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Islamic State group threatens Canadians: &You will not feel secure even in your bedrooms& | Toronto Star
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Stephen Harper says the government is looking to take further action against organizations that pose a threat to Canadians. The prime minister made the remarks after ISIL issued a new threat against western countries including Canada.
Islamic State group spokesman Abu Mohammed al-Adnani mentions Canada three times in a rambling message released Sunday.
A spokesman for the Islamic State militant group makes three angry mentions of Canada as he calls on Muslims worldwide to kill civilians of nations that join the fight.
In a rambling audio message released late Sunday, Islamic State group spokesman Abu Mohammed al-Adnani says U.S. President Barack Obama's coalition will not be able to defeat the jihadis.
He talked of bringing war into the homes of Canadians, French and Australians, as their countries are allies of the hated Americans and Jewish people, whom he repeatedly demonizes.
“If you kill a disbelieving American or European – especially the spiteful and filthy French – or an Australian, or a Canadian, or any other disbeliever from the disbelievers waging war, including the citizens of the countries that entered into a coalition against the Islamic State, then rely upon Allah, and kill him I any manner or way however it may be,” said al-Adnani.
At some points, he directly threatened Canadians and others he considers the enemy.
“You will pay the price as you are afraid of travelling to any land,” al-Adnani said. “Rather you will pay the price as you walk on your streets, turning right and left, fearing the Muslims. You will not feel secure even in your bedrooms. You will pay the price when this crusade of yours collapses, and thereafter we will strike you in your homeland, and you will never be able to harm anyone afterwards.”
of al-Adnani’s 42-minute audio message is 13 pages long.
A spokesman for Citizenship and Immigration Minister Chris Alexander said that Canadians who have left the country to join Islamic State, also known by the initials ISIS, are losing their passports.
“Our government is a proud partner in the global fight against terrorism and we have given security agencies a number of tools to combat terrorism and protect law-abiding Canadian families,” Menard said in an email.
“We are revoking and refusing passports to those going abroad to take part in terrorist activities,” Menard said.
Menard said that Canada will not be cowed by threats while innocent children, women, men and religious minorities live in fear of Islamic State terrorists.
“ISIS represents a threat not just to stability in the Middle East, but to global security,” Menard said. “That is why we have taken the steps we have to provide humanitarian aid to Iraqis in the path of ISIS' barbarous rampage, and military aid to Iraqi security forces.”
“We will continue to work with allies to push back against this threat,” Menard said. “Like our allies we will not be cowed by threats while innocent children, women, men and religious minorities live in fear of these terrorists.”
Obama is currently working to form a global coalition to confront the Islamic State group, which controls large parts of Syria and Iraq. Canada has sent special forces soldiers to Iraq as part of the U.S.-led coalition.
The statement was released in Arabic by the Islamic State group's media arm, Al-Furqan, and appeared on militant sites used by the group. The speaker sounded like that of previous recordings attributed to al-Adnani, according to The Associated Press.
Al-Adnani called on people to prevent their sons from joining rebels that the U.S. plans to train to fight the Islamic State group. He says jihadis will make them “dig their graves with their own hands and have their heads cut off.”
On Monday, France’s Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said he was confident in France’s security.
Cazeneuve said Monday “this threat to kill civilians, added to the execution of hostages and to the massacres, is yet another demonstration of the barbarism of these terrorists, justifying our fight without truce or pause.”
He added that “France is not afraid because it is prepared to respond to their threats.”
The Islamic State group is an Al Qaeda breakaway that has set up its own self-declared caliphate in areas it controls in Syria and Iraq. It rules by its harsh version of Islamic law.
The group has already beheaded two Americans and a British citizen it was holding. It is also threatening to behead more westerners.
Al-Adnani called on people to prevent their sons from joining rebels that the U.S. plans to train to fight the group. He said jihadis will make them “dig their graves with their own hands and have their heads cut off and homes destroyed.”
With files from The Associated Press
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