
Flower Shabana Feifei sky, red incense-off consumers who pity? Department of floating gossamer soft spring pavilion, Luo Xu rush Xiulian light stick. Gui her daughter Xichun twilight, melancholy full of nowhere v.. Xiu Lian Hua hoe out of hand, and forbearance, falling to re-tread go? Stir pods from the Fang Fei Yu, regardless of peach floating and Li Fei. Peach and plum hair longer next year, Ming-year-old's apartment Zhongzhi Who? March Xiangchao has Lei Cheng, Liang between swallows too ruthless! Although next year's flowers can peck, but not empty nest is also Taoist to beam tilting. Year三百六十日wind knife frost sword onslaught. When did bright Xianyan can? Difficult to find once they drift. Flowers are easier to see off the scarce, the order to kill before the stuffy funeral flowers. Independence, the fragrant dark hoe tears shed, sprinkle over the sticks, see bloodstain. Dujuan is the dusk, Dutch hoe go back cover heavy door. Qing Deng Zhaobi people could sleep, cold rain was not Qiaochuang temperature. Strange Slavery to do with times of trouble? Spring half-annoying half of pity for the spring. Pity for the spring suddenly to go mad suddenly to go silent again does not smell. Zuo Xiao-court Elegy hair, I knew it was the souls of flowers and birds are doomed. The souls of flowers and birds are doomed to depart, birds from the flowers from the silent shame. Health is willing to slave Xiexia wings, with flowers flowing down Tianjin Tou. Tianjin Tou, where there are fragrant mound? If the kit is not received Yan bone, a Pure Land cover both hands romantic. Benjie also clean quality to go, is stronger than dirt mud trench subsidence. Dole received this dead slave burial, the body was uncertain what day slave funeral? Slave burial took people to laugh at this crazy, man, in his funeral slaves know Who are you? Look at the spring Canhua gradually fall, that is, when the roots of die of old age. Once these roots of the spring to make the old, Whispering death two people do not know!
I went to see her every day, every time she was sad when all I comforted her, I really fell in love with her, but she thought about another person, every time she published an article, are deeply hurt my heart, really, my heart hurts now pain ...... Now, my heart is dead, only the smoke could have stayed with me .......
The furthest distance in the world
Is not between life and death
But when I stand in front of you
Yet you don't know that I love you
The furthest distance in the world
Is not when I stand in front of you
Yet you can't see my love
But when undoubtedly knowing the love from both
Yet cannot be together
The furthest distance in the world
Is not being apart while being in love
But when painly cannot resist the yearning
Yet pretending you have never been in my heart
When you come to the end of a perfect day, And you sit alone with your thought, While the chimes ring out with a carol gay For the joy that the day had brough, Do you think what the end of a perfect day Can mean to a tired heart, When the sun goes down with a flaming ray, And the dear friends have to part? Well, this is the end of a perfect day, Near the
But it leaves a thought that is big and strong, With a wish that is kind and true. For memory has painted this perfect day, With colors that never fade, And we find at the end of a perfect day, The soul of a friend we've made
第一篇花谢花飞飞的天空,红香富裕的消费者谁可惜?部浮动游丝软弹簧亭,罗须赶秀莲荧光棒。 她的女儿春贵黄昏,充满忧郁的无处诉。修连戏锕锄头失控,忍下降重新蹬走? 搅拌从方费榆荚,不管桃浮动和黎霏。桃李明年再发,明岁的公寓中直谁? 3月潮有雷扯嗯,梁间燕子太残忍了!虽然明年的鲜花啄,但不是空巢,也是道教的光束倾斜。 一年三百六十日风刀霜剑的冲击。光明仙岩什么时候可以?很难找到一旦漂移。 花开易见关闭稀少,为了杀死闷葬礼前花。独立,香深锄流眼泪,洒在棍棒,看到血迹。 杜鹃正黄昏,荷锄回去弥补巨额的大门。邓清照壁人可以睡,冷雨没有Qiaochuang温度。 奇怪的是与奴隶制的乱世?春半恼人的怜悯为春季的一半。春季怜悯突然发疯突然再次去沉默不闻。 左小法庭挽歌头发,我知道这是花魂鸟魂总难。花魂鸟魂总难留,鸟从沉默耻辱的花朵。 健康是愿意奴隶Xiexia翅膀,与天津头向下流动的花朵。天津头,在有香丘? 如果该工具包没有收到颜骨,一净土覆盖双手浪漫。本洁还干净的质量去,强于泥土泥沟下陷。 多尔收到这个奴隶埋葬死者的尸体被确定哪一天奴隶葬礼?奴隶埋葬了被人笑这个疯狂的,男子在他的葬礼的奴隶,知道你是谁? 看看春灿华逐渐下降,即当凋谢的根源。一旦这些根弹簧,使老,花落死刑的两个人不知道! 第二篇我去看她的每一天,每一次,她伤心的我就安慰她,我真的爱上了她,但她对另一个人的思想,每次她发表的一篇文章,是深深伤害我的心,真的,我的心脏疼的痛苦......现在,我的心已经死了,只有吸烟可以陪我住了.......
HEROWould you danceIf I asked you to dance?Would you runAnd never look back?Would you cryIf you saw me crying?And would you save my soul, tonight?Would you trembleIf I touched your lips?Would you laugh?Oh please tell me this.Now would you die For the one you loved?Hold me in your arms, tonight. I can be your hero, baby.I can kiss away the pain.I will stand by you forever.You can take my breath away.Would you swearThat you'll always be mine?Or would you lie? would you run and hide?Am I in too deep?Have I lost my mind?I don't care... You're here tonight. I can be your hero, baby.I can kiss away the pain.I will stand by you forever.You can take my breath away.Oh, I just want to hold you.I just want to hold you.Oh..yeah...Am I in too deep? Have I lost my mind?I don't care...You're here tonight.I can be your hero, baby.I can kiss away the pain. I will stand by your forever.You can take my breath away.I can be your hero.I can kiss away the pain.And I will stand by you forever.You can take my breath away.You can take my breath away.I can be your hero.
would you dance 如果我邀请你跳舞 if i asked you to dance 你愿意吗 would you run 还是会跑开 and never look back 不再回头 would you cry 如果你看到我哭泣 if you saw me crying 你会哭吗 and would you save my soul tonight 今夜可否拯救我的灵魂 would you tremble 如果我轻触你的唇 if i touched your lips 你会颤抖吗 would you laugh 还是会微笑 oh please tell me thisoh 请告诉我这些 now would you die 你会为了你唯一的爱 for the one you love 而去死吗 hold me in your arms tonight 今夜请将我拥入怀中 i can be your hero baby 宝贝我会成为你的英雄 i can kiss away the pain 我会吻走伤痛 i will stand by you forever 我会永远和你一起 you can take my breath away 没有你我无法生存 would you swear 你可以发誓吗 that you\' 你永远是我的 or would you lie 还是会说谎 would you run and hide 逃离我 躲避我 Am i in too deep 我已深陷其中 have i lost my mind 我已失去理智 i don\'t care 我什么都不在乎 ever since i saw your face 只要能见到你 you\'re here tonight 今夜你在这里 i can be your hero baby 宝贝我会成为你的英雄 i can kiss away the pain 我可以吻走伤痛  i will stand by you forever 我会永远和你一起 you can take my breath away 没有你 我无法生存 oh i just wanna to hold you 我只想拥抱你 oh yeahoh yeah oh yeahoh yeahAm i in too deep 我已深陷其中 have i lost my mind 我已失去理智 well i don\'t care 我什么都不在乎 you\'re here tonight 今夜只要你在这里 i can be your hero baby 宝贝我会成为你的英雄 i can kiss away the pain 我可以吻走伤痛 i will stand by you forever 我会永远和你一起 you can take my breath away 没有你 我无法生存  i can be your hero No  我会成为你的英雄 i can kiss away the pain 我可以吻走伤痛 and i will stand by you forever 我会永远和你一起 you can take my breath away 没有你 我无法生存 you can take my breath 没有你 我无法生存 i can be your hero 我会成为你的英雄
你愿意陪我跳舞吗? 如果我邀请你跳的话 你会被我吓跑吗? 并且永不回头 你会哭吗? 如果你看到我哭 今晚你会拯救我的灵魂吗?你会颤抖吗? 如果我触碰你的嘴唇 你会开怀而笑吗? 请你一定要告诉我 在需要的时候,你愿意死吗? 为你爱得人 今晚请把我拥入你的怀里 我要做你的英雄,宝贝 我能吻去你的痛苦 我会永远在你身边 你令我无法呼吸 你能发誓吗? 你永远是我的 还是宁愿撒谎,不愿表白 跑开并躲起来 我险的太深了吗? 我疯了吗?我不在乎这些 只要今晚你在这里 亲爱的,我只想抱着你 只想抱着你 亲爱的,我只想这样抱着你 我陷的太深了吗? 我疯了吗?我不在乎这些 只要今晚你在这里你令我神魂颠倒 我要做你的英雄
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Acoustic,BassBooster,BassReducer,Classical,Dance,Deep, Electronic,Flat,HipPop,Jazz,Latin,Loudness,Lounge,Piano,Pop,R&B,Rock,SmallSpeaker,SpokenWord,TrebleBooster,TrebleReducer,VocalBooster
acoustic[E5ku:stIk]adj.有关声音的, 声学的, 音响学的classical[ 5klAsikEl ]adj.古典的, 正统派的, 古典文学的
dance[ 5dB:ns ]n.跳舞, 舞蹈, 舞会, 舞曲, 舞蹈艺术v.跳舞, 舞蹈, (旗等)飘扬deep[ di:p ]adj.深的, 纵深的, 远离中心的, 深奥的, 难懂的, (指人)诡计多端的, 低沉的(声音)adv.深入地, 迟n.深渊, 深处electronic[Ilek5trRnIk]adj.电子的
flat[ flAt ]adj.平坦的, 扁平的, 单调的, 倒下的, 浅的, 干脆的, 无聊的, 无力的adv.平直地, 仰卧地, 恰恰, 正好, 断然地n.平面, 平地, 一层, 公寓v.(使)变平, (使)降半音bass[ beis ]n.低音部, 男低音, 低音乐器adj.低音的
booster[ 5bu:stE ]n.&美俚&热心的拥护者, 后推的人, 支持者, 后援者, 调压器jazz[ dVAz ]n.(20世纪产生于美国的一种舞曲性音乐)爵士乐, 喧闹adj.爵士乐的, 喧吵的, 颜色过于艳丽的vi.奏爵士乐, 跳爵士舞, 游荡vt.奏爵士乐, 使活泼Latin[ 5lAtin ]n.拉丁文, 拉丁语, 拉丁语族的adj.拉丁文的, 拉丁语的, 拉丁人的loudness[`laJdnIs]n.大声, 喧闹, 响度lounge[ laundV ]n.闲逛, 休闲室, 长沙发vi.闲荡, 懒洋洋地躺卧vt.虚度光阴piano[ pi5B:nEu, 5pjB:- ]n.钢琴pop[ pCp ]n.取出, 砰然声, 枪击, 流行乐曲, 流行艺术adj.流行的, 热门的, 通俗的vt.开枪打, 抛出, 取出, 突然伸出, 突然行动adv.突然, 砰地vi.发出爆裂声, 爆开, 射击, 突然出现, 瞪大n.&口&汽水abbr.Post Office Protocol, 邮局协议,用于电子邮件的接收rock[ rCk ]n.岩石, 暗礁, 石头, 摇动vt.摇摆, 使动摇vi.摇, 摇动只找到这些
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