
跪求英语高手翻译一点东西 在线等_百度作业帮
跪求英语高手翻译一点东西 在线等
跪求英语高手翻译一点东西 在线等
出国嘛,这是要干啥 啊跪求 right here waiting 歌词中文译音。。求英语高手帮翻译。。_百度知道
跪求 right here waiting 歌词中文译音。。求英语高手帮翻译。。
  Oceans apart day after day  天海相隔,日复一日  &欧神斯
嘚啊福特嘚(读“dei”)&  And I slowly go insane  我日见焦灼  &安的 爱 斯楼里 勾 阴伞嗯&  I hear your voice on the line  话筒传来你的声音  &爱 黑尔 哟 窝以斯 翁 得 来因&  But it doesn’t stop the pain  但却止不了我心中的痛  &巴特 伊特 达怎特 斯多普 得 配因&  If I see you next to never  如果你我难以相间  &衣服
乃佛尔&  How can we say forever  又如何谈得上永远  &好
佛如爱佛尔&  Wherever you go  无论你去到何方  &威尔爱佛尔
狗&  Whatever you do  无论你在做何事  &沃特
读&  I will be right here waiting here waiting for you  我都将在这里等你  &爱
“u”&  Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks  无论要付出什么或者我的心怎样破碎  &沃特爱佛尔
不瑞可斯&  I will be right here waiting for you  我都将在这里等你  &爱
“u”&  I took for granted, all the times That I thought would last somehow  我总是想当然的认为我们终究可以持续下去  &爱
桑母好&  I hear the laughter, I taste the tears But I can’t get near you now  我听到嘲笑,我尝到苦涩的泪,但我无法靠近你  &爱
闹&  Oh, can’t you see it baby You’ve got me in crazy  哦,亲爱的,难道你不见我为你而迷醉  &噢,坎特
可瑞紫依&  I wonder how we can survive This romance  我想知道这段爱情如何才能维系  &爱
若满斯&  But in the end if I’m with you I’ll take the chance  但如果最终我能和你在一起,我一定会好好珍惜这个时机  &巴特
呛死&  注:引号内英文字母的读音就是那二十六个字母的读音,是一样的。  另外,有的英文发音我在汉语里面确实找不到,就用了一些近似的发音,有的地方的不标准;有些地方的发音是需要连读的,读快一点就像了,不要一个字一个字的读。
我渐渐地陷入了疯狂的漩涡 走不出来
出门在外也不愁才乃本人的论文翻译任务,无奈英语太烂了  求世外高手一译!就是帮翻译其中一段也好,太谢谢了!!!    这个东西太有难度了,太有挑战性了!!!       Integration of the CAD/CAPP/PPC systems       Abstract  The necessary condition that must be performed in order to ensure full functional integration of the computer aiding systems of technical  and organizational production preparation is utilisation of the coherent product model. Utilisation of feature method for representations of the  construction and the technological process elements is a key factor for integration of design and technological process planning—CAD/CAPP  integration model. The availability of alternative process plans plays the main role in the CAPP/PPC system integration. The main advantage  of the accessibility of alternative process plans for product is that we may fast react on a disturbance in the course of the manufacturing process  by help of the reactions knowledgebase—one of the module of proposed PPC system. This paper describes a methodology for integration  CAD/CAPP/PPC systems in detail.  & 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V.  Keywords: CAD; CAPP; P Mu S Rescheduling  1. Introduction  Nowadays the development of computer integrated manufacturing  systems focuses on integration of all activities in  a domain of technical and technological process preparation.  The aim of this integration is improving of data and information  flows in the enterprise. One of the most critical action  in this domain is data exchange between the CAD system  and computer aiding planning system (i.e. CAPP/PPC  systems). It comes from the fact that 80% of manufacturing  costs are generated in the technical production preparation  stage, especially in the product design stage. The most  of CAD/CAM systems are not able to ensure bidirectional  communication between them. In most cases the integration  between CAD and CAM systems is realize by means  of transformation of a CAD model (representation depending  on specified implementation of a 3D model in a CAD  system) in the model that is represent as a collection of relations  and features (construction representation for planning  systems needs). The systems that completely automate all  the activities in technological process preparation usually are  working fully separated from product CAD model. On the  ∗ Corresponding author.  E-mail address: cezary.grabowik@pols.pl (C. Grabowik).  other hand CAPP systems have been developed in the direction  of symbolic representation utilization (as input to CAPP  system the symbolic representation is given). In the CAPP  systems the construction is often represented with the help of  [2,6]:  • object techniques—product model is represented as the  collection of objects that represent the particular construction  features and set of relat  •  • frames.  Each of these methods except construction representation  allows to represent the construction-technological needs, e.g.  working tolerances, requirements in relation to macrostructures  properties and production material. Taking into consideration  the historical development of CAPP systems to  this class of systems we can classify systems that aid simple  actions connected with process plan preparation for each  feature and systems that aid the most of planning activities  from domain of design of manufacturing process, e.g.  selection of manufacturing resources, selection and computation  of technological parameters, calculation of machining  times and manufacturing costs, NC program preparation.  Sometimes in the literature we can find information  that the CAPP system may aid functions connected  /$ – see front matter & 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V.  doi:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.  C. Grabowik et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 164–165 (–  with planning of enterprise activities in the different time  horizon.  2. Integration of CAD/CAPP/PPC systems  The characteristic of the most enterprises is that they usually  have a weak connection between the information systems  and the CAD/CAPP/PPC systems. The computer adding  planning systems (CAPP/PPC) the most oftenwork in a batch  manner (they play a postprocessor role).  It means that all the activities connected with design of  technological process and schedule plan preparation are made  only when the process of product design is finished. This  sequence of design and planning actions is in accordance  with traditional sequential model of actions in the designmanufacturing  chain (see Fig. 1).  This way of elaboration between many systems (sequential  system of actions) comes from lack of bidirectional communication  between CAD/CAPP/PPC systems. Therefore,  the philosophy of concurrent engineering, i.e. concurrent  product design, technological process preparation and schedule  plan preparation is not widely used. There are three methods  of computer integration of CAD/CAPP/PPC systems:  • implementation of fully integrated systems thatwork in the  domain of computer aided design and technological production  preparation—systems of the class IDEAS,CATIA,  ProEngineer, etc., in the domain of organizational production  preparation systems of the class MRP/ERP—BAAN,  IFS, etc. In these systems integration process is made by  utilization of separated program modules that are responsible  for realization of particular actions from design and  manufacturing fields.  • integration by means of universal standards of data exchange,  for example: IGES, STEP, STL, etc.  • utilization of constructional and technological features.  2.1. Integration of CAD/CAPP systems by means of the  features method  A number of operations and machine cuts in a technological  process for a product are strictly depended on accessibility  of a technological machine, experience of a process  engineer in a technological process preparation domain, etc.  Therefore, the particular technological processes elaborated  for the same product could differ in process structure. There  Fig. 1. The diagram of a sequential manufacturing process.  are two methods in standardisation of a technological process  plan for the same product in the enterprise [2–4]:  • the first method bases on constriction-technological similarity.  The searching module is looking for the most similar  product from a database, next in the editing module  the process plan for the most similar product is adopted in  order to meet specification of a new product.  • the second method bases on utilisation of constructional  and technological features.  The integration method of design and of technological process  preparation basis on analysis and segmentation of product  model in a component parts. These component parts are  next segmented in elementary constructional surfaces. They  are the base components for a process of constructional features  preparation. In our work we adopt the following definitions  of constructional and technological features [4]:  The constructional feature is the collection of constructional  forms and relations that could be established between surroundings  and him.  The constructional feature contains the two information,  i.e. geometrical form and characteristic point of insertation.  The technological feature is the collection that consists of the  initial and the final state of the technological form and actions  that transforms it from one to other.  The technological feature contains following information:  geometrical form, a process plan for the geometrical form,  allowances, cutting tools, technological parameters, etc. In  order to implementation of this method the following actions  are necessary:  • decomposition of product construction and discrimination    • synthesis of a new product.  In the decomposition and discrimination stages an analysis  of the products construction and their technological process  is made. Results from the decomposition stage are shown in  Fig. 2.  After decomposition of construction an analysis of technological  processes (discrimination of machined surfaces) for  the constructional features is made. Base on the construction  Fig. 2. Diagram of construction decomposition.  1360 C. Grabowik et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 164–165 (–1368  Fig. 3. The open tree structure of features.  decomposition and technology analysis processes the open  tree structure of the constructional and the technological features  is made (see Fig. 3).  There is a possibility for development of this tree structure  with the help of adding new constructional and technological  features. The process of tree development the most often  is making due to lack of the proper constructional feature  for product modelling process and technological feature for  technological process preparation.  2.2. Constructional features  Today the most often product model is represented as a  3D therefore in a modelling process we can use only  3D constructional features. The 3D constructional features  are made from elementary constructional surfaces. The elementary  constructional surface ECS is depicted as follows  [1,4]:  Kecs = Gecs(V, E) (1)  where Kecs is the geometrical structure of elementary constructional  surface, Gecs the mulitgraph of ECS, V={ν1, ν2,  . . ., νn,} the set of geometrical objects depicted on the set  of mulitgraph Gecs nodes, E={Es, Ed, Et} the set including  subsets of relations and operations that describes shape Es, dimensional  bonds Ed, and technical requirements Et, depicted  on the set of mulitgraph Gecs nodes.  In order to make a constructional feature constructional  operations and relations (addition, subtraction, etc.) are used.  For example the linking process of two elementary constructional  surfaces in order to make more complex constructional  object Q is depicted as follows:  Q = KecsaEik1DKecsb (2)  where Eik1 is the ith linking operation, i=1, 2, 3, . . .,Dthe parameter  of linking operation, and Kecsa, Kecsb the elementary  constructional surfaces.  Fig. 4. The modelling process of the new product.  Mutual location of the two ECS in a constructional feature  is described by the constructional relation as follows:  KecsaEik3Kecsb (3)  where Eik3 is the relation type, andKecsa,Kecsb the elementary  constructional surfaces.  Mutual intersection of the two ECS in a constructional  feature is described by the constructional relation as follows:  KecsaEik4Kecsb (4)  where Eik4 is the relation type, andKecsa,Kecsb the elementary  constructional surfaces.  A geometrical structure of a constructional feature is representing  by means of mulitgraph:  Kcf = Gcf(Kecs,E) (5)  where Kcf is the geometrical structure of constructional feature,  Gcf the mulitgraph of geometrical structure of constructional  feature, Kecs = {Eecs1, Eecs2, . . ., Eecsn} the set of elementary  constructional surfaces depicted on the mulitgraph  Gcf,E={Es, Ed, Et} the set including subsets of relations and  operations that describes shape Es, dimensional bonds Ed,  and technical requirements Et, depicted on the set of mulitgraph  Gcf nodes.  The example of process modelling of a new product with  the help proposed method is shown in Fig. 4. The modelling  process starts from insertation of the first constructional feature  and it ends with insertation of the last constructional  feature (constructional objects are recorded in the proper  database).  The product model that is made be means of this method is  defined as a set of the constructional features. Mutual location  C. Grabowik et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 164–165 (–  Fig. 5. Simplified model of technological process.  of these features is define with the help of relations as follows:  Kp = Gp(Kcf,E) (6)  where Kp is the geometrical structure of product, Gp the  mulitgraph of geometrical structure of product, Kcf = {Kcf1,  Kcf2, . . ., Kcfn} the set of constructional features depicted on  the mulitgraph Gp nodes, E={Es, Ed, Et} the set including  subsets of relations and operations that describes shape Es, dimensional  bonds Ed, and technical requirements Et, depicted  on the set of mulitgraph Gp nodes.  2.3. Technological features  Technological process is defined as the base part of a manufacturing  process. In this process the product obtains the  required shape, dimensions and characteristics. For removal  processes the machining product obtains the required parameters  by removing material layers with cutting tools that have  specified geometry of cutting edge (machining) or unspecified  geometry of cutting edge (abrasive machining). During  the machining process the state of machining product is  changed from the initial state SI to the final state SF. The function  F of technological process is transformation of the set of  the characteristics that describes the initial state of product  in the set of the characteristics that describes the final state  of product as follows:  F = SI → SF (7)  where SI, SF are the initial and final states.If the technological  process contains n operation its function F is described as  follows:  F = SI → S1 → S2 →· · ·→Sn−1 → Sn (8)  where SI, SF are the initial and final states and SI, Sn−1 the  intermediate states.  Simplified model of technological process in Fig. 5 is  shown.  In the most papers the structure of a product for the technological  process preparation needs is described as a collection  of elementary machining surface. We propose to describe a  structure of product for technological process design needs  by means of technological features. In the set of technological  features we can distinguish three types of technological  features (Fig. 6):  Fig. 6. Machining technology of product as collection of features.  • elementary technological surface ETS;  • technological form TF;  • unit of technological form UTF.  Elementary technological surface is a set of elementary  constructional surfaces that could be machined by means of  one cut. Examples of elementary technological surfaces are  presented in Fig. 7. The structure of ETS is described as  follows:  Kets = Gets(Kecs,E) (9)  where Eets is the geometrical structure of ETS,Gets the mulitgraph  of geometrical structure of ETS, Kecs = {Eecs1, Eecs2,  . . ., Eecsn} the set of elementary constructional surfaces depicted  on the mulitgraph Gets, E = {Es, Ed, Et} the set including  subsets of relations and operations that describes shape  Es, dimensional bonds Ed, and technical requirements Et, depicted  on the set of mulitgraph Gets nodes.  The elementary technological form TF is a set of elementary  technological surfaces ETS (see Fig. 8). Location of a  technological form in a product is specified by insertation  point.  The structure of technological forms is described as follows:  KTF = GTF(Kets,E) (10)  Fig. 7. Elementary technological features.  1362 C. Grabowik et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 164–165 (–1368  Fig. 8. Technological forms.  where KTF is the geometrical structure of technological  form TF, GTF the mulitgraph of geometrical structure of TF,  Kets = {Eets1, Eets2, . . .,Eetsn} the set of elementary technological  surfaces depicted on the mulitgraph GFT, E={Es,  Ed, Et} the set including subsets of relations and operations  that describes shape Es, dimensional bonds Ed, and technical  requirements Et, depicted on the set of mulitgraph GTF  nodes.  The unit of technological forms is the set of technological  forms—unit of technological form of the first rank 1UTF  (see Fig. 9). The set of the unit of technological forms 1UTF  is a complex unit called unit of technological forms of the  second rank, etc. The structure of the unit of technological  forms 1UTF is presented as follows:  K1UTF = G1UTF(KTF,E) (11)  where K1UTF is the geometrical structure of the unit of the  technological forms of first rank,G1UTF the mulitgraph of geometrical  structure of 1UTF, KTF = {ETF1, ETF2, . . ., ETFn}  the set of technological forms depicted on the mulitgraph  G1UTF, E={Es, Ed, Et} the set including subsets of relations  and operations that describes shape Es, dimensional  bonds Ed, and technical requirements Et, depicted on the set  of mulitgraph G1UTF nodes.  From a technological feature definitions results that describing  it the information about state of machined surfaces  is necessary. To description of a surface state a set including  information about geometrical structure of surface and technical  parameters (surface roughness, dimensional accuracy)  is needed. The state of elementary technological surface ETS  according to definition is described as follows:  Sets = {Kets,ZR} (12)  Fig. 9. The unit of technological form of the first rank and the unit of the  technological form of the second rank.  where Sets is the state of elementary technological surface  ETS, Kets the geometrical structure of ETS, ZR the set of  parameters that describe the ETS quality.  The product description has the multilevel character in a  connection with that the highest levels of structure could be  described in a similar manner, for the technological form as  follows:  Sft = {Kft,ZR} (13)  where STF is the state of technological form TF, KTF the  geometrical structure of TF, ZR the set of parameters that  describe the FT quality.  Analogously to technological form description the unit of  the technological form is described as follows:  SnUTF = {KnUFT,ZR} (14)  where SnUTF is the state of the unit of technological form  of the n-rank, KnUTF the geometrical structure of the unit of  technological form of n-rank nUTF, ZR the set of parameters  that describe the nUTF quality.  The technological function of the jth machining cut in  the technological process structure is transformation of machined  surface from the state Sj−1 in the state Sj that the  surface will be have after performing machining cut.  Fj : Sj−1 → Sj (15)  The technological function of machining cut consists of a  set that contain information about: name of machining cut,  machining parameters and cutting tools, etc. The machining  cut according to definition is described as follows:  Fj = {Zj,ZTj,ZNj} (16)  where Zj is the name of the jth cut, ZTj the technological  parameter set of the jth cut, ZNj the tool of the jth cut.  The function of a technological process is the transformation  of product from the initial state SetsI to the final state  SetsF.  Fets : SetsI → SetsF (17)  2.4. Technological process preparation  In Section 2.2 the modelling process of a new product  is presented. In the proposed method the product model is  described as a set of constructional features (elementary constructional  feature, constructional form, etc.) that are interlinked  themselves. The definition of a technological feature  results that technological object could be understand as a sum  of constructional feature and its manufacturing technology.  In the most papers from the domain of integration of technical  and organisational actions, especially about integration of  CAD/CAM systems we do not know from whom the technological  process is derived [2,3,5]. In our integrated environment  the technological objects that are represent the particular  parts of technological process are made with the help of  C. Grabowik et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 164–165 (–  CAPP system. This CAPP system is realised as knowledgebase  system. The technological process design starts from  transferring product model from a CAD system (SolidDesigner)  in theCAPPsystem by means of the dedicated transfer  protocol. The product model is given as a set of constructional  features in the CAPP system.  The rules of the technological process design are strictly  depended on the kind of the family product (bodies, shafts,  sleeve, etc.) therefore is very difficult to elaborate the CAPP  system that will be able to aid technological process preparation  for all families of products. Our system aids technological  process preparation for the bodies family. There are  not any limitations from CAD system side (the database of  constructional features maybe develop without limits), therefore  in the CAD system we are able to design any complex  products. Possibility of CAPP system will be increase with  the help of knowledgebase modification. In this case the proposed  system will be able to aid technological process preparation  for shafts, etc.  During the CAPP system design the following assumption  was made:  • the user formulates the decision problem—a problem of  a design of technological process by import of product  model fromCADsystem and definition add  • the system performs an advisory role, presenting the user  solution variants of partials decision problems connected  with among other things: design of the elements of technological  operation structure, selection of machining station,  etc.  In the knowledge based CAPP system structure the following  modules was distinguished:  • inference engine, in the elaborated system the structure of  a technological process is designed in form of machining    • technological knowledge base, the base contains knowledge  acquitted from experts and other sources of knowledge  (literature, technological standards) from domain of  technolo  • module of exchange of  • knowledge acquisition module, this module is specialised  database application afford possibilities for knowledge acquisition  for knowle  • te  • explanation module, the module motivates selection of a  specified solution of a decision problem for instance: selection  of technological operation,  • technological documentation preparation module, the  module generates technological documentation in the form  machining operation sheet.  There are two possibilities of results generated. System  can design the complete structure of a technological process  (machine tools, tools, parameters, etc.) in this case that systems  work only in collaboration with the CAD system. In  Fig. 10. The simplified structure of integrated environment of CAD/CAPP/  CAM/PPC systems. DB1 is the database of constructional features, DB2 the  technological knowledge base, DB3 the technological database, DB4 the  scheduling/rescheduling knowledge base, PM the product model, MP the  multivariant processes, TF the set of technological features.  the other case when the CAPP system works in an integrated  environment CAD/CAPP/PPC (see Fig. 10) the work results  of CAPP system are presented in the form of particular cuts.  System is able to generate multivariant processes that are representing  by means of graphs (see Fig. 13). The main advantage  of this system, availability of alternative process plans  makes possible react on any disturbances in manufacturing  process. There is possibility of rescheduling of schedule plan.  In the both cases for each constructional feature the technological  features are prepared therefore there is possibility of  integration with a CAM system and preparation of NC programs.  The main module of CAPP system is a knowledge base.  The creation process of technological knowledge base was  connected with necessity of the elaboration of a method of  technological knowledge representation. In the elaborated  system an object-oriented method was used. The choice of  that method for the purpose of technological knowledge  representation was preceded by the analysis of a knowledge  representation method utilised in CAPP systems aiding  technological process preparation. It was found that application  of object-oriented method afford possibilities for  strongly connected representation of construction and manufacturing  technology in the CAPP system. The elaborated  method affords possibilities for representation and notation  of technological knowledge from the domain of design  of elements of cuts, technological operations and affords  possibilities for selection of allowances and cutting  tools, etc. In the worked out system the technological knowledge  is represented with the hierarchical class structure  (Fig. 11) through define methods in the inner structure of  class.  1364 C. Grabowik et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 164–165 (–1368  These methods afford possibilities for representation and  notation of technological knowledge connected with design  of elements of cuts and technological operations and selection  rules of allowances and cutting tools, etc. The base class in  this structure of classes is the Machining class. From this class  inherit two classes, i.e. HoleMachining and PlaneMachining.  This structure of classes results from worked out analysis of  technological processes of bodies. On the ground of this analysis  itwas found that for the technological group of bodies can  be distinguished two basic groups of operations connected  with operations of forming planes and holes. The HoleMachining  class is generalisation class for following classes:  MaDrilling, MaReaming, MaBoring, MaTapping, MaDeepening,  MaGrinding and MaMilling that represent basic machining  techniques of body’s holes. Machining operations of  planes are represented with derivative classes of the PlaneMachining  class, i.e. MaGrinding, MaMilling, MaPlanning. In  the elaborated structure class is not appear the class that represent  of pull broaching of planes. It results from limitations  of domain application of worked out CAPP system.  In the inner structure of classes that represent technological  knowledge two groups of methods was distinguished:  • first group—group of methods directly connected with informatics  operation of classes for instance: the creation  an  • second group—group of methods that realise the main  function depending on recording of design rules of machining  cuts, rules and procedures connected with selection of  allowances and cutting tools. These rules were acquired in  the knowledge acquisition process.  Fig. 11. The hierarchical class structure that represent technological knowledge.  Fig. 12. The structure of the MaBoring class.  The characteristics feature of the elaborated method of  technological knowledge representation is the possibility of  notation in method that contents of particular classes both single  rule and group of rules. In Fig. 12 the example of a class  that represent knowledge from the domain of holes boring  is presented. In the structure class two groups of attributes  was defined. The first group of attributes affords possibilities  for keeping contents of designed cuts, for instance: Ma-  HeavyBoring, MaShapedBoring, MaFrontBoring belong to  this group. The second group affords possibilities for keeping  values of particular allowances, AllowanceOnHeavy, AllowanceOnShaped,  AllowanceOnFinishing belonging to this  group. Methods that realise main function, i.e. record of design  rules of machining cuts of eternal and internal surfaces,  internal cylindrical grooves, deepening of holes and record of  rules of allowances and cutting tools selection were defined.  Table 1  The contents of rules  R1MaBoring  IF: the constructional features has a smooth shape, AND: the accuracy  class of hole&IT11, THEN: drilling  R2MaBoring  IF: the constructional features has a smooth shape, AND: the accuracy  class of hole = IT11, THEN: drilling and reaming  R3MaBoring  IF: the constructional features has a stepping shape with cylindrical  deepeningΦDdee & 16 mm, AND: the accuracy class of hole & IT11,  THEN: drilling and cylindrical deepening, OR: drilling and boring  R4MaBoring  IF: the constructional features has a stepping shape with cylindrical  deepeningΦDdee & 16 mm, AND: conical deepening AND the  accuracy class of hole & IT11, THEN: boring and cylindrical  deepening and conical deepening and reaming, OR: drilling and  boring and conical deepening and reaming  C. Grabowik et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 164–165 (–  Fig. 13. The graph of multivariant processes. SS, S1, S2, . . ., SS the states  of product, MP1, MP2, MP3, . . ., MPE the manufacturing procedures, e.g.  technological cuts.  The contents of the rules that was recorded in the structure  of MaBoring class was presented in Table 1.  The graph of multivaraint process plan for product in  Fig. 13 is shown. The single state Si of product colud be  depicted as a set of technological objects, i.e. technological  forms, elementary technological forms, etc. This graph is a  base for CAPP system and PPC/Rescheduling systems.  3. The production scheduling and rescheduling with  the multivariant technological processes  consideration  In real manufacturing numerous disturbances appear and  make difficult or impossible to perform planned assumptions.  Therefore, the real production often differs from  planed and the first-prepared schedule has to be corrected.  Process of adapting an existing schedule to a new situation  is called “rescheduling”. There are three basic approaches  to rescheduling: completely reactive scheduling,  predictive-reactive scheduling and robust scheduling. Completely  reactive scheduling is characterised by real-time job  dispatching—in consequence only partial schedule is created.  The next job with the highest priority is selected from queue  of jobs. The jobs are sequenced according to set of accepted  criterions. In predictive–reactive scheduling, the production  schedule is established before executing. Next, the schedule  is modified in response to disturbances in the production  system, during its execution. In this case it is important to  decide when the rescheduling has to be done (continuous  rescheduling, periodic and event-driven rescheduling). The  robust scheduling consists in creating a schedule that minimises  the effects of disturbances [7].  The scheduling/rescheduling uses data both from organisational  (dates, terms, quantities—acquiring from PPC systems)  and technical (technological processes—from CAPP  systems) production planning. One of the characteristic futures  of CAPP systems is that the result of technological process  planning can contains no single, but set of alternative  routes (variants) of technological process (then it means that  technological process is multivariant, Fig. 13). Establishing  multivariant technological processes is very time-consuming  action if the technological process is created “manually” and  rather not possible to applying without computer assisting.  The current production conditions and accepted schedule  evaluation criterions should decide which variant of process  from this set has to be executed. If necessary, it also enables  to change realised variant in the production realisation stage.  Next the production rescheduling method is described.  The method represents a predictive–reactive and event-driven  approach to rescheduling.  3.1. The model of production flow  The discrete manufacturing systems are considered, with  concurrent, multi-assortment production. The production  system (Sp) is described by  Sp = (M, P) (18)  where M is the set of I machines {M1, M2, . . ., Mi, . . ., MI}  and P the set of J tasks {P1, P2, . . ., Pj, . . ., PJ}. A machine  Mi is described by following parameters:  Mi = (k,Ci,Cmi, ai) (19)  where k is the type of machine, Ci the current capacity of  input buffer for each process {Ci1, Ci2, . . ., Cii, . . ., CiI}, Cmi  the overall capacity of input buffer {Cmi1, Cmi2, . . ., Cmii,  . . ., CmiI}, and ai the state of machine availability.  Type of machine is a feature describing machine ability  for execution of group of specific machining procedures. The  production system contains k types of machine (1≤k≤I).  Processes are realised according to the mutual exclusion-like  protocol (assembly resources are not considered in the model)  and have the following parameters:  Pj = (Gj,Zj, dj, prj) (20)  where Gj is the representation of multivariant technological  process (in graph structure), Zj the last selected route of process,  dj the due date of process, and prj the priority of jth  process.  The route of process Zj is described by  Zj = {Zj1,Zj2, . . . , Zjl, . . . , ZjL} (21)  where Zjl is the lth machining procedure of jth process, L the  number of machining procedures of the process j (L is not  constant for the process but depend on selected path in the  graph Gi). The machining procedure is described by  Zjl = (MPx,x+1, i) (22)  1366 C. Grabowik et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 164–165 (–1368  Fig. 14. Disturbance description: events caused rescheduling.  where MPx,x+1 is the machining procedure description in  graph Gj (identifier of edge) and i the machine identifier.  The base of production control is a schedule with the following  structure:  H = {h1, h2, . . . , hi, . . . , hI } (23)  where H a production schedule for the system given time  period, hi a schedule for machine i(i=1, 2, . . ., I). A schedule  for machine hi consists a list of machining procedures, with  theirs beginning and finishing times.  As a disturbance only event that make impossible to execute  a current production schedule are understand. Then, according  to model of the production system, disturbances are  classified into three categories: a disturbance of a machine  (e.g. machine breakdown), a disturbance of a process (e.g.  delay of supply) or a disturbance of a machining procedure  (e.g. tool damage, spoilage). They have a different impact on  a schedule modification. A production conditions changes  also next, after disturbance elimination, so additionally the  rescheduling after this event is proposed. Fig. 14 presents  disturbance described by two events.  The following parameters for describing an event connected  with a disturbance are proposed:  Zdz = (d, i, j, tz, c tz, u, v) (24)  where d is a disturbance identifier, i the identifier of machine  where the disturbance appeared, j the identifier of process that  stopped by the disturbance d, tz the time, when the event z  appeared, tcz the forecasting time of the disturbance duration  (if the event defines disturbance elimination then tcz = 0), u  the ability of detail(s) for production process continuation, v  the information about damaged tool(s).  3.2. The method of production rescheduling  Presented method of scheduling and rescheduling bases  on multivariant technological processes generated by CAPP  system. In the PPC system, the multivariant technological  process is developed by including organisational data. In  the consequence of this the established graph of multivariant  technological process realisation contains possible routes  of production realisation.  Fig. 15 presents the method scheme. The actions taken  at production flow planning (predictive scheduling) and production  flow control (reactive scheduling) stages are distinguished  in the method.  Fig. 15. Actions on scheduling/rescheduling stages scheme.  In the first step of production flow planning, for each machining  procedure particular machine is assigned. If possible  to execute a machining procedure on more than one machine  then additional variants of technological process realisation  are created. In this case, the edge of the graph that represents  particular machining procedure is multiplied (Fig. 16).  The graph of multivariant processes realisation is developed  on this stage always if production system has two or more  identical or similar machines that can to realise the same machining  procedure.  Next, the values of characteristic features for each processes  realisation variant (edge in the graph) are determined.  The variant has time-dependent and time-independent features.  The time-independent features are: operation time,  setup time, cost of variant, overall capacity of machine input  buffer. The time-dependent features are: degree of machine  Fig. 16. Creating the multivariant processes realisation graph.  C. Grabowik et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 164–165 (–  Table 2  Exampled rescheduling algorithm  Name Change machine continue process  Description Moving detail to alternative machine  and continuing the broken operation  Application conditions IF detail is suitable for next  processing AND the alternative  machine for breaking operation is  available AND input buffer of the  alternative machine has free space  Procedure of schedule  modification  1. Move detail to input buffer of the  alternative machine  2. Schedule details waiting for  processing on this machine  3. Schedule operations that follows  each from operations on the above  machine  Parameters Machine identifier from set of  alternative machines. Priority of  process that changes route  Matching algorithm –  load, availability of the machine, current capacity of machine  input buffer.  Above data make possible to create the set of feasible  schedules (according to different routes of processes in current  production conditions) by setting the beginning and finishing  times of machining procedures.  In the next the best schedule for realisation is selected.  The multicriterial evaluation method is used in this stage [8].  According to this method it is necessary to determine the set  of evaluation criterions with theirs weights and to compare  schedules.  After multicriterial evaluation the best production schedule  can be introduced for realisation. The schedule consist  the best variants of processes accepted for realisation.  The introduced schedule is executed until a disturbance  appears in the production system. It does not means that  in whole executing period this schedule is the best. The  need for changing realised schedule is an event—after a  disturbance that makes it impossible to continue or its  elimination.  The first action after event appearing is the identification of  its parameters (see Eq. (24)). After acquiring above data the  set of rescheduling algorithms is selected from all available  rescheduling algorithms (knowledge base). The example of  rescheduling algorithm is presented in Table 2.  The application of each algorithm in concrete situation  depends on its individual application conditions. The set of  rescheduling algorithms is the base for creating the set of new  schedules. Parameters of algorithms enable creating more  than one variant of new schedule—particular schedules are  generated according to different values of these parameters.  Matching algorithm is another rescheduling algorithm that  makes second modification of a schedule after disturbance  elimination (for example: if an algorithm stops a machine  or some operations, its matching algorithm resumes the machine  or operations—after forecasting time of disturbance  Table 3  Exampled criterion of schedule evaluation  Name Criterion of change Cmax  Description Criterion of change of schedule length of  set of tasks (change of makespan)  Parameters CmaxP—planned makespan (maximum  tasks completion time), Cmax—makespan  after introducing a modified schedule  Base for evaluation WCmax = 2 − Cmax  Cmax P  Transforming function E =    0, if WCmax & 0  WCmax if 0 ≤ WCmax ≤ 1  1 if1& WCmax  duration). So, matching algorithm makes possible to create  complete schedule—necessary and used only for schedules  evaluation. Naturally, in the schedule that selected for introducing  the matching algorithm is not considered (it may by  used after disturbance elimination but then separated multicriterial  evaluation will be done). As the result of using  reschedule algorithms the set of possible schedules is generated.  Next, the best schedule is selected from this set.  The multicriterial evaluation method that is used for this  selection is described in detail in [8]. There is possible to  select individual subset of criterions and theirs weights for  each time when rescheduling has to be done. In rescheduling  can also be used criteria that take into consideration value  changing of some schedule parameters in a new schedule.  Table 3 presents exampled criterion of schedule evaluation.  For acquiring schedule-repair algorithms and evaluation  criterions from experts the special paper and electronic acquisition  forms was created [9].  4. Conclusions  The knowledge about alternative processes routes, prepared  on planning stage, expands flexibility of production  control systems and enables increasing efficiency of the production  rescheduling for given set of evaluation criterions.  Accuracy of the presented rescheduling method depends  on precision of determining the time of disturbance duration.  The method enables modifying schedules in presence  of more than one disturbance simultaneously but they have to  be sequenced. In this case the process of obtaining solutions  is not more complicated. Each disturbance is threats individually  and cause rescheduling actions. In real application of  this method the time interval from registering a disturbance  to obtaining a response schedule has to be also taken into  consideration—it is foreseen for future research. The need for  modification occurs when some event in production system  makes impossible to execute a current production schedule.  Besides, according to the method the rescheduling can be introduced  every time when needed—it means that the event  definition could be extended: overflow of tolerance of some  important production indicators (e.g. efficiency) also can be  understood as a disturbance.
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
    高手呀高手  你在哪里呀!    
  谁有这么长的时间??  一看就知道是论文的摘要
  这么长 ?????????自己搞定吧!!!  
  劳动力是有价值的  何况……咱学英语的更有价值了  要想免费还是楼主请交情深的朋友吧
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  i think if you have no
ability to do it ,you should learn to give up or refuse
  It is so long
  My god! sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo looooooooooooooooooooooooong! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  no words to u
  Had he tried? I doubted    He didn't help himself, why other people woud do?
  @csutanghong 楼主你这篇翻译做了没有啊?我恰好也是这个啊,都是血泪。。


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