英语翻译:1.我不知道爱是什么是否被录取 2....

求几条英语句子翻译,答的好有加分1.我不知道是否把我的意思讲清楚了(make oneself undersood)2.你在课堂上应该更加积极主动一些,努力与同学练习口语(take…part)3.在学习英语的过程中,我们克服了许多困难(overcome difficulties in doing sth.)4.你到国外上大学会有很多花费(cost)5.朗读可以改进你的发音(improve)6.听音乐是一种极好的放松方式(means,relaxation)7.做一个好学生不一定要放弃休息和体育运动(give up)8.你应该时不时地给父母写写信(now and then)要用上括号内的句子.
1. I don't know if I have make you understood.2. You should take part in class activities more actively and work hard to practice oral English with your classmates.3. We overcome a lot of difficuties in learning English.4. Studying abroad will cost you a lot.5. Reading can improve your pronunciation.6. Listening to music is a perfect means for relaxation.7. It is unnecessary to give up relaxation and sports for being a good student.8. You should write letters to your parents now and then. 打了这么就字,求加分~
扫描下载二维码英语翻译1.It is a wise man that never makes mistakes.A.只有聪明的人才不会范错误B.再聪明的人也会范错误.满分:10 分2.I wonder if he is coming.A.我不知道他是否要来B.我想知道他是否会来.满分:10 分3.他每天要处理许多棘手的问题.A.He has many hot potatoes to handle every dayB.He has many tough questions to handle every day.满分:10 分4.His accent couldn’t fool a native speaker.A.他的口音蒙不了本地人B.他的口音不能愚弄本地人.满分:10 分5.I’m not a little afraid of snakes.A.我一点也不怕蛇B.我非常怕蛇.满分:10 分6.You can never be too careful about English-Chinese translationA.作英译汉时,不能太仔细B.作英译汉时,越仔细越好.满分:10 分7.他总不在办公室里.A.He isn’t always in his officeB.He’s anywhere to be found but in his office.满分:10 分8.事情终于私下解决了.A.The matter was finally settled privatelyB.The matter was finally settled under the table.满分:10 分9.I don’t know how far I didn’t run.A.我不知道跑了多远B.我不知道还有多远我没有跑.满分:10 分10.I don’t suppose you need to worry.A.我看你不必担心B.我不指望你担心.
BBAAB BBBAA都很地道阿~不过据我所知,有的句子外国人也不说的
1.B 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.B 8.B 9.A 10.A
扫描下载二维码英语翻译1你知道下个周是否有一个聚会。2我不知道我是否能和我的同学相处的好如果你不帮助你母亲做家务, 你母亲3会生气的如果一个学生抄别人的作业,他就考试不及格如果我去上海度假,44我会照很多照片的如果我从图书馆借书,我会准时还得。5我不知道明天是否要下雨,如果下雨,我就待在家里。Bring
dress 填空 Mary is always _________ a red coat.It is cold outside, Please ____your sweater.I am sorry, I left my homework at home.
Don’t forget to ______it tomorrow.I don’t like the food, ______ it away.The boy is too old to _______ himself.二:词汇1 Half the class ________(be) girls.2 This pair of jeans______(be) out of style. I need a new pair.3 Why _______(not take) a bus to the party.4 There are some r________ in my family, For example, I can’t wear strange clothes..5 They are busy _________(组织)a school party on Saturday.7 Young people are planning a city _______(清洁) Day8 If it ________(rain) tomorrow, my sister __________(not go).三、选择填空(
)1If Li Lei ________tomorrow, I will call you .A come
doesn’t come
C will come
)2 Lily, there is some food on the table., please _________.A take it away
B take away it
C take them away
D take away them (
)3 we will go to visit Tian’anmen Square ____ it doesn’t rain tomorrow.A if
)4 March is a good time _____China
C to visit
D to visiting (
)5 I ____out when the telephone rang.
B happened
C happened
D happened to be (
)6 I am sorry ____you.
A not to help
D for helping (
)7 Jane always _____casual clothes and her shoes are never out of style.
D dressed(
)8 If Mary is late tomorrow, the teacher won’t _____.A let in her
B let her in
C let into her
D let her into(
)9 Ask the child _____ in public
A not shout
B don’t shout
C not to shout
D don’t to shout 四、把下列句子翻译成汉语。1 如果你和别人相处的好,你就能活到200岁。___________________________________2当我到达的时候, 这个母亲在给她儿子穿衣服。_______________________________3 如果你不为英语考试而学习,你就会不及格。__________________________________4 如果我表妹不来,我就给你打电话。__________________________________________5 不要穿牛仔裤上学。_________________________________________________________6如果你很开心,你就会身体健康。____________________________________________7 周六是举办聚会的好时间。___________________________________________________8 老师告诉我不要把食品带到教室里。__________________________________________
这些题目不难,如果你愿意吧分给我的话,我想我会在今天之前把答案发到你email(leave ur email and give me the points) black might be right, but do u actually think these questions are so hard? if indeed. you rly should go and tal...
If U want to improve your English in case do it by yourself.It is not too difficult, try your best mate`
1你知道下个周是否有一个聚会。Do you know there is a party next week?2我不知道我是否能和我的同学相处的好I don't know if can get along well with my classmates.如果你不帮助你母亲做家务, 你母亲会生气的Your mother will be angery i...
1你知道下个周是否有一个聚会。Do you know whether there is a get-together next week?2我不知道我是否能和我的同学相处的好I am not sure whether I could get along with my classmates.如果你不帮助你母亲做家务, 你母亲3会生气的If you ...
put on和wear的区别在于:put on强调动作,wear强调穿的结果Bring和take的区别在于:bring是把东西从别方带到说话方,take是把东西从说话方带到别方。排除了这四个,剩下的就应该填dress了!加油吧!!靠你的理解去解题吧!\(^o^)/~
扫描下载二维码英语翻译高一英语必修1第一单元的Reading 也就是第2页中的翻译先翻译信里的 再翻译上边白色背景的
安妮最好的朋友你是不是想有一位无话不谈能推心置腹的朋友呢?或者你是不是担心你的朋友会嘲笑你.或会不理解你目前的困境呢?安妮•弗兰克想要的是第一种类型的朋友,于是她就把日记当成了她最好的朋友.安妮在第二次世界大战期间住在荷兰的阿姆斯特丹.她一家人都是犹太人,所以他们不得不躲藏起来,否则他们就会被德国纳粹抓去.她与家人在躲藏了将近25个月之后才被发现.在这段时问里.她唯一忠实的朋友就是她的日记了.她说,“我不愿像大多数人那样在日记中记流水账.我要把这本H记当作我的朋友,我要把这个朋友称做凯蒂." 现在,来看看安妮自从1942年7月在藏身处的心情吧.日星期四亲爱的凯蒂:我不知道这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故,以至于变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热.我非常清楚地记得,那时,湛蓝的天空、鸟儿的歌唱、月光和鲜花•从未令我心驰神往过.自从我来到这里.一切都变了.……比如说,有天晚E天气很暖和,我故意熬到11点半不去睡-为的是独自好好看看月亮.但是因为月光太亮了,我不敢打开窗户.还有一次,在五个月前的一个黄昏,我正巧在楼下,窗户是开着的.我一直等到非关窗不可的时候才F楼去.漆黑的夜晚.风吹雨打,雷电交加,我完全被这种力鞋震住了.这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚…………可悲的是……我只能透过挂着脏窗帘的、满是灰尘的窗户看外面的大自然.这样做不再有什么乐趣,因为大自然是必须亲身体会的.你的,安妮
扫描下载二维码英语翻译1 我不知道我该怎样挑选2你是大老板,难道还在乎这些小钱么?
1.I am not clear how to choose(select)或者 I don't know how to choose(select)2.You're a big boss.Will you care such few bucks?(小钱 口语中常用的)
1 I did not know how I should choose 2 you are bosses, also cares about these change?
1. I don't know how I should choose2. You're the big boss, why do you care about this small amount of money?
靠,一楼的那个大哥你用的是 大众翻译软件吧......


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