将 You always youeat bu...

新目标英语九年级Reading原文及翻译 - 王光煊 - 江西省基础教育资源论坛博客
Dream what I go where I be what I because I have only one life.
新目标英语九年级Reading原文及翻译分类: 人教新目标英语课文翻译 |
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By comparing yourself to other people, you will find your problems are not so terrible. Think about Stephen Hawking, for example, a very clever scientist, who regards his many physical problems as unimportant. He can’t walk or even speak, but he has become very famous and successful. We are probably quite healthy and smart. Let's not worry about our problems. Let’s face the challenges instead.
His mother looked after him as well as she could. Unfortunately, Martin still caused problems for him-self and his family. He was not interested in studying, and he often got into trouble with the police. Luckily, his mother was very patient, and didn’t give up trying to help him. In the end, she made a difficult decision: to send him to a boy’s boarding school. Martin hated it and used to cause a lot of trouble. One day, he told his teacher he wanted to leave the school. Even the teacher agreed that Martin was wasting his time.
What would you do if you cut yourself by accident?
You should cover the cut with a clean cloth and press it hard. If it’s a deep cut, you should see a doctor.
If my grandmother fell downstairs, and wasn’t moving, I’d hurry to call the hospital first. Is that correct?
Yes, speed is very important. Get the medical help first, then make her comfortable and stay with her.
What would you do if you burned yourself by accident?
Well, first find out how bad it is. Then put the burned area under cold running water.
What would you do if you injured your knee while running?
If I felt some pain, I’d stop exercising. And if it hurt for more than a few days, I’d see a doctor.
A friend offers you cigarettes at a party.&
Of course you should refuse! If I were you, I’d also talk to your friend about the dangers of smoking.
Children often think medicine is candy and eat it.
You must always hide medicine from children, and you should tell children to ask their parents before they eat “candy” they find.
An “internet friend” has asked if you could meet.
You should tell your parents about it, agree to meet in a public place, and you shouldn’t go alone.
You get pimples when you are nervous.
You should drink lots of water and ask your doctor for advice.
问题1 一个朋友在聚会上给你香烟。
I’d like to stay healthy, but to be honest, I only eat food that tastes good. And if food tastes good, it’s usually bad for you, isn’t it? Cola tastes better than water, for example.
Well, food that is bad for you can taste good! But I prefer not to eat too much food that is fried, like, er, French fries. Do you eat fast food, Laura?
Do I eat fast food? Never! I love to eat food that is healthy. I want to take care of my health, so I eat mainly fruit and vegetables. Oh! And I stay away from sugar, you do too, don’t you?
Hm, yes. And I think most people are in agreement that fruit and vegetables are good for health. Bu , um, I would say that fast food itself isn’t always bad for you, but too much of it is not good.
Actually, don’t you know that it’s been found in laboratory testing (that some types of oil are really bad for us?) So I don’t eat anything that’s been cooked in oil. Also, did you know that some foods might cause cancer? Like burnt barbecued meat. I’ve heard eating burnt food like this can increase the risk of cancer.
Really! But I love to eat meat that’s well cooked, even if it is a little burnt. It’s delicious, and meat isn’t really dangerous, is it?
Oh! Yes, it is! I never eat meat. It’s not at all good for our health. If I were you, I’d eat nuts instead.
Well, I agree it’s good to eat lots of fruit and vegetables, but I think it’s also fine to eat some meat or fish. People ( who eat a balanced diet) should be healthier than those (who only eat biscuits and hamburgers,) shouldn’t they? I prefer to only eat food that I like, but isn’t it important to eat food that’s healthy, even if you don’t like it? The main thing is to have a good balance.
&&& 我们都梦想一些我们想要做的事情和我们希望将来能实现的事情。但是每个人的梦想都一样吗?下面是关于希望与梦想的一次调查中的一些发现,中国各地有数千名学生参加了这次调查。
Best wishes,
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 最美好的祝愿&
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 史密斯·利兹
Basketball was invented by a Canadian doctor named James Naismith, who was born in 1861. When he was at college, his class was once asked to invent a new game that could be played indoors during the long winters. Dr Naismith created a game to be played on a hard wooden floor, so the safety of the players was important. Knocking into players and falling down would be dangerous.
&&& 如果你到中国各地旅游,无论你到哪个地方你都将注意到一项非常受欢迎的运动——篮球。这项备受热爱的、活跃的运动作为娱乐和锻炼项目被很多人喜欢。
&&& 篮球运动有100多年的历史了。包括中国在内的200多个国家有一亿多人打篮球,在这些国家里,人们在公园、学校,甚至在工厂里都打篮球。
&&& 篮球是加拿大一位名叫詹姆斯·奈史密斯的医生发明的,他出生于1861年。当他上大学的时候,当他上大学的时候,他的班级曾被要求发明一种能够在漫长的冬季里在室内进行的新的活动。奈史密斯医生创造了一种在硬的木质地板上进行的活动,因此,选手的安全就重要了。撞到别人和跌倒都是危险的。
&&& 奈史密斯医生将他班里的男生分成两队并教他们怎样玩他的新游戏。篮球的目标对选手们来说是把球投进“篮子”里:“篮子”是一个挂在金属圈上的网。选手们从篮下投球,并可能用“篮板”来指导球进入篮内。选手们在互相传球时朝球场的一端移动。
&&& 人们认为历史上的首次篮球赛是在1891年12月21日举行的。后来,1936年在柏林,它成为奥运会项目。来自中国的一个队参加了这届奥运会,尽管他们没有获胜,但他们用自己的经历来帮助这项运动在国内得以发展。从那时起,篮球在世界范围内普及开来,并且在美国NBA(国家篮球协会)的外国选手的数目也有所增加。篮球也成为更受观众喜爱观看的体育运动,很多年轻人梦想成为著名的篮球运动员。
电子邮件英语大多数用两种类型的文字。第一种是“缩略词”。它是由词组中每个单词的首字母组成。例如,BTW意为“顺便说”,CSL意为“止不住大笑”。第二种是“同音词”。它是由字母符号、数字组成的,听起来像别的单词。例如,“great”可以写成“gr8”,“see you later”可以写成“CUL8r”。&
该计划的领导人坚信这项计划并说它的目的是让年轻的海外华人有机会更多地了解自己。“到目前为止我真的喜欢这次旅行,”罗伯特说。“对我来说这已经是一大步,并且我期待我在这儿期间发现更多有关我祖辈的事情。”228 Followers
Bad Rabbit Food: What NOT To Feed Your Bunny
You'd think that feeding rabbits would be easy. Just chuck any old plant matter into the cage and have done with it, right? Wrong. This feeding methodology happens to be an excellent way to possibly kill your bunny, or make it very sick indeed. Knowing what to feed your rabbit, and especially what NOT to feed your rabbit is a very important part of rabbit care becase some of the foods that might seem like natural foods to feed your rabbit are in fact incredibly bad for it. Culprit one: Lettuce. As a general rule, you should NEVER feed your rabbit lettuce. Lettuce contains lactucarium, which can give your rabbit diarhea so bad that it becomes fatal. Some people say that it is okay to feed Romaine lettuce because it contains the least lactucarium of the common lettuce varieties, but you wouldn't eat a product that only contained small amounts of arsenic would you? It's best to stay away from lettuce when it comes to your bunnies, and keep it for the salads.Other common foods to avoid include cabbbage, parsnips, swedes, potato tops, and tomao leaves. There are plenty of good and tasty foods that you can feed your rabbit, so save these for the compost or maybe your own table if you're a fan.If you let your rabbit free in the garden or home, make sure that you don't have any of the following growing in places that are accesible to the rabbit, as they can also be dangerous to your bunny:Clover, Foxglove, Honeysuckle, Iris, Hemlock, Poppies, Deadly Nightshade, Buttercups, Bluebells, Arum Lilies, Ivy, Daffodils and other bulbs, Primulas, Jasmines, Fairy Primrose, Dahlia, Delphiniums, Larkspur, Snowdrops, Tulips, and Anemonies are all common plants that can cause problems for your bunny. In general it is best to restrict your bunny to grass only areas with no clover in them. Clover can cause gas, and rabbits have no means to expell the gas, which can mean bloat and death.Safe foods to feed your bunny include hay (preferably Timothy Hay, as it contains the most nutrients, and not Alfalfa Hay as it tends to contain too much calcium to be healthy for bunny), there should always be plenty of hay available for your bunny every day. Reputable pellets from a pet store can be fed in small amounts, but they should not form the bulk of the rabbit's diet. Fresh foods such as carrot, apple, banana, and broccoli can also be fed in small amounts as treats.A little care in choosing your rabbit's food can make a huge difference in your rabbit's health and happiness.
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