3. The wholtalk of the nationn...

The whole nation was shockd _____the sad news that a very big happened in Sichuan.1.with 2.on 3.at 4.inThere was nobody ____could turn for help at that moment.1.to who 2.to whom 3.with who 4 witn whom_百度作业帮
The whole nation was shockd _____the sad news that a very big happened in Sichuan.1.with 2.on 3.at 4.inThere was nobody ____could turn for help at that moment.1.to who 2.to whom 3.with who 4 witn whom
The whole nation was shockd _____the sad news that a very big happened in Sichuan.1.with 2.on 3.at 4.inThere was nobody ____could turn for help at that moment.1.to who 2.to whom 3.with who 4 witn whom
我的答案是3、21、我认为是be shock at something2、whom作为宾格,代指从句是对主句中的宾语的替代.
be shocked in somebody /at something所以第一题选3. 既要知其然 又要知其所以然。 不然下次后面是人了,你还选at是不行的。第二题。 turn to somebody for help. 这是一个固定搭配。很显然 这里把to somebody 给调换位置了。答案很明显了吧。somebody(her/him……)代替的话肯定是whom...
权威鉴定:尽管两道题似乎都漏了一个词,但是答案还是显而易见的。第一题选3 be shcoked at the news ....听到某消息而震惊第二题选2 trun to sb for help 以及介词后面的关系代词要宾格形式,所以用to whom
be shocked by/at sth.B
turn to sb. for help1)He married his wife in 1986 soon after graduation.Ever since then,he ___ extensively with his wife almost across the whole nation.A.was travelling B.has travelled C.travelled D.had travelled2)___ the murderer killed some of the police really shoc_百度作业帮
1)He married his wife in 1986 soon after graduation.Ever since then,he ___ extensively with his wife almost across the whole nation.A.was travelling B.has travelled C.travelled D.had travelled2)___ the murderer killed some of the police really shoc
1)He married his wife in 1986 soon after graduation.Ever since then,he ___ extensively with his wife almost across the whole nation.A.was travelling B.has travelled C.travelled D.had travelled2)___ the murderer killed some of the police really shocked the whole nation.It is said that he will reject the outcome of the case and appeal to a higher court.A.That B.What C.Whether D.How3)It is due to the change of his social status __ he is __ what he used to be.Corruption is a cradle where one may go astray.A.since...not nearly B.that...almost not...C.that...not nearly D.since...almost notDA(名词性从句)C(强调句,nearly表程度) (复旦附中月考卷)
1)He married his wife in 1986 soon after graduation.Ever since then,he ___ extensively with his wife almost across the whole nation.B.has travelled 2)___ the murderer killed some of the police really shocked the whole nation.It is said that he will reject the outcome of the case and appeal to a higher court.A.That 3)It is due to the change of his social status __ he is __ what he used to be.Corruption is a cradle where one may go astray.B.that...almost not...
Ever since then固定搭配过去完成时a 主语从句,dthe whole nation
[?? h?ul 'nei??n]
[?i hol 'ne??n]
1. The news of victory rejoiced the heart of the whole nation.
2. The state has paced the whole nation in the economical reform.
3. Universal celebrations are held and the whole nation is in elation.
4. The President spoke to the whole nation on television.
5. The good tidings filled the whole nation with joy.
1. 全国人民
同等学力英语... ... all over the country 全国各地,举国上下 the whole nation 全国人民 state n. 情形, 状态, 国家, 政府, 州.
- 基于96个网页
一举一动的举是什么意思_百度知道 ... 举高[ rear] 举国[ the whole nation] 举劾[ impeach sb. by listing crimes].
- 基于54个网页
3. 整个国家
举的意思。_百度知道 ... [expose, denounce] 检举揭发 [坏人、坏事] [the whole nation] 整个国家.
- 基于28个网页
he expresses , airline make up the deficits and get surpluses of the whole nation is main last year be get policy give aid to , if price of normative ticket is waited a moment .他表示,去年全国的航空公司扭亏为盈主要是受政策的扶持,如规范机票价格等等。
- 基于20个网页
1. 全国第一
recently , the Yuan Chuanqi in Nantong is received again go to lade the order of boat of container transport of 10000 mark box , achieved another " the whole nation the first " .最近,南通中远川崎又接到造装载10000标箱集装箱运输船的订单,创下了又一个“全国第一”。
- 基于12个网页
The President spoke to the whole nation on television ., 总统向全国作了电视讲话.
- 基于13个网页
water steel produces the change that such protruding shows in a year of short half time , it is us a lot of people only then expect do not , also caused intense echo in the whole nation .水钢在短短的一年半时间里发生如此凸现的变化,是我们许多人始料未及的,在全国也引起了强烈反响。
- 基于77个网页
Inc. of Shanghai engine is an oversize enterprise , basically produce medium power engine and fuel jet unit to wait , for the whole nation 500 start one of benefit large family .上海柴油机股份有限公司是一家特大型企业,主要生产中等功率柴油机及燃油喷射装置等,为全国500家创利大户之一。
- 基于8个网页
0){var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * (000)+100000);top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'))+'?renovate='+}else{top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'));};}" action="/">
the whole nation
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