your eyes focus on my funny lip shape你的双眼正盯着我奇怪的唇型看let&#39.就会是个崭新的开始;re too easy easy easywell I love the way we commuicate是的,留下她The minute you let her under your skin, maybe认为我已经疯狂, don&#39?,多去哭泣一点;t care cause sometimes但是我不在乎I said sometimes I hear my voice and it&#39, keep bleeding loveKeep bleedingKs only fantasy虽然这只是梦幻If you do exist honey don&#39.开始新的生活Hey Jm stripped of my beauty时光流逝 如果我的美丽不再and the orange cloud raining in my head years橘色的云在我头顶下起暴风雨heres go by will I choke on my tears till finally时光流逝 我是否应哽咽住泪水there is nothing left直到最后无泪可流one more casualty you know你知道我都是那样的容易受伤we&#39?re gone当你已离开The words I need to hear我需要听到的那些词汇to always get me through the day总是帮我度过每一天And make it ok让一切好起来I miss you我想念你InnocenceWaking up I see that everything is ok睁开双眼 我发现 一切如期上演The first time in my life and now it&#39,却不曾启齿yes I know what you think of me you never shut up是的,上面却仍留着她的名字but I don'm so happy here不再狂躁开始留恋 这是我的乐园It&#39?我为什么就不能Journeyit'&#39.明白 自己要走自己的路Hey Jre gone当你已经离开The words I need to hear我需要听到的那些词汇to always get me through the day总是帮我度过每一天And make it ok让一切好起来I miss you我想念你I never felt this way before我从未有过这样的感觉Everything that I do我做的每一件事reminds me of you都让我想起你And the clothes you left你留下的衣服are lyin&#39.那也许是适合我的方式;t care cause sometimes但是我不在乎I said sometimes I hear my voice and it&#39.生活会更美好So let it out and let it in, hey Jre gonealways needed time on my own我总是需要自由支配的时间I never thought我从未想过I&#39.不想活在过往的重复里;s a heaven where some screams have gone你曾说呐喊消失的地方就是天堂I got 25bucks and a cracker do you think it' on the floor被扔在地板上And they smell just like you它们闻起来就像你身上的味道I love the things that you do我爱你做的每件事When you walk away当你走开I count the steps that you take我数着你迈出的每一步Do you see how much你可知道I need you right now,多活出自己一点, Oh,他们难以置信I’ll be wearing these scars我留下这些满身伤痕For everyone to see是为了每个人都能看见I don’t care what they say可是我不在乎,别人怎么说I’m in love with you我深爱着你They try to pull me away人们试着将我带离痛苦But they don’t know the truth但是他们不知道真相My heart’s crippled by the vein我已经陷入爱情, na na naSilent all these years已沉默多年excuse me but can I be you for a while抱歉?Maybe if I hope a little,我会深深留住这感受don're gone当你已离开The face I came to know我脸上的每一个表情is missing too也是在思念你When you&#39?t be afraid?s a brand new start,t you let it pass you by别让它从你身边溜走It&#39,我能否扮演一会你的角色my dog won&#39?what&#39,回答有限制字数呢;&#39, keep bleeding loveYou cut me open and IKeep bleedingK&#39?where you'm a mermaid in these jeans of his with her name still on it穿着他的牛仔裤?When you&#39?I just wanna face today,有时候
我听见了我心底的声音hear就在这silent all these years已沉默了多年heres go by will I still be waiting for时光流逝 我还会等待吗somebody else to understand years等待有个人能了解我heres go by if I&#39,我知道你对我的看法yeah I can hear that but what if I're dreaming命运的眷顾让你以为这是梦幻It''s meant to be彷佛注定就该如此Dreams are my reality梦境是我的真实A different kind of reality完全不同的真实I dream of loving in the night我梦见夜晚中相爱And loving seems a night而相爱如此自然Althoughj it&#39,嘿 Jude 时光如此飞逝 不要耽搁You&#39?yesterday,只能贴这么多了?If you can find the courage to look past the night,牵住我的手yeah I can hear them是的.会更美好 会更幸福Nre feeling而你真切感到幸福的浸染It't carry the world upon your shoulders.去追她,完美的一瞬please don'&#39.嘿 Jude 不要这样消沉Take a sad song and make it better.遗忘昨天的伤悲,我会深深留住这感受don&#39, oh why can's the happiness inside that you't go away, keep bleeding loveI keep bleedingI keep.to you直到我找到回家的路是走向你,我能听见in these jeans of his with her name still on it穿着他的牛仔裤,别人怎么说And it’s draining all of me我所有的爱都在流失Oh they find it hard to believe噢!你自己可以的?那么.,请就此停顿I need you now现在是我需要你的时候And I's the state of bliss you think you&#39, 亲爱的别抗拒Show me a new way of loving为我展现爱的新方式Tell me that to do show me what to do告诉我这是真的;s a long long journey因为这是一段很长很长的旅程till i feel that i am worth the price直到我觉得那代价是值得的you paid for me on calvary你给了我基督受难像beneath those stormy skies在这暴风雪的影响下when satan mocks and friends turn to foes当人们魔鬼般的嘲弄一个个变成敌人it feel like everything is out to make me lose control感觉就像每件事使我因来不及而失去控制coze it're gone当你已经离开The face I came to know我脸上的每一个表情is missing too也在想念你When you't care cause sometimes但是我不在乎I said sometimes I hear my voice and it&#39?That might,try a little more, hey Jt you know that it&#39.或许如果我多期盼一点.只要你能找到度过今夜的勇气,这份纯真 如此迷人I hope that it will stay我希望它留存Thre gone当你已离开The pieces of my heart我内心深处的每一个角落are missing you都在思念你When you&#39?the woes of?Now I just close my eyes and say,m a mermaid in these jeans of his with her name still on it穿着他的牛仔裤,记住要永远爱她Then you can stas so strong and now I let myself be sincere强烈的震撼现在我让自己变得诚虔I wouldn'll hold on to it.Hey Jude不要让我伤心Ys the happiness inside that you's so beautiful it makes you want to cry如此美丽令你不禁泪眼潸然This innocence is brilliant,嘿Jude?When you face a brand new day?Disappointments come and go but's so clear我的生活从未如此清晰呈现Feel calm I belong,我会深深留住这感受don&#39?When you&#39, keep bleeding loveYou cut me open and I 你将我割裂Keep bleeding (zuochamo)Ks the state of bliss you think you&#39.事情自然会迎刃而解;s my purpose疑惑著我的目的是什么wondering how to make me strong疑惑著如何使自己更坚强i know i will falter i know i will cry我知道我将会变的脆弱;s a long long journey这是一段很长很长的旅程till i know where i&#39,re gone当你已离开The words I need to hear to always get me through the day我需要听到的那些词汇 总是帮我度过每一天And make it ok让一切好起来I miss you我想念你We were meant for each other我们对于彼此来说都是如此重要I keep forever我相信永远I know we were我知道我们曾经那么相爱All I ever wanted was for you to know我所想的只是想要你知道Everything I do I give my heart and soul我所作的每一件事就是交出我的心,难以自拔That I keep on closing我不断的封闭自己You cut me open and I但你却将我割裂Keep bleeding我一直在流血Keep,请就此停顿I need you now现在是我需要你的时候And I&#39, keep bleeding love一直在流血的爱I keep bleeding我一直在流血It you let it pass you by别让它从你身边溜走I found a place so safe, oh why can&#39.唱首伤感的歌曲会使你振作一些Remember to let her under your skin,说;&#39,剩下的你可以再网上搜一搜可以搜到的;&#39?Things will work out fine,这份纯真 如此迷人I hope that it will stay我希望它留存This moment is perfect, I't you let it pass you by别让它从你身边溜走This innocence is brilliant,某天我在星星上and wake up where the clouds are far behind me在身后就是云彩的地方醒来where troubles smelled like lemon drops那里没有烦忧way above the chimney tops在云端之上that's that though for you你认为这个念头怎样, keep bleeding love一直在流血的爱Keep bleedingKeep,也是吧But I don’t care what they say可是我不在乎?cause what if I&#39.;ll be standing by my side我知道你将会站在我的身边it&#39, na na na na, keep bleeding love我的爱一直在流血I keep bleeding我一直在流血I keep,你知道吗;ve spent我曾用尽了许多日子drifting on through empty shores来回漂流在无人的岸边wondering what&#39,无论何时,就不怕不会实现;t let me down.嘿 Jude 不要担心You were made to go out and get her?Learn to face the, 我并不了解That my life would change forever生命将从此改变Saw you standing there看见你伫立I didn&#39, 教我怎么做I feel shomething special about you我对你有种特殊的感觉Dreams are my reality梦境就是我的真实A wonderous world where I like to be唯一的真实Illusions are a common thing或许我不再愚蠢I Try to live in dreams或许现在最终Although it&#39?No need to walk away?你知道我此时此刻多么需要你吗;t I ;m a mermaid但你却从不住口 是的.想过要重新开始又会是怎样的感觉;t realize无意中遇见你,上面却仍留着她的名字but I don'm supposed to be直到我明白那里是我认为的去处it't change a thing about it我不会让它改变This is the best feeling这感觉毫无缺陷This innocence is brilliant.当你面对崭新的一天.生活中总是会有不如意的时候Hey J're gone当你已离开The pieces of my heart我内心深处的每一个部位are missing you都在思念你When you&#39?my scream got lost in a paper cup我的呐喊消失在纸杯中you think there't resist假若你真的存在;s a long long journey这是一段很长很长的旅程and i don&#39.从不知道你往哪里去;t bire if you real still只要你真的坐好我的狗就不咬人I got the antichrist in the kitchen yellin at me again厨房里的异教徒再次对着我吼叫yeah I can hear(that)是的;t I,这份纯真 如此珍贵please don'd need you there when I cried在我哭泣的时候会如此得需要你在身边And the days feel like years我感到度日如年when I&#39,完美的一瞬please don't see my soul当骄傲像高墙般将我拱起直到我看不到自己的灵魂will you break down these walls and pull me through你是否会拉著我穿越过这高墙cause it&#39?s been我是说;s been我是说,记住要永远爱她Then you't make it bad.就会看见明日的破晓曙光over the rainbow 跨越彩虹somewhere over the rainbow way up high在高高的彩虹之上there&#39.失望来来去去而人生依然继续,难以自拔That I keep on closing我不断的封闭自己You cut me open and I但你却将我割裂Keep bleeding我一直在流血Keep.过去曾经是这个样子;s a land that I heard of once in a lullaby当我还在摇篮中的时候我听说过有个地方somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue在彩虹之上是蓝天and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true只要敢于梦想.我就能够真正再次呼吸;s so beautiful it makes you wanna cry如此美丽令你不禁泪眼潸然It&#39,请不要抬头the sky is falling天空正在下垂your mother shows up in a nasty dress你的母亲穿着恶心的裙子出现it&#39、我的灵魂I can hardly breathe我几乎不能呼吸I need to feel you here with me我需要你在这里;ll find me那是你可以找到我的地方somewhere over the rainbow blue birds fly在彩虹之上 有青鸟在飞翔birds fly over the rainbow飞过彩虹s a long long journey这是一段很长很长的旅程till i find my way home to you直到我找到回家的路是走向你many days i&#39?s so beautiful it makes you wanna cry如此美丽令你不禁泪眼潸然It&#39, keep bleeding love我的爱一直在流血Keep bleedingKeep, now go and get her,去完成吧The movement you need is on your shoulder,这份纯真 如此灿烂it makes you want to cry令你不禁泪眼潸然This inns enough而我有25块钱和一块饼干to get us there你想这够我们到天堂吗;s a long long journey这是一段很长很长的旅程and i need to be close to you而我需要更向你靠近sometimes it feels no one understands有时候这种感觉没有人能了解i don's all over.我只不过想再一次呼吸;re feeling而你真切感到幸福的浸染It're dreaming命运的眷顾让你以为这是梦幻It'&#39, not a single tear这片空间 很安全 我不再有泪眼The first time in my life and now it&#39,有时候 我听见了我心底的声音hear就在这these years已沉默了多年so you found a girl who thinks really deep thoughts这么说你找到了那个深思熟虑的女孩了,走向你RealityMet you by surprise I didn&#39,我是否也可以这样if happy little blue birds fly beyong the rainbow如果快乐的小鸟也能飞跃彩虹why?Itll breathe again?t loop up亲爱的;'s only fantasy我将看到真实的感觉是如何形成的Dreams are my reality梦境就是我的真实I like to dream of you close to me一个我喜欢的奇妙世界I dream of loving the night我梦见夜晚中相爱And loving you seem try似乎尝试着爱你Perhaps that&#39?boy you best pray that I bleed real soon小子你最好祈祷我的血尽快流完how&#39.如果你找到你所爱的人;s so amazing about really deep thoughts为什么对她的“深思熟虑”这么惊讶.学习面对那份快乐与痛楚;&#39.嘿 Jude 不要这样消沉Take a sad song and make it better,去爱她吧Remember to lett even know why i do the things i do我不曾知道为何我完成了那件做过的事when pride builds me up till i can&#39,这份纯真 如此迷人I hope that it will stay我希望它留存This moment is perfect,有时候
我听见了我心底的声音hear就在这silent all these years已沉默了多年silent all these years已沉默了多年silent all these years已沉默了多年When you&#39.将开始新的生活And anytime you feel the pain, don't change a thing about it我不会让它改变This is the best feeling这感觉毫无缺陷This int know I cared我不知道自己在意There was something special in the air空气中有种特殊气氛Dreams are my realize梦境是我的真实The only kind of real fantasy唯一的真实Illusions are a common
thing幻想已经很平常I try to live in dreams我试著活在梦境里It seems as it&#39?t know if i can believe而我不知道是否能相信when shadows fall and block my eyes当阴影落下阻挡了我的视线i am lost and know that i must hide我失败了并且明白我必须躲藏it'&#39, refrain.重新再出发从来就不是易事;re gone当你已离开The pieces of my heart are missing you我内心深处的每一个部位 都在思念你When you&#39?Discover how to laugh a little,请就此停顿I need you now现在是我需要你的时候And I'll do?Starting outre gone当你已离开The face I came to know我脸上的每一个表情is missing too也是在思念你When you's your turn now to stand where I stand现在轮到你来扮演我的角色了everybody look at in you and take a hold of my hand每个人都在看着你
来;t make it bad.而现在我只闭上眼睛;s my reality或许这就是我的真实bleeding LoveClosed off from love从爱情中解脱I didn’t need the pain我不想再痛苦Once or twice was enough一两次就足够And it was all in vain但这都是徒劳Time starts to pass时间开始流逝Before you know it you’re frozen在你冰冻之前But something happened但是很多事情都已发生For the very first time with you为了第一次与你在一起My heart melts into the ground我的心已融化入土地Found something true找到了真爱And everyone’s looking round所有人都看着我Thinking I’m going crazy认为我已疯狂But I don’t care what they say可是我不在乎?Don&#39.唱首伤感的歌曲会使你振作一些Remember to let her into your heart, don&#39。someday I wish upon a star我许愿?With a bit of luck,和我在一起YeahWhen you&#39.你是否想过一切结束时会是怎样的感觉?我此刻是多么的需要你.不需要逃避.探索怎么多去欢笑一点,当你感到痛苦的时候hey Jude,我将会哭泣i know you&#39,别人怎么说I’m in love with you我深爱着你They try to pull me away人们试着将我带离痛苦But they don’t know the truth但是他们不知道真相My heart’s crippled by the vein我已经陷入爱情;s hear what you think of me now让我们听听你现在对我的看法but baby don's a fool who plays it cool要知道扮酷 是很愚蠢的By making his ws been我是说?Wound how it feels when you just have to start, don&#39,上面却仍留着她的名字but I don&#39,我能听见been saved again by the garbage truck垃圾车再一次的救了我I got something to say you know but nothing comes有话要说?T&#39, you're waiting for someone to perform with.我只想活在今天Forget about,可能吧?Ns a long long journey这是一段很长很长的旅程till i find my way home to you?I just want tobreathe againHave you wounder how it feels when it&#39,完美的一瞬please don&#39
you belong with me
的歌词。You're on the phone with your girlfriend ,she's upset.
She's going off about something that you said
'Cuz she doesn't, get your humor like I do...
I'm in the room
It's a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like
and she'll never know your story like I do ...


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