sat语法固定搭配问题 IE

啄木鸟满分名师铁扇公主SAT语法讲义 47802字 投稿:廖熁熂
2013年上期一年级(1)班队工作计划祝肖钰 如果说每个孩子都是一颗小星星,我愿意用真诚、热情为他们撑起一片挚爱的晴空,让他们各自闪烁出最灿烂、最动人的光辉!为了让班级充满活力与创新,为了能更好地塑造孩子们的心灵,让他们得到全面的发展,也为了使新学期…
中考英语语法讲解资料 昝翼 中考英语语法讲解资料及练习目录第1讲:名词 2-3第2讲:代词 3-4第3讲:形容词 4-5第4讲:副词 5-7第5讲:动词 7-8第6讲:不定式 8-9第7讲 介词 第8讲:连词 10-11第9讲:时态一 第10讲:时态…
第一章 SAT语法简介……………………………….3 第二章 ISE题型分类
1 代词……………………………………….4 2 动词………………………………………..13 3平行结构…………………………………..19 4形容词副词……………………………….23 5固定搭配………………………………….25
第三章 IS题型分类
1 简洁原则………………………………….26 2 句子结构…………………………………..29 3代词
…………………………………..31 4动词……….……………………………….34 5平行结构………………………………….37 6非谓语动词……………………………….42
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猴哥SAT资料大礼包(包含猴哥SAT8000): 猴哥托福词频9000蓝宝书电子版:
猴哥、二郎神、铁扇公主SAT阅读长难句108句: 铁扇公主SAT语法讲义:
猴哥SAT、托福备考总体规划讲座录像: 猴哥背单词法课程录像: 铁扇公主语法串讲录像: 二郎神SAT阅读:
SAT 语法部分简介
语法部分属于 SAT reasoning test 中的写作(writing)板块,整个语法部分包括三种题型:ISE(Identifying sentence errors,即挑错题)18小题、 IS(Improving sentences,即句子改进题)25 小题、
IP(Improving paragraphs,即段落改进题)6 小题,所有题目均为五选一。以上三种题型共49 道小题,在真题中占到两个Section(不包括加试Section),其中一个Section 25分钟35 题(11IS+18IE+6IP),另一个Section 10分钟14个IS 题。
从题目的分布我们可以看出对于广大中国考生来说,SAT 语法部分的难度主要在于:
一、题型新颖独特。SAT语法题型很难在国内外其他考试中找到对应,因此学生平时根本没有接触过类似题型,可是学生又总是用做传统的语法题的思维去做SAT 的语法,可想而知其结果必然很惨烈。
SAT语法之所以被划分在Writing Skills当中,是因为它实际是考查考生对英语的标准书面语(即Standard Written English)的掌握程度,并非琐碎复杂的语法知识,SAT的语法具有特殊性,它追求的是‘好的语法’,是恰当的,最符合英语国家文化传统与语言习惯的用法。表现在做题方面,它要选择的并不是错或对的,而是最合适的。SAT的语法规则,也就是像OG当中所阐述的那样,是一种“the rules of good written English”,具有准确,清晰,简洁的特点,杜绝口语化、模糊和冗余的表达。
SAT语法三种题型所考查的侧重点各不相同,从OG和真题上对各部分考试目的和内容的解析中我们可以得出这一点。如在Identifying Sentences Errors(简称ISE)中,对考生的要求是“ The ability to recognize grammar and usage errors”,强调语法和固定用法的使用是否正确;而Improving Sentences(简称IS)对考生的要求则变成了“the ability to recognize and write clear, effective and accurate sentences”,从语法知识转移到了清晰,准确,简洁的表达方式。这种题型对中国学生而言要比句子挑错题更难适应,由于在中国的英语教育中,对于“简洁”这一知识点的训练几乎是空白,而这恰恰又是修改句子的重要解题思路; Improving paragraphs(简称IP)与前两种题型的差别较大,要求考生 “to understand how the sentences and the paragraphs work together.”,既然是考查句子和段落之间如何作用,那么除了修改句子结构,合并句子的题目外,还会有一部分题是考查句子应该在段落的什么位置比较合适。
二、时间紧迫。对于绝大多数中国学生来说,语法部分的时间是非常紧迫的,尤其是25 分钟的Section,很多人做不完题目。如果连题目都做不完,那么语法部分要答对44 题以上的目标就希望渺茫了。
但是,诸位考生也不要因此而灰心丧气。首先,SAT 语法部分的难度较之阅读
因此,如果经过系统、合理的复习,语法部分完全有可能在短期内迅速提高,从抓分角度来说对考生相对重要,考生一旦突破了语法题的瓶颈,那么SAT1 总分突破2000 分甚至2100 分就大有希望了,而2000 分对于申请美国高校的中国高中生来说是很有竞争力的分数。
语法部分时间安排:修改句子(8分钟)+ 挑错题(9分钟)+ 修改文章(6分钟)+ 涂卡,检查(2分钟)
3 读题时联系常考语法点,思考划线部分的语法知识是否正确
5、不要害怕选E(No error),因为每套题目都会有一定数目的E选项答案,选E是很正常的,不要明明没有错都还要挑毛病。
分点 主谓一致
1(14) (12,15
1(23) 1(20)
虚拟语气 Had done 数量的一致 人称的一
1(18) 代词
致 格的一致 关系代词 指代不明 平行
1(26)1(22) 1(15) 1(15)
结构 平行比较结构 形容
1(24)1(29)1(27) 1(28 0
比较级/最高级混用 形容词的错用
名词的单复数 固定搭配 句子结构 No error
1(12) (14,29
ISE 知识点综述:
一. 代词(pronoun error)
☆单复数不一致 人称不一致
☆ 主格宾格错用 关系代词,关系副词错用
在学习本课之前,我们要弄清楚SAT考试的特点:SAT考试是考察应试者对于英语标准书面语(也就是我们常说的Standard Written English)的掌握,所以我们一定要做到标准化。
代词在语法中的作用: 代词---(Pro-noun),所以我们代词是用来指代一个名词(noun)。
1. 是代词与其先行项要保持“数”的一致
(A) some teenagers adore video games, so
(B) condemn (C) as an
(D) waste time. (E)
答案为C condemn的宾语应该指的video games 所以应该改为them .
only parts of clay vessels recovered, these pottery shards arethe archaeologist because virtually indestructible.
此题的正确答案为D选项,应将其改为“they are”用来指代前面的“shards”。
3 The quality of multivitamin tablets
by potency
by the manufacturer’s coating material.
4. The starling is pest in rural areas that it necessary of controlling the growth
答案为D,their改为its,指代的是 The starling。
要特别注意one/ones 划线时不可随意指代,one或者ones在指代的时候只适用于第三人称即one与第三人称he/she对应;在复数的情况下ones和they进行对应,这一切与we/you无关。
例如:We/You don’t have so‐called freedom, because at times what we/you do depends on other people.
译文:我们/你们并没有所谓的自由,因为有些时候我们/你们的所作所为还取决于别人。 我们在例句中可以看出来在第一人称或者第二人称的时候,前后必须是相互呼应的,所以如果将句子改成下面的情况就不对了:
We/You don’t have so‐called freedom, because at times what ones do dependb on other people.
再来看一个句子:When one is exhausted, he/she is tired of answering others’ questions. 译文:但一个人极度疲惫的失守,他/她会疲于回答别人的问题。
1.For people (A) many ancient societies, work was only(B) survival
a way to improve (D) standard of living.(E)
分析:答案为D ,应该改为their 因为指代的是people所以要用第三人称而不是第二人称。
(A)a world figure‐skating champion like Kristi Yamaguchi, one so
dedicated that (C) (D)six hours a day.
答案为C 前面有个很明显的词one,所以不能用you来指代而是用第三人称he/she.
children are beautiful, intelligent, and well behaved, what one believes is not always
此题的正确答案为C选项,句子中前面有一个代词“one”, 所以划线部分应该
宾格形式一般在动词之后充当句子的宾语,常见的有: a. 动宾结构‐‐‐‐即及物动词后加宾语,此时代词用宾格形式 b. 介宾结构‐‐‐‐介词后加宾语,代词用宾格形式
III 主格 you he
it we you they I 宾格 me you him
it us you them
例: 1. My colleague and myself (A) received an award for (B) our paper on the accuracy a polygraph physiological processes.
答案为A,应该改为I 因为做的主语。
2. The report Alexander
a report prepared jointly by and the committee, does not
the socioeconomic status
答案为B.做by 的宾语,应该为him
3. Apparently
our plans, the foundation awarded a grant a network of community centers the city.
students, concern about tuition hikes was even final exams.
答案为A, for 为介词所以应该用宾格形式 us
4 指代不明确
a. 代词一定要清晰地去表示它所指代的对象,否则就是错的。
例如:Tom and Phillip went on their annual hiking trip, even though he was suffering from a sprained ankle.
这里的he 就是指代不明,不知道指的是Tom 还是Phillip。
1. The office manager and her coworker, Ms. Andrews, equal pay for the company
got a raise to increase productivity.
答案为C,she 可以指代The office manager 和 her coworker所以指代不明
例句:Thomas repeated his perspective that (A) the student, if given (B) sufficient time preparation, would finish
C 我们清楚代词的英文写法是pronoun,即代词要指代的对象是一个noun,所以
在SAT考试中,代词指代的如果是一个动词(verb)或者一个句子(sentence),那么肯定是不正确的。常考的it , which 就是这样。
It 只能指代一个单数名词,如果是一个动词(verb)或者一个句子(sentence),那么肯定是不正确的. 但是it是可以做形式主语和形式宾语。
It seems that Joy has left his office.
例如 They think Lily is a good student. 这句的they 就是空指代,因为前文没有出现过复数名词,they无从指代。所以要把they 改为people
5 关系代词
①关系代词的错用: who /which
(A) B) an hour (C)(D)over tropical ocean waters.
3.A)(D)sales figures. No error (E)
二 动词(主谓一致,时态)
☆主谓一致 ☆时态
a 主谓一致
主语和谓语应在数上保持它们的一致性,即复数主语必须用复数谓语;同样,单数主语必须用单数谓语。但是SAT 的考试,会把题出的很难,尤其是在主语和谓语之间用很长的干扰信息分隔开,从而让学生找不到真正的谓语和主语。
1 单复数混用
例句1:Few issues is (A) as likely (B) to provoke widespread interest as
(1)名词1 +介词+ 名词2
在SAT考试中出现此种情况,谓语动词的单复数与名词1有关,与名词2无关 分析:
2. The professor’s insisitence on high standards and rigorous exams are
The record left by fossils, the ancient remains of plants and animals,
此题的争取答案为A选项。句子中的插入语是, the ancient remains of plants and animals,所以可以忽略不计。这句话的主语是the record,所以谓语部分用provide肯定是错误的,应该将它改为provides。
(3)名词+doing\ done(分词作后置定语)
Flints the region extending from the Nile Valley the highlands of eastern Iraq the presence of people there one hundred thousand years.
答案为C ,found in
the region extending from the Nile Valley to the highlands of eastern Iraq做的后置定语来修饰Flints,Flints是主语所以谓语应该是attest。
(4) A with B . A including B . A as well as B . A toghter with B . A along with B . A besides B . A except B.
3 .倒装句的主谓一致
常考的一般有2中形式 :地点状语+动词+主语 ; 头重脚轻。
此题的正确答案为B选项,将was改成were。这道题目难度较大,是典型的 倒装与主谓一致的搭配,正常语序应为:the proposed health clinics and the proposed center were also supported by the commission…,是一个有and连接的复数主语。
2. In the foothills of that large mountain range the sources of a river
this century.
此题的正确答案为A选项, 这道题也是倒装句,the sources of a river是主语,所以谓语应该为are而不是is 。
Air pollution caused by industrial fumes for years, only recently
the harmful effects of noise pollution known.
是the harmful effects of noise pollution所以应该把has 改为have.
4. 谓语动词单复数的固定用法
a number of +名词
the number of +名词
“the number”,其后的动词应该用单数;
于此类似的有还有a variety of和the variety of
(2)量词:a collection \set \line\list\group of +名词 谓语的单复数与量词保持一致
例句:此题的正确答G案是B选项,应改为:accentuates。主句主语为the number of,所以谓语动词用单数。
(3)each of +Ns+谓语单数
例如:They each put forward a proposal.
如果each做主语,谓语动词一般应当用作单数,如: Each of them thinks differet thoughts。
(4)以s 为结尾表示单数的单词
①以-s结尾的疾病名称,如:arthritis(关节炎),bronchitis(支气管炎),diabetes(糖尿病),mumps(腮腺炎),phlebitis(静脉炎),rickets(软骨病),measles(麻疹) ②以-ics结尾的学科名称作主语时,如physics,mathematics,mechanics, optics, acoustics, politics statistics, economics, linguistics, athletics ③以-s结尾:customs,molasses,news,summons,walrus,species,means (5)就近一致的主谓关系:
either ..or .., neither… nor.., not only ..but also
时态的考察在任何形式的英语考试中都是重点,SAT语法考试也不例外,并且我们发现时态部分向来是中国考生极易犯错的地方, SAT语法考试侧重点是主句和从句的时态统一。
Has/have+been doing
Had been doing
Shall/will be +doing
Shall/will have + done Shall/will+have been doing
Should/would + have done
Would/should + have been doing
(1) 现在类时态和过去类时态混用 ,即在未划线部分会有一个动词时态,在划线部分也会有一个动词时态,但是往往划线部分和未划线部分时态存在冲突。比如,未划线部分是现在的时态,而划线部分是过去的时态。
1 Jerome often referred art history tex whenever he learned a new method in art class , he the work of sculptors who
in the past.
分析:答案为C.应该改为sought out .句子的时态过去时,所以C不能是现在的时态 应该改为过去时。
(2)由Since, After连接的主句从句的时态考察
SAT中有一个经典的时态考题 ,即从句是一个用after引导的一般过去时的句子,而主句是现在完成时。在这种情况下,若题目是after 划线则把after改为since,:
1 After the prince characterized modern architecture he
for having been
public. 分析:
2 I football game (C) I
high school.分析:
答案为C,把after 改为since. (3)考察时态的特殊情况
例如: Set in(A) South Carolina in 1964,the novel The Secret Life of Bee is (B)not about bees
fouteen year old who from home. 分析:
答案为E,这是09年10月的一道真题,很多同学会错选D认为应该用过去式,但是选项B ,D的时态都是讲述小说的内容所以应该用现在时态。
c 虚拟语气
过去 现在 将来
Should/were to do
主句 Would have done
Some of the workers
the supervisor’s authority feel uncomfortable
they were to acquire the independence that
答案为E,选项A 和D分别是定语从句中的动词部分,这俩个时态一致都是一
般现在时所以正确,但是句子的主干部分Some of the workers would probably
uncomfortable if they
independence 使用了虚拟语气,用法也是正确的。所以选E d 不规则动词的过去分词
例:Although born in the Midwest, Langston Hughes lived most of his adult life in
Harlem, in New York City,
other writers in the 1930’s, he
some of his
works. P894.12)
分析: 答案为C,have后面应该用过去分词,然而wrote是过去式,所以应该改为written.还经常考的词有swin swam swum ,drive drove driven
三 平行结构
☆ 两者or三者
SAT 对平行结构的要求十分严格同时也十分青睐平行结构。它已成为历年考试的必考内容。
(1) 名词,名词,and 名词;
to do ,(如果平行的成分只有2个则第二个成分的to可以省
略,但是如果是三个平行,那么第二个和第三个的形式要保持一致,要么都是do,要么都是to do .)
done,done and done
例1:Each time Caroline turns on her computer , she has (A) to enter a company code, then her initials, and then
此题的正确答案为B选项,将“enters”去掉;我们可以看出来“enter a company
code, her initials, and a password” 符合我们的“N,N, and N”;句子中出现的几个“then”只是一个时间状语,并不影响句子主体结构。
例2:Of the hundreds of warm‐water coral species, only a few (A) are highly prized (B) for use in jewelry
beauty, luster, and
此题的正确答案为D选项,将they are去掉;beauty, luster, and hard 这样的结构符合我们的平行原则。
feature film, Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was the first animated film (C) up‐ o‐ he‐minute techniques
widespread release. (E)
4.The tribal council's program familiarized young people Cherokee history,
traditions, and the
(D)learn skills used by ancient artists.job opportunities for recent graduate restricts
often forcing them at home or else
如:not only…,but also…; neither…,nor… ;either…,or…
As……..; just as ……
both…and….(必须用and 用as well as 是错误的) 例:Learning (A) a foreign languages is difficult not only because languages contain (B)an enormous number of words (C)people need to use a language with it. 分析:
此题的正确答案为C选项,前面有很明显的not only,所以后面不能有and 来并列应用but also .
注意:SAT考试中,为了让平行结构清晰易懂,不产生歧义,应该重复介词。 例如:I have visited many libraries in US,not in Canada.
In a recent year, more tourists from the United States visited museums in Great Britain than
(A) Canada (B) Canada did
(C) compared to Canada (D) Canadian ones (E) in Canada
此题的正确答案为E选项。Great Britain前面有介词in,所以根据平行结构的原理Canada前面要加上in。
(3) 还有一个很重要的平行句型就是
to do ….is to do…..
1 To insist that a poem means
whatever to mean is often
intention and
the words of the poets. (07.10, 29)
答案为C,此题为To insist to ignore…..的结构 ,所以不能用ignoring
Persepolis in modern Iran and look out, as Darius the First must
at the immense sweep of
the vastness of the ancient Persian Empire.
答案为E,此题是To stand …is to grasp….的结构 所以正确。
例句 Driving less (A) frequently is on to turn off all (B) appliances not being used
(OG P720 18) 分析:
此题正确答案为B选项,将起改为“tuning off”与分号前面句子开头的“Driving”进行对应。
(4) 同类比较的平行
a .SAT有关比较的题型中,做比较的俩部分一定要具有可比性。 如: The population of China is larger than that of America.
所有格和所有格之间比较时,第二个所有格是不能省略的,需要补充that of/those of/’s。
例如;In (A)the United State,the industrial use of (B)plastic is(C) greater
copper combined.
此题的正确答案为D选项,在“steel”前面加上“that of”表示“the industrial use of” 和前面进行对应。
b 当as, like, unlike, compare with.做句首时,其后加的名词的性质应该和该句的主语相同,否则为错误比较。
例如: Unlike Lily, the painting of Lucy is more intelligent.
Lily 和the painting of Lucy 就是错误比较,一个是人一个是物。以后在做题中要注意。
c 当俩个主语做比较的时候,我们应该把第二个主语后加上助动词,这样才不会引起歧义。
I love the house more than my wife. I love the house more than my wife does.
这俩个就表达了不同的意思,第一句是the house和 my wife.做比较。第二句是I 和my wife做比较。
但是,当第二个主语过长的时候,一般要倒装即把助动词放在第二个主语的前面。 例如; the air outside has a higher concentration rate than does the air inside the room.
☆ 形容词/副词
比较级、最高级 形容词间的辨析
adj.可以 修饰n. / pron. adv.可以 修饰 v. / adj. / adv.
1.adj和adv的混用,在SAT语法ISE题型中,将adj划线,通常将其改为 反之,将adv改成adj的情况。
例:Although canoeing through (A) the rapids was exciting, it was (B) also exhausting, and we were happy for a time to have the canoe float
a smooth stretch of the river.
例:The research study reveals (A) startling proof of a constant (B) changing seafloor that the major
the underwater landscape.
例:If (A)I am reading the editorial correct(B),the mayor is deliberately avoiding any (C)discussion of the tax‐
eform bill d) the election.
2 adj 比较级和最高级
错误一般集中在两者之间用most的错误 ,三者之间用more 的错误;已经是比较级的词前面加上“more”,如“more stronger”。
例:In many respects (A) Anna and Emma are very similiarcharacters,but (B)Emma
the (D)and determination.
例:Just how (A) critical an improved balance of trade is to (B) a healthy economy has
than it is now.
此题的正确答案为D选项,在clearer 已经是比较级的词了,前面用more就错了。 五 固定搭配
1. particular about 2. tendency to do. 3.unique to
4.differ from 5.capable of 6.familiar with 7.on the verge of 8.regard as. 9.limit to doing sth.
10. admire/criticize/condemn for. 11. advocate of devoid of desirous of 14.preoccupation with consistent with 16.acquirement with
17. equal to. 18.insight to. 19.treat to 20.deter sb. from..
21 succeeded 22 mistrust in
a Chinese American grower who finally succeeded the
orange tree
the American climate.
(06.1, 22)
2. Five years in her new book is
to her critics’
her earlier findings and
of her original thesis.
(06.1, 28)
3. When the village elders recommendations,
any opposition their proposals.
( Online Course 3,Section 4, 29)
4. Not very particular nesting
house wrens
birdhouses, mailboxes, building crevices—even in the pockets hanging laundry.
(06.5, 28)
① 平行结构划线,看结构中的各部分是否能够并列。
② 代词划线,此时根据代词形式,找它的逻辑主语的单复数;主格与宾格的混用,第三人称代词与第二人称、第一人称代词的混用。
③ 动词划线,首先看第三人称单复数,再看时态,再看主动被动,最后看搭配。
④ 形容词修饰名词,副词修饰形容词和动词。常混用。
⑥ 固定搭配
IS知识点综述: 一.简洁原则。
1.The chestnut, like the oak, is called an immortal
alive even after the tree has been felled. (A) tree, the reason is that the truck and roots remain (B) tree, which has a truck and roots that are remaining (C) tree, the truck of which and the roots remain (D) tree because its truck and roots remain (E) tree, whose trunk and roots are remaining
2.The main reasons students give for failing to participate in the political process part‐ ime jobs. (A) is that they have demanding assignments and work at (B) are demanding assignments and they work at
(C) are that they have demanding assignments and that they work at (D) is having demanding assignments and having to work at (E) are demanding assignments, in addition to working at
3. When for the first time the United States imported more oil than it exported, Americans should have realized that an energy crisis (A) was imminent and could happen in the future (B) could happen imminently in the future (C) will be imminent and happening soon (D) is an imminent thing
(E) might be imminent
4. the film industry in the United States rose to prominence.
A) Because European filmmaking all but shut down during the First World War is the reason why
B) Because European filmmaking all but shut down during the First World War, C) European filmmaking all but shut down during the First World War,
D) With European filmmaking close to shutting down during the First World War, so E) The fact that European filmmaking nearly shut down during the First World War is why
5. The reason for the continued popularity of country‐ western performers ison experiences with which almost everyone can identify.
(A) that it draws on
(B) that their music draws on
(C) because the music draws on
(D) because of them drawing from
(E) they will draw from
6. The poem' s colorful images and its verbal wit
(A) give the reader pleasure
(B) please the one who is reading
(C) gives pleasure to the one who reads it
(D) give one pleasure in the reading of it
(E) gives one pleasure in reading it
7. The reason first novels are so often their writers' best workall the experiences of childhood.
(A) is that it draws upon
(B) is that these first efforts draw upon
(C) is because of these first efforts drawing from
(D) Is because of them drawing upon
(E) Is their drawing from
8.We do not have absolute personal
(A) freedom because what anyone does would have an effect on other people's lives
(B) freedom because it has an effect on the lives of other people
(C) freedom because what we do affects other people
(D) freedom, and the reason is the effect our actions have on other people
(E) freedom, our actions having an effect on other people
version, of law and order to provinces throughout Europe.
(A) The Roman Empire, often by questionable means, attempted to bring their
(B) The Roman Empire was often questionable in its means in its attempts to bring its
(C) Using means that are often questionable, the Roman Empire, in attempting to bring its
(D) Questionable means were often used by the Roman Empire, in attempting to bring its
(E) Often by questionable means, the Roman Empire attempted to bring its
二. 句子结构问题
1. run on ;comma splices 判断: SVO, thus SVO.
SVO, however SVO. SVO, but SVO. SVO, although SVO. SVO; therefore SVO. SVO; but SVO. SVO; although SVO.
2 sentence fragment
e.g.:the girl who I saw last year.
ii 逻辑关系错误
1.Many students work after school and on much time for doing their homework.
A, weekends, consequently they do not have
B, weekends, they do not have
C, weekends, as a consequence they do not have
D, weekends, therefore they do not have
E, consequently, they do not have
2.Even the play’s most minor characters work together with extraordinary skill,
A, their interplay creates a moving theatrical experience.
B, a moving theatrical experience is created by their interplay
C, and their interplay creates a moving theatrical experience.
D, and a moving theatrical experience being the creation of their interplay
E, with their interplay they create a moving theatrical experience.
3. Many people think taxes are tooall the, money they earn.
(A) high, consequently, some of those people do not report
(B) high, therefore, some of those people do not report.
(C) consequently, some do not report
(D) high, some people do not report
(E) high, and therefore not reporting
4. (A) Before reading the front page of the newspaper, my sister reads the sports section, my brother reads the comics first.
(B) My sister reads the sports section before reading the front page of the newspaper and my brother he reads the comics first.
(C) Before reading the front page of the newspaper my sister read my brother reads the comics first.
(D) My brother reads the comics first with my sister reading the sports section before reading the front page of the newspaper.
(E) Before reading the front page of the newspaper, my sister read my brother reading the comics first.
Because Uranus is nearly three billion kilometers from the Sun and is enveloped by a thick methane cloud
(A) layer, this blocks almost all solar radiation
(B) layer, this accounts for its receiving 'almost no solar radiation
(C) layer is the reason why it receives almost no solar radiation
(D) layer, almost no solar radiation reaches the planet
as merely mechanical reproductions that, despite their popularity, lacked true creativity.
(A) Although the English artist William Blake never having painted portraits, he regarded them
(B) The English artist William Blake never painted portraits, he regarded them
(C) Never having painted a portrait, they were regarded by the English artist William Blake
(D) The English artist William Blake nev however, regarding them
(E) The English artist William Blake never painted portraits because he regarded them
Solar energy, for which there are many potential uses, can be
produce energy without generating pollution.
(A) beneficial so that it
(B) beneficial because it
(C) beneficial, although it
(D) beneficial in order that it
(E) beneficial because they
During the labor dispute, barrels of potatoes were emptied across the (P599.4)
(A) highway, and they thereby blocked it to all traffic
(B) highway and thereby blocking it to all traffic
(C) highway, by which all traffic was therefore blocked
(D) highway, and therefore this had all traffic blocked
(E) highway, thereby blocking all traffic
The lawyers representing the parking‐lot operators asserted (P615.6)
(A) as to the defensibility of their practices as legal and ethical
(B) as to their practices and their defensibility on legal and ethical grounds
(C) that their practices, that is the operators, are defensible in legal terms as well as ethics
(D) that in regards to defensibility their practices are legally and ethically
(E) that the practices of the operators are legally and ethically defensible
Karen, James, and Sam were hiking
A. when, stumbling over a rock, he fell down a steep embankment
B. and then he fell down a steep embankment after he stumbled over a rock
C. when Sam fell down a steep embankment after stumbling over a rock
D. when Sam fell down a steep embankment, since he stumbled over a rock E. and, since he stumbled over a rock, he fell down a steep embankment
When Sheila and Lucy visited the restaurant,
and that their favorite dish was no longer offered.
A. she noticed that the menu had changed
B. she notices that the menu has changed
C. Sheila has noticed the menu changed
D. Sheila had noticed the menu changing
E. Sheila noticed that the menu had changed
Because each year our children spending increasingly more time in front of computer monitors and television screen,
A. you need to limit their viewing hours and encourage them to go outdoors and play
B. one needs to limit our viewing hours and encourage ourselves to go outdoors and play
C. it is necessary that their viewing hours should be limited and they themselves be encouraged to go outdoors and play
D. we need to limit their viewing hours and encourage them to go outdoors and play
E. you need to limit their viewing hours and encourage them to go outsides and play
In the sixteenth century, the forests were destroyed in Britain, which meant not only a
shortage of the most important building material of the time, but also a fuel shortage.
(A) the forests were destroyed in Britain, which meant not only a shortage
(B) the forests in Britain were destroyed, which meant a shortage not only
(C) the forests were destroyed in Britain, meaning a shortage not only
(D) destruction of the forests in Britain meant not only a shortage
(E) destruction of the forests in Britain meant a shortage not only
Psychologists advise that before making any major changes in your life, a person needs to focus on one’s goals.
(A) your life, a person needs to focus on one’s goals
(B) their life, a person needs to focus on their goals
(C) their lives, focus on the goals
(D) one’s life, you should focus on your goals
(E) their lives, people should focus on their goals
When someone shops by mail or through the Internet,
tradition begun by the American colonists, who purchased almost everything from Europe.
(A) you will be following
(B) it is following
(C) you will follow
(D) he or she follows
Naomi and Charles will represent Ammonton High in the debating
(A) contest, their work in this having been excellent this year
(B) they have done excellent work this year in this
(C) contest, for this year they have done excellent work in this
(D) contest, for their work as public speakers has been excellent this year
(E) their work as public speakers having been excellent this year
(A) One result of the fire department's new contract is that they can no longer offer overtime pay on weekends.
(B) As one result of its new contract, the fire department‐ can no longer offer overtime pay on weekends.
(C) One result of the fire department's new contract is that overtime pay on
weekends can no longer be offered to them.
(D) The fire department's new contract results in their no longer being able to offer them overtime pay on weekends.
(E) One result of the fire department's new contract are that offering overtime pay on weekends is no longer possible.
American journalist it just nine years after the Wright brothers' first powered flight.
(A) Harriet Quimby, the first woman to pilot a plane across the English Channel, doing it
(B) Harriet Quimby the first woman who piloted a plane across the English Channel, and who did so
(C) Hamer Quimby became the first woman to have piloted a plane across the English Channel and did it
(D) Harriet Quimby became the first woman to pilot a plane across the English Channel, accomplishing this feat
(E) Harriet Quimby was the first woman piloting a plane across the English Channel, the feat was accomplished
四.动词 (同挑错题)
1.Alongside the trail on which we ride our bikes each morning
(A) run a crooked line of rugged old oak trees
(B) runs a crooked line of rugged old oak trees
(C) runs rugged old oak trees in a crooked line
(D) there runs rugged old oak trees in a crooked line
(E) there run a crooked line of rugged old oak trees
2. Evidence from surveys and interviewslonger than those made in college.
(A) show friendships made in high school tend to last
(B) show high school friendships that tend to last
(C) is showing high school friendships tending to last
(D) shows that friendships made in high school tend to last
(E) shows friendships in high school tends to last
(3) Although the exact cause of type 2 diabetes is unknown, experts say that for some people improper diet and lack ofto the onset of the disease.
(A) exercise contributes
(B) exercise, they contribute
(C) exercise contribute
(D) exercise, contributing
(E) exercise has been contributing
(4) Since last September Patricia at the convenience store down the road.
(A) has been working
(C) is working
(D) will be working
(E) worked
5. One of the most popular and attractive new cars
(A) were available for so little money that people thought something was
(B) was available for so little money that people thought something were
(C) was available for so little money that people thought something has gone
(D) was available for so little money that people thought something was
(E) was selling for very little money, so people thought of it as something was
6.For weeks, one of the company's starring ballerinas
(A) were performing so infrequently that dance lovers feared something was
(B) was perfor dance lovers feared something to be
(C) were performing so infrequently that dance lovers feared something has
(D) was performing so infrequently that dance lovers feared something was
7. The convenience and widespread availability of watercolor paint with amateur artists.
(A) account for its popularity
(B) account for their popularity
(C) accounts for its popularity
(D) is why it is popular
(E) are a reason for its popularity
8. In scenarios reminiscent of the old science fiction movie Fantastic Voyage, medical researchers the body with miniature robots sent into the bloodstream.
(A) hope exploring
(B) hope to explore
(C) hope it can explore
(D) have hopes to explore
(E) are having hopes of exploring
9. D.H.Lawrence, one of the most prolific novelists of his
A. time, writing more than 40 volumes of fiction, poetry, and drama from 1911
B .time,writing more than 40 volumes,which he wrote from 1911 to 1930
in the areas of fiction,poetry, and drama
C. time,and he wrote more than 40 volumes of fiction, poetry, and‐drama from 1911 to 1930
D .time, wrote more than 40 volumes of fiction, poetry, and drama from 1911 to 1930
E .time, his fiction, poetry, and drama amounting to more than 40 volumes from 1911 to 1930
10. Pearl Buck, one of the most popular writers of her
(A) day, winning the Nobel Prize in Literature in t938 for her novels about China
(B) day, winning the Nobel Prize in Literature, which she won in 1938 for her novels about China
(C) day, and she won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1938 for her novels about China
(D) day, won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1938 for her novels about China
(E) day, her novels about China bringing her the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1938
11. The city is populated by many people who, although their common language is English,
(A) the languages at home range from speaking Armenian to Zapotec
(B) speaking at home is in languages ranging from Armenian to Zapotec
(C) the languages range from Armenian to Zapotec at home
(D) speak languages at home that range from Armenian to Zapotec
(E) they are speaking languages at home ranging from Armenian to Zapotec
in the field of psychoanalysis almost equals that of Sigmund FreUd.
(A) C.G. Jung, a Swiss psychologist, whose renown as a pioneer
(B) C.G. Jung, who was a Swiss psychologist and whose renown as a pioneer
(C) A Swiss with renown as a psychological pioneer, C.G. Jung
(D) C.G. Jung was a Swiss psychologist whose renown as a pioneer
(E) A Swiss, C.G. Jung who was a psychological pioneer and whose renown
1. To complete the music program, a student must present one vocal performance, one instrumental performance, (A) and composing one original work
(B) and one original composition
(C) with one original composition
(D) and to compose one original work
(E) as well as the student’s original composition
The tornado ripped through the central part of town, toppling small buildings, uprooting trees, and(A) power lines were snapped
(B) power lines snapping
(C) snapping power lines
(D) snapped power lines
(E) power lines snapped
Finding political support, designing a campaign, and, above all, the challenging tasks faced by candidates.
(A) the securing of financial backing are
(B) the security of financial backing are
(C) to secure financial backing is
(D) securing financial backing is
(E) securing financial backing are
The revolt against Victorianism was perhaps even more marked in poetry than
(A) either fiction or drama
(B) either fiction or in drama
(C) either in fiction or drama
(D) in either fiction or drama
(E) in either fiction or in drama
a growing awareness of the need for cleanliness helped to bring about the establishment of standards of hygiene in hospitals
(A) Having Florence Nightingale as their leader
(B) Having the leadership of Florence Nightingale's
(C) Florence Nightingale as the leader
(D) To be led by Florence Nightingale
(E) The leadership of Florence Nightingale
Readers of the novice writer's recent book have said that it is at once frustrating because of its chaotic structure
(A) but its originality is still a delight
(B) although it is delightfully original
(C) and it is delightful in its originality
(D) while being so original as to delight them
(E) but delightful because of its originality
The spirit of the honor code to which each student subscribes
(A) requires academic honesty, respectful behavior, and it demands responsibility in action
(B) requires academic honesty, respectful behavior, and responsible action
(C) require academic work that is honest, behavior that is respectful, and action of a responsible nature
(D) requires academic work that is honest, being respectful in behavior, and demands responsible action
(E) require academic honesty, respectful behavior, and the demands of responsible action
Today the primary role of advertising may be to appeal and persuade rather than (A) what it once did, educating and informing
(B) what it once did, which w, as educating and informing
(C) what it once was, education and information
(D) educating and informing, what it once did
(E) what it once was, to educate and inform
Most drivers gasoline, but also that it is dangerous. (P678.13)
(A) know not only that excessive speeding on highways wastes
(B) know that excessive speeding on highways could be wasteful of
(C) are knowledgeable that excessive speeding on highways not only wastes
(D) have known that excessive speeding on highways wastes not only
(E) know that excessive speeding on highways not only by itself can waste
Some people believe that one day
(A) we will establish not only' bases on the Moon, but also a landing on Neptune will occur
(B) not only' bases on the Moon will be established,but also a landing on Neptune will be made
(C) we will not only establish bases on the Moon but also land on Neptune
(D) we will not only establish bases on the Moon, but we will land on Neptune in addition
(E) we will not only establish bases on the Moon, but we will land on Neptune
With 12 national forests, Idaho is at the center of the battle between those who want to profit from federal timberlands
(A) or the ones wanting them to be saved
(B) and the ones wanting that they are saved
(C) and those who want to save them
(D) as well as others, wanting to save them
(E) as well as those who want that it be saved
A healthy economy can be measured not only by the growth of businesses but psychological effect on people.
(A) it has a
(B) as well in the
(C) also by the
(D) also the
(E) in the way of having a
Though now one of the most famous abstract artists, for his technique of splattering paint on canvases.
(A) critics once ridiculed Jackson Pollock
(B) critics were once ridiculing Jackson Pollock
(C) Jackson Pollock once ridiculed by critics
(D) Jackson Pollock was once ridiculed by critics
(E) Jackson Pollock, having once been ridiculed by critics
Of all the states represented at the conference,
plans for enforcing the new regulations.
(A) the governor of Missouri was the only one to present
(B) making the governor from Missouri the only one to present
(C) Missouri's governor only presented
(D) Missouri's governor presented the only
(E) Missouri was the only one whose governor presented
Like most new residents, a day or two.
(A) the town's winding streets confused the Curtis family
(B) the winding streets of the town confusing the Curtis family
(C) the Curtis family was confused by the town's winding streets
(D) the Curtis family, who found the town's windir streets confusing
(E) there were winding streets in the town which confused the Curtis family
did not draw on classical or European architecture for inspiration.
(A) Unlike American architects who preceded him, Frank Lloyd Wright
(B) Unlike the inspiration of American architects who preceded him, Frank Lloyd Wright
(C) Frank Lloyd Wright' s architecture, unlike American architects who preceded him,
(D) Different from the American architects who preceded him, Frank Lloyd Wright's
The campus newspaper does not print as much world news
(A) as does my hometown
(B) as does my hometown newspaper
(C) compared to what my hometown does
(D) like my hometown newspaper does
(E) like the one in my hometown does
The duties of a firefighter are often as dangerous (A) as a police officer
(B) as those of a police officer
(C) like a police officer
(D) such as a police officer
(E) like a police officer's
are intriguing to scientists partly because whales have no functional vocal cords,
(A) The eerie songs of humpback whales, often lower in pitch and longer than birds,
(B) The eerie songs of humpback whales, which are often lower in pitch and last longer than birds,
(C) Humpback whales' eerie songs, often pitched lower and longer thar that of birds,
(D) The eerie songs o17 humpback whales, often lower in pitch and lasting longer than those of birds,
Film audiences in the 1950's saw more musicals the 1960's and 1970's.
(B) than did
(C) than the films of
(D) than with the audiences in
(E) than did audiences in
No one is more sorrier than me that you missed the awards ceremony.
(A) more sorrier than me
(B) sorrier than I
(C) more sorry like myself
(D) as sorry like I am
(E) sorrier but me
它的完成式(having + 过去分词)表示在谓语动词所表示的动作之前发生的动作或存在的状态。
现在分词短语作插入语,为固定用法,不随句子主语的变化而变化即不用考虑从句和主句逻辑关系的一致性:generally speaking, supposing(if),considering (考虑到),judging from/by,talking of
e.g.: judging from the truth, he is honest enough.
e.g. judging from the view, the earth is round.
Seeing nobody at home,she decided to leave them a note.
Deeply moved,she thanked me again and again.
Having watered the vegetables,they began to pick up the Apples.=After they had w atered the vegetables,they began to pick up the apples.
Dangling modifier : 一个短语想修饰该主句的主语但是逻辑上修饰错误。 e.g.:, a note was left by her.
1. Lacking good instruction,
(A) my mistakes in creating a graph to illustrate historical trends were numerous
(B) I made numerous mistakes in creating a graph to illustrate historical trends
(C) there were numerous mistakes in the graph I created to illustrate historical trends
(D) I created a graph to illustrate historical trends with numerous mistakes
(E) The graph I made for illustrating historical trends had numerous mistakes
2. Carried by the strong, dry winds of the stratosphere, crossed the United States in three days and circled the globe in two weeks.
(A) the 1980 eruption of Mount Saint Helens caused dust that
(B) Mount Saint Helens’ eruption in 1980 caused dust that
(C) dust from the 1980 eruption of Mount Saint Helens
(D) dust from the 1980 eruption of Mount Saint Helens that
(E) there was dust from the 1980 eruption of Mount Saint Helens and it
3. in the city, by walking outside or taking the subway,
A. new people and events can be seen
B seeing new people and events
C new people and events being seen
D. one can see new people and events
E. it is new people and events that can be seen
4. If asked to name a musical group with broad and lasting appeal,
(A) the Beatles would be the choice of many, no matter what kinds of music are actually preferred
(B) the Beatles will be chosen by many people, no matter what kinds of music are actually preferred
(C) the choice for many people, whatever kinds of music they actually prefer, would be the Beatles
(D) many, who actually preferred different kinds of music, choose the Beatles
(E) many people, no matter what kinds of music they actually prefer, would choose the Beatles
5. Spread by rat fleas, (A) millions of people in medieval Europe were killed by bubonic plague
(B) and millions of medieval Europeans were killed by bubonic plague
(C) this led to the killing of millions of medieval Europeans by bubonic plague
(D) bubonic plague in medieval Europe was why millions of people were killed (E) bubonic plague killed millions of people in medieval Europe
6. Burdened with three pieces of luggage and a pair of skis, (A) Sarah's search for a baggage cart was desperate
(B) Sarah's desperate search was for a baggage cart
(C) a baggage cart was what Sarah desperately searched for
(D) a baggage cart for which Sarah desperately searched
(E) Sarah searched desperately for a baggage cart
7 Having thought the problem through with some care,
(A) that the committee did not understand her solution frustrated the chairperson extremely
(B) the chairperson's extreme frustration resulted from the committee not understanding her solution
(C) the chairperson's frustration at the committee's failing to understand her solution was extreme
(D) the chairperson was extremely frustrated by the committee's failure to understand her solution
(E) the committee's failing to understand her solution was art extreme frustration to the chairperson
not want to return without accomplishing something.
(A) The delegates coming this far, they
(B) Coming this far, the delegates felt they
(C) Having come this far, the delegates
(D) To come this far, the delegates
(E) The delegates came this far, so that they
Serving as either business tools or recreational devices,
(A) computers, they are increasingly popular
(B) their popularity has increased
(C) they have become more popular
(D) computers are increasingly popular
(E) computers, they are popular
Brought to the United States at the age of thirteen to receive a Western education,
(A) his first book discusses Lee Yah Phou's childhoo in China
(B) Lee Yan Phou's childhood in China is the subjec of his Fri:st book
(C) the subject of his first book is Lee Yah Phou' s childhood in China
(D) Lee Yan Phou discusses his childhood in China in his first book
(E) Lee Yan Phou, whose childhood was in China,
discusses this in his first book
Raised in a large mad noisy city,
(A) it was only when I went away to college that I realized how delightful life in a small town could be
(B) when I went away to college I then realized how delightful life in a small town could be
(C) going away to college made me realize how delightful life in a small town could be
(D) I did not realize how delightful life in a small town could be until I went away to college
(E) delightful life in a small town was unrealized by me until I went away to college
By simply entering an internet website or calling a toll‐free number, a catalog order can
almost anything from cheesecakes to fully equipped desktop computers.
(A) a catalog order can be placed
(B) by placing a catalog order
(C) they will place your catalog order
(D) you can place a catalog order
(E) your catalog order can be placed
While driving down the road, the house with the large yard and small pond attracted the
(A) the house with the large yard and small pond attracted the family’s attention
(B) the house having the large yard and a small pond attracted the attention of the family
(C) the house with the yard and small pond was attractive to the family’s attention
(D) the family’s attention was attracted by the house with the large yard and small pond
(E) the family was attracted to the house with the large yard and small pond
Although criticized by a few for her daredevil aviation escapades, (A) most people viewed Amelia Earhart as a skillful pilot
(B) most people viewed Amelia Earhart to be a skillful pilot
(C) a skillful pilot was what most people viewed Amelia Earhart as
(D) Amelia Earhart was viewed by most people as a skillful pilot
(E) Amelia Earlhart, a skillful pilot in the view of most people
Before signing up for next year's courses, the(A) the students' schedules must be approved by their advisers
(B) the students must have their schedules approved by their advisers
(C) their advisers must approve the schedule of each student
(D) the schedules of students must be approved, and by their advisers
(E) approval of each one's schedule must be given by their advisers
There with starting one’s own business.
(A) is many challenges associated
(B) is many challenges to associate
(C) is many challenges associating
(D) are many challenges associated
(E) are many challenges which associate
Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow PUSH to encourage populations to become socially and politically active, was created in 1996 by the merging of two groups Jackson had previously founded.
(A) Coalition was established
(B) Coalition is established
(C) Coalition, establishing
(D) Coalition, which being established
(E) Coalition, established
SAT语法讲义 啄木鸟教育铁扇公主 第一章 SAT语法简介……………………………….3 第二章 ISE题型分类1 代词……………………………………….4 2 动词………………………………………..13 3平行结构…………………………………..19 …
De e e .01 c mb r 2 1 N0. n r l1 1 6 Ge e a 2 贵 阳 市 委 党 校 学 报 GU YA I NG HI E S W IDANGXI 0 A XUEB AO2 1年 1 01 2月 第 6期 总第 1 1…
新疆科学技术出版社四年级下册 信 息技 术 教 案 年级:四年级 授课人: 教学进度计划表 第一课 图像素材的获取与浏览教学课时: 课时 教学目标: (1)、知识与技能:掌握获取图像素材的方法;学会用ACD See浏览图片; (2)、过程与方法:了解…



