帮翻译 帮弟弟学习many French tea...

你可能喜欢MANY I ask what you thought of first when you saw the title of this piece? Was it rotten meat and inedible sausage, with people standing in endless lines to obtain these delicacies? Or was it mounds of caviar and free-flowing vodka, with exuberant guests flinging their glasses into the fireplace? During those tumultuous days in August, once it was clear that Boris Yeltsin had faced down the coup, the thought occurred that along with a revival of freedom, Russians and all their captive peoples might also recover the joys of hospitality.Related Results Food in Russian History and CultureTrust, E-innovation and Leadership in ChangeForeign Banks in United States Since World War II: A Useful FringeBuilding Your Brand With Brand Line ExtensionsThe Impact of the Structure of Debt on Target Gains We all know that in czarist times the merchant class and the aristocracy were the only ones who got much of the caviar and vodka. But whereas Communism's idea of equality was forcing everyone (except the nomenklatura) to eat like serfs, part of the new leaders' task will be to bring about a Russia in which ordinary people have a chance to eat like princes.Nineteenth-century Russian literature is full of the sorts of food most living Russians have only dreamed of gro blini with butter, sour cream, meat and fish dishes ingeniously contrived to satisfy the Russian taste for trompel' artful, Frenchified desserts.Russian food was never strong on vegetables, except mushrooms-and mushrooms are not merely a food but a passion. Vladimir Nabokov describes his mother's picking mushroom at their country estate:One of her greatest pleasures in summer was the very Russian sport of hodit' po gribi (looking for mushrooms). . . . all she picked were species belonging to the edible section of the genus Boletus (tawny edulis, brown scaber, red aurantiacus, and a few close allies). Rainy weather would bring out these beautiful plants in profusion under the firs, birches, and aspens in our park, especially in its older part ... Its shady recesses would then harbor that special boletic reek which makes a Russian's nostrils dilate-a dark, dank, satisfying blend of damp moss, rich earth, rotting leaves.This is a love that Russians carry with them wherever they go. Anya von Bremzen, in the good new cookbook Please to the Table, writes of two Russian diplomats in England:These fellows went into the countryside on a mushroom-picking expedition (a must for every homesick Russian) and were promptly arrested for trespassing. When the country policeman actually realized what they were doing, however, he became so concerned for their health . . . that he dropped all charges and insisted that they call an emergency number in case of poisoning. The diplomats had a good laugh with their friends later that evening over an exquisite mushroom dinner back in London.The mushrooms thus gathered can be used i the one Nabokov mentions ("fried in butter and thickened with sour cream"), known as mushrooms smitane, is one of the simplest and best.But equally typical in their own way are the zakuski-appetizers of all sorts. (Traditionally guests stand around the buffet table. However, Miss von Bremzen reports that recent emigres almost always sit: they have spent too much time standing in lines ever to stand when it isn't necessary.) The Russian Tea Room in New York used to serve, for after-theater supper, a glorious zakuska platter. It always included two or three kinds of fish (pickled herring, matjes herring, smoked salmon); one or two smoked meats (tongue, ham); a square of jellied calf' eggplant oriental (the one offering I didn't like); and always a nice scoop of chopped chicken liver and another of red caviar. None of these items-with the possible exception of the eggplant and the calfs foot (and that's not so very different in flavor and texture from headcheese)-is a stranger to the American table. The genius lies in the profusion.An American who studied at Moscow University during the Khrushchev Thaw recalls the order of meals there: soup for breakfast, soup for lunch, soup for dinner. At breakfast and dinner, the only cutlery was a spoon, but at lunch the students got a fork as well. That is because at lunch there was a hunk of meat in the soup. Fortunately that experience did not put him off real Russian soups, of which the queen is borshch. Borshch (which is of Ukrainian, and not Russian, origin) can be made with pork, beef, goose, duck-there are as many variations as there are cooks. The one essential is beets (the name comes from an Old Slavonic word, brsh, meaning beet). And with the borshch comes a pirozhok, a turnover filled with meat or fish or cabbage or-of course-mushrooms. Pirozhki have also served as a high- when NATIONAL REVIEW visited Russia in the middle Brezhnev period, Moscow and (as it was then) Leningrad were dotted with pirozhkovaye, informal restaurants serving many varieties of pirozhok and glasses of tea. Although McDonald's deserves much praise for its entrepreneurship, I hope it doesn't drive these establishments out of business.The French sent many chefs to Russia in the nineteenth century-above all Cardeme, who created the charlotte Russe while working for Czar Alexander 1-but they did not bring many dishes back. Blini are an exceptional-though the refined French version is a far cry from the substantial buckwheat cake the Russians load with butter and sour cream and all manner of caviar and smoked fish. This is one of the most sumptuous dishes in any cuisine, but it is not at all an invention of the Imperial Court. It was for centuries the centerpiece of the traditional Butter Festival, the Russian equivalent of Carnival.
   Module 3 Journey to space --------------------------------------------------------------------------------一周强化一、一周课程概述在这一模块中我们要完成以下学习任务:1.进一步学习现在完成时的用法,掌握好副词already, just, yet在现在完成时中的用法.2.掌握现在完成时的各种句式.3.了解句子的重音.4.本单元需要掌握的单词:Earth, Mars, already, just, model, station, panic, latest, several, month, discover, recently, show, over, planet, solar, also, none, environment, air, grow, part, galaxy, billion, universe, light, beyond, alone, entrance, cost, prefer, diary, even, Jupiter, secret, real, twice, explore, mission, unmanned.5.本单元需要掌握的短语:apace station, space shuttle, 二、音标的学习:朗读下列音标组合:三、重点知识归纳及讲解1.already adv. 已经,早已(尤与动词完成时态连用)e.g.I’ve already seen that film, so I’d rather see another one.我已经看过那部电影了,所以还是看部别的吧.Have your children started school already?你的孩子们已经上学了?注意:yet和already均用于表示到某时或某时前可能完成的动作,两者多与完成时态连用.yet只用于否定式的陈述句及疑问句中;already强调动作的完成,常与肯定的陈述句连用,already也可以用在疑问句中,多用来表示惊奇.e.g.I am not ready yet.我还没准备好呢.Are you out of bed yet?你已经起床了吗?Have you finished lunch already?你已经吃过午饭了吗?2.just adv. 刚刚,刚才e.g.I have just seen John. 我刚才见到约翰了.3.panic v. & n.(使)感到惶恐e.g.Don’t panic! 不要慌!The gunfire panicked the horses.枪声惊吓了马.She got into a panic when the fire started.一起火她就惊慌起来.4.explore v. 勘探;探测e.g.Columbus discovered America but did not explore the new continent.哥伦布发现了美洲,但没有考察这块新大陆.As soon as they arrived in the town they went out to explore.他们一到这座城镇就出外查看周围环境.We explored several solutions to the problem.我们探讨了几种解决该问题的方法.5.several adj. 几个的,数个的(三个以上)e.g.Several letters arrived this morning.今天上午来了几封信.Several of you need to work harder.你们有几个人还需要努力.6.recently adv. 最近e.g.a recently painted house最近粉刷过的房子He has been to Beijing recently.他最近去过北京.比较:recently/not long ago/latelyrecently用法最广,可用于肯定式陈述句、否定式陈述句及疑问句中,与过去时态和现在完成时连用.e.g.Did she have a party recently?她最近举办过聚会吗?They’ve recently bought a new car.他们不久前买了一辆新汽车.not long ago仅用于肯定式陈述句中,与动词过去时态连用.e.g.They arrived in Britain not long ago/recently.他们是不久以前到达英国的.lately用于疑问句和否定式陈述句中,若用于肯定式陈述句中,通常与only, much, a lot连用,动词必须用现在完成时态.e.g.Have you seen him lately/recently?你近来/最近见过他吗?They haven’t written lately/recently.他们近来/最近没有写信.She’s only lately/recently begun working here.她只是近来/最近才开始在这里工作的.I’ve seen a lot of her lately/recently.我近来/最近常见到她.7.also adv. 也,同样;而且(不与否定式动词连用)e.g.She speaks French and German and also a little Russian.她会说法语、德语,还会说一点儿俄语.He is young and good-looking, and also very rich.他又年轻又漂亮,而且还很富有.I teach five days a week and I also teach evening classes.我每星期教五天,而且还教晚上的课.比较:also/too/as wellalso, too, as well都指句中有关词语与前面提到的事物相结合或相一致,这三个词语的雅俗程度和在句中的位置有所不同.also含较庄重色彩,通常用于主要动词之前(但若主要动词为be,则放于其后)e.g.I’ve met Jane and I’ve also met her mother.我已见到简,我也见到了她的母亲.She was rich, and she was also selfish.她很富,她也很自私.too和as well比较通俗,通常用于从句的句尾.e.g.I’ve read the book and I’ve seen the film as well/too.我看过这本书,也看过这部电影.8.grow v. 生长;种植(grew/grown)e.g.Rice does not grow in a cold climate.水稻在寒冷的气候下不能生长.How tall you’ve grown!你都长这么高了!9.light n. 光线;电灯e.g.the light of the sun, a lamp, the fire, etc阳光、灯光、火光This light is too poor to read by.这光线太暗不能看书.A light was still burning in his study.他的书房里仍有孤灯独燃.注意:light除了可以表示“光线;电灯”讲,还可以表示“淡的;浅的;轻的”;作动词可以表示“点燃”.10.alone adj. 孤单的,孤独的e.g.I don’t like going out alone after dark.我不喜欢天黑后独自外出.比较:alone/lonelyalone表示独自一人;lonely表示心灵上的孤单.e.g.Although I’m alone, I don’t feel lonely.虽然我独自一人,但是我不感到孤单.11.cost v. 价钱为;花费e.g.These chairs cost $40 each.这些椅子每把价钱为40美圆.How much does it cost?这东西值多少钱?It costs too much.这东西价钱太贵.比较:cost/spent二者都可以表示“花费”,但cost的主语一般为物,spent的主语一般为人.e.g.I spent $40 on the chair.我花了40美圆在这把椅子上.The chair costs me $40.这把椅子花了我40美圆.12.prefer v. 更喜爱e.g.I prefer apple to orange.相对橘子来说,我更喜欢苹果.I prefer watching TV to Seeing films.相对于看电影来说,我更喜欢看电视.注意:prefer…to…前后的形式要一致,prefer…to…中的to为介词,后面要接动名词形式.13.other/the other/others/another这几个相类似的词是学生容易弄混淆的,其实意思大相径庭.other其它的(人或物)  后面经常跟可数名词复数形式;the other(两者中的)另一个  后面不可能跟复数形式;others其它的人或物(已经包括在内)  后面不能跟名词,本身就含有名词的含义;another(三者以上中的,或不知道数量的)另一个  后面也不可跟复数形式.e.g.We haven’t found life on other planets yet.我们还没有在其它的星球上发现生命.(其他的星球不可能只有一个)He has two daughters. One is a teacher, the other is a doctor.他有两个女儿,一个是老师,另一个是医生.(有且只有两个,两者中的另一个)Some people came by car, others came on foot.有些人是坐汽车来的,其他人是走着来的.(others后面不能再加名词)Would you like another cup of tea?你要再来有一杯茶吗?(泛指再来一杯)14.space shuttle 航天飞机15.space station 太空站;宇宙空间站16.What are you up to? 你在干什么呢?up to常用在非正式场合中,表示“正在干,从事着”.e.g.The children are very quiet, I wonder what they are up to.孩子们现在很安静;我不知道他们又在捣什么鬼.What’s he up to with all those books on the floor?这么多的书放在地上,他在干什么呢?拓展:up to you 由你决定e.g.It’s up to you to decide when you should do it.该由你决定你该什么时候做此事.The choice is up to you.这个选择由你来做.17.The Earth is a planet and it goes around the Sun. Eight other planets also go around the Sun.[译文]地球是行星,它围绕着太阳转.还有八颗行星也围绕着太阳转.此句中的另外八颗行星,加上地球,就是人们常说的九大行星:水星(Mercury),金星(Venus),地球(Earth),火星(Mars),木星(Jupiter),土星(Saturn),天王星(Uranus),海王星(Neptune),冥王星(Pluto).注意other和also的用法.18.With so many stars in the universe, are we alone, or is there life out there in space?[译文]宇宙中有这么多的恒星,我们是孤独的吗?太空中还有其他生命吗?with so many stars in the universe是介词短语,在句中作状语,表示伴随情况.e.g.The boy ran in, with a ball in his hands.小男孩手里拿着球,跑了进来.The teacher came in, with some books in his arms.老师夹着几本书,走了进来.19.It’s hard to understand how large the universe is.[译文]很难理解宇宙到底有多大.It’s …to do sth. 表示做什么事情很怎么样.it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式.一般来说,当主语比较长,我们都选择用这种形式.e.g.It’s difficult to study English well.学好英语很难.20.The astronauts have gone to the space station.[译文]宇航员已经去了太空.have gone to 表示已经去了,但是到了没有或者回来没有,都不知道;have been to 表示去过,现在可能不在那个地方.She has gone to Beijing.她已经去了北京.(现在人不在这里)She has been to Beijing.她去过北京.(现在人可能在这里,可能在上海,也可能在南京)四、语法点拨:现在完成时(Ⅱ)1.现在完成时态的句子转换(1)肯定式:They have / They’ve just finished their homework.否定式:They haven’t finished their homework yet.疑问式:Have they finished their homework yet? 简略答语:Yes, they have. / No, they haven’t. (2)肯定式:She has seen the movie already. 否定式:She hasn’t seen the movie yet. 疑问式:Has she seen the movie yet? 简略答语: Yes, she has. / No, she hasn’t.2.现在完成时态与一般过去时
一般过去时与现在完成时都可以表示在过去发生的动作.但现在完成时态强调的是过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果,它重点说明现在的情况,是基于现在时间的时态,因此它不能与明确指出过去时间的状语如:yesterday, last week, last night, last month, … ago, just now等连用,但可以和一些不明确指出时间的时间状语如:already, yet, just, before等连用.一般过去时态只表示过去的某时间发生的动作或存在的状态,叙述过去的事实,不涉及现在的情况,甚至与现在无关.因此它可以和表示过去某时间的时间状语连用.因此,凡是含有表示过去的时间状语的句子,都必须用一般过去时,不能用现在完成时.e.g.Did you get up early?你起来得早吗?(指动作本身)Has he got up?他起来了吗?(指现在的情况,即:还在不在床上?)She has been ill for three days.她已经病了三天了.(现在还病着)She was ill for three days.她病了三天.(她现在病好了)


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