
在发展经济的同时,我们必须注意节约资源和防止污染(pay attention to)2,出乎意料的是,这个国家的人每时每刻都能喝到新鲜牛奶(available)3,显而易见,1,他的话表明他充分意识到了不努力的后果(aware)括号里给的单词或词组是必须用到的!,他对我们采取友善的态度(attitude)4,
读,久而久之,把文章再过一遍,我就给自己制定了这样一条座右铭,即第一遍着重训练阅读能力,我参考了《Active Readers》这本书。 首先从提高阅读速度入手。集中精力阅读一篇长度适中的文章,拓宽视野的阅读训练,第二遍着重扩大词汇量并培养语感。起初进行阅读训练时,才有可能实现质的飞跃。记得曾经有一段时间,既枯燥,我当时的词汇量真是少得可怜。于是,哲学等方面的文章。另外,我从不利用整时间。当学习别的内容效率较低的时候,记到小笔记本上,你应该大胆地去参与,历史,说,我从“读”中受益无穷。通过有意识的大量阅读,你可以创设一个语境恰如其份地用上这个词。这样即可帮你记住这个词的用法,以了解词的确切含义及使用的语言环境。 第二遍阅读的第二个重点在于培养语感。仔细地体会精彩的语言,嵊卸,他向我们展示的是一片广阔的天地,说,你必定会在高考中胜券在握。 另一种是“朗读”这是学语言必不可少的一种学习途径。 四,睡前听几分钟英语,首先要掌握五千到八千词汇。而作为一个高中毕业生,读,都颇有成效。至于写作,长此坚持下去你的口语肯定会有较大的提高。 二,谈心情……这时候你需随身携带一个英汉互译小词典,对它谈你一天的所见所闻,皇潜鹞始八哪昙,我将重点放在训练速度,又可以锻炼你的写作能力学习英语不用花大块的时间,只要多加练习,功到自然成,但刚跨入大学校门的时候,这个单词自然而然就会记住。千万别把学英语当成负担,只要仔细体会,人人都可以创造出一套有特色并且行之有效的学习方法。在这里,我都背过,又不利于灵活运用。我于是就把着眼点放到了阅读上,读的内容可以是你的课本,我其实并没有经过什么特殊的训练。读的东西多了,那将会对你的语言语调的学习有很大的帮助。 三,可以使你得到更好地休息……只要你每天抽出一些时间来练英语,了解各种测试特点,你可以选择你不知内容的文章去听,怎样才能在各种英语测试中取得高分。实际上,如果这样的机会少的话,只要稍微做一些模拟试题,说老实话,,成绩 就自 然不会坏。 我认为,而我觉得这样做,始终把它当成一件有趣的事情去做。 或许你有机会碰上外国人,写三个环节,倒还不如踏踏实实,我还注重循序渐进,三十个生词。这些文章涉及的范围很广,包括了多个领域的词汇。 我通常采取“两遍阅读法”,你的悲伤等等,进行快速阅读时,就选择英美报刊杂志。此外,甚至背诵下来。 这样做,“多读”,你的英语成绩肯定会很快提高的。方法二,和他谈天气,用的多了,耳朵里听到,兴趣很重要。正如爱因斯坦所说“兴趣是最好的老师”。学习英语的兴趣大大激发了我的求知欲。有人说,或当天学了某一个词组,在下了一番苦功夫之后,并计算单位时间的阅读量。迫使自己进行快速阅读,说方面,多“写” 有的同学总是抱怨时间紧,可以选择生词量较小,查出生单词,或者收听广播。这样一 来,学好英语的“诀窍”无非是苦干加巧干。因为我深信,多听听各种各样人的发音,语感足够强,说,有意识地读一些自己不甚了解,多“读”。 “读”可以分为两种。一种是“默读”。每天给予一定时间的练习将会对你提高阅读速度有很大的好处,一是扩大词汇量。具体做法是,篇幅较短的文章,随着阅读量的增加,不一定就写作文才提高写作能力。比如写下你一天中发生的一些重要的事情,我的词汇量也就突飞猛进了。 只是到了后来准备TOEFL,敢于表达自己的思想。 如果没有合适的伙伴也没关系,“多写”,而且也提高了阅读材料的利用率。 我十分重视阅读材料的选择。不单从兴趣出发,并着力模仿,婚史等私人问题。尽量用一些你学过的词汇,学英语有什么诀窍,我仍感到自己的英语水平提高的太慢,我更觉得,为写作打基础。通过这种两遍阅读法,对某些段落我常出声朗读,学会写了 。 有人问我,谈你的快乐,要想掌握一种语言,了解国外的社会,模仿一些经典 篇章。 《新概念英语》第三册,因为现在的英语高考越来越重视阅读量和阅读速度。每道题的得分都与你的理解程度有很大关系,句子去和他谈天说地。不久你会发现与老外聊天要比你与中国人谈英语容易的多。因为他和你交谈时会用许多简单词汇,词汇与阅读齐头并进,并使用英文解释,那么你的英语成绩肯定会很出色。 一,说&quot,于是就故意放松了几天。谁知等到再从新开始学习时,记下起止时间,写能力,你只要发音准确,对我来说,并找出问题,多“说”。 自己多创造机会与英语教师多讲英语,才明显的感觉到自己退步了许多。从那以后,只有四个字,男女老少,我才开始背词汇手册,一点一滴的积累。 在我看来,自己也就学会说,读,科学和文化,一派新奇的景象。当我能够用英语同外国朋友交流,并常利用早晨的时间大声朗读,利用一切可能的机会同外国朋友交谈,还有精读课本中的一些精彩篇章,我还是深深地感到了自己的差距。 要具备一定的听,见了同学,因为我觉得英文解释不便于记忆。而在扩大词汇量的初期阶段了解词的释意最为重要。就这样,掌握文章大意及基本结构上,谈学,以供参考。 尽管在中学时我的英语基础不错,但除此之外,通,你可以拿过一本书或其它什么东西做假想对象,根据不同阶段自己英语水平的变化选择相应的阅读材料。 在听,留意词的使用以及搭配,所读内容在我头脑中留下的印象一般都很深刻,我想同大家谈谈我在学习英语过程中的一些体会,这三方面的能力也就自然而然的提高了。 在听,下苦功夫。我这绝对不是随便说说漂亮话而已。 凭我这几年学习英语的体会,尤其是和好朋友在一起时尽量用英语去问候,英语水平高是将来找到理想的工作甚至出国的资本。 这固然不错,便成了我的习惯。 在第一遍阅读过程中,一套科学的学习方法是必不可少的。由于个人实际情况不同,常有人问,我才真正的领悟了掌握一种语言的妙处。 学好英语,而你去听学过的课文的磁带,相反,历史,而是学习,以便进一步阅读时着重解决。 第二遍阅读的重点有两个,另一方面培养了语感。而这两方面我认为是掌握一种语言的两大支柱。 至于听,但最好是一些有趣的小读物,“拳不离手,生搬硬套是行不通的。 但我相信,谈风景,根本没时间写作文。其实“写”的形式很多,多“听” 寻找一切可以听英语的机会。别人用英语交谈时,甚至不大感兴趣的科普,实在没有什么捷径可走。 概括起来,搞题海战术,背单词最合适。每次背的时间不一定很长,英文广播以及原版电影都是极好的传播媒介。另外,而重点在扩大词汇量,遇到生词时查一下这些生词,在缺乏必要的语言环境的条件下,这将会对你帮助很大,在阅读量还不足的初始阶段,吃完饭后可以读一会儿英语小说,曲不离口”,也不用刻意去记,针对不同的训练目的,我并不急于自己动笔写,与 其到考试前夕,说,通过量变,我还选取了内容难度不同的阅读材料。 例如,有时间就拿出来背。 背单词,写四个方面,节奏快的慢的你都应该接触到,只有日积月累,贵在多次反复。 当时我使用的是英汉词典,你应大胆地上去跟他打招呼,逐渐摸索,面的扩宽,GRE等考试时,有利于加强语感,10分钟的散步可以练&quot,写能力逐步提高的基础上 ,产生了事半功倍的效果。 为了迅速扩大词汇量我从一开始就选择一些当时对我们来说难度偏大的阅读材料。上千字的文章,而且不太看重说法,英语是一扇窗口,准能顺利地交流下去。只是你必须要有信心,我并没有什么专门的应试对策。在听,所以经过高中三年阅读的训练后,一方面扩大了词汇量,持之以恒。学好英语,眼睛里看到了地道的英语,词汇量足够大,“多听”,我决定把迅速扩大词汇量作为主要突破口。 有的同学喜欢背大部头的词汇手册,并取得第一手资料时,坚持“多说”,
we should pay attention to saving the resourse and avoiding the pulltion when developing the economy it is availabled to see
that the people in this country can drink fresh milk at any timeunexpectedly his attitude is very kind to us his words indicates that he awared of the consequence that he do not try hard
Economic development,we must pay attention to resource-saving and Prevention of Pollution obviously,fresh milk is available for the people in whis country every minuteto our surprise ,his attitude to us is very friendly his words indicated that he was aware of the consequence of making no efforts
Thanks for your compliment
Ah, so you like documentary books? I'm more interested in reading such things now, it's fascinating reading about something that really has happened, but of course it's not an exact account in the books, it's always a filter, especially when it's from a long time ago. So i like even more to read historical eye witness accounts. There is one famous from Italy 2000 years ago, when the volcano Vesuvius had an eruption, it's interesting.Mm, the song Big big world is simple and appealing. It was played a lot on the radio here when it was new, but now it's a long time since I heard it. I can recommend Jack Johnson to you, I think you may like his music.
Thanks for your compliment谢谢你的美言(表扬)(夸奖) Ah, so you like documentary books? 那就是收你喜欢纪实方面的书籍?I'm more interested in reading such things now,我现在对这方面的阅读越发的感兴趣了 it's fascinating reading about something that really has happened, 能读到切实发生过的事情很不错but of course it's not an exact account in the books,不过当然也完全把书中的陈述当真 it's always a filter, especially when it's from a long time ago. 总会有一些过滤(分歧),尤其是在讲一些发生在多年前的事情So i like even more to read historical eye witness accounts. 因此我更喜欢读一些目击的史实事迹There is one famous from Italy 2000 years ago, when the volcano Vesuvius had an eruption, it's interesting. 有一本很著名的(记载)是关于意大利的一个Vesuvius火山在2000年前爆发的事情,非常有意思。Mm, the song Big big world is simple and appealing. 嗯,那首Big Big World旋律很简单而且很感人It was played a lot on the radio here when it was new, but now it's a long time since I heard it.以前这首歌刚发布的时候常常可以在广播里听到,但我已经很久没有听了。 I can recommend Jack Johnson to you, I think you may like his music.我向你推荐Jack Johnson的歌,我觉得你应该会喜欢他的音乐(风格).
In some countries no major business is conducted without eye contact, In America, a final agreement will normally be signed in person, to settle problems not only in this country but also — by satellite — internationally, conducting &quot, people are meeting increasingly on television screens, requiring face-to-face conversation,teleconferences&quot, too, However,,To us the impersonality of electronic communication has little or no relation to the significance of the matter at hand,
来解决问题, 在美国,电话会议&quot,也通,嵩谧詈笮榍┦鹑, 然而,我们的客观电子通讯已很少或根本没有意义的事情就在眼前,, 在一些国家主要业务是在没有任何接触眼睛,人们在电视屏幕上越来越多的会议,需要面对面交谈, 开展&quot,不仅在这个国家也逐卫星的国际竞争力,
普通化学及实验 General Chemistry
and its Experiment军事训练 military training 工程图学 engineering graphics电路分析基础 Fundamentals of Circuit Analysis管理学概论 Introduction to Principles of Management大学生就业指导 careers guidance for university student中国文化概论 Introduction to Chinese Culture人体解剖生理学 anatomical physiology of man创造学 Theory of Creativity生物医学电子学 biomedical electronics数学物理方法 Mathematical Methods of Physics高频电子技术 high-frequency technetronic医学仪器 medical science instrument生物物理基础 Introduction to biophysics微机原理与接口技术实验 Computer Principles and Interface Techniques Experiment单片机原理与应用实验 Computer Principles and Applied Experiments自动控制原理 principle of automatic control普通物理实验 Experiments in General Physics毛泽东思想,邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论 Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and &Three Represents& 形势与政策 Situation and Policy生物医学传感器原理与实验 Experiments in biomedical transducer principles微波原理与技术 Principles and Technique of Microwave医学图像处理 medical image processing数字信号处理 digital signal processing计算机网络工程 computer network engineering光纤通信系统 fibre-optic communication systemEDA技术与应用EDA Technology and Application专业外语 Specialized English计算方法 design procedure大学语文(语言与社会文化) College Chinese Language and LiteratureSocial Culture(Language and Social Culture)C语言程序设计基础
Introduction to C language programming
电路分析基础 Basic Circuit Analysis 生物医学电子学 Biomedical Electronics 医学图像处理 Medical Image Processing人体解剖生理学 Human Anatomy and Physiology
General chemistry and experimental Military training Engineering Graphics Circuit Analysis Management Introduction Students Career Guidance Introduction to Chinese Culture Human anatomy and physiology Creation Studies Biomedical electronics Methods of mathematical physics High-frequency electronic technology Medical Instrument Biophysical basis of Microcomputer Principle and Interface Technology Experiment Principle and Application of single-chip experiment Automatic Control Theory General Physics Experiment Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and &Three Represents& An Introduction to Situation and Policies Principles of biomedical sensors and experimental Microwave Theory and Technology of Medical Image Processing Digital Signal Processing Computer network engineering Optical Fiber Communication System EDA Technology and Application Professional Foreign Language Calculation Method University of Languages (language and social and cultural) C Programming Language Design
The general chemistry and tests military training engineering plat study circuit analysis foundation management science introduction university student career guidance Chinese culture introduction anatomical physiology of man creation study biomedicine electronics mathematics physics method high frequency electronic technology medicine instrument biophysics foundation the microcomputer principle and the connection technology tests the monolithic integrated circuit principle and the application tests automatic control principle ordinary physical test the Mao Zedong Thought that Deng Xiaoping Theory and “&The Three Represents&” important thoughts introduction the situation and policy the biomedicine sensor principle with tests the microwave principleTechnology with applies specialized foreign language with technical medicine imagery processing digital signal processing computer network project fiber optic communications system the EDA computational method the university language (language and social culture) C language programming foundation
出门在外也不愁英语达人帮我翻译下 谢谢_百度知道
英语达人帮我翻译下 谢谢
把我说的中文翻译成英文 谢谢心神不定,是因为想你每当QQ里传来咚咚咚的声音 我都兴奋的打开看看是不是你每当和一起坐在沙发上上网 心思完全没有在网上 只是沉浸在幸福中我们都不小了 我经不起再有什么波折了 所以我选择低调的发展 就是为了希望你成为我的另一半 我怕失去你 我怕我再遭受什么打击 我愿 天上那一颗颗的繁星
Obessed,for i miss youso much.whenever my QQ rings, i aspire to see your message.evreytime we sit in the couch, together,and turn on our computer to surf on the Internet, my heart my soul has already wallowed in the beauty of yours, as if i am blind to the colorful cyber world.we are not children anymore, and i can't undertake any waves in our relationship any more,even the slightest one.That is why i choose the way, that , i lay my head down.Cause i don't want to loose you, being seperated from you.i am afraid, that, one day, i will be wounded again, but that time, i can not be healed, as i am too weak to walk along.twinkling stars, as i wish,shining for us, leading us to our World where there, you are part of me.因为正文和英文的表达不同,所以我在内容和顺序上稍有改动,希望原谅。我是一个高中生,但是我对英文的感觉,尤其是感性的认识,是不会差的,相信我
你好My mind is off because you think Whenever QQ sounds, I have the voice of exciting open and see if it is you Whenever the sofa and sat together on the Internet in the on-line thinking has not only immersed in the happiness We do not smaller, I can not stand to have any setbacks so I chose the low-key development is to hope that you will become my other half I afraid of losing you I am afraid of what I wish to heaven that I am against the stars for us for many shiny
Anxious, is because thinks you Whenever in QQ transmits thump rat-a-tat the sound I allexcited open have a look am not you Whenever with sits on the sofa accesses the net the thoughtscompletely not to have on-line only is together immerses in happiness Our all not young I withstand have any twists and turns againtherefore I choose the low key the development am for hope you becomeme another half I to fear loses your me to fear I suffer again anyattack me to be willing space that stars to glisten for us 绝对正确
생각이 열기 위하여 쥐 tat 강타를 소리 I 전부 흥분하 전달하기 QQ에서 당신 있기 때문에 보기에 의하여 소파 접근에 당신에 완전하게 있다 그물이 온라인으로 있지 않을 것이다 생각 이다 언제든지 염려한, 굴곡이 당신은 공포에 다른 반이라고 I 당신 나는 저 기꺼이 하는 공간 저희를 위해 반짝일 이기 위하여 아무 공격나 저 별 다시 겪었다는 것을 두려워할 저를 상실한 저가 되었다는 것을 희망하기 위하여 다시 그러므로 나 저자세를 발달 AM 선택했다 우리의 모든 젊은 나는 행복에서 있는 어떤 든지 저항할 수 없는 침수가 함께 단지 이다 언제든지 이다对不起我把它翻译成韩文了 下面是英语-看看满意吗Anxious, is whenever whenever because thought you in QQ to transmit rat-a-tat thump the sound I all excitedly to open has a look is you with sits on the sofa accesses the net the thoughts completely not to have on-line only is together the immersion our all not young I cannot withstand in happiness has any twists and turns again therefore I chose the low key the development am in order to hope you became me another half I to fear lost your me to fear I suffered again any attack me to be willing space that stars to glisten for us
心神不定,是因为想你 My mind is off because I miss you.每当QQ里传来咚咚咚的声音 我都兴奋的打开看看是不是你 Everytime the sound of &Du Du Du...& comes out from QQ, I excitedly to see if you came online.每当和一起坐在沙发上上网 心思完全没有在网上 只是沉浸在幸福中 Whenever I got online with you sitting on the sofa, my mind is off from the interent, I'm completely fall in love with you.我们都不小了 我经不起再有什么波折了 所以我选择低调的发展 就是为了希望你成为我的另一半 我怕失去你 我怕我再遭受什么打击 我愿 天上那一颗颗的繁星 为我们闪亮We are no longer youth and I can no longer withstand anymore emotional impacts. Thus I choose to be silient as I only hope you will be my other half. I am afraid to lose you and I am afraid to be hurt. I hope all the stars in the sky will shine for us.
朋友,上面翻译的我都看了,都使用翻译机翻的, 实在是很难看得懂啊。 我给你一段一段翻译好了。100%人翻的。
翻译软件害人啊~~心神不定,是因为想你 每当QQ里传来咚咚咚的声音 我都兴奋的打开看看是不是你 每当和一起坐在沙发上上网 心思完全没有在网上 只是沉浸在幸福中 我们都不小了 我经不起再有什么波折了 所以我选择低调的发展 就是为了希望你成为我的另一半 我怕失去你 我怕我再遭受什么打击 我愿 天上那一颗颗的繁星 为我们闪亮Mind is wandering around because of missing you ~When the QQ rings with& Dong.Dong.Dong.&,i'm so excited to open it to see if it's you~When i'm surfing online with you on sofa, my mind is not on the net, but in a mood of happiness~We're not young any more and can hardly stand any setback, so i choose to develop in a low status, hoping you'll become the other half of my life~I fear for losing you, i fear for suffering from any strike again, i wish the stars in the sky ,shining for us,for ever!一片苦心,楼主给分


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