
disagree&[,disə'gri:] vi.不一致, 不适宜
 今日热词: - 获得 |
背单词 disagree
单词 disagree 网络释义
不及物动词 vi.
Our answers to the problem disagreed.
We disagreed on which movie to see.
The two neighbors disagreed bitterly about their boundary line.
Strawberries disagree with me.
我一吃草莓就不舒服。 单词 disagree 其它相关单词解释
vi. 不一致,不适宜
vi. To fail to correspond.
I disagree with you about this.
His conduct disagrees with his words.
Hot climate disagrees with me.
The two accounts disagree.
  那两种叙述 [说法] 不一致。
The witnesses disagreed (with each other) about the exact time of the accident.
Our answers to the problem disagreed.
We disagreed on which movie to see.
They were disagreeing about what the book claimed.
disagree with 1. 与...意见不一 2. 与...不一致 3. 不适合
时态: disagreeing
同义词:conflict, differ, squabble, dispute, spat, dissent, object, quarrel
反义词:consent, agree, support
单词 disagree 其它例句
- Initially, I disagree with his proposal, but later I changed my mind.
- our figures disagree.
- In some countries, people who disagree with the government are classed as criminals.
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简明英汉词典camp[kAmp]n.露营地, 阵营vi.露营, 扎营基本词义Camp[kAmp]坎普(姓氏)基本词义CAMP=Computer Aided Maintenance Project 计算机辅助维修计划[英]美国传统词典[双解]campcamp 1AHD:[k2mp] D.J.[k#mp]K.K.[k#mp]n.(名词)(1)A place where tents, huts, or other temporary shelters are set up, as by soldiers, nomads, or travelers.营地:建造帐篷、棚屋或其它临时遮蔽物的地方,常由军人、游牧民或旅行者所建(2)A cabin or shelter or group of such buildings:工地宿舍:此种建构物的一个小室或遮蔽物或一组:gathered branches and grasses
had a fishing camp in Vermont.收集树枝和草做一个临时小棚;在佛蒙特州有一个钓鱼的营房(3)The people using such shelters:宿营者:使用此类遮蔽物的人:a howl that awakened the whole camp.一声惊醒了所有宿营者的嚎叫(4)A place in the country that offers simple group accommodations and organized recreation or instruction, as for vacationing children:乡间宿营区:位于乡村的一个地方,提供简单的成套设备以及有组织的娱乐和教育,比如为度假的孩子们:a girls' a tennis camp.女孩夏令营;网球夏令营(5)Sports A place where athletes engage in intensive training, especially preseason training.【体育运动】 集训营:运动员进行高强度集中训练的地方,特别是进行赛季前训练(6)The people attending the programs at such a place.集训队员:参与这种地方所施训练计划的人(7)M army life.军营生活,军役的生活(8)A group of people who think al side:阵营:想法相似或有相同动机的一群人;一边:The council members disagreed, falling into liberal and conservative camps.理事会成员们意见相左,分成自由和保守两个阵营v.(动词)camped, camp.ing, campsv.intr.(不及物动词)(1)To make or set up a camp.布置野营:做成或建起一个野营地(2)To live i settle:宿营:住在或象是住在营篷里;暂住:We camped in the apartment until the furniture arrived.我们宿营在这公寓里直到炊具抵达v.tr.(及物动词)To shelte encamp:野营:隐蔽或住宿在营房里;扎营:They camped themselves by a river.他们在一条河边扎了营语源(1)Obsolete French 已废法语 (2)perhaps from Italian 可能源自 意大利语 (3)or Spanish campo 或 西班牙语 campo (4)all from Latin campus [field] 都源自 拉丁语 campus [野外] 基本词义campcamp 2AHD:[k2mp] D.J.[k#mp]K.K.[k#mp]n.(名词)(1)An affectation or appreciation of manners and tastes commonly thought to be artificial, vulgar, or banal.下流:庸俗,做作:行为或情趣上的矫揉造作,通常被认为是不自然的、粗俗的或平庸的(2)Banality, vulgarity, or artificiality when deliberately affected or when appreciated for its humor:做作所显出的趣味:指故意做作或在欣赏其幽默时的平庸、粗俗或做作:“Camp is popularity plus vulgarity plus innocence”(Indra Jahalani)“夸张做作是通俗加上粗俗再加上无知”(因德拉?贾哈拉尼)adj.(形容词)Having deliberately artificial, vulgar, banal, or affectedly humorous qualities or style:不自然的,做作的:带有蓄意做作的、粗俗的、平庸的或故作诙谐的品性或风格的:played up the silliness of their roles for camp effect.为了不自然的、看似诙谐的效果使他们所演角色的毫无意义v.(动词)camped, camp.ing, campsv.intr.(不及物动词)To act in a deliberately artificial, vulgar, or banal way.故意夸张做作:蓄意做作地、粗俗地或平庸地做v.tr.(及物动词)To give a deliberately artificial, vulgar, or banal quality to:使庸俗化:赋予蓄意做作、粗俗或平庸性质:camped up their cowboy costumes with chaps, tin stars, and ten-gallon hats.他们的牛仔装被皮护腿套裤、锡星徽章和大牛仔帽装饰得夸张庸俗语源[Origin unknown] [起源不明] 继承用法camp“yadj.(形容词)基本词义CampCampAHD:[k2mp] Walter Chauncey () D.J.[k#mp]K.K.[k#mp]NONE(无词性)American football coach and promoter who developed many of the sport's basic rules.坎普,沃尔特?昌西:() 美国橄榄球教练和推展者,他发展了这项运动的许多基本规则现代英汉词典camp 1[kAmp]n.(1)野营地(2)营a labor camp劳动营词性变化campvi.(1)扎营(2)宿营;营居基本词义camp 2[kAmp]adj.(1)装模作样的,夸张的(2)同性恋的词性变化campn.装模作样的,夸张campvi.装模作样,做作习惯用语camp it up(1)表现出是同性恋者(2)夸张地表演现代英汉综合大辞典camp[kAmp]n.(1)营, 营地, 野营, 临时兵营, 阵营, 集团, 阵地(2)野营生活, 军营生活(3)帐篷, 露宿, [美]山中小房(4)采木区(或矿区)新兴的市镇(5)[美俚] 下流, 庸俗, 过分打扮, 忸怩作态a prisoner-of-war camp战俘营pitch a camp扎营the revolutionary camp革命阵营词性变化campvt.(1)使安营住宿(2)临时安顿The herdsmen camped themselves on the grasslands.牧民们在草原上扎营住宿。campvi.(1)露营, 露宿, 设营(2)住宿继承用法campcraft[`kAmpkrB:ft]n.露营术campfiren.营火; 营火会campground[`kAmpgraJnd]n.露营地, 营地campoutn.野营, 露营生活campsite[kAmp5saIt]n.露营地; 露营预定地campstool[`kAmpstu:l]n.轻便折凳camper[5kAmpE(r)]n.露营者; 野营车camping[`kAmpIN]n.露营, 宿营; 野营生活campy[`kAmpI]adj.(1)(同性恋者的)态度[语言, 举止]的(2)不自然的, 装模作样的习惯用语boot camp[美口]海军新兵训练中心break out of camp离开宿营地go into camp布阵gypsy camp[美俚]杂耍; 马戏in the same camp在一个阵营里, 志同道合strike [break up] camp撤营camp it up(1)装模作样; (戏)演得过火; 哗众取宠(2)故意卖弄同性恋关系; 公然展示对同性恋的爱好; 参加同性恋聚会camp out露宿; 过野营生活特殊用法acclimatization camp适应性营地approach camp旅途营地base camp大本营concentration camp集中营detention camp隔离营glacier camp冰川营地logging camp伐木工篷Pioneer summer camp少年先锋队夏令营trailer camp[美](由汽车拖的)活动住屋集中地work camp劳改所; 志愿劳动营youth camp青年营基本词义Camp[kAmp]n.坎普(姓氏)基本词义CAMP(1)=Computer Aided Maintenance Project 计算机辅助维修计划[英];(2)Computer Assisted Manual Preparation 计算机辅助手册编译;(3)Computer Assisted Menu Planning 计算机辅助日程规划;(4)Continuous Air Monitoring Project 连续大气监测计划[美];(5)Control and Monitoring Processor 控制与监督处理程序;(6)Craft Attitude Monitoring Package 飞机姿态监督器用法词典campcamp原来是“原野”(field)或“平原”(plaim)的意思,后来转义指在其上露宿的营地[七国语言]英汉电子大词典camp计算机辅助掩模制备[七国语言]英汉公共大词典camp露营美国传统词典campcamp 1AHD:[k2mp] D.J.[k#mp]K.K.[k#mp]n.(1)A place where tents, huts, or other temporary shelters are set up, as by soldiers, nomads, or travelers.(2)A cabin or shelter or group of such buildings:gathered branches and grasses
had a fishing camp in Vermont.(3)The people using such shelters:a howl that awakened the whole camp.(4)A place in the country that offers simple group accommodations and organized recreation or instruction, as for vacationing children:a girls' a tennis camp.(5)Sports A place where athletes engage in intensive training, especially preseason training.(6)The people attending the programs at such a place.(7)M army life.(8)A group of people who think al side:The council members disagreed, falling into liberal and conservative camps.v.camped, camp.ing, campsv.intr.(1)To make or set up a camp.(2)To live i settle:We camped in the apartment until the furniture arrived.v.tr.To shelte encamp:They camped themselves by a river.语源(1)Obsolete French (2)perhaps from Italian (3)or Spanish campo (4)all from Latin campus [field] 基本词义campcamp 2AHD:[k2mp] D.J.[k#mp]K.K.[k#mp]n.(1)An affectation or appreciation of manners and tastes commonly thought to be artificial, vulgar, or banal.(2)Banality, vulgarity, or artificiality when deliberately affected or when appreciated for its humor:“Camp is popularity plus vulgarity plus innocence”(Indra Jahalani)adj.Having deliberately artificial, vulgar, banal, or affectedly humorous qualities or style:played up the silliness of their roles for camp effect.v.camped, camp.ing, campsv.intr.To act in a deliberately artificial, vulgar, or banal way.v.tr.To give a deliberately artificial, vulgar, or banal quality to:camped up their cowboy costumes with chaps, tin stars, and ten-gallon hats.语源[Origin unknown] 继承用法camp“yadj.基本词义CampCampAHD:[k2mp] Walter Chauncey () D.J.[k#mp]K.K.[k#mp]NONEAmerican football coach and promoter who developed many of the sport's basic rules.英汉船舶大词典camp n.帐篷 朗文英汉综合电脑词典CAMP = Central Access Monitor Program,中央存取监督程序; = Compiler for Automatic Machine Programming, 自动机程序设计用编译程序; = Computer Applications of Military Problems, 军事问题计算机应用; = Computer-Aided Mask Production, 计算机辅助掩模生产 英汉地质大词典camp n.帐蓬,设营地,矿区 英汉法学大词典camp n.营 英汉纺织大词典camp n.大牧羊区 英汉航空大词典camp n.营,临时或半永久性的兵营 英汉化学大词典camp n.3,5环腺苷酸,环腺苷酸,营地,帐篷,阵营;vt.野营,设营 英汉进出口商品词汇大全camp 帐蓬 英汉计算机大词典camp n.营地(阵营,帐篷);vt.野营(设营) 英汉建筑大词典camp n.帐篷,帐蓬,设营地,矿区 英汉农牧林大词典camp n.环腺苷磷酸 航空英语缩写词典CAMPComputerized Aircraft Maintenance Program 计算机化飞机维修计划基本词义CAMPContinuous Air Monitoring Program 连续空中监控计划英汉消防大词典camp 营地 英汉医学大词典camp n.环化-磷酸腺甙,环磷腺苷
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dousdous 基本解释 斗dous 网络解释1. 斑鸠& & 20、 nghuab yous鸽子 | 21、 nghuab dous斑鸠 | 22、 mid nghuab 小斑鸠dous 网络例句1. One of the benefits of this device is that it produces tremen dous ion discharge. & &的好处之一是这个装置,它产生tremen dous离子放电。2. His revelations of financial corruption were lurid and highly exaggerated, but they had a trem dous impact. & &他对金融界腐化的揭发是过分渲染和高度夸张的,但确曾产生巨大影响。3. Still this processor dous not own the market but the margin on it should be good enough to give amd a piece of money so they can continue to exist i hope. & &还是这个处理器dous没有自己的市场,但是幅度就应该不够好,让amd的一这块钱,使他们能够继续存在下去,我希望。4. &Although both men had tre men dous respect for education and learning, they disagreed in what they thought was important to learn.& & &两个人都很重视教育和学习,但两人对于什么才是重要的,应该学习些什么的看法却不一致。5. One evening, Mr. Dou, Dou Dous father, arrived home after work. & &一天晚上,豆豆的爸爸豆先生下班回到家。6. Based on the analyses of Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 and still taking into account DOUs quantification function, this dissertation begins to explain some syntactic behaviors of DOU. & &在第一章和第二章分析的基础上,结合&都&的量化功能,本文从第三章到第五章讨论&都&的具体语法问题。7. In the case of oil tankers, the cargo oil s ystem and electrical installation in way of hazar dous & &i 对于油船,在危险处所内的货油系统和电器设备应检查其是否符合规范要求,对于安装了从 dous 开始单词接龙选择难度小学英语初中英语高中英语大学英语出国英语考试英语dous是什么意思,dous在线翻译,dous什么意思,dous的意思,dous的翻译,dous的解释,dous的发音,dous的同义词,dous的反义词,dous的例句,dous的相关词组,dous意思是什么,dous怎么翻译,单词dous是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2015  京ICP备号-6 disagreed的意思_百度作业帮
不同意的过去式disagree的音标|disagree的意思|disagree的用法|disagree的短语、同/反义词 - 在线英语词典
[ ˌdisə'gri: ]
动词过去式: disagreed 过去分词: disagreed 现在分词: disagreeing 第三人称单数: disagrees
v. 不一致,不适宜
1. I disagree with you on this point.&& 我不同意你的意见。
2. These two reports of the accident disagree with each other.&& 这两篇关于事故的报道不太一致。


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