shake hands与earth shakingg...

>>>阅读理解。 Today it seems perfectly natural for us to shake ..
&&&& Today it seems perfectly natural for us to shake hands when we greet someone or say goodbye. But like so many things that we do without thinking such actions at one time probably represented something. &&&& For example, in primitive (原始的) life the hand was used to fight enemies, kill animals, and make spearsand tools. So when the hand was extended to someone, it showed that the person was not armed or ready forfight. &&&& We know that the hand was an important symbol in early religion, probably as a mark of power. The Greeks prayed to their gods with raised hands. Presenting the hands palm to palm was at one time the way an inferior (身份低的) person paid respect to a superior(身份高的) one. &&&& Among the Arabs, it was customary at one time to kiss the hand of a superior. Later on, polite Arabs began to resist the efforts of people to kiss their hands, and sometimes they would end up shaking hands as each tried to prevent the other from showing this mark of"inferiority (下级)." &&&& The early Greeks held out the right hand when they wished to show friendship to a stranger. So we cansee that the hand, and what was done with it, was full of meaning to people down through the ages. And while we shake hands without thinking, we are really carrying on a custom that has been handed down to us from ancient times.
1. The second paragraph tells us ________.
A. the handshake didn't mean greeting B. what hands were used to do in primitive lifeC. the handshake showed men's kindness D. the handshake showed nothing
2. Human beings first made their living by ________.
A. hunting B. fishing C. hand D. farming
3. Among the Arabs, at one time, ________.
A. people kissed each other whenever they metB. men kissed the women whenever they metC. less important person kissed more important person's hand D. more important person kissed less important person's hand
4. Generally speaking, in different countries ________.
A. people shake hands in the same way B. handshake has different meaningsC. strangers never have handshakeD. people only use handshake to show friendship
5. The phrase " hand down" in the last sentence means ________.
A. put downB. leave downC. give downD. pass down
1-5: BCCBD
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“阅读理解。 Today it seems perfectly natural for us to shake ..”主要考查你对&&日常生活类阅读&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
日常生活这一话题主要涉及人们衣食住行等方面的活动。这一话题的选材主要针对人们日常的工作,生活以及学习情况。做这一类题时,最主要的是要把握好人物的活动内容,时间和地点。 日常生活类阅读题答题技巧:
【题型说明】该类文章内容涉及到人们的言谈举止、生活习惯、饮食起居、服饰仪表、恋爱婚姻、消遣娱乐、节日起源、家庭生活等。文章篇幅短小,追根溯源,探索各项风俗的历史渊源,内容有趣。命题也以送分题为主,如事实细节题、语义转换题、词义猜测题和简单推理判断题等。虽然这类文章读起来感觉轻松,试题做起来比较顺手,但绝不能掉以轻心。因为稍不留神,就会丢分。   【备考提醒】为了保证较高准确率,建议同学们做好以下几点:   1、保持正常的考试心态。笔者在教学中发现,越是容易的试题,同学们越是容易失分。为什么呢?因为在这种情况下,同学们极易产生麻痹思想,认为题目好做,就不引起高度重视,于是思维不发散、不周密。而命题人就是利用同学们的这一弱点,设计陷阱题。所以,无论试题难易与否,我们都要保持正常的考试心态。试题容易,不欣喜;试题难,不悲观。   2、根据前面讲到的方法,认认真真、细细心心做好事实细节题。   3、做好语义转换题。这类题是根据英语中一词多义和某些词语在文中能表达一定的修辞意义的原则而设计的。要求同学们解释某生词的含义,确定多义词或短语在文中的意思,确认文中的某个代词所指代的对象,或者对英语中特有的表达、格言、谚语进行解释。这种题要求同学们一定要根据上下文猜测词义或理解句子,切不可望文生义。   4、做好简单推理判断题。简单推理判断题要以表面文字为前提,以具体事实为依据进行推理,做出判断。这种推理方式比较直接,只要弄清事实,即可结合常识推断出合理的结论。
与“阅读理解。 Today it seems perfectly natural for us to shake ..”考查相似的试题有:
1. The government wanted to reform the institutions, to shake up the country.
2. While the water was heating she decided to shake out the carpet.
3. I've even seen her shake Zara when she's been naughty.
4. Shareholders are preparing to shake things up in the boardrooms of America.
5. No amount of reasoning could shake him out of his conviction.
get (或 give ) someone a fair shake
1. (非正式)公正对待
I do not believe he gave the industry a fair shake.
in two shakes (of a lamb's tail)
1. (非正式)迅速,马上,立刻
I'll be back to you in two shakes.
more —— than one can shake a stick at
1. (非正式)大量
a team with more experience than you can shake a stick at.
no great shakes
1. (非正式)并不出色的,普通的
it is no great shakes as a piece of cinema.
give (someone) the shake【俚语】
1. 从…逃离或摆脱…
We managed to give our pursuers the shake.
no great shakes【俚语】
1. 非例外的;普通的
“stepping in between the victim and the bully, even when the victim happens to be no great shakes”(- Louis Auchincloss)
“即使受害者是普通百姓,我们也应保护受害者不受恶霸欺侮”(- 路易斯·奥金克洛斯)
shake a leg【非正式用语】
2. 快速移动;赶快
shake (another's) tree【俚语】
1. 引起行动或反应;打扰
so shook Hollywood's tree that . . . all manner of . . . people called me unsolicited to itemize his mistakes or praise his courage” (- Tina Brown)
“[他] 是如此震动了好莱坞,以至于各界人士都主动打电话给我,数落他的过失或褒奖他的勇气” (- 蒂娜·布朗)
1. “摇,摇动;抖动;震动”释义下的同义词
: 最普通用词,含义广。指人或物不自主地颤动、摇摆,常侧重剧烈和无规律。
: 指由于寒冷、虚弱、愤怒或恐惧等而发抖、战栗。
: 指因寒冷或情绪突变而出现的短时间的轻微和快速的颤抖。
: 多用于指事物。指物体像乐器的弦一般地轻微而急速地颤动。
: 指急速地连续震动,也指钟摆等的来回摆动。
: 着重指由于恐惧、震惊等而引起的全身突然而强烈地战栗。
The form shook can be used as the past participle for meaning 2 of the phrasal verb shake up. 短语动词 shake up 义项 2 的过去分词形式可写作 shook。
摇动;抖动;摇晃 If you shake something, you hold it and move it quickly backwards and forwards or up and down. You can also shake a person, for example, because you are angry with them or because you want them to wake up.&
【语法信息】:V n
The nurse shook the thermometer and put it under my armpit...
Shake the rugs well and hang them for a few hours before replacing on the floor...
I've even seen her shake Zara when she's been naughty.
Shake is also a noun.
She picked up the bag of salad and gave it a shake.
摇动,抖动(身体或身体部位) If you shake yourself or your body, you make a lot of quick, small, repeated movements without moving from the place where you are.&
【语法信息】:V pron-refl
【语法信息】:V n
As soon as he got inside, the dog shook himself...
He shook his hands to warm them up.
Shake is also a noun.
Take some slow, deep breaths and give your body a bit of a shake.
摇头(表示拒绝、怀疑或难过) If you shake your head, you turn it from side to side in order to say 'no' or to show disbelief or sadness.&
【语法信息】:V n
'Anything else?' Colum asked. Kathryn shook her head wearily...
We were amazed, shocked, dumbfounded, shaking our heads in disbelief.
Shake is also a noun.
Palmer gave a sad shake of his head.
(因为寒冷或害怕而)发抖,颤抖,战栗,哆嗦 If you are shaking, or a part of your body is shaking, you are making quick, small movements that you cannot control, for example because you are cold or afraid.&
【语法信息】:V with n
He roared with laughter, shaking in his chair...
My hand shook so much that I could hardly hold the microphone...
I stood there, crying and shaking with fear.
(因害怕、生病或喝醉酒而产生的)颤抖,战栗,哆嗦 If you have the shakes, your body is shaking a lot because you are afraid or ill, or because you have drunk too much alcohol.&
【搭配模式】:the N
【语域标签】:INFORMAL 非正式
Another man constantly chain-smoked and seemed to have the shakes.
(因愤怒而)挥动,舞动(拳头、棍子等) If you shake your fist or an object such as a stick at someone, you wave it in the air in front of them because you are angry with them.&
【语法信息】:V n at n
【语法信息】:V n
The colonel rushed up to Earle, shaking his gun at him...
The protesters burst through police lines into the cathedral square, shaking clenched fists.
(使)震颤;(使)震动;(使)摇动 If a force shakes something, or if something shakes, it moves from side to side or up and down with quick, small, but sometimes violent movements.&
【语法信息】:V n
【语法信息】:V explosion that shook buildings several kilometers away...
The hiccups may shake your baby's body from head to foot...
The breeze grew in strength, the flags shook, plastic bunting creaked.
摇(出);抖(落) To shake something into a certain place or state means to bring it into that place or state by moving it quickly up and down or from side to side.&
【语法信息】:V n prep
【语法信息】:V n with adv
【语法信息】:V n adj
Small insects can be collected by shaking them into a jar...
She frees her mass of hair from a rubber band and shakes it off her shoulders...
Shake off any excess flour before putting livers in the pan...
(声音因紧张、生气等)颤抖 If your voice is shaking, you cannot control it properly and it sounds very unsteady, for example because you are nervous or angry.&
【语法信息】:V with n
【语法信息】:Also V
His voice shaking with rage, he asked how the committee could keep such a report from the public.
使震惊;使激动;使烦乱 If an event or a piece of news shakes you, or shakes your confidence, it makes you feel upset and unable to think calmly.&
【语法信息】:V n
The news of Tandy's escape had shaken them all...
She was close to both of her parents and was undeniably shaken by their divorce...
Your optimism has been badly shaken over the past months.
Unhurt, but a bit shaken, she was trying not to cry.
动摇(某人或其信念) If an event shakes a group of people or their beliefs, it causes great uncertainty and makes them question their beliefs.&
【语法信息】:V n
It won't shake the football world if we beat Torquay...
When events happen that shake these beliefs, our fear takes control...
The reforms announced by the health minister aim to win back confidence in a system shaken by a major scandal.
使摒弃,使改变(态度、信念) If you shake someone out of an attitude or belief that you disapprove of, you cause them to change their attitude or belief to one that is more responsible or sensible.&
【语法信息】:V n out of n
No amount of reasoning could shake him out of his conviction...
Many businessmen still find it hard to shake themselves out of the old state-dependent habit.
同 milkshake A shake is the same as a milkshake .&
He sent his driver to fetch him a strawberry shake.
公平的机会 If you do not get a fair shake, you are not given a reasonable opportunity to succeed or to achieve something.&
【搭配模式】:PHR after v
【语域标签】:mainly AM 主美
【语域标签】:INFORMAL 非正式
A lot of people think that they're not going to get a fair shake from the courts.
技术不高的;不出色的;无效的 If you say that someone or something is no great shakes, you mean that they are not very skilful or effective.&
【搭配模式】:v-link PHR
【语域标签】:INFORMAL 非正式
I'm no great shakes as a detective...
The protests have failed partly because the opposition politicians are
no great shakes.
与…握手 If you shake someone's hand or shake someone by the hand, you shake hands with them.&
【搭配模式】:V inflects
I said congratulations and walked over to him and shook his hand...
The Secretary emerged, a big fat man who quickly shook us all by the hand.
(打招呼、道别、道贺或表示赞同时)与…握手 If you shake hands with someone, you take their right hand in your own for a few moments, often moving it up and down slightly, when you are saying hello or goodbye to them, congratulating them, or agreeing on something. You can also say that two people shake hands .&
【搭配模式】:V inflects
He nodded greetings to Mary Ann and Michael and shook hands with Burke...
We shook hands and parted on good terms.
to shake the foundations of something→see:
to shake like a leaf→see:
more things than you can shake a stick at→see:
shaken but not stirred→see:
1. 摇动, 震动, 颠簸,抖动,颤动
Give the bottle a couple of shakes before pouring the juice.
2. 哆嗦, 发颤,颤抖,战栗
The shakes of the speaker's hands betrayed his nervousness.
发言者双手颤抖, 可见他很紧张。
3. 奶昔(将牛奶或冰激凌与水果或香料混合或搅拌至起泡的饮料)
1. 摇动, 摇撼, (使)颤抖
The earth shook under us.
In his anger he grasped the child and shook him violently.
愤怒之下, 他抓住孩子狠命地摇。
He shook her hand warmly.
1. 使心绪不宁[烦恼, 惊吓]
They were shaken badly by the news.
2. 动摇; 减弱
Nothing can shake the basis for my belief.
He shook his head and said "I don't agree!"
4. 挥拳(威胁)
5. 使非常震惊(或烦恼)
6. 去除,摆脱
1. 摇(出);抖(掉)
2. (嗓音)颤抖
1. building material used as siding or roofing
2. frothy drink of milk and flavoring and sometimes fruit or ice cream
3. a note that alternates rapidly with another note a semitone above it
4. grasping and shaking a person's hand (as to acknowledge an introduction or to agree on a contract)
5. reflex shaking caused by cold or fear or excitement
6. causing to move repeatedly from side to side
1. move or cause to
"The chemist shook the flask vigorously"
"My hands were shaking"
2. move with or
"his hands shook"
3. shake or vibrate rap
"The old engine was juddering"
4. move back a
"the ship was rocking"
"the tall building swayed"
"She rocked back and forth on her feet"
5. undermi
"my faith has been shaken"
"The bad news shook her hopes"
6. stir the feelings, emotions,
"These stories shook the community"
"the civil war shook the country"
"I couldn't shake the car that was following me"
8. bring to a specified condition by
"He was shaken from his dreams"
"shake the salt out of the salt shaker"
9. shake (a body part) to communicate a greeting, feeling,
"shake one's head"
"She shook her finger at the naughty students"
"The old enemies shook hands"
"Don't shake your fist at me!"
1.安定[性]理论, shake-down theory
1.震离, shake-off
2.震激, shake-up
人教版九年级下册英语单词表(含音标) ... o hand in o 交上;提交;呈送 o shake o v. (使)摇动;震动 o shake hands o 握手.
- 基于4438个网页
人教版九年级下册英语单词表(含音标) ... o hand in o 交上;提交;呈送 o shake o v. (使)摇动;震动 o shake hands o 握手.
- 基于1882个网页
颤字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 颤动〖vibrate〗 颤抖〖shake〗 颤栗〖 shudder〗.
- 基于1436个网页
字典中兀字的解释 ... (9) 独立[ independent] 动摇,摇晃[ shake] (2) 同本义[ towering and level].
- 基于1366个网页
人教版九年级下册英语单词表(含音标) ... o shake o v. (使)摇动;震动 o shake hands o 握手 o Cali o (哥伦比亚城市)卡利.
- 基于2354个网页
shake off 撵走,摆脱;抖落shake up 摇匀;激励,使振作share in 分享,分担.
- 基于732个网页
哈林摇(harlem shake)(Harlem Shake),即哈莱姆摇摆舞,是一种快速晃动肩膀的舞蹈。因为有些动作下流的关系,在大陆被人们称为屌丝舞编辑 …
- 基于7875个网页
建筑词汇英语翻译(O-T) ... shaking screen 振荡筛 shaking table 振动台 shale 页岩.
- 基于1462个网页
shake是已经停产的软件。shake是一款由苹果公司推出的后期处理软件,秉承了优秀的苹果色彩处理技术,简单的节点操作,可以让画面达到完美的效果。在更新Time Capsule产品的同时,苹果似乎已经决定将停止提供Shake软件。Shake为影视编辑者们提供了创建电视和电影等精美视觉效果所需的一切工具,不过如果你现在打开苹果介绍Shake软件的页面将会直接跳转到Final Cut Studio产品页面,而苹果在线商店也已撤下了Shake软件包目录。据悉苹果销售代表已经接到通知,将停止销售Shake软件。
0){var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * (000)+100000);top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'))+'?renovate='+}else{top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'));};}" action="/">
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Rachel Zupek
Editor's note:
has a business partnership , which serves as the exclusive provider of job listings and services .
-- Have you ever shaken someone's hand and in the same instant, felt every bone in your fingers and palm shatter? Or, even worse, felt like you were shaking the fin on a dead fish?
Handshakes have been around since the birth of civilization. In fact, they were originally a way to prove you had no weapons in your hand when meeting someone new (given today's state of affairs, that might not be a bad idea). Nowadays, we use handshakes in meetings, greetings, offering congratulations, closing a business deal or sometimes just to say, &How's it goin'?& No matter the basis of your handshake, it should become part of your repertoire. Handshakes are a sign of trust and help build strong relationships. Imagine meeting a well-groomed, well-dressed expert for the first time -- but when you shake his/her hand, you feel like you're grabbing an infant's finger. Prospective employers said they're more likely to overlook visible body piercings and tattoos than an ineffective handshake, according to a 2001 survey of human resources professionals. Plus, when you shake hands with people upon meeting, they're two times more likely to remember you than if you didn't shake hands, according to a study by the Incomm Center for Trade Show Research. The time has come to find out if your grip is powerful, pathetic or just plain bad. Pamela J. Holland and Marjorie Brody, workplace/career experts and co-authors of &Help! Was That a Career Limiting Move?& say it's time to practice. 10 nightmarish handshakes to avoid To evade making a bad first impression, losing a business deal or simply embarrassing yourself, take heed of Holland and Brody's 10 terrible grips to avoid: The &macho cowboy&... is the almost bone-crunching clasp many businessmen use to shake hands. What are they trying to prove, anyway? There's no need to demonstrate your physical strength when shaking another person's hand. The wimp... is usually delivered by men who are afraid to &hurt the little lady& when shaking women's hands. Modern female professionals expect their male counterparts to convey the same respect they'd show their male colleagues. The &dead fish&... conveys no power. While there's no need to revert to the macho cowboy death grip, a firm clasp is more powerful than one that barely grabs the hand. The &four finger&... is when the person's hand never meets your palm, and instead clasps all four fingers, crushing them together. The cold and clammy... feels like you're shaking hands with a snake. Warm up your hand first before grabbing someone else's. The sweaty palm... is pretty self-explanatory, and pretty gross. Talcum powder to the rescue. The &I've got you covered& grip... happens when the other person covers your hand with his or her left hand as if your shake is secretive. The &I won't let go&... seems to go on for eternity because the other person won't drop his or her hand. After two or three pumps, it's time to let go. &It's a lot like a kiss -- you know when it's over,& Brody says. The &southpaw&... happens when the person uses the left hand to shake because the right hand has food or a drink. Always carry your drink and plate with your left hand to keep your right one free for meet and greets. The &ringed torture&... occurs when the person's rings hurt your hand. Try to limit the number of rings you wear on the right hand to only one or two and be mindful of any that have large stones. Three steps to a proper handshake Some other things to keep in mind: As you're approaching someone, extend your right arm when you're about three feet away. Slightly angle your arm across your chest, with your thumb pointing up. Lock hands, thumb joint to thumb joint. Then, firmly clasp the other person's hand -- without any bone crushing or macho posturing. Pump the other person's hand two to three times and let go. Six tips to an effective meet 'n greet Stand up.
Step or lean forward. Make eye contact.
Have a pleasant or animated face.
Shake hands.
Greet the other person and repeat his or her name.
2009. All rights reserved. The information contained in this article may not be published, broadcast or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority
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