
还会使午饭和晚饭吃得更多,于是容易造成胃炎1、不吃早餐!~ 主要就是写吃早餐的重要性,身体为了取得动力;若不吃早餐成习惯,这是极其错误的,会动用甲状腺,稍作修改也可,于是产生便秘、脑力无法集中,不吃早饭!,急需补充食物、会让你更靠近肥胖族,除了造成腺体亢进之外、注意力涣散,首先消耗的是碳水化合物和蛋白质。 4。这样又易造成胃肠道负担过重机翻的请闪,最后消耗的才是脂肪,便会感到倦怠。 3,去燃烧组织。吃不好早餐,更会使得体质变酸,胃长时间处于饥饿状态、反应迟钝。 2、疲劳;另一方面,才能保证有充沛的精力从事上午的学习和活动,早饭吃不好,吃得过饱、胃溃疡,如果没有进食早餐,直到中午才进食,简单说就是促进排便:人体一旦意识到营养匮乏、副甲状腺,午餐必然食量大增、不吃早餐,所以不要以为不吃早饭会有助于脂肪的消耗。相反,患上慢性病,饥肠辘辘地开始一天的工作。 5、听课效果很差,体内无法供应足够血糖以供消耗、头晕脑胀,人体内会自然产生胃结肠反射现象,会造成胃酸分泌过多、脑下垂体之类的腺体,长期可能造成胃结肠反射作用失调,上午上课就会感到饥肠辘辘,只有吃好早餐,瘦身不成反而更胖不少人认为早餐不重要。人体经过一夜睡眠之后 、在三餐定时情况下、精神不振、早饭是大脑活动的能量之源
!!!!!!!!!zan neng bu neng bu ji fan
脑下垂体之类的腺体、在三餐定时情况下.2, and responsivelessness. Before that,会动用甲状腺, muscleglycogen, which would lead the myobradia、早饭是大脑活动的能量之源,去燃烧组织、胃溃疡. Without breakfast.5;若不吃早餐成习惯、不吃早餐, and which are the direct incentives for chronicdiseases just like cancer itself占位,最后消耗的才是脂肪. 3, there would be a shortage of blood glucose to consume,首先消耗的是碳水化合物和蛋白质. Fat,饥肠辘辘地开始一天的工作,所以不要以为不吃早饭会有助于脂肪的消耗,患上慢性病,瘦身不成反而更胖To abandon breakfasts also makes you closer to Mr。 Due to the zero ingestion. Since the cerebral cortex senses that there is not enough energy, the gastrocolic reflex would be out of maladjustment!敢再多点专业词汇吗, hyperactivity, if we do not consider taking breakfast as a good habit,便会感到倦怠、疲劳,简单说就是促进排便,于是容易造成胃炎,如果没有进食早餐. However, nothing is more ignored than fat,人体内会自然产生胃结肠反射现象。相反. ----------------------------------------------------------------------不行了. Do not have a pipe dream about keeping fit only if you eat more food at lunch or dinner instead of breakfast,长期可能造成胃结肠反射作用失调, we would suffer the intestinal constipations, the body would burn the body tissue through excreting thyroidhormone,体内无法供应足够血糖以供消耗、反应迟钝。 Being on an empty stomach for a long time would course an excessive secretion of gastric acid which makes gastrohelcosis and gastritis easier to occur, apocamnosis,还会使午饭和晚饭吃得更多,胃长时间处于饥饿状态,直到中午才进食, or peristalsis, of the gastrointestinal tract. Consequently, parathyroidhormone and pituitaryhormone to obtain adenosinetriphosphate。 Breakfast is the resource of energy for mental action、脑力无法集中、精神不振,不吃早饭,于是产生便秘:人体一旦意识到营养匮乏,会造成胃酸分泌过多, listlessness?---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1、会让你更靠近肥胖族,睡了,更会使得体质变酸, the body fat becomes the lattermost choice to pick up、副甲状腺.4、不吃早餐,除了造成腺体亢进之外, it could not only bring an acidification to our somaticsubstances but hyperfunctioning adrenal diseases as well. Of all the energy suppliers in the vast human organs。 Arranged or proceeding in regular and systematic food intake would engender a which is one of a number of physiological reflexes controlling the motility, and hepaticglycogen, that is to say, comes carbohydrate,翻译中----------------------------------------------------------------------我靠,身体为了取得动力
辛苦了真是 呵呵。不过这些词确实太难了!其实意思对了就行,不一定非要用专业词汇的。真的谢谢了 呵呵
1, breakfast is the energy source of brain activity, without eating breakfast, the body can not supply enough blood sugar for consumption, they will feel tired, fatigue, mental inability to concentrate, listlessness, and unresponsiveness.
2, do not eat breakfast, hungry to start the day's work, the body in order to achieve power, will spend the thyroid, parathyroid, pituitary glands like to burn tissue, causing the gland in addition to hyperthyroidism, the more will make the Physical sour, suffering from chronic diseases.
3, do not eat breakfast until noon before eating, hungry stomach a long time, will cause excessive gastric acid secretion, was l...
1.Breakfast is the energy source of brain activity, without eating breakfast, the body can not supply enough blood sugar for consumption, then will feel tired, fatigue, mental inability to concentrate, listlessness, and unresponsiveness.
2.Do not eat breakfast to start to work with hungry , the body in order to achieve power will spend the thyroid, parathyroid, pituitary glands like to burn tissue, causing the gland in addition to hyperthyroidism, the more will make the physical changes acid, suffering from chronic diseases.
3.Do not eat breakfast until noon then eating, stomach is hungry with a long time will secret excessive gastric acid , and more...
1, breakfast is the source of energy for brain activity, if not eating breakfast, the body cannot supply enough blood glucose for consumption, will feel tired, inability to concentrate, mental fatigue, low-spirited, unresponsive.
Two, don't eat breakfast, hungry to start working day, the body in order to achieve power, can use thyroid, para-thyroids, pituitary glands, burning like to cause, besides, hyperthyroidism glands will make physical change acid, have chronic diseases.
3, don't eat breakfast, until noon eat, stomach for a long time, can cause hungry, so easy to secrete excessive gastric ulcer, causing gastritis.
In April, meals regularly case...
出门在外也不愁求助: 一句话的翻译. 大虾们帮帮忙吧_百度知道
求助: 一句话的翻译. 大虾们帮帮忙吧
我将有很大的麻烦是, I would gone into big troubles&quot没有你的话;还是: without you, I would have gone into big troubles:without you
without you, I would have gone into big troubles 是对那个人对你的帮助 是对过去的虚拟
without you, I would gone into big troubles 对现在的虚拟
without you ,i would gone into deep troubles
Occasionally busy,does nThe autumn arrival,is willing you Once fell the regards,this saAll cares condensWas returning in the rainy season most romantic day discusses oncetakes a walk in the rain "
Busing accidentally dose not represent I don't rember you.Coming of the autum,wish you can own the joy.The pasted care,give you this time together.All the mind focus on this message,recalled the memory of walking out in the rain.
那就失去语言活力了 Sometimes I am engaged, but it doesn't mean I forget you. As a...
“偶尔的繁忙,不代表遗忘;busyness once in a while do秋天的到来,愿你心情舒畅;When Autumn comes,I wish you a pleasure mood.曾落下的问候,这次一齐补偿;Once the forgetting greeting,This time I will redeem them...
Busing accidentally dose not represent I don't rember you.Coming of the autum,wish you can own the joy.The pasted care,give you this time together.All the mind focus on this message,recalled the memory of walking out in the rain.
,大家一起加油吧! 翻译,翻译软件翻译的不要我们离中考只有不到三个月的时间了,努力是关键!!,所以我也不想多说什么
Wors keep fighting together. Let&#39, so I do not want to say anything moreThere are less than three months for us to take the high school enter examination
so i have nothing more to say,come on,the key for us is work hader there is less than three months for us to challenge the high school enter exanmination
There are less than three months left before we have the high school exaination,so I don't want to say anything more,the key for us is Working hard .Let's cheer on together!
we will have the senior middle school entrance examination in less than three months,so I don't want to say anything more,the most important thing is the effort.Let's cheer on together!希望对楼主有帮助!!
There are less than three months left before we have the high school exaination, I don't want to say the extra words, the most mportant thing is working hard, Let's work hard together.


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