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What is the meaning of BC and AD (B.C. and A.D.)?
What is the meaning of BC and AD (B.C. and A.D.)?
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Question: &What is the meaning of BC and AD (B.C. and A.D.)?&
It is commonly thought that B.C. stands for “before Christ” and A.D. stands for “after death.” This is only half correct. How could the year 1 B.C. have been “before Christ” and A.D. 1 been “after death”? B.C. does stand for “before Christ.” A.D. actually stands for the Latin phrase anno domini, which means “in the year of our Lord.” The B.C./A.D. dating system is not taught in the Bible. It actually was not fully implemented and accepted until several centuries after Jesus’ death.
It is interesting to note that the purpose of the B.C./A.D. dating system was to make the birth of Jesus Christ the dividing point of world history. However, when the B.C./A.D. system was being calculated, they actually made a mistake in pinpointing the year of Jesus’ birth. Scholars later discovered that Jesus was actually born around 6&4 B.C., not A.D. 1. That is not the crucial issue. The birth, life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Christ are the “turning points” in world history. It is fitting, therefore, that Jesus Christ is the separation of “old” and “new.” B.C. was “before Christ,” and since His birth, we have been living “in the year of our Lord.” Viewing our era as “the year of our Lord” is appropriate. Philippians 2:10&11 says, “That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
In recent times, there has been a push to replace the B.C. and A.D. labels with B.C.E and C.E., meaning “before common era” and “common era,” respectively. The change is simply one of semantics&that is, AD 100 is the same as 100 CE; all that changes is the label. The advocates of the switch from BC/AD to BCE/CE say that the newer designations are better in that they are devoid of religious connotation and thus prevent offending other cultures and religions who may not see Jesus as “Lord.” The irony, of course, is that what distinguishes B.C.E from C.E. is still the life and times of Jesus Christ.
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What is the meaning of BC and AD (B.C. and A.D.)?
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扫描下载二维码What Is the Meaning of Sample Size? | eHow
Sample size is an important concept in statistics, and refers to the number of individual pieces of data collected in a survey. A survey or statistic's sample size is important in determining the accuracy and reliability of a survey's findings.
Sample size measures the number of individual samples measured or observations used in a survey or experiment. For example, if you test 100 samples of soil for evidence of acid rain, your sample size is 100. If an online survey returned 30,500 completed questionnaires, your sample size is 30,500. In statistics, sample size is generally represented by the variable &n&.
To determine the sample size needed for an experiment or survey, researchers take a number of desired factors into account. First, the total size of the population being studied must be considered -- a survey that is looking to draw conclusions about all of New York state, for example, will need a much larger sample size than one specifically focused on Rochester. Researchers will also need to consider the margin of error, the reliability that the data collected i and the confidence level, the probability that your margin of error is accurate. Finally, researchers must take into account the standard deviation they expect to see in the data. Standard deviation measures how much individual pieces of data vary from the average data measured. For instance, soil samples from one park will likely have a much smaller standard deviation in their nitrogen content than soils collected from across a whole county.
Large sample sizes are needed for a statistic to be accurate and reliable, especially if its findings are to be extrapolated to a larger population or group of data. Say you were conducting a survey about exercise and interviewed five people, two of whom said they run a marathon annually. If you take this survey to represent the population of the country as a whole, then according to your research, 40 percent of people run at least one marathon annually -- an unexpectedly high percentage. The smaller your sample size, the more likely outliers -- unusual pieces of data -- are to skew your findings.
The sample size of a statistical survey is also directly related to the survey's margin of error. Margin of error is a percentage that expresses the probability that the data received is accurate. For example, in a survey about religious beliefs, the margin of error is the percentage of responders who can be expected to provide the same answer if the survey was repeated. To determine the margin of error, divide 1 by the square root of the sample size, and then multiply by 100 to get a percentage. For instance, a sample size of 2,400 will have a margin of error of 2.04 percent.
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