
(以下称)的英语节目,按播音速度可分为两种: (标准英语)和 (特别英语)。
又叫&&,是 专为全世界非英语国家初的听众安排的一种简易、规范的英语广播节目。该节目创始于50年代末期,是VOA 的专家们研究如何与世界各地的者进行交际的产物。它正式开播于1959年10月。当时只面向欧洲和中东,但由于这个节目适合许多国家者的需要,所以它的广播对象不久就扩大到世界其他地区,并很快在全世界范围内产生了广泛的影响。现在这个节目对欧洲、非洲和拉丁美洲每晚广播一次,对加勒比地区每晚广播一次(星期天除外),对东南亚广播次数最多,每天上午两次,晚上三次。
30多年来,VOA 为了办好Special English节目,进行了大量的调查研究工作,对播音速度、内容及用词范围都作了具体规定,基本上达到了既能为英语学习者提供信息,又不损害英语本身风格的目的,使之成为VOA 独具特色,拥有最大量听众的节目。
美国著名词汇学家S. B. Flexmer 指明了Special English的三条标准,也就是它所&特别&的地方:
Special English的节目可分为两大类:一类是新闻节目;一类是专题节目。
A common online insult in China translates as 50 cents. That is in reference to the people who post positive comments about China online. It used to be rumored they were regular people paid 50 cents per pro-China post. But a recent study says those people are actually government employees working
People celebrate Halloween in costume. This year, many will be wearing masks to make themselves look like either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. And most people will eat a lot of candy. A candy industry group says Americans will spend $2.7 billion on candy for Halloween.
People have always wondered about the fourth planet from the sun—Mars. Recently there has been much talk about how to get humans there to see it with our own eyes. Different governments and private industry are working on ways to make that happen.
Halloween is a fun holiday in the U.S. It’s a time for costumes and candy and scary things … like ghosts!
Voluntary education centers are providing dropouts the opportunity to learn the necessary skills to return to school.
The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation has announced it is reopening an investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.
A Japanese telecommunications company created the first set of 176 emojis. They are now on display at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.
Seven people were found not guilty of preventing federal workers from doing their job at a national wildlife refuge. The seven were part of a group that had occupied the land in eastern Oregon carrying guns.
People come from all around to visit an auction house in a small town in eastern Maryland. Visitors hope to find something unique or a good bargain.
The wide use of smartphones is giving students many more ways to cheat. Experts say teachers now need to come up with new ways to prevent high-tech cheating. These include changes to testing methods and how assignments are processed.
Americans of Vietnamese heritage are supporting different parties with younger voters supporting another party than older ones. This year, they say the choice is difficult. One voter says he is being forced to choose between two devils.
A new Harvard University poll shows a large number of young American voters are worried about the future. Forty-nine percent told Harvard they support Democrat Hillary Clinton, compared to 21 percent who support Republican Donald Trump. The U.S. presidential election is November 8.
A photo went viral on the internet recently. People could not tell if the man in the image was actor Tom Hanks or Bill Murray. What do you think?
President Park Geun-hye wants to change South Korea’s constitution. Park says a single 5-year term is not enough for the country to have a strong policy on issues like North Korea or the economy.
Afghan officials say more than 25 civilians were killed in an extremist attack in the central province of Ghor Tuesday. Local officials say the attackers are former Taliban now loyal to the Islamic State.The civilians were gathering wood for the winter when they were attacked.
President Barack Obama’s eight years in office will come to an end in January. The president is celebrating the last time he will get to do many things. He hosted his final state dinner recently. He also appeared on a late-night talk show and read Mean Tweets for the last time.
Facebook carried the first Trump Tower Live program Monday night. The program looked similar to a nightly news show on television. Its aim is, as one presenter explained on Monday, to bypass the left-wing media.
About 160 former al-Shabab fighters are taking part in a U.N.-supported rehabilitation program in the Somali town of Baidoa. The men cut ties with the militant group. They could have been sent to jail, but are instead learning how to read and write, and taking religion classes.
One American state is deciding about more than the presidency in next month’s election. Voters in Maine will consider the minimum wage.
More than 60 people were killed in a suicide attack in southwestern Pakistan. More than 120 others wounded.
Children who are sick at home can miss important classroom learning. They also can feel left out. But a high-tech friend may be able to help them keep up with their schoolwork.
The telecommunications business AT&T has offered to buy Time Warner for more than $85 billion. The combined company would provide a large share of the mobile phone market and also cable and film companies. United States lawmakers want to study the deal.
Drones are now being used to transport blood, medicine and supplies in Rwanda and Madagascar. Zipline International, an American-based company, has begun flying blood and vaccines to Rwandan medical centers. Another company, Vayu, transports blood and laboratory test materials in Madagascar.
The baseball World Series starts Tuesday night in the United States. The final games of the season feature two teams that have not won in many years. The fans of the Chicago Cubs and Cleveland Indians are excited to see their teams play.
UN agency reported that in 2014, more than one-third of the world’s adults were overweight and 500 million were considered obese.
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