with hera nod of her h...

with a nod of her head she____to me where I should sit.A showing B show C indicating D indicated_百度作业帮
with a nod of her head she____to me where I should sit.A showing B show C indicating D indicated
B 中的时态不对,而且主语是第三人称单数认领者:bigsnail
时间: 23:04
状态:翻译完成 / 未审核
Part II: A Way of Life
By Iain Manley
Laos is sparsely populated, with roughly six and a half million people scattered across a wet, mountainous north and marshy south. It covers an only slightly smaller area than the United Kingdom, but compared to its closest neighbours & Thailand, which squeezes 68 million people into a slightly larger space, and Vietnam, which packs in almost 78 million & it is all but empty. Even the single Chinese province of Yunnan, on Laos& northern border, has a population seven times larger than its neighbour&s
The economic conditions that define China&s push into Africa are not unlike conditions in Laos. It shares a place with African nations on the United Nations& list of the world&s least developed countries. It has timber and precious metals, but without bought expertise and borrowed capital, it can&t connect mine to market or even dig its copper, gold and tin out of the ground. Its roads have been improved over the last decade & mostly by Chinese and Japanese contractors & but the journey from the capital to Luang Prabang, Laos& third largest city & which is, as the crow flies, only 218 kilometres away & still takes eleven hours by bus. On the overnight buses that crawl along Laos& single-lane thoroughfares, conductors hand out plastic bags to collect passengers& at corners, the buses inch up to rock walls blasted out of the mountainside, and it can seem as if there is nowhere else to go but forward, gradually but inevitably into the rock face, until at the last moment they swing to the right or left and the potholed asphalt, wedged impossibly between mountain, thicket and the occasional wooden home, continues along its narrow course.
&由中国推动的非洲经济状况和老挝的状况相似。它和非洲国家一起在联合国的世界上最不发达国家名单中 榜上有名。它盛产木材和稀有金属,但没有买来的技术和借入资本,它无法把矿产和市场相结合 或者连铜,金和锡都挖不出来。老挝的道路已经在过去的10年里得到改善&&大部分都是由中国和日本的承包者完成的&&但是从首都到老挝的第三大城市琅勃拉邦的行程&&取捷径只要218公里远&&坐巴士也要11个小时。在慢慢爬行在老挝单行道的夜间巴士上,售票员发放塑料袋收集乘客的呕吐物;在转弯处,巴士在山坡的峭壁上蜗速前进,而且别无他路只能前进。渐渐的车不可避免的行驶至绝壁,直到最后一刻它们才急转弯。崎岖的沥青路难以置信的嵌在山,灌木丛和偶尔出现的木屋间,延伸向狭窄的远处。
时间: 23:05
状态:翻译完成 / 未审核
Vientiane is the capital of a country that has been independent for 57 years, but its scruffy shop-houses, open air markets and caf&s, with baguettes lined-up in their windows and tables straddling the pavement, still give it the feeling of a slow-moving county town in France. Tax concessions on utility vehicles have encouraged residents to buy long-bodied, four wheel drive bakkies and expats at the Hare and Hound, where Claire and I drank, bemoaned witnessing their first Laotian traffic jam, but Vientiane&s roads remained quiet, especially by Southeast Asia&s frenzied standards. The city&s population is growing slowly: almost 73,000 people moved in between 1995 and 2005, but 14,500 moved away during the same period and there are few signs of the kind of urbanisation that is changing the shape of other parts of Asia. In 2005, when the last census was taken, 92 percent of Laotians were counted in exactly the same district they were in ten years before and only 26 percent lived in urban areas.
In the lead up to the Secret War, which gave Laos the terrible distinction of being most bombed country per capita on earth, the American journalist Stanley Karnow visited the country for Life Magazine. He described an unchanging, peaceful idyll that was being sucked into the Cold War against its will. Laos, he wrote, &is an improbable little landlocked country of affable, gentle, easygoing people who would like nothing better than to be left alone.& Karnow was careful to explain, listing examples of an idealised Laotian backwardness. &Foreigners in Laos may be exasperated by primitive inefficiency and shattering inertia,& he wrote, &but as Crown Prince Savang Vatthana once told an American reporter, no Laotian has ever suffered a nervous breakdown.&
Karnow went on: &Language is a key to behaviour. The most common phrase in the local idiom, delivered with a nod of the head, is bo pen nyan. It means anything from &It doesn&t matter& to &Who cares?&&
万象是这个独立了57年的国家的首都,然而它矗立于人行道两边的破旧商店,露天市场以及陈列着法式长棍面包的餐馆,仍然给人一种慢节奏的法国县城之感。多用途车的税收优惠鼓励了居民们购买长形、四轮的箱式轻便小货车。在 Hare and Hound(我和Clair曾在这里喝过酒)的外国人们惋惜的目睹了他们的第一次老挝交通堵塞,然而万象的道路仍然是宁静的,特别是和其他东南亚城市相比。这个城市的人口增长缓慢:1995年至2005年,大约73000人搬入城里,但同时14500人搬了出去,而且与其他日新月异的亚洲城市相比,万象几乎没有城市化迹象。2005年的最后一次人口统计表明,92%的老挝人在和10年前相同的区域里被统计,只有26%的人住在市区。
在筹备秘密战争时,美国记者Stanley Karnow 为生活杂志访问了这个国家。秘密战争使老挝成为世界上人均被轰炸次数最多的地方。(注:美国中情局曾在1961年到1975年越南战争期间在老挝发动了一场&秘密战争&。美军在秘密战争期间所投掷的炸弹总数超过其整个二战期间的投掷数。)他描述了一种违背自己意愿被卷入冷战的平和的田园生活。老挝,他写道,&是一个奇异的内陆小国。这里的人民友善,温和,悠闲,只想要与世无争的生活。&Karnow小心的解释,并举出了一个落后老挝的理想例子。&在老挝的外国人可能对其原始的低效率和惊人的惰性而愤怒,&他写道,&但正如王储Savang Vatthana曾对一位美国记者所说的那样,没有一个老挝人精神崩溃过。&
Karnow继续写道:&语言是行为的钥匙。在当地方言中最普通的短语,伴随一个点头,就是bo pen nyan.它的意思涵盖了从&没关系&到&谁在乎?&&
时间: 23:26
状态:翻译完成 / 未审核
And on: &In Laos it is downright bad taste to work more than is absolutely necessary. The acquisition of wealth is considered both pointless and sinful. A man cultivates only as much land as he needs to feed everyone in his family, dividing the property into one strip for each member of the household. If a baby is born, he clears an additional strip and works it. If grandmother dies, he promptly abandons the parcel of soil that provided her food.&
Even the French had been bewitched by lazy Laos: &The French, when they controlled the country, barely made their presence felt. Most of them were thoroughly delighted by the Laotian way of life. So deeply enamoured with Laos was one French administrator, it is said, that when the Japanese occupied Indochina in 1941 he assembled his 31 Laotian concubines in his bungalow, applied a torch and carried himself and his harem to Nirvana in a blaze of glory.&
Karnow&s description fitted in well with other American portrayals of the war in Laos. The country was just one more domino that was going to topple over into communism passively, without choosing to fall, because its people chose to lead a simple life. It was tempting to continue looking at Laos through Karnow&s eyes. Other tourists we met did: they told us that shop owners had turned them away in mid-afternoon, while they were taking a nap, because money did not overly interest the people of Laos.
时间: 23:26
状态:翻译完成 / 未审核
The story, which we heard from four people on separate occasions, was always identical & it was always mid-afternoon and the shop-owner was always stretched out on a reclining chair & but we never experienced it ourselves. It was a part of the tourist lore of Laos & a relative of the urban legend, which people heard once or twice and told as their own.
这个故事我们在不同场合遇到的四个人那里都有耳闻,内容都是一摸一样的 -- 总是在午后,而且店主总会四仰八叉的躺在躺椅上 -- 但我们自己从未遇到过。它成了老挝观光客们口中的一个典故 -- 一种有关都市的传说,而这种传说一旦人们听过一两次之后,就会把它当成自己所熟知的典故口口相传。
Only, Laos was not happily stagnant. The country&s single-party government wanted Laos off the list of least developed countries by 2020 and foreign investment & in mining, transport, hydropower and, to a lesser extent, agriculture and services & was how it planned to get there. The plan was working too: Laos& economy, which neither grew nor shrunk substantially in the eighties and nineties, quadrupled in size between 2002 and 2010. Its traditional investors were Thai and Vietnamese, but last year, by investing $344 million over the course of just six months, Chinese companies had overtaken them both.
只是,老挝并非乐于停滞不前。这个国家一党制的政府筹划的是,让老挝在2020年以前退出最不发达国家的行列以及对外国投资要如何规划才能使其流向-- 像矿产,交通,水电以及相对次要一些的农业和服务业 --这样一些部门。这一筹划正在起作用:在上世纪八九十年代,老挝经济实质上处于既不增长也不衰退的停滞状态,但在年间却翻了两番。老挝传统上的投资者是泰国人和越南人,但就在去年,在仅仅六个月的时间里,中国的公司总计向老挝投资3.44亿美元,藉此一举超越前两者。
In central Vientiane, a single, gaudy building is the only clear indication of China&s close ties with its neighbour. The National Culture Hall, built by China as a gift to the people of Laos, was an oversized, concrete imitation of a Southeast Asian wat. It more closely resembled a sleazy karaoke parlour in Shanghai and towered over the Lao National Museum on the opposite side of Samsenthai Road, but it was rarely used: Laos& government had never allocated a budget to the hall, and it was only opened for passing events or shows.
时间: 10:04
状态:翻译完成 / 未审核
The scale of Chinese investment was more obvious outside the capital. In Ton Pheung, in the Golden Triangle, it was ploughing $2.25 billion into a special economic zone & a &Macau on the Mekong&, where gambling was legal and both the currency and the parallel government were Chinese. China was also an important part of Laos& plan to remake itself, by becoming the hydroelectric battery of a power-hungry region. The country is damming its abundance of rivers at a pace that is staggering and & some say & alarming: it has ten hydroelectric another seventy are either under construction, already planned or being assessed for feasibility. Chinese companies have a majority stake in at l Thai, Vietnamese, American, French and Russian companies are partners in the rest.
在首都以外地区,中国人的投资规模更显眼。 在同蜂,在金三角,有22.5亿美元投资到特别的经济区-一座&湄公河的澳门&,在那里博彩业合法,通行人民币,还有一个中国人的影子政府。中国在老挝的振兴计划中也扮演着重要的角色,成为这个电力匮乏地区的水力发电工程开发者。这个国家正在其水量充沛的诸多河流上拦河筑坝,其步伐令人惊讶,或者说,令人担忧。那里已经有10座水利电站投入运营,另有70座要不是已经规划好了的在建项目就是进行过了可行性评估。中国公司在其中20多座项目中占有多数股份;泰国、越南、美国、法国和俄罗斯的公司都只是占少数股份的参与者。
The casino city on the Mekong and the rollout of made-by-China hydroelectric plants both pale in comparison to China&s other big project in Laos: the construction of a high-speed railway that will connect Beijing to Singapore, transforming Laos, which has long been hindered by its geography, into a transport hub. Work was supposed to start this year, but in April it was postponed indefinitely. China&s injection of money into high-speed trains left loose cash flowing through the Ministry of R in February, the man in charge was sacked for corruption. In August, less than a month after two high-speed trains collided in China & killing at least 40 people and calling the whole programme into question & Thailand&s new government announced that its own rollout of high-speed railways would no longer extend to Nong Khai, on the border of Laos. Laos, which desperately wants the railway, has been left waiting and hoping, at the mercy of its richer neighbours& shifting domestic concerns.
时间: 10:45
状态:翻译完成 / 未审核
Even if the railway line through Laos is never built, Chinese investment, on top of investment from Thailand and Vietnam, will probably crowd out aid from the West, with its knit-picking emphasis on political reform, open markets and sustainability. It is another thread from the story of China&s expansion in Africa, in which hardworking immigrants from the mainland are pitted against white aid workers in white four by fours living within a white economy overseas.
At the Hare and Hound, among the mining engineers, small business owners and English teachers, aid workers were regarded with open scorn. They drank just down the road, at a bar called Sticky Fingers, but it was clear that most weren&t welcome at the gritty pub, where the landlord drank Namkhong from the bottle while his Indonesian wife served bangers and mash or shepherd&s pie. Justin, a smart, cynical regular from England, justified his dislike by describing the city&s UN volunteers. &I earn about a thousand dollars a month,& he said, &but these volunteers, they outearn me, and they get a free apartment, free phone calls & they& even get free flights home.&
&Justin had left home after being roughed up by a policeman. He was caught shooting out security cameras in London
when he refused to sign a statement, because his name had been spelt incorrectly, he was punched. Justin hated E he hated its inane pop culture and the hypocrisy of the War on Terror. In 2009, he left, came to Laos and found a job as an English teacher. He swore to Claire and me that h in Vientiane, he could live without politics and pathetic game shows, in rejection of the west.
时间: 10:52
状态:翻译完成 / 未审核
&These volunteers can&t even speak Lao,& Justin continued, &but that doesn&t really bother me. I don&t even mind that they earn so much. It&s that they have the cheek to call themselves volunteers! It&s& absurd!&
Claire and I perched ourselves at the Sticky Fingers bar counter twice, hoping to draw out the aid workers& side of the story. We met two fifty-something white men & one a senior staff member at an international NGO, the other attached to the city&s US embassy & but in our backpack-wrinkled clothes, we looked and smelt like the lowest species of foreigner in Laos, and neither took much interest in our questions. The latter denied that China&s involvement in Laos was any more substantial than America&s. &We do work here, they do work here, and that&s it,& he said, before turning away, to focus on his beer.
Claire和我在Sticky Fingers酒吧吧台坐了两回,希望能多知道些援助工作者方面的故事。我们碰见两个五十来岁的白人男性&& 一个是某国际非政府组织的高级职员,另一个受美国大使馆的委派,而我们的背包里装的却是皱巴巴的衣服,我们看起来和嗅起来就像是在老挝的最低级外国人,他们俩对我们的问题都不怎么感兴趣。(受美国大使馆委派的)那人否认了中国在老挝的参与比美国的参与更实质。&我们在努力,他们也在努力,就是这样,&他在转身离开之前说,然后就专心喝啤酒。
I sympathised with the aid workers& concerns and when drinking with them failed, I should have tried to set up a formal interview. I didn&t think they should live in penury, but I thought it was silly to call well paid people volunteers. I did start to think that perhaps every westerner in Laos & the aid workers and the tourists, as well as Justin and Karnow, the journalist from Life & was cynical about what the rush for modernity would bring. The result was that they all idealised Laotian backwardness to some extent. It was aid workers who had warned that Laos was damming its rivers too quickly, without properly studying the consequences. They wanted Laos to learn from the mistakes of industrialisation elsewhere, but it was difficult for this to sound anything but paternalistic, like a father telling his son Do what I say, not what I do & or did.
时间: 13:26
状态:翻译完成 / 未审核
Chinese people were cl they understood its pains and frustrations. There was growing resistance to development at all costs in China, but the immigrants in Vientiane were not, as yet, cynical about the fruits of modernity, and it made sense that their ideas about development, along with their cheap refrigerators, televisions and mobile phones, would more easily find a market in Laos.
The altar at Wat Si Muang is an overcrowded, asymmetrical jumble of gods, animals, plastic flowers and lucky charms. On the edges of its bottom tier, wrought iron dragon heads curl out and long elephant tusks curl in, framing five golden, seated Buddhas with hair ending in sharp, conical tips, along with a sixth, carved from stone, with the Bodhi tree in intricate relief forming a canopy over his head and gold leaf pressed into the crevices of his robe. On the upper tier, at least ten more Buddhas, both seated and standing, share space with wooden elephants and cones of woven banana leaves or pressed silver & like small, sub-tropical Christmas trees & as well as a vaguely phallic pillar wrapped in a flag, with a thick layer of gold on its tapered top.
The pillar is the altar&s centrepiece. It was put in place in 1563, when King Setthathirath transferred Laos& capital to Vientiane, and it was consecrated by human sacrifice. A pregnant volunteer named Si was said to have been placed in the hol a horse went in after her and together the woman and the animal were buried alive. Si Muang was a Buddhist temple and Setthathirath a Buddhist king, but the ritual was not recognisably Buddhist & it was a remnant of the region&s older beliefs, incorporated to propitiate older gods.
时间: 20:15
状态:翻译完成 / 未审核
There had been a Khmer shrine in the same place, dedicated to a Hindu deity, and behind the temple a part of it still stood. It was now just a pile of crumbling volcanic rocks, guarded by a stork with wide black wings and a hunchback&s stoop, but visitors still made offerings at the site, by putting food or an elaborate wreath into the spirit houses that had been set atop the rubble & or, if they thought she might answer their prayers, at the feet of a smiling, female idol in traditional dress, who I supposed might be Si.
Claire and I did not arrive at the wat intentionally. We came across it while walking back from lunch at a restaurant that served steak with chunky French fries and a red wine jus. The shrine room was busy with barefoot people our age & with men wearing jeans and women carrying smart handbags, who had left their high heels at the door. They all knelt quietly in front of the shrine, closed their eyes and bowed. Some took the religious observance seriously, flattening themselves i others only knelt for a moment, then stood up and smiled, while a friend took a photo with a mobile phone.
We sat down cross-legged behind them, enjoying the temple&s quiet gravity, and after a few minutes went outside, where a Buddhist monk sat in the shade of a tin canopy, blessing a new car. It was a white Toyota wi blue ribbons were still wedged into the passenger doors. The owner, who had probably driven it straight here from the dealership, was kneeling with four members of his family in front of the monk, all of them holding a length of rope that was wrapped at one end around the bonnet of the car. The monk was chanting in Pali, the high language of North India in the third century BC, while the family hummed along, to the lilt of ancient slokas, praying that their new investment would carry them safely along Laos& broken roads.
时间: 22:00
状态:翻译完成 / 未审核
The blessing, like the sacrifice of Si, was not a part of strict Buddhist doctrine. In India, Hindu temples list the price of pujas for a new car clearly, on signs like fast-food menus, but the ritual unfolding in front of Claire and I was more closely linked to the indigenous animism of Southeast Asia & to a belief in spirits called phi, which are benevolent as often as they are wicked and untamed & than it was to Hinduism. The monk blessing the car was also a shaman, convening with spirits, and if he properly satisfied the phi, they might lend the driver a helping hand.
Laos& kings and commissars have occasionally tried to supress animism, but its long meld with Buddhism has made the two practices difficult to pick apart, and the pillar at the centre of Wat Simuang exemplified the country&s easy going syncretism. When King Setthathirath moved his capital, he built monasteries and temples, hoping that Vientiane would become a centre of Buddhist scholarship. He wanted to reinforce his father&s ban of spirit worship and to continue his dynasty&s links with Theravada Buddhism, but the pillar was quickly adopted by animists, who saw in it a home for Vientiane&s guardian spirit. Nobody seemed to think he & or perhaps she & would mind keeping Buddha company.
When the blessing was over, another family with another new car took its place in front of the monk. Claire and I moved on, drifting through the temple compound. We played with a kitten lying in the sun outside the monks& quarters and bought small cones of homemade coconut ice-cream, sold off the back of a bicycle by a woman wearing a conical hat. We left while we ate it, and carried on towards our guesthouse in the sweaty monsoon heat.
时间: 22:00
状态:翻译完成 / 未审核
A few blocks past the temple, we noticed a marquee set up across the width of a single lane suburban road. Lao folk music set to a rudimentary electronic b when we peered up the road, wondering what sort of party was held on a Thursday afternoon, the people under the marquee beckoned for us to join them.
We approached timidly. Ten round tables had been set up all of them were piled with food & with rice noodles, shredded roast chicken, bowls of salad and clear soup. The gates of the home adjoining the marquee were wide open. In its dusty, pebble-filled courtyard people were dancing, some of them barefoot, or singing karaoke, warbling into a microphone with its volume set high.
&Would you like to join us?& asked a man with a grey-flecked moustache set above wide, pink lips. The strip of facial hair was sparse but carefully cultivated, and it made his round, friendly face look distinguished, like a schoolteacher&s while speaking to a favourite student.
&&Um, yes & if that&s okay,& I replied.
Two cha as soon as we sat, tall glasses of ice were put in front of us and filled with Beer Laos. The man with the moustache introduced himself along with the two men sitting beside him, who did not speak English as well. He was called Ae; the older of his friends was the owner of the property and the younger, who was babbling drunkenly to us in Lao, was the owner&s brother. Two women had been sitting at the table, but they had leapt up when we arrived, to fetch beers and plates for our food.
时间: 23:21
状态:翻译完成 / 未审核
After asking Ae to translate their invitation to eat, one had gone off to join in the dancing and the other had sat down next to me with her dog, which she fed scraps from the table. Ae introduced her too: she was the owner&s wife and had, he said, prepared all of the food in front of us.
&&Bottoms up!& the owner instructed, giggling at his own English. We slugged our beers and they were immediately topped up, raising vapour from the big chunks of ice.
&&What are you celebrating?& Claire asked.
&&My friends have built a new house. It&s over there,& Ae replied, pointing at an unpainted brick structure without windows, set beside the same courtyard as the main house. &It isn&t finished yet, but today is a very good day to have a & how do you say & a housewarming?&
&Ae explained that the new house was for the younger brother and his family. They had lived in the main house, but could at last afford to live separately, a step or two removed from the elder brother&s authority. It was a cause for celebration I could understand and it helped me empathise with the younger brother&s gleeful stumbling between our table and the courtyard & where he would sing badly, forgetting most of the words & but there was another explanation for the party, with which I was not yet familiar. Ae didn&t use the word, but by describing the party to expats at the Hare and Hound, Claire and I learnt that we had joined a baci. It was closely related to the animist ritual we had witnessed at the temple. The monk was missing, but the eldest brother had acted as shaman here, before we arrived, and in the threads tied around every attendee&s wrist, there was another echo of Hinduism: they held the thirty-two essential spirits called to the body during a baci in place, just as they helped preserve the benefits of a puja in India.
Ae解释说新房是给弟弟一家建的。他们以前住在主屋,但现在有能力单独出去住了,这也是摆脱哥哥权威的步骤之一。这是我所能理解的庆祝原因,这也令我同情起在餐桌和院子之间开心的蹒跚而行的哥哥。哥哥唱歌很糟糕,还忘词。但这次聚会还有另一个我不熟悉的原因。Ae没有用专有词语来说明,而只是向Hare and Hound的外国人描述了这个聚会,克莱尔和我了解到我们参加了一个 拴线仪式。(注:拴线仪式英语写成baci,是老挝独有的仪式,在仪式中,守护魂通过手腕上系的白色或橙色线附身保护贵宾,老挝人普遍将这种一时称为su khwan,意思是&招魂&。)这和我们在寺庙里看见的万物有灵论仪式有密切关系。在我们来之前,没有僧人,哥哥就装作巫师,每个出席者手腕上都系着线绳,这反映了印度教的一面:他们在栓线仪式上拴住身体32魂,就像在印度 人们用普迦仪式祈福。
时间: 02:09
状态:翻译完成 / 未审核
&Ae did tell us that on Laos& Buddhist calendar the day was considered auspicious. Although the house was weeks and maybe months from being finished, I accepted his explanation, but later, as Claire and I moved through Laos and came across bacis again and again, on a succession of similarly auspicious days, I started to suspect that the two brothers were just impatient for a party on a work day. The ritual was, after all, a perfect excuse.
While we sat talking to Ae, other guests came over to introduce themselves by vigorously shaking our hands. Some broug when they did, the elder brother took charge, happily exclaiming &Bottoms up!& and draining his glass. Others wanted us to dance with them. We declined a few times, but eventually & when refusing started to seem rude & we gave up and reluctantly made our into the courtyard. My giggling audience was lucky: dancing in Laos did not require much movement. Everybody shuffled slowly on a single spot, saving their concentration for their hands, which they moved through graceful spirals with index fingers and thumbs touching. W when the younger brother started to insist we sing, thrusting the microphone into our hands, we retreated to the table and continued our conversation with Ae. I asked how he had learnt to speak English so well.
&&I studied economics in Germany,& he said, &and I learnt a little bit there, but mostly I learnt German. My German is still better. When I did my master&s degree in Thailand, I needed English for my research.&
时间: 14:55
状态:翻译完成 / 未审核
&I was surprised. Other than his moustache, Ae had no noticeable pretensions. He wore a shirt made from course, traditional fabric, with big buttons and strips of tinsel woven into it in horizontal lines. The setting of the party was basic and the food simple but tasty. It was not where I expected to bump into one of the 403 Laotians that hold master&s degrees from foreign universities. Ae now worked at Soci&t& G&n&rale, as a consultant on the environmental impact of large development projects. The owner of the property turned out to work for the electricity board. Ae had met him in Germany, where they were students together.
&We tried to quiz Ae about development in Laos. When I asked about urbanisation, he told us that there was no rush to live and work in the city, and that the reverse was just as common & friends of his were leaving Vientiane, to lead simpler, village lives & but the setting did not suit intellectual discussion, mostly because the elder brother was trying to keep up, with his limited English, while making sure that our glasses were regularly filled up & and regularly emptied. I took Ae&s mobile number and, by calling and sending him texts, tried to arrange an interview. At first he made excuses, but eventually, after my fourth or fifth attempt, he stopped responding. He didn&t say it, but I assumed that talking to us about politics was a problem. Other people in Vientia they went quiet when we asked even vaguely contentious questions. Although Laos did not feel like a police state, and I don&t remember seeing a single policeman during my two weeks in Vientiane, it was clear that talking to writers might cause trouble. A local spoke to us openly only once, when we promised him anonymity.
时间: 11:21
状态:翻译完成 / 未审核
The party ended at around six, when the sun started to go down. There was a last song reserved for the elders, who slow-danced in pairs, and after it the last of the guests dispersed. Pouring our beers over ice had prevented us from getting completely drunk, but we were both well past tipsy, as were our hosts. Ae insisted on giving us a lift to our guesthouse, and after we had vowed to visit the owner of the property again one day, we climbed into Ae&s four by four and left, driving down Lan Xang Avenue, past a triumphal arch nicknamed &the vertical runway&, because it had been built with an American donation of money and cement intended for an airport, and to the corner of Rue Saigon, where we got out.
聚会在六点左右太阳开始落山的时候结束。最后一首曲子是留给长者的,他们会结伴跳着节奏舒缓的舞蹈,当舞曲结束时,客人们就散开回家了。把啤酒浇在冰块上有效地防止了我们完全喝醉,但是我们还是都有了醉意,就像招待我们的聚会主人一样。 AE坚持要开车送我们回旅馆,我们在登上他的小轿车前发誓将再回来看望他们,沿着来兰万象大道一路驶去,我们路过了绰号&的垂直跑道&的凯旋门,这个名字来源于建造这座建筑的经费和水泥都是美国捐赠的,这些经费和水泥本来是要用于在西贡的角落里建造一座机场的。
The Frenchman who had postponed his departure again and again, until three years later he was still at Syri I, was sitting outside the guesthouse, drinking a beer with the receptionist, Mr B. We said hello and walked inside, to find a lady-boy employee mincing between the television and the reception desk in tiny denim shorts, trying to control the owners& young son and daughter.
Syri I and its sister guesthouse, Syri II, were both family owned. The children&s mother handled the day to day management of our guesthouse and her husband, who we only saw on a few occasions, took care of the other property. It seemed like a happy balance of responsibility, but after speaking to the couple, I began to suspect that they both took orders from the children&s paternal grandmother, the family&s matriarch. Neither Claire nor I ever met her, but we were told that she was born in Vientiane to immigrants from Guangdong in southern China and had married a Laotian. Her son, the manager of Syri II, had never learnt to speak Chinese, but there were still links between the family and their relatives on the mainland, who visited occasionally.
Syri I 的姊妹分店是Syri II,两个店面都是归家庭所有。孩子们的母亲每天处理旅馆的日常管理并照顾她的丈夫,她的丈夫我们只见过几面而已,他平时在照管家中的其他财产。这似乎是一个幸福的平衡的责任分配,但是在我和这对夫妻交流过之后,我开始怀疑,他们都接受孩子的奶奶,就是这个家庭的女家长的命令。无论是克莱尔还是我都没有见过她,但我们得知,她出生在老挝首都万象一个来自南中国广东省的华人移民家庭,后来嫁给了一个老挝人。她的儿子,Syri II的经理,从来都不会说中文,但是仍然和中国大陆的亲戚和家人保持着联系,他们偶尔会来探望他
时间: 11:21
状态:翻译完成 / 未审核
On the grandmother&s insistence, the children were going to a Chinese primary school in the city, and she planned to send them to high school in China. We tested their Mandarin once or twice by saying nǐhǎo when they ran past, but the son only looked at us with incredulity, while the daughter, who was the youngest, went to hide from these white, Chinese speaking giants behind the nearest doorframe.
Their father had different plans: he wanted to send them to be educated in the US, where he had lived for twenty years, joining in exile a full ten percent of Laos& population, which had fled the country in 1975, after the Vietnam-backed Pathet Laos came to power. The most urgent refugees were people with links to the former regime, but they had traders among them too, who were worried about their future in a communist state. For Chinese immigrants, the situation deteriorated further in 1979, after the Sino-Vietnamese War broke out. Laos& government bowed to pressure from its closest ally and severed ties with China. The relationship was only normalised ten years later 1989, when Laos started to open up its economy. The children&s father, who had been living in Hawaii, returned to Vientiane that same year.
In a second hand bookstore nearby, I had found a book called Letters from Thailand. It was novel in the form of letters written by a Chinese immigrant in Bangkok to his mother, who he had left in his village without saying goodbye. The immigrant clutched stubbornly onto his heritage and & with the full weight of his paternal authority & tried to impose a Chinese way of life on his children. It was no use: they adopted Thai dress, took Thai names, married into Thai families, and felt more comfortable speaking and writing Thai.
I thought the matriarch of the Syri family might tell a similar story about her parents. She might have been softened by Lao culture, but it was clear that she retained her Chinese heritage and wanted her grandchildren to inherit it. The altar at Syri I&s reception desk contained the animist and Theravada idols of Laos& Buddhism as well as the grim guardians of Mahayana Buddhism in China, and when I passed by on my way in and out, it reminded me of how Laos& first wave of Chinese immigrants had changed. It was a domestic equivalent of the syncretic altar at Wat Simuang, adapted & with its offerings of sticky rice and bright yellow bananas & to a different climate.
我想可能Syri家族的女家长能告诉我们关于她的父母类似的故事。他可能已经被老挝文化同化了,但很明显,她保留了她的中国传统文化,并希望她的孙子继承。 Syri家的供桌上摆放的偶像包含的万物有灵宗教的偶像和老挝上座部佛教的偶像,以及中国大乘佛教的偶像,当我在门口进进出出的时候,他时时刻刻提醒着我中国的第一批移民是怎样被老挝当地的文化改变的。老挝的产品的糯米饭和鲜黄色的香蕉 - 这是一个不同的气候。
In Bangkok, the author of a book about the city&s history had talked to me about how Thais & like Laotians & were disparaged elsewhere in Asia. They were called a soft race, unlike the hard-bitten people of China and Vietnam, but on a trip to the latter, the author&s Vietnamese colleague had reflected on the advantages of a soft, pliant approach to change. Thailand gave way to the gunboat diplomacy of Britain and France, ceding land but retaining its sovereignty. It established an uneasy alliance with Japan during WWII and accepted that America would use it as a base during the Vietnam War. It accommodated larger powers to a point and, by doing so, avoided the worst ravages of modern history. The author&s colleague felt that this soft, flexible approach & a diplomacy reminiscent of water, which follows the line of least resistance & was why Thailand&s economy was now ten or twenty years ahead of Vietnam&s, with its traditions and culture intact.
在曼谷,一本关于这座城市历史的书籍的作者和我谈过关于泰国人 -与 老挝人一样 - 被亚洲的其他民族所贬损。他们被称为软的种族,不同于中国人和越南人那样的硬骨头,但后者在旅途中,作者的同事向我反映了柔软的好处。泰国让位给了英国和法国的炮舰外交,割让土地,但保存了其主权。他们与日本在二战期间建立了一个不稳定的联盟,并在越南战争期间接受了美国使用它作为一个基地的要求。他们一四两拨千斤的外交智慧,避免了现代历史上最严重的摧残。笔者的同事认为,这种软的,灵活的外交方法让人联想到水。水总是遵循阻力最小的路线 。这就是为什么泰国的经济在领先现在的越南十几二十年,但其文化却更加传统和完整。
时间: 11:22
状态:翻译完成 / 未审核
The same period, with the same currents, had not been as kind to Laos, but a liquid adaptability did characterise its people. The tributaries of the Mekong that bend through the country&s highlands gnaw at rocks and erode riverbanks, but also carry their silt, and Laos& culture resembled the muddy but fertile result. It was a solution of indigenous and imported beliefs that found a way around obstacles more often than it pushed against them, and perhaps it was no accident that dams were central to the government&s plans for development. Hydroelectric dams, with their product of electric power, capture something of the essence of modernity. They disrupt earlier ways of life, forcing people to relocate, and stamp man&s mastery on nature. In China, the government was damming its culture with as much energy as it was damming its rivers. It had even used the metaphor, giving the name Green Dam Youth Escort to censorship software it wanted installed on every new computer.
The way of life that Chinese immigrants brought to Vientiane before 1949 had been eroded slowly and carried into the diffusion of Lao culture. They were regarded with suspicion by their successors, who came out of the mainland proudly and planned to return. &They left for bad reasons,& said a Chinese DVD seller I spoke to, with Japanese porn among his Hollywood counterfeits. Although his shop was only a few metres from the restaurant where the old Chinese community met every morning, he didn&t know any of its clients. He didn&t want to, because they did not fit into his narrow goal: quick profit and a prosperous homecoming. I imagined that when the Syri matriarch&s parents arrived, they had brought narrow goals too, and that if the DVD seller stayed long enough, he might also be unwittingly changed. I couldn&t be sure: the two generations had departed from different Chinas and arrived in different Laos, but I thought that the answer might lie in the balance struck between dam and deluge, obstruction and flow.
1949年以前中国移民带到万象的中国文化已经被慢慢侵蚀并逐渐被融合进了老挝的文化。他们的继承者,那些从大陆出来现在荣归故里的新移民,对此持怀疑态度。 &他们因为不好的原因离开&一位和我交谈的贩卖DVD的华裔商人说道。他将日本色情电影混在盗版好莱坞电影中出售。虽然他的店铺距离华人社区里面的居民每天早上见面吃早茶的饭店只有几米之遥,但是他并不认识他的客户。他也并不希望认识他的客户,因为他的目标很有限,那就是快速的赚钱然后回家。我想象中的Syri女学生家长赶到这里时,他们也同样带来了有限的目标,如果DVD商人停留足够长的时间,他也可能在不知不觉中改变。我不能肯定的是:不同的两代人离开的是不同的中国,到达的是不同的老挝,但我想,答案可能在于大坝、洪水,阻塞和流水之间的平衡。
时间: 23:02
状态:翻译完成 / 未审核


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