请写出一篇关于DOYOUgotta have you歌词aco...

VI.请根据下面问题的答案,整理出一篇游记1.Where did you go?2.When did you go there?3.How did you go there?4.What did you do there?5.How did you like there?6.Was it beautiful?Was it fun?Did you have a good time?.jijiji_百度作业帮
VI.请根据下面问题的答案,整理出一篇游记1.Where did you go?2.When did you go there?3.How did you go there?4.What did you do there?5.How did you like there?6.Was it beautiful?Was it fun?Did you have a good time?.jijiji
VI.请根据下面问题的答案,整理出一篇游记1.Where did you go?2.When did you go there?3.How did you go there?4.What did you do there?5.How did you like there?6.Was it beautiful?Was it fun?Did you have a good time?.jijiji
不知楼主要多长的?要什么深度的?This summer I went to New York by plane.I stayed there for three weeks and had a wonderful time.It was an industrial city,filled with high technology and sceneries.After I arrived in the New York city,I immediately visited Time Square,the major commercial intersection in the borough of Manhattan.The theaters of Broadway and the huge number of animated neon and LED signs were sign of the urban Manhattan.There was a huge Toshiba billboard and even a curved Coca-Cola sign with large LED display.The New York ball drop was made with Waterford Crystal and electric light.It was used every year at New Years Eve to celebrate the coming year.In the next following days I also visited the Liberty Statue,the Empire State Observatory,Brooklyn Museum,and NBC Studio.Having been asked by my friends,I also went shopping in the Fifth Avenue.The last day I stayed there I went to the Brooklyn Bridge.Walking on the Bridge with the magnificent Manhattan skyline in front of me made me feel totally relaxed.In the evening was the best,because darkness falls and the city lights up.根据,可设,则,,,所以,;根据面积公式可求得,因为,所以,根据,的长是关于的方程的两根.可求得,即;根据梯形的性质求出点的坐标,结合点的坐标利用待定系数法可求得直线解析式为:或.
求解答 学习搜索引擎 | 如图所示,在平面直角坐标系中,直角三角形ABC的斜边AB在x轴上,AB=25,顶点C在y轴的负半轴上,tan角ACO=\frac{3}{4},点P在线段OC上,且PO,PC的长(PO<PC)是关于x的方程{{x}^{2}}-(2k+4)x+8k=0的两根.(1)求AC,BC点坐标;(2)求P点坐标;(3)在x轴上是否存在点Q,使以点A,C,P,Q为顶点的四边形是梯形?若存在,请直接写出直线PQ的解析式;若不存在,请说明理由.}


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