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我想从基础学起!不胜感激?学什么,翻译句子也不怎么会? 谢谢,开口讲更不会了我现在是升大专二年级的学生,可是因为经济原因我没有条件去外面找老师补课,有什么书吗,我语法不怎么会,英语成绩只能说是中等?或者视频教程(免费的)
(时态,音节,看原声电影,句式,阅读英文小说。基本就是这样,虽然很痛苦。买一些英语语法书籍,从句,变化,通过边练边记的方式,提高阅读和解题实战能力,固定搭配等)做真题,组合)买大学英语4级词汇手册,辅音,与老外联系口语等买英语标准英标表及相关发音入门磁带先学会基本发音,只能靠自己,但一定要经历,开始苦背单词。词汇量是交流的基础,没人能帮你,掌握简单的常用的语法。订份China Daily或者其他英文报纸提高阅读。(元音
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不用辛苦跑补习班呢 O(∩_∩)O哈哈~
大家还关注Rachel &&&&& 想要模仿Rachel,你得有能耐在心烦的时候高开低走的说话&&以尖锐的嗓音开头,以絮絮叨叨、自言自语结尾;&&&&& 而且&宝贝&、&甜心&之类的还要常挂嘴边。
Monica &&&&& 像monica那样说话,只需在主句后加上&不是吗??&,管它有没必要。&&&&& 而且要变得神经质一些,哪怕讲好话也得恶形恶状。&&&&& 被人表扬后,逢人便说而且要装得满不在乎,完了还要补上一句,&其实这有什么呢?&
Phoebe &&&&& 学Phoebe讲话,首先要注意发音。&&&&& 讲话时尾音可拖得特别长,或者轻快而干脆的反复。例如:&喔&&&&&或&喔!喔!喔!&&&&&& 想更好的掌握phoebe式语言,隔三叉五在还要在句尾加上&哪-哈&、&呃& 、 &哦& 或&Ok&之类,尽量给每个字带个小尾巴音。
Joey &&&&& 学Joey说话是小菜一碟。&&&&& 只需假装少根筋,频频问白痴问题,并且老说大实话。 &&&&& 另外,你需要完全无法领会旁人的弦外之音。&&&&& 你讲纽约口音,却用意大利语发牢骚。你不会讲意大利语?那更好办,只须捏造新词即可!&&&&& 最后,别忘了每次见到异性都上前搭讪。
Chandler &&&&& 如果想学Chandler讲话,就得咬文嚼字,多说&not&、&be&和&so&,并且总以重音强调。&&&&& 尤其是让这几个字联合上阵,效果更佳!&&&&& 例如:&It so could not be true!& &&&&& 毫无保留表达自己所有的想法,让别人听见。&&&&& 补充一点,学Chandler说话你得有点&语不惊人死不休&的劲头,为每个句子寻求幽默的表达!
Ross &&&&& 学Ross说话,冷不丁就得来个大喘气。&&&&& 被激怒时,可提高声调,再辅以轻微的面部扭曲。&&&&& 发音字正腔圆、铿锵有力,用joey的话来说就是&Oh you do, do you?!&&&&&& 最后,在不高兴的时候,请拿腔作调的模仿惹你不快的对象讲话。
&#8212; leo @ 9:54 pm
This was taken from article an in Radio Times on the 28/7/97. It contains nearly all of the information that all you real friends fans should know. I hope you like it, as a lot of being nice to people, (and begging) got me a copy, and it took ages for me to type out.   【译文】这篇文章是从97年7月28号的Radio Times看来的。它几乎包括了真正的老友记迷应知道的所有信息。我希望你能喜欢它,&#8230;&#8230;我花了很长时间才把这些打出来。  1. The first line of dialogue in the very first pilot episode of Friends was &There&#8217;s nothing to tell.   【译文】老友记第一季第一集第一句台词是&There&#8217;s nothing to tell!&(是Monica说的:There&#8217;s nothing to tell! He&#8217;s just some guy I work with!)  2. A 30-second commercial during the break in the show in America cost advertisers £500,000.   【译文】剧集在美国本土播出时,中间30分钟的广告插播时间里,花掉广告厂商50万英镑。  3. Other titles considered for the series included &Once upon a time in the West Village&, &Insomnia Caf&& and &Across the Hall&. The original title, &Friends like Us&, was shortened to the current one-worder.   【译文】剧组曾考虑过使用其它名称作为本剧的剧名:&Once upon a time in the West Village&、&Insomnia Caf&&、&Across the Hall&。原来的名称&Friends like Us&被缩短为现在的剧名&Friends&。  4. The six characters full names are Rachel Green (Jennifer Aniston), Monica Geller (Courteney Cox), Phoebe Buffay (Lisa Kudrow), Joey Tribbiani (Matt le Blanc), Chandler Bing (Matthew Perry) and Ross Geller (David Schwimmer).   【译文】六位角色的全名为Rachel Green (由Jennifer Aniston饰演),Monica Geller (由Courteney Cox饰演),Phoebe Buffay (由Lisa Kudrow饰演), Joey Tribbiani (由Matt le Blanc饰演), Chandler Bing (由Matthew Perry饰演)和Ross Geller (由David Schwimmer饰演)。  5. According to Aniston, her famous &Rachel& hairdo was created by accident when her &friend& Chris cut her hair with a razor.   【译文】据Aniston所说,她有名的&Rachel&头是由她的&朋友&Chris用剃刀剃头发,意外造成的。  6. Courteney Cox, who was born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama, is known as CC to friends and family.   【译文】Courteney Cox是在Alabama的Birmingham长大的,她的朋友和家人一般叫她CC(名称首字母缩写)。  7. David Schwimmer attended Beverly Hills High, the school on which the series Beverly Hills: 90210 was based.   【译文】David Schwimmer曾在Beverly Hills高中就学,《Beverly Hills: 90210》剧集就是以这个学校为背景的。  8. Matthew Perry appeared in Beverly Hills: 90210 earlier in his career. He said of his role: &Its kind of a blur, but I remember playing the most popular kid in school who ends up with a gun in his mouth because his Dad is so overbearing&.   【译文】Matthew Perry在他演艺事业的早期曾在《Beverly Hills: 90210》剧集里出现过。他是这样评论他的角色的:&我已经记得不是很清楚了,但我记得我饰演的是一个在学校最受欢迎的学生,由于有个太专横的父亲,最后吞枪自尽&。  9. Perry&#8217;s wit is so legendary that the scriptwriters have often incorporated his gags into the show.   【译文】Perry的机智简直可以用&传奇&来形容。以至于剧本作者经常把他的插科打诨也写到剧集里。  10. Cox had the honour of being the first person to say &period& on American TV, making a commercial for Tampax.   【译文】Cox有幸成为美国电视剧里第一个说&女性生理周期&的人,此后她还为丹碧丝卫生棉做了个广告。  11. Aniston attended the New York High School for the Performing Arts, the school that Fame was modelled on.   【译文】Aniston曾在纽约高中学习表演艺术,Fame就是在这里选秀的。  12. Central Perk, the caf& in which they all hang out, is based on the Manhattan Caf& in New Yorks West Village.   【译文】剧集里,这些好朋友经常去的Central Perk咖啡屋,它的原型是纽约西部村庄里的曼哈顿咖啡屋。  13. Cox was a cover girl for People Magazine&#8217;s &50 most beautiful people in the world& issue.   【译文】Cox曾作为&全球50位最美丽的人&上了人物杂志的封面。(yangbb补充:Jennifer和Courteney都被评为过&全球50位最美丽的人&,而且还有幸挤进前10名。)  14. She was also dubbed &TV&#8217;s hottest babe& by American Playboy magazine.   【译文】她还被美国《花花公子》杂志评为&最热门的电视宝贝&。  15. Director Hames Burrows, responsible for many of the early episodes of Friends, also directed Taxi, Cheers and The Mary Tyler Moore Show.   16. Matt le Blanc loves dogs and has a mutt called Lady that he rescued from a dog pound, and a Doberman called Shadow.   17. Kudrow is married to a French advertising executive Michel Stern, and is hoping to have a baby soon.   18. Schwimmer is the son of two Los Angeles lawyers. His mother, Arlene, handled Roseanne&#8217;s first divorce.   19. Le Blanc, son of a mechanic and a circuit-board maker, originally studies carpentry. &I am not a dumb guy,& he says. &I just play one on TV&.   20. Famous guest stars on the show have included ER&#8217;s George Clooney and Noah Wyle, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Chris Isaak and Julia Roberts.   21. Perry dated Roberts after her appearance on the show. His verdict? &She does leave toothpaste all over the sink and she&#8217;s always wanting to borrow money&.   22. The whole cast huddle together before each episode to wish each other luck. This made frequent guest star Tom Selleck feel a bit left out.   23. Perry&#8217;s Dad was an actor who starred in the Old Spice aftershave ad&#8217;s, his mother was Press Secretary to Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau.   24. Kudrow has made appearances on several &worst dressed& lists in American magazines, but because of her characters clothes rather than her own.   25. Perry is very fond of female vocalists. He says, &If you&#8217;re a woman and in any kind of emotional duress and you sing a song about it, I will buy your album&. Favourites include Shawn Colvin, the Indigo Girls and Tori Amos.   26. When the pilot show was approved by the network, and a series comissioned, the entire cast was sent on a free trip to Las Vegas.   27. Cox dated Batman actor Michael Keaton for five and a half years, and they are still reportedly &good friends&.   28. After graduating from speech and theatre from Chicago&#8217;s Northwestern University, Schwimmer founded a theatre company, Lookinglass, with 17 classmates.   29. Aniston&#8217;s Dad was an actor, John Aniston, who starred in top US soap Days of our Lives. He divorced her mother when Aniston was nine.   30. Kudrow gets fed up with being considered in real life to be as dippy as her on-screen character, Phoebe. &People talk slower to me, as if I were a ten year old&, she reveals.   31. Kudrow graduated from exclusive American college Vassar, where she gained a major in biology.   32. Cox has been known to bleach her teeth.   33. Like Ross, le Blanc has simian friends, he starred with an animatronic chimp in the baseball movie Ed.   34. Aniston, real name Anistonopolous, used to be 30lb heavier, until her agent told her to lose weight. She gave up mayonnaise, pre-meal snacking, white bread, post-meal snacking and butter to reach her current trim size.   35. Cox, who weighs 7st 3lbs (101lbs) and wears a British size six, is terrified of being fat. She says, &My ideal weight would be 100lbs. My whole family is shaped like pears and I&#8217;m afraid of looking like that&.   36. Aniston recently played a very unglamourous role in Ed Burn&#8217;s film Shes the One. She was cast as a wife whose husband refuses to sleep with her.   37. Courteney Cox&#8217;s stepcousin is Stuart Copeland, of pop group The Police fame.   38. Schwimmer is very keen to become a father. &I&#8217;ve always wanted a family&, he says. &I think that&#8217;s why we&#8217;re here &#8211; to have children, raise them well and try to improve the quality of life for all the people who will follow&.   39. His most recent girlfriend, Natalie Imbruglia &#8211; who played Beth in Neighbours &#8211; was seen canoodling with record producer Nigel Godrich.   40. The cast apparently get on as well in real life as they do on screen. They play poker and Scrabble together, and the girls often shop with each other. The rumour that they had made a pact never to sleep together is untrue.   41. Le Blanc and Aniston were rumoured to have had a fling.   42. The day he auditioned for Friends, Le Blanc had a big scab on his nose and forehead after falling down drunk on a bender the night before.   43. When Schwimmer first met Le Blanc he was sceptical. Le Blanc was wearing leather jeans and Schwimmer thought he was &Joe cool stud& and hated him on sight.   44. Cox originally read to play the part of Rachel.   45. Perry has been linked to actress Tricia Fisher, daughter of Connie Stevens and Eddie Fisher, who played Hollywood Madam Heidi Fleiss in a TV film.   46. Le Blanc is a speed freak who competed in amateur motor-racing competitions at the age of eight. In a recent celebrity Grand Prix he ran into a wall, taking Jason Priestly&#8217;s car out of the race.   47. As a teenager, Cox was Bruce Springsteen&#8217;s dancing partner in Brian de Palma&#8217;s video of Dancing in the Dark.   48. Counting Crows lead singer Adam Duritz was linked to both Cox and Aniston.   49. Like his on-screen character Joey, Le Blanc has a reputation as a womaniser. He has been linked to volleyball star Gabrielle Reece, English actress Minnie Driver, porn star Jenna Jameson, Goldie Hawn&#8217;s 16 year old daughter Kate Hudson and several strippers.   50. Schwimmer complains of being hounded by women who demand that he kiss them &#8211; even when their boyfriends are there too.51. In The Pallbearer, Schwimmers first film since joining Friends, he starred with Gwyneth Paltrow. The film did badly in the USA.   52. When she was younger Aniston wanted to be a sculptor. At the age of 11, she had a painting in an exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.   53. After being picked to play Roz Doyle in Frasier, Kudrow was subsequently dropped in favour of actress Peri Gilpin before the pilot was even shot.   54. Friends is Channel 4&#8217;s top-rating comedy, regularly attracting three million viewers.   55. Kudrow&#8217;s father is one of the world&#8217;s leading experts in headaches.   56. Le Blanc was down to his last $11 when he got the part in Friends.   57. Schwimmer claims to have been a &fat, ugly geek& in high school.   58. Cox played the part of Michael J Fox&#8217;s girlfriend Lauren in Family Ties, between 1986 and 1988.   59. She claims to have been really in love only once. The lucky man was called Paul, hailed from Leeds, and &he made a hell of a Yorkshire pudding&.   60. Now engaged to marry Sandra Bullock&#8217;s ex-fiance Tate Donovan, Aniston counts among her former loves ER&#8217;s Noah Wyle, actor Jonathan Silverman, co-star Matthew Perry and Grant Heslov, from True Lies.   61. David Schwimmer accused the handlers of his on-screen pal Marcel the monkey of being &too possessive&. He claims that he was never allowed to bond with the creature.   62. Marcel&#8217;s trainer, Nerissa Pulizer, said of her charge: &If Marcel were human, she&#8217;d be Meryl Streep&.   63. The monkey was the first cast member to get a Hollywood movie role, appearing in the movie Outbreak.   64. The daughter of Cary Grant and Dyan Cannon, Jennifer Grant, played an employee of Chandler&#8217;s who ended up dating him in the first series.   65. The Friends album includes songs from REM, Joni Mitchell and Hootie and the Blowfish, a band four of them once went to see.   66. The theme tune, I&#8217;ll be there for you by the Rembrants, has been a huge hit on both sides of the Atlantic.   67. Friends executive producers Marta Kuaffman and David Crane also created the adult sitcom Dream On.   68. The characters of Ross&#8217;s ex-wife and her girlfriend Susan are based on the godmothers to Kauffman&#8217;s daughter.   69. The opening footage of the cast dancing around a fountain was filmed on the Warner Brothers lot in LA at five o&#8217;clock one morning.   70. The first thing Cox bought with her Friends money was a brand new Porsche.   71. The occupations of the characters are as follows: Ross, Monica, Joey, actor/ Phoebe, Rachel, Chandler, data processor.   72. Cox was the best-known member of the cast before the show. She played opposite Jim Carrey in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective and was in Cocoon: The Return.   73. Le Blanc is currently filming Lost in Space with Gary Oldman at Shepperton Studios. He&#8217;s renting a flat in London&#8217;s Kensington and has been seen shopping in Budgens.   74. Two models for American underwear company Victoria&#8217;s Secret appeared in the first series. One was the dream girl Chandler gets stuck with during a blackout, the other was a girl who is convinced that Joey has VD.   75. Perry looked at 40 houses before buying his current W-shaped ranch house with pool in LA.   76. Aniston bought her brother Bronco car for Christmas, and he cried.   77. Schwimmer was in the first series of NYPD Blue. He was a nerd who lived in the apartment next door to Sherry Stringfield and ended up shooting a mugger.   78. Kudrow co-stars with Oscar-winner Mira Sorvino in a new film, Romy and Michele&#8217;s High School Reunion.   79. Christina Pickles, who plays Monica&#8217;s mum, also worked with Cox ten years ago on the film Masters of the Universe.   80. Cox has said of her character: &She&#8217;s obsessive, the one who has to be perfect and please everybody. I&#8217;m so similar to her it&#8217;s frightening&.   81. When Jay Leno asked Aniston to touch her nose with her tongue on the Tonight show, she politely declined.   82. Kudrow started her showbiz career at Groundlings, a local improvisational comedy school in LA.   83. Schwimmer has a multi-million-dollar deal with top Hollywood studio Miramax to star in and direct several films.   84. Aniston starred in an unsuccessful horror movie called Leprechaun in 1993.   85. Her next feature is a romantic comedy, Picture Perfect.   86. Kudrow used to date American talk show host Conan O&#8217;Brian.   87. Le Blanc admits to havign spat in someone&#8217;s food when he worked in a New York burger joint.   88. Aniston&#8217;s shampoo commerical for L&#8217;Oreal is only being shown in Europe & Aisa. She says she will never do a hair-product ad in America.   89. Her godfather was former Kojak actor Telly Savalas.   90. Perry has recently lost two and a half stone, while allegedly depressed and on painkillers. Despite celebrity girlfriends such as Julia Roberts, he attributes his state of mind to his failure with women.91. Raised in Ottawa, Canada, Perry was a junior tennis ace before taking up acting. He never graduated from college. He gave&&up his studies when he won a role in a sitcom called Boys will be Boys. His first movie role since joining Friends was Fools Rush In, playing a nightclub promoter.   92. Childhood Friends of southern belle Cox were reportedly shocked at the lesbian storyline in the show.   93. Perry&#8217;s grandfather, however, loves the show. And so do all his friends.   94. In a somewhat unlikely claim, Perry also insists that Mrs Thatcher is an avid viewer, particularly of Joey and Chandler&#8217;s scenes.   95. Neurotic about her looks, Cox worries about the thin, dry skin under her eyes, having different sized nostrils and a double chin. As if&#8230;..   96. There&#8217;s a book out called Cooking with Friends, full of comfort-food recipes for when &it hasn&#8217;t been your day, your month or even your year& &#8211; a reference to the theme song.   97. Matt le Blanc used to model Levi 501&#8217;s and has appeared in TV ads for Coca-Cola and Heinz Ketchup.   98. Le Blanc admits to being a mummys boy, and is devoted to his Italian mother, Pat Grossman. He didn&#8217;t meet his father until he was eight.   99. Cox plays a TV reporter chasing down a serial killer in horror flick Scream.   100. The show&#8217;s producers admit that the characters could never afford the rents on the apartments they live in on the show.   101. Highlights of the third series include guest appearances by Robin Williams and Billy Crystal, and a scene in which Joey strips naked.
&#8212; leo @ 9:46 pm
★★★★★Friends全接触★★★★★ by wallace
Friends简介: (网上中文名译为&朋友&,&老友记&,&六人行&)
Friends是美国NBC电视台从1994年开播,连续播出了9年(目前正在播放第9季,The ninth season)的一部情景喜剧,目前一共播出200集,每集大约20分钟左右,曾在1996年创下5300万的收视记录,剧中演员都从以前不知名到现在电视明星,片酬从当初一集6500美圆到现在一集1,000,000美圆。故事主要描述了住在纽约的六个好朋友(上图从左至右:Ross,Phoebe,Rachel,Joey,Monica,Chandler)从相识到后来一起经历了9年的生活中发生的一系列的故事,朋友间的生活,友谊,麻烦,欢笑,麻烦,矛盾,爱情,工作,不顺,感动&#8230;可以说是表现的淋漓尽致.(我已经看了两次全剧了,有时笑得不行了:)
更正一下,是强烈推荐.我从8月份开始接触这部情景喜剧,发现是部值得象大家推荐的好片子(见到过很多朋友到处问提高口语看什么? 提高听力看什么? 怎么听得懂老外讲话? 有没有好的外文片子推荐&#8230;etc).我的答案是&FRIENDS&.
首先,为什么是Friends? 现在网上的视频很多啊, 这样的tv连续剧也还有其他的比如Sex and city, Spin city, South park,这些都是美国热播的电视剧啊. ok, 个别说一下: Sex and city 我看过两集,描写的和片名差不多,感觉不出特别的东西,不过听说是很好的剧本,但是难度比Friends要高. Spin city 描写美国政坛人物生活的,以前有1期疯狂英语里介绍了点,看过1集,难度也在Friends之上. South park 是卡通节目,比较搞笑.不过发音太cartoon了.
在网上搜索可以下载到的以上节目,Friends最多,其次是South park,Sex and city和Spin city. 还有一点就是,Friends是有英文文稿的,也可以下载到英文字幕和部分中文字幕.
Friends适合什么样水平的人? 英语可以得到怎么样的提高?
这两个问题太高深了点,只能说因人而异. 我看Friends时不能完全听懂, 有些时候要借助台词文稿和金山词霸.我估计英语能达到四级的人应该可以理解70%以上的内容.其实我看第二遍很主要的一个原因就是想把第一遍没有笑到的地方补上:) 至于英语可以得到怎么样的提高,这个我觉得对口语,听力,词汇,短语都有很多的提高的.因为本来就是描写美国日常生活的片子,所以用语都是很地道的美语,对于我们自身说英语是个很好的范例;对了,下载到的文件是不带字幕的,要看字幕只有自己通过其他软件加上去,所以这点很好的督促了我们更努力的脱离字幕去听!词汇和短语就不说了,不懂的地方可以翻到文稿来看人家是怎么表达的,这总比自己想一些表达方式出来好的多. 注:能听懂日常会话不代表就可以听懂voa和bbc的新闻, 反之亦然.这可能是不同场合用到的不同的词汇的关系吧.
每一集时间20分钟左右,适合每天看,不象看movie那样要花个两个小时. 本来是情景喜剧,所以欢乐成分为主,人物个性鲜明,看多了真的就觉得他们是自己身边的朋友一样,我不开心的时候都能开心的笑.总觉得描写的东西比其他电视剧充实很多. 据说李连杰就是用它学习英语的.呵呵 可以问问论坛里或者自己的朋友谁有看过,他们的话很客观:)
&#8212; leo @ 8:06 pm
凡是地道的老美说的英语都是学习,美式口语的好材料,而看《老友记》又是其中绝佳的,主要原因有三: 一、 内容丰富且贴近生活,非常实用 二、 风趣幽默百看不厌,而且有不是故事性特别强,让你光顾着关注情节发展而忘了跟着学英语 三、 与电影相比较,具有一定的连续性。不同电影里演员不同说话方式不同,而如果一直连续地把二百多集friends看下来,你可以对里面六个人的语音语调说话方式了如指掌,越听越顺耳,自己讲话时,也带着那个腔调了 综上所述,看《老友记》学口语的确是既轻松又有效的办法,下面就来谈谈具体的做法 初级篇 听力 听力与口语可以说是共同成长共同进步相辅相成缺一不可的,当然,听力比口语总要稍稍先行一步。 其实听力也没有多少窍门的。你也许刚开始看的时候离开了字幕就完全不知所云,能听懂几个单词就不错了。不过如果你在较短的时间内(如一个月集中把十季两百多集看完,我敢保证,不管你有多蠢看到最后都基本能听个八九不离十了。我在看完之后托福听力就只错两三个了。一开始也觉得讲得太快跟不上,里面观众哈哈笑得也不知他们笑什么,很郁闷的。后来也就基本能跟上了。现在觉得他们讲得一点也不算快。 如果没有时间和条件看那么多呢,就要注意提高效率了。你不必要把字幕给去掉,一边听一边看字幕更有助于理解和熟悉,特别是刚开始的时候。渐渐地可以脱离字幕,盯着人物看就可以了,反正俊男靓女看看也养眼的。因为你总还是会有看不懂的,就可以偶尔看看字幕。听不懂的地方要反复听,别怕烦,一般来说大家都是看的realplayer格式的,倒回的操作也是很方便的。而且字幕也不是很全,有的时候会错,所以经常你会强迫自己去听。老师会强调的所谓难点如连读、略读、清辅音浊化等等,看个几集就自然会了。另外最好手头上有份剧本,实在听不懂的话可以参考一下,这样才会有进步。 总之呢看的时候别太沉溺于剧情,要时刻提醒自己耳朵多用力,听不懂的地方要尽量搞懂,就可以了。 中级篇 模仿 要想学好口语,模仿是至关重要的。这就是为什么要用看电视剧这一形式而非看电影,因为它的连续性,可以让你一直模仿一个人说话的方式,最终达到炉火纯青的境界。 模仿对象的选择:男生,建议:Joey;女生,建议:Rachel 之所以选择Joey是因为他说话语速比较慢,容易听也容易学,而且比较正常,而Chandler和Ross讲话都有一点口音,也经常被朋友们取笑的。 Chandler说话比较快,是最难懂的一个。Ross讲话咬字过分清晰其实很容易学,但是若真学了一口他那样讲话的本事。实在不敢想象了。女生为什么选 Rachel也是考虑她说话比较正常,Phoebe讲话内容就比较乱也难懂,而如果要模仿Monica,那你就整天大喊大叫去吧。 我这么说不是说你只能模仿这两个人,别人不是不能模仿,只是你可以取一个为重点,这样你自己跟着念也不会太累。其他人不管男女都可以去模仿他们说的话,我的意思是说,最好不要以其他几个人为重点模仿对象,因为如果万一你学得太好了,你讲得跟他们一模一样就不好了。 其实最值得大家模仿的人是谁呢,是Chandler的前女友Jenice!我们要以她发&Oh&& my &&god& 的那种气势来发每个音,那你的口语一定没话讲了。开玩笑了。不过这是真的,特别是对那些初学者,发音不准的人来说。要想发好元音就要学会像Jenice一样大声地完整地准确地把那些元音念出来,以后你再发这些元音的时候才能准确而地道。要知道老美发其音来很夸张的。要学得像,就得从他们中的夸张者入手。如果你能真正悟出&Oh&& my &&god&的精髓所在,我相信你一定能把这三个元音搞定,绝对地道。 具体如何模仿呢?你可以去下载剧本跟着读,基础比较好的也可以一边听一边跟着读,这样最好了,既锻炼听力又锻炼口语。或者也可以直接对着剧本念。对于初学者来说,模仿是件困难的事情,不要紧,只要跟着念,一遍一遍,反复模仿对比,直到觉得比较像了为止。当然这一开始很痛苦,这个过程不会太长的,不久就可以熟能生巧,模仿起来也很顺。再下一个阶段就会发现自己说起话来就那样了,很有成就感。
&#8212; leo @ 12:09 pm
  I&ll Be There For You 为你,我会在那里
  So no one told you 没有人曾告诉过你,
  Life was gonna be this 1)way 生活就是这样的。
  Your job&s a joke, 你的事业不成功,
  You&re 2)broke 一文不名,
  Your love life&s 3)D.O.A, 爱情没有结果。
  It&s like you&re always 4)stuck in second 5)gear 就像开车的时候卡在二档,无法迅速前进。
  Oh when it hasn&t been your 6)day 当这一天、这一周、这一个月,
  Your week, your month, or even your year 甚至这一年你都很倒霉。
  But I&ll be there for you 但是我会在那里支持你,
  When the rain starts to 7)pour 即使大雨倾盆。
  I&ll be there for you 我会在那里支持你,
  Like I&ve been 8)there before 就像我以前一样。
  I&ll be there for you 我会在那里支持你,
  &Cause you&re there for me, too 因为你也会是我坚强的后盾。
  You&re still 9)in bed at ten 早上10点你还赖在床上,
  And work began at eight 即使8点就应该去上班。
  You&ve burned your breakfast 你把早餐弄煳了,
  10)So far things are going great 但直到现在一切还不错。
  Your mother told you 你妈妈告诉你,
  There&d be days like these 生活有时候会像这样不如意。
  But she didn&t tell you when the world 但是她没有告诉你,
  Has 11)brought you down to your knees 你也会有心灰意冷的时候。
  But I&ll be there for you 但是我会在那里支持你,
  When the rain starts to pour 即使大雨倾盆。
  I&ll be there for you 我会在那里支持你,
  Like I&ve been there before 就像我以前一样。
  I&ll be there for you 我会在那里支持你,
  &Cause you&re there for me, too 因为你也会是我坚强的后盾。
  No one could ever know me 没有人能够了解我,
  No one could ever 12)see me 没有人可以看透我,
  Seems you&re the only one who knows 似乎只有你知道
  13)What it&s like to be me 我该是什么样的人。
  Someone to face the day with 我会和你一起面对明天,
  14)Make it through 15)all the rest with 一起坚持到底,
  Someone I&ll always laugh with 一起纵情欢笑。
  Even 16)at my worst I&m best with you 无论情况有多糟,我们都是最合拍的一对。
  It&s like you&re always stuck in second gear 就像开车的时候卡在二档,无法迅速前进。
  Oh when it hasn&t been your day 当这一天、这一周、这一个月,
  Your week, your month, or even your year 甚至这一年你都很倒霉。   
  But I&ll be there for you 但是我会在那里支持你,
  When the rain starts to pour 即使大雨倾盆。
  I&ll be there for you 我会在那里支持你,
  Like I&ve been there before 就像我以前一样。
  I&ll be there for you 我会在那里支持你,
  &Cause you&re there for me, too 因为你也会是我坚强的后盾。
  Even though they became best known for recording &I&ll Be There for You,& the theme song to the smash NBC sitcom Friends, the Rembrandts were actually rather successful back in 1990 with their self-titled debut album, which produced a Top 20 hit in &Just the Way It Is, Baby.&
  The duo of songwriter Danny Wilde and Phil Solem, both originally in the Los Angeles band Great Buildings, forged a Beatle-tinged brand of pop/rock with ringing guitars and fresh harmonies that found favor with radio programmers across the country, as well as Friends co-producer Kevin Bright. The Rembrandts were invited to record a theme song for the show, which they com after the show became a hit, radio demand for a full-length version was overwhelming, and one was added to 1995&s LP at the last minute.
  While the song was an instant radio smash, topping Billboard&s airplay chart for eight weeks, it was never released as a retail single, which makes its overall chart peak of number 17 somewhat deceptive. LP, meanwhile, went platinum. The band followed in 1998 with Spin This, this time under the name Danny Wilde and the Rembrandts. The new millennium, and five years after their biggest hit, Wilde and Solem picked things up where they left off for a classic, and rejuvenated rock sound on 2001&s Lost Together.
  The thing that brought the Rembrandts cash by the boatload also did little to help their career: that dang cute and oh-so irrepressible theme song from Friends, &I&ll Be There for You&, pretty much blotted out all the other music the band had composed, essentially ensuring that songwriters Danny Wilde and Phil Solem wouldn&t be taken seriously again by discerning music fans. This was an unfortunate turn of events, because the duo&s warm and optimistic Power Pop doesn&t always descend to bubblegum depths. Their current recordings are marked by tight arrangements and craftsmanlike construction.
  &没有人告诉你,生活会是这样&,然后是标志性的啪啪四记鼓掌&&每一集的《老友记》,在听过第一段幽默的对话后,我们就可以迎来名为《为你,我会在那里》的主题曲。琅琅上口的旋律,简单的节奏,意味深长的歌词,这首短短四十二秒的主题歌随着《老友记》的走红在排行榜上迅速攀升,连续八周雄踞公告牌电台播放榜头名,此前籍籍无名的演唱乐团&伦勃朗& the Rembrandts也一曲成名。
  这首由 Michael Skloff 作曲、Allee Willis 作词的歌曲原本是为迈克尔&斯蒂普和纳塔利-麦钱特度身定做的,但这两名歌手拒绝出演。于是,剧组想到了由两名喜欢穿黑衣、戴墨镜的歌手丹尼-怀尔德 (Danny Wilde)和菲尔-索利姆(Phil Solem)组成的&伦勃朗&乐团。乐界普遍认为,这两个人有类似约翰-列侬和乔治-麦卡特尼般的和谐声音。
  Danny Wilde 和 Phil Solem都是在1956年出生,成长在摇滚黄金年代。1976年两人在洛杉矶的一个歌舞酒店里相识,到拍摄《老友记》主题曲时已经整整相识了十八年。两个人直到1990年才成立了&伦勃朗&,这个名字借用自一位十七世纪荷兰的伟大画家,只是在伦勃朗的名字后面加了一个表示复数的-s。
  在《为你,我会在那里》 I&ll Be There for You 之前,他们最成功的单曲是《宝贝,就是这样子的》Just the Way It Is, Baby,但并非是很热门的歌曲。电台的DJ立即注意到了 I&ll Be There For You 这首好听的歌曲,他们把它从电视上录下来,在广播里反复播放,并想办法凑够三分钟的单曲长度。此时,&伦勃朗&的第三张CD《密纹唱片》正在进行最后的压制工作,一首单曲已经被作为主推曲目送到了电台,但敏感地嗅到了金钱气味的唱片公司决定在已经非常拥挤的CD里加入第十五首歌曲《为你,我会在那里》。最后,这张CD成为了白金唱片。
  1. 这是整首歌的第一部分,也是Friends《老友记》片头曲里的主要部分。我们来看第一句歌词,So no one told you, Life was gonna be this way没有人曾告诉过你,生活就是这样的。然后就是经典的四记拍手鼓掌,我想看过《老友记》的人都不会忘记。way 这里表示&情形,形势&,但是它最常用的意义就是指&做事情的方法,方式或手段&,例如:What is the best way to clean this? 用什么方法能把这个弄得最干净? I like the way you&ve done your hair. 我喜欢你头发的样式。
  2. broke,这里表示&破产&,是一个不太正式的词,正式的用法应该是bankrupt。
  3. 还要说一下这个D.O.A.,大家一看就知道,这肯定是几个单词开头大写字母的缩写,那么是哪几个单词呢? 它们是dead on arrival,就是说&爱情才刚刚开始就夭折了&,我觉得这是在说Friends里面的Chandler,他的爱情总是很短暂,直到爱上了 Monica,才找到了真正的爱情。
  4. be stuck in somewhere,表示&被困住&。例如:I got stuck in the traffic on the way home. 回家的路上堵车。
  5. gear 是指&机动车的传动装置,排档&。The car has four forward gears and one reverse gears. 这辆车有四个前进档和一个倒档。那如果要说&汽车挂上档或没有挂档&怎么说呢?就是The car is in /out of gear. 因为二档是一个慢速档,所以汽车如果挂在二档,就无法迅速前进了,就好像生活没有变化,没有进展。
  6. It&s my day or it&s not my day在口语中表示&我今天很幸运,或者我今天很倒霉&。当然把day,换成week, month, year也是可以的。再比如:You made my day! 就是说&你让我今天过的很高兴&。
  7. pour表示&倾倒,倾泻&,例如:We need someone to pour. 我们需要人斟茶倒水。Sweat poured down from her face. 汗珠不断从她脸上流下。这里引申为&下倾盆大雨&。
  8. 这里的there 并不是特指某个地方,而是指一种互相帮助,互相支持的精神状态。
  9. You&re still in bed at ten,And work began at eight ,You&ve burned your breakfast早上10点你还赖在床上,即使8点就应该去上班。你把早餐弄煳了,看来这个人的生活真是一团糟,感觉有点像Joey,经常忘记或搞错自己的试镜时间。be in bed,是&卧床,睡觉&的意思,是一种状态,例如:Are you still in bed? 你还没有起床吗?但是go to bed表示&上床睡觉&,就表示动作了,比如:It&s time to go to bed. 该上床睡觉了。
  10. so far 表示&到目前为止&,比如说:The work has been good so far but things may change. 到目前为止,这工作还挺简单的,但是情况也许会有所变化。还有一个在口语当中比较常用的表达模式,就是So far so good. 意思是,到目前为止还不错,一切都很顺利,直接拿过来用就行了。
  11. bring someone down to one&s knees本意是指&迫使某人屈服&,是一种比喻的意义,例如:The country was almost brought to its knees by the long strike. 长期的罢工使这个国家濒临崩溃的边缘。歌词是说,老天故意和你做对,非让你屈服不可,但是不管怎么样,还有像我这样的朋友会在你身边支持着你。
  12. see这个词这里表示&明白,领会,理解&,比如我们经常说,Oh, I see. 就是哦,我明白了。再比如:He didn&t see the joke. 他没听懂这个笑话。还记得在Friends里面Chandler就经常说一些没有人听得懂的笑话。
  13. What&s it like? 这句话在口语当中也很常用,表示&那是什么样的?&,如果在后面加上to do something,就表示&做某事是怎么样的&&,例如:What&s it like to work with the president? 跟总统在一起工作会是什么样子的呢?
  14. make it through,这个词组表示&坚持到底&。
  15. all the rest 就是说the rest of the life,一生的时间。大家注意这里的with千万不能丢掉,它是整个定语从句的一部分。
  16. worst在这里是名词,表示&最坏的部分,最糟糕的事情&, 那么at one&s worst就是说&在某人或某物最糟糕的时候,例如:She was always optimistic, even things were at their worst.她即使在最糟糕的时候也总是非常乐观。还有一个习语,at worst,意思是&若出现最坏的情况,做最坏的打算&,例如:At worst we&ll have to sell the house so as to settle our debts. 实在没办法我们就得把房子卖了还债。那么at best就可以表示跟at worst相反的意义,&最好,最多,充其量&,例如:We can only give you $1000 at best one time. 我们每次最多只能给你1000美元。
&#8212; leo @ 11:57 am
◆ ◆ ◆ 剧中人物简介◆ ◆ ◆&
娇纵可爱的瑞秋&#8212;o0o&#8212; &#8212;o0o&#8212; &#8212;o0o&#8212; 瑞秋是莫妮卡的高中同学,在与牙医未婚夫的婚礼上脱逃至莫妮卡处。
正直又专情的罗斯&#8212;o0o&#8212; &#8212;o0o&#8212; &#8212;o0o&#8212;
[怪癖]高中時是一个超级胖妹有强烈洁癖对女生來讲,运动神经非常的发达 渴望婚姻和小孩烹饪技术高超
[个性]喜好逞口舌之利公认是以幽默感在武裝自己,以避免流露真实的感情;有点精神质在大公司上班,颇受老板器重但他本身更想当幽默作家。喜欢冷眼旁观再讽刺挖苦大家,常常会有不好笑的幽默感出现。 交女朋友屡屡受挫钱德总是担心自己会是六人中最晚结婚的孤独老人有一自第一季即分分合合的女友珍妮丝
[个性]乐天浪漫不问世事 常说出(更多是唱出!)一些让人哭笑不得的话也常会答非所问却是六人中最客观最有理性的 常常担任劝架的角色遇到大事,就数她最沉稳喜爱创作和演唱,最有名的代表作就是&臭臭猫&,还曾录过MTV,不过被唱片公司动了手脚,找人配唱;在中央咖啡厅驻唱不过后来被取代,沦为接头艺人。在她眼中每个人都是好人,对每个人都是无差别的爱。
傻气又天真的乔伊&#8212;o0o&#8212; &#8212;o0o&#8212; &#8212;o0o&#8212;
&#8212; leo @ 12:39 am}


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