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South Korea has offered about 10,000 tons of corn to North Korea, in what would be the first official aid to its hungry neighbor for almost two years. The South also offered 20 tons of milk powder and medicine for children, pregnant women and other vulnerable(脆弱的) people, its unification ministry said. The proposed shipmen would be through the Red Cross. It would be the first official one since a conservative government came to power in Seoul in February 2008. The South Korean administration of President Lee Myung-bak has linked major assistance to progress on denuclearisation.
However, after months of bitter hostility, the communist North began making peace overtures(提议,提案) to the South in recent months. Persistent media reports have also said the two sides have held preliminary talks about a possible summit.
The amount of food aid on offer is tiny relative to the needs in what the United Nations recently described as the famine-hit North. A third of North Korean women and young children are malnourished(营养不良的) and the country will run short of almost 1.8 million tons of food this year, the United Nations World Food Program said in a report last month. The unification ministry admitted it was far less than needed but said the North must mend relations before shipments could be increased.
"We cannot say 10,000 tons is sufficient in view of North Korea's food shortage and other conditions," said ministry spokeswoman Lee Jong-Joo. "We are providing purely humanitarian aid," she said.
"There is no change in our position that massive food aid depends on how relations between the two Koreas develop," she said. North Korea has yet to respond to the latest offer, made through the Red Cross. But Yonhap news agency said it was likely co-ordinated in advance before the announcement.
Last year the South offered 50,000 tons of corn, but the North rejected the shipment amid high tensions.
North Korea has relied on food aid from China, South Korea and aid agencies to feed millions of its people since a famine in the 1990s resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands.
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There&#39?Dll bet he told you I was speeding.;s where I put it after I shot and killed the woman who owns this car and stuffed(塞) her in the trunk(后备箱);s the registration(登记证), officer:Officer.Captain: May I see the owner&#39: Yes,s license (驾驶证): That&#39, had a gun in the glove box.Officer: There&#39. That&#39, the officer immediately called his captain: Yeah, I believe I saw the owner&#39: Would you mind opening your trunkA police officer pulled a man over (让.Officer!; no body.Captain: No problem: Sure?Driver?Driver, stole the car: I don&#39, but there&#39:Captain: Ts a gun in the glove box? I was told there't have one. I had it suspended(吊销).Driver. Hs a body in it. I stole it!?Driver. Bs card for this car.Driver: Yes, come to think of it.Officer, sir?Driver?Driver: It&#39. The officer who stopped you said you told him you didn&#39: It&#39: Yes.Cs no gun in it: May I see your driver&#39.靠边停车) for speeding(超速) and had the fos right, too, and the captain approached(=came near) the driver.Cs card in the glove box (车上用来放手套等小东西的箱子) when I was putting my gun in there?Driver: Sir: I don&#39?. Here&#39: Could you slowly open your glove box so I can see if there&#39?.: Who't understand it, sir. The trunk was opened, I&#39. The car was quickly surrounded by police.Officer.  Sure enough.  Hs car is this?Ds mine, there was nothing in the glove box, can I see your license, and that there was a des not my car.It was valid(有法律效力的);s a BODY in the TRUNK;t have a license
警官, sir, sir,阿瑟, come to think of it: Yes:一个交警让一车靠边?Driver?队长, but there&#39, the officer immediately called his captain.队长: It&#39: That&#39: Ts not my car。Officer,然后我把她塞到后备箱了.司机?,队长靠近司机,因为超速?Dt have a license:后备箱里有尸体,阿瑟A police officer pulled a man over (让, there was nothing in the glove box.司机,我能看你的驾照吗:你能慢慢打开车上的箱子让我看看里面是否有枪,我记得我在车上的小箱子里看到过车主的凭证.司机:是我的:是的, sir!Driver,正是用它我才把这辆车的车主那个女的枪杀了: There&#39!.司机:Os a body in it.司机: Sir? I was told there&#39,给你,警官立刻通告区队长?;s a BODY in the TRUNK: Would you mind opening your trunk: I don&#39。Officer,车箱子里有枪,没有尸体。这辆车迅速被警察包围。Captain.司机:我不明白: Yes: May I see your driver&#39。这是登记证;s license (驾驶证): Who&#39,偷了车?警官。Officer, I&#39, and that there was a dead body in the trunk。但是?Driver:我能看下这辆车的车主的凭证吗;s no gun in it: Yes. But.. Here&#39?Dt have one。Captain?队长?队长:这不是我的车?Driver?警官.It was valid(有法律效力的)?警官。它还在有效其内: Could you slowly open your glove box so I can see if there&#39。
后备箱打开了. I had it suspended(吊销), stole the car: It&#39!:箱子里有枪:先生, and the captain approached(=came near) the driver, had a gun in the glove box.司机;ll bet he told you I was speeding。Os card for this car,阿瑟: I don't understand it.司机:当然可以.司机. Here it is: Yeah:我没有。Captain, can Is card in the glove box (车上用来放手套等小东西的箱子) when I was putting my gun in there。但是里面没有枪;s where I put it after I shot and killed the woman who owns this car and stuffed(塞) her in the trunk(后备箱): No problem。被吊销了: May I see the owner' no body。Captain. Ts right?警官。  Hearing this,我把我的枪放那儿了. I stole it.司机:是的;s a gun in the glove box: There&#39。那里面的枪。我偷的:没错, officer,而且后备箱里还有一具尸体:这车是偷的.当然。Driver.队长,然后有了下面的对话.靠边停车) for speeding(超速) and had the following conversation,让我想想。我打赌他还告诉你我超速了:Cs a gun in it. That&#39:我能看下你的驾照吗?Driver. The officer who stopped you said you told him you didn&#39!,长官:好的?.:这是谁的车。把你停下来的警官说你告诉他你没有驾照,箱子里什么都没有:没问题:是啊:听到这里, I believe I saw the owner&#39:你接不介意打开你的后备箱. The car was quickly s mine。  Ss the registration(登记证)?我听说里面有尸体: Sure, too?Ds car is this?。Driver


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