
values you
虽然有点chinglish,可能想表达的意思是 尊重你,看重你。
value是有价值的意思,values you是看重你,重视你。
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Jason Stoneheart考据称花体是ornamental penmanship的不当翻译英文本意为装饰性强的写法应并不特指一种字体但在历史使用中ornamental penmanship常被用来指称斯宾塞体与其变体铜板体和斯宾塞体是两种相似的字体都运用了装饰性的写法ornamental penmanship一词传入中国时因其概念并不明确翻译为花体而其所指范围比ornamental penmanship范围更大在中国花体常被用来指称铜板体和斯宾塞体因圆体English Round在国外亦有时指称铜板体而铜板体事实上则是copperplate体故花体与圆体亦有概念竞合之处[1]
花体英文特色有三1.粗细变化 2.游丝 3.排版
总的来说即为装饰性强花体需要柔软的有弹性的笔尖去表现粗细的变化用较细的笔尖尖端去表现游丝的生动因而对于花体英文书写来说重要的是笔尖而非笔杆新手建议使用诸如Gillot 404hunt1015622bhiro40等较硬的笔尖因而容易控制随着对笔尖的掌控能力的增强会慢慢倾向于更软更弹的笔尖如Gillot 303 和 170hunt99prin EFrose
Jason Stoneheart先生认为笔尖的弹性flexiablity常和书写手感的软硬相混淆如Hunt101是一种弹性出众的笔尖但是书写手感偏硬想要笔尖分叉需要用更多的力量不同的人习惯书写的力量不同所以一些人用较硬的笔尖更容易上手而另一些人则更容易掌握较软的笔尖Stoneheart先生本人称自己手指力量不大所以更喜欢很软的hunt99因为花体包括铜板体Copperplate和斯宾塞体Spencerian应该说铜板体粗细对比明显需要弹性大的笔尖而斯宾塞体的粗细对比不是那么明显所以选用弹性小的笔尖为好而现在市面上常被卖家推荐的Gillot404其弹性大小非常尴尬对这两种字体的初学者都不合适Jason Stoneheart先生认为它对大多数人来说都是一款鸡肋产品1好的纸不咽墨你也许常常会因为写的一整篇满意的作品过一会儿墨水散开后就变得惨不忍睹最好的纸当然是道林纸但是一般的质量较好打印纸也可正常使用
2光滑程度专业的copperplate实用书法点尖这种笔尖不像钢笔尖一样的有小圆珠因而必定挂纸只有程度大小之分笔尖与纸的角度不正确笔尖较细如EF尖都会挂纸因而当你为了表现极细的游丝时不得不用EF尖如hunt22b和prin EF这时候就要求纸张尽量的光滑花体字母是有一定的斜度的整齐的排版也是很重要的因素字母的长宽比例更是有严格的要求属于基础
它决定了书家创作的字母的大小x-height每个字母自身的比例ascender space和descender space)整体的倾斜程度slant line以及粗细笔画的对比程度nib width ladder用于平尖字体中
以Copperplate字体为例通常ascender spacex-heightdescender space=323但是不同的大师或书家在创作和习练时会根据自己的需要尝试调整这个比例以达到不同的最终视觉效果而且据我所知西方书法即使是IAMPETH会员或者最高级别的Master Penman在创作成品时都无法离开自己手绘的guideline和guide sheet对于透写可见度较低的创作卡纸他们会使用绘画用的透光台light table将根据需要制作好的guide sheet放在透光台上再将创作卡纸盖于其上进行透光书写用此方法来创作出精美绝伦的作品由此可见在西方书法中不论是习练还是创作guideline和guide sheet都只是遵循3:2:3的大致比例
新手上路我有疑问投诉建议参考资料 查看当前位置:&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&带刺的玫瑰
添加时间: 22:04:46
拥有 带刺的玫瑰 或 毒玫瑰意思的英文名 是什么 拜托Lokelani 红色小朵的玫瑰 女性 夏威夷 Kalika 玫瑰花蕾 女性 希腊 Primrose 第一朵玫瑰 女性 拉丁语 Raissa 玫瑰 女性 古法语 Raizel 玫瑰 女性 希伯来 Rasine 玫瑰 女性 波兰 Rhoda 玫瑰 女性 希腊 Rhodanthe 怒放的玫瑰 女性 希腊 Rhoswen 白玫瑰 女性 盖尔语 Rosa 玫瑰 女性 拉丁语 Rosabel 美丽的玫瑰 女性 拉丁语 R...亲爱的~你慢慢飞~小心前面那带刺的玫瑰~??庞龙的两只蝴蝶
group[^ru:p]n.团体, 组, 团, 群, 批, [地]界, [化]基v.聚合, 成群
group[^ru:p]n.团体, 组, 团, 群, 批, [地]界, [化]基v.聚合, 成群groupgroupAHD:[gr›p] D.J.[gru8p]K.K.[grup]n.Abbr. gr.(名词)缩写 gr.An assemblage of persons or objects gathered an aggregation:群,簇:聚集或座落在一起的一群人或物体;集合:a gr a group of buildings near the road.一群赴宴的客人;路边的楼群Two or more figures that make up a unit or design, as in sculpture.群像:构成一个完整单元或设计的两个或两个以上塑像,如在雕塑中A number of individuals or things considered together because of similarities:组,团体:由于相同点而被归为一类的一些个人或物体:a small group of supporters across the country.国内一小群支持者Linguistics A category of related languages that is less inclusive than a family.【语言学】 语群:相关语言的一个分类,范围小于语族A military unit consisting of two or more battalions and a headquarters.(美国陆军的)群:包括两个或两个以上的团和一个司令部的军事单位A unit of two or more squadrons in the U.S. Air Force, smaller than a wing.空军大队:美国空军中的编制,由两个或两个以上的中队组成,小于飞行联队A class or collection of related objects or entities, as:一组相关的物体或实体,如:Two or more atoms behaving or regarded as behaving as a single chemical unit.原子团:两个或两个以上原子做为单一的化学单位运动A column in the periodic table of the elements.属,族:元素周期表上的一栏A stratigraphic unit, especially a unit consisting of two or more formations deposited during a single geologic era.地层学单位:地层学中的一个单位,尤指包括在同一地质时期沉积的两个或两个以上地层的单位Mathematics A set with an associative binary operation under which the set is closed, which contains an identity element and an inverse for every element in the set.【数学】 群:二元结合运算为闭合的数学集合,具有单位元素。集合中每一元素都有逆元素adj.(形容词)Of, relating to, constituting, or being a member of a group:群的,集体的:关于或组成一群的,为群体中一员的: a group effort.分组讨论;集体努力v.(动词)grouped,,及物动词)To place or arrange in a group:分组:放置或安排在一组中:grouped the children according to height.根据身高给孩子们分组v.intr.(不及物动词)To belong to or form a group:聚集:属于或形成一组:The soldiers began to group on the hillside.士兵们开始在山腰聚集French groupe 法语 groupe from Italian gruppo 源自 意大利语 gruppo [probably of Germanic origin] [可能源自德语] Group as a collective noun can be followed by a singular or plural verb.
It takes a singular verb when the persons or things that make up the group are considered collectively: Group 做为一个集合名词后面跟单数或复数动词均可。 当组成该群体的人或物体被看做一个集合时,后面跟动词单数:The dance group is ready for rehearsal. 舞群准备排练。Grouptakes a plural verb when the persons or things that constitute it are considered individually:
当组成该群的人或物体被单独看待,那么Group后面跟动词复数: The group were divided in their sympathies. See Usage Note at collective noun 在他们的体谅下对其进行了分组. 参见 collective noungroup[^ru:p]n.组;群A group of girls was waiting by the school.一群女孩子在学校旁边等着。集团;团体群体blood group AA型血groupvt., vi.(常与with连用)分组;分类;归类The data can be grouped under three heads.这些资料可以分为三大类。group来自法语 groupe&意大利语 gruppo)group,company,party,band,gang这组名词表示“组”、“群”、“帮”或“伙”。group通用词,可以表示“为一定目的组织起来的临时小组”,也可以表示“长期的有组织的团体”The Greenwood Boys are a group of popular singers.格林伍德歌手们是一群受人们欢迎的歌手。company表示“临时性的结伙”,也表示“永久性的组织(这时汉译为“公司”或“剧团”)A company of travellers are (is) expected to arrive soon.预计有一伙旅客不久便要到达。It is not uncommon to hear that a shipping company has made a claim for the cost of salvaging a sunken ship.航运公司为打捞沉船的费用而提出要求,这并非奇闻。party在表示一群人时,通常指“为某一目的而聚集一起的临时组织或聚会”Armed with the new machine, a search party went into the cave hoping to find buried treasure.一个探测队以这台新的探宝器为装备,进了山洞,以期找到掩藏的财宝。Geoffrey Hampden has a large circle of friends and is very popular at parties.杰弗里·汉普顿交际很广,在社交聚会上深受欢迎。band表示“为一共同目的组织在一起的团体”,与含有随便聚合一起的company 相比,band 包含“组织严密”的意思Six hundred years ago, Sir John Hawkwood arrived in Italy with a hand of soldiers and settled near Florence.六百年前,约翰·霍克伍德爵士率领一帮兵士来到意大利,并在佛罗伦萨附近驻扎下来。gang指贬义的“帮”He finds politics a dirty game, and only enters them reluctantly because he knows that at the very least he and his friends are better than the present gang.他发现政治是一种肮脏的把戏,所以只是出于不得已才参与政治,这是因为他知道,最起码他和自己的朋友们比这帮人要强得多。Don't get
they spend too much time drinking and gambling.不要和那一伙人为伍,他们在喝酒与赌博上花的时间太多了grouparrangeassemblebunchclassifyclustercollectgathergradeorganizesort
groupAHD:[gr沺]D.J.:[gru8p]K.K.:[grup] n.abbr:gr.An assemblage of persons or objects gathered an aggregation:a gr a group of buildings near the road.Two or more figures that make up a unit or design, as in sculpture.A number of individuals or things considered together because of similarities:a small group of supporters across the country. LinguisticsA category of related languages that is less inclusive than a family.A military unit consisting of two or more battalions and a headquarters.A unit of two or more squadrons in the U.S. Air Force, smaller than a wing.A class or collection of related objects or entities, as:Two or more atoms behaving or regarded as behaving as a single chemical unit.A column in the periodic table of the elements.A stratigraphic unit, especially a unit consisting of two or more formations deposited during a single geologic era. MathematicsA set with an associative binary operation under which the set is closed, which contains an identity element and an inverse for every element in the adj.Of, relating to, constituting, or being a member of a group: a group v. place or arrange in a group:grouped the children according to v.intr.To belong to or form a group:The soldiers began to group on the hillside.French groupefromItalian gruppo[ probably of Germanic origin ] Groupas a collective noun can be followed by a singular or plural verb. It takes a singular verb when the persons or things that make up the group are considered collectively: The dance group is ready for rehearsal. Grouptakes a plural verb when the persons or things that constitute it are considered individually: The group were divided in their sympathies.See: collective noungroupAHD:[gr沺]D.J.:[gru8p]K.K.:[grup] n.abbr:gr.An assemblage of persons or objects gathered an aggregation: 群,簇聚集或座落在一起的一群人或物体;集合:a gr a group of buildings near the road.一群赴宴的客人;路边的楼群Two or more figures that make up a unit or design, as in sculpture. 群像构成一个完整单元或设计的两个或两个以上塑像,如在雕塑中A number of individuals or things considered together because of similarities: 组,团体由于相同点而被归为一类的一些个人或物体:a small group of supporters across the country.国内一小群支持者 Linguistics 【语言学】A category of related languages that is less inclusive than a family. 语群相关语言的一个分类,范围小于语族A military unit consisting of two or more battalions and a headquarters. (美国陆军的)群包括两个或两个以上的团和一个司令部的军事单位A unit of two or more squadrons in the U.S. Air Force, smaller than a wing. 空军大队美国空军中的编制,由两个或两个以上的中队组成,小于飞行联队A class or collection of related objects or entities, as:一组相关的物体或实体,如:Two or more atoms behaving or regarded as behaving as a single chemical unit. 原子团两个或两个以上原子做为单一的化学单位运动A column in the periodic table of the elements. 属,族元素周期表上的一栏A stratigraphic unit, especially a unit consisting of two or more formations deposited during a single geologic era. 地层学单位地层学中的一个单位,尤指包括在同一地质时期沉积的两个或两个以上地层的单位 Mathematics 【数学】A set with an associative binary operation under which the set is closed, which contains an identity element and an inverse for every element in the set. 群二元结合运算为闭合的数学集合,具有单位元素。集合中每一元素都有逆元素group adj.Of, relating to, constituting, or being a member of a group: 群的,集体的关于或组成一群的,为群体中一员的: a group effort.分组讨论;集体努力group v. place or arrange in a group: 分组放置或安排在一组中:grouped the children according to height.根据身高给孩子们分组group v.intr.To belong to or form a group: 聚集属于或形成一组:The soldiers began to group on the hillside.士兵们开始在山腰聚集French groupe法语 groupefromItalian gruppo源自意大利语 gruppo[ probably of Germanic origin ][ 可能源自德语 ] Groupas a collective noun can be followed by a singular or plural verb. It takes a singular verb when the persons or things that make up the group are considered collectively:
Group做为一个集合名词后面跟单数或复数动词均可。当组成该群体的人或物体被看做一个集合时,后面跟动词单数:The dance group is ready for rehearsal. Grouptakes a plural verb when the persons or things that constitute it are considered individually: 舞群准备排练。当组成该群的人或物体被单独看待,那么Group后面跟动词复数:The group were divided in their sympathies.在他们的体谅下对其进行了分组.See: collective noungroup来自法语 groupe&意大利语 gruppo)[^ru:p]n组;群A group of girls was waiting by the school. 一群女孩子在学校旁边等着。集团;团体 群体blood group A A型血 groupvt, vi(常与with连用)分组;分类;归类The data can be grouped under three heads. 这些资料可以分为三大类。group,company,party,band,gang这组名词表示“组”、“群”、“帮”或“伙”。group通用词,可以表示“为一定目的组织起来的临时小组”,也可以表示“长期的有组织的团体”The Greenwood Boys are a group of popular singers. 格林伍德歌手们是一群受人们欢迎的歌手。company表示“临时性的结伙”,也表示“永久性的组织(这时汉译为“公司”或“剧团”)A company of travellers are (is) expected to arrive soon. 预计有一伙旅客不久便要到达。It is not uncommon to hear that a shipping company has made a claim for the cost of salvaging a sunken ship. 航运公司为打捞沉船的费用而提出要求,这并非奇闻。party在表示一群人时,通常指“为某一目的而聚集一起的临时组织或聚会”Armed with the new machine, a search party went into the cave hoping to find buried treasure. 一个探测队以这台新的探宝器为装备,进了山洞,以期找到掩藏的财宝。Geoffrey Hampden has a large circle of friends and is very popular at parties. 杰弗里·汉普顿交际很广,在社交聚会上深受欢迎。band表示“为一共同目的组织在一起的团体”,与含有随便聚合一起的company 相比,band 包含“组织严密”的意思Six hundred years ago, Sir John Hawkwood arrived in Italy with a hand of soldiers and settled near Florence. 六百年前,约翰·霍克伍德爵士率领一帮兵士来到意大利,并在佛罗伦萨附近驻扎下来。gang指贬义的“帮”He finds politics a dirty game, and only enters them reluctantly because he knows that at the very least he and his friends are better than the present gang. 他发现政治是一种肮脏的把戏,所以只是出于不得已才参与政治,这是因为他知道,最起码他和自己的朋友们比这帮人要强得多。Don't get
they spend too much time drinking and gambling. 不要和那一伙人为伍,他们在喝酒与赌博上花的时间太多了arrange assemble bunch classify cluster collect gather grade organize sort group[^^ru:p]组,群 A word, in telegraph usage, arbitrarily six characters in length.在电报应用中,任意长度为6个字符的一个字。 A set of related records that have the same value for a particular field in all of the records.一组相关的记录,在所有这些记录中,对某个特定字段而言,具有相同的值。 A series of records logically joined together.一串逻辑上连接在一起的记录。参阅print data set, transaction data set。 In DPCX,a series of lines repeated consecutively as a set on a full-screen form or full-screen panel.在分布式处理控制执行程序(DPCX)中,一连串重复的数据行,在全屏幕格式或全屏幕画面上作为一个组。 A collection of RACF users who can share access authorities for data sets.资源访问控制设施(RACF)用户的集合,他们能共享数据集的访问权。 In Series/1, A unit of 100 records in the spool data set allocated to a spool
job.在IBM Series/1中,假脱机数据集上长度为一百个记录的一个单位,按这个单位对假脱机作业进行分配。group[^ru:p]n.(小)组, 群, 批, 团体, 集团【化】基, 根; (周期表的)属, 族【数】群类, 型【地质】界(英美等)空军大队a group of people [trees, houses]一群人[一片树林, 一片房子]blood group血型the Germanic group of language日耳曼语系a pressure group[美](对国会等施加影响的)压力集团People were standing about in small groups.人们三五成群地站着。Wheat, maize and oats belong to the grain group.小麦, 玉米及燕麦都属谷类。group[^ru:p]vt.集合, 配合, 使...成群把...分类[组] Group the roses together. 将蔷薇按类集合在一起。vi.成群; 聚集, 类集The children grouped round their teacher.孩子围在他们老师的四周。group-captainn.[英]空军上校groupletn.[美]小群grouping[5^ru:pIN]n.a group of一群, 一组, 一批group by group分批地group round围在....的周围group about围在....的周围group around围在....的周围group under把...分组[归类]为in a group (=in groups)成群地Abelian group【数】阿贝尔群abnormal group【数】反常基团absolutely simple algebraic group绝对单代数群abstract group抽象群acid-forming group成酸基acidic group酸性团; 酸性类active methylene group活性亚甲基acyl group酰基additive group加法群address group地址群address indicating group地址指示群adele group赋值向量群adjoint group伴随群affine algebraic group仿射代数群affine (transformation) group仿射(变换)群alternating group【数】交代群amenable group顺从群amino group【有化】氨基amyl group【有化】戊基analytic group解析群anchoring group结合团anilino group苯胺基antenna group天线群, 天线组antisocial group反社会集团apical group顶点基团aralkyl group芳烷基, 芳代脂烷基aromatic group芳(族)基aroyl group芳酰基arsenic group砷组aspiration group志趣小组association group关联词群(按形式或意义)atomic group原子团automorphism group自同构群auxochromic group助色团auxograph group生长记录器azide group叠氮基base group基群baseline group控制组, 基准组basic group碱性基, 碱性原子团benzyl group苯甲基, 苄基biased group选择组bigraded group双重分次群binary-coded group二进制编码组black-white groups黑白群blood group【免疫】血型Cainozoic group【地质】新生界cam group凸轮组canonical group典型群carbamido group氨基甲酰胺基, 脲基carbethoxyl group乙氧羰基, 乙酯基carbobenzoxygroup苄酯基, 苄氧羰基carboxy group羧基central group中央细胞群chain group链群character group【数】特征标群Chemung group【地质 】合蒙群chromophore group发色团, 生色团chromophoric group发色团class group类群classical groups典型群classical linear group典型线性群closed group闭群code group【信】码群coefficient group系数群colour group色群command group命令组common group共群commutating group【数】换相组commutative group(管理数学)交换群commutative unipotent algebraic group交换幂幺代数群commutator group【数】换位子群compact algebraic group紧代数群composite group合成群computing group计算机组conductivity group电导组congruent transformation group全等变换群, 合同变换群conjugate groups共轭群connected affine algebraic group连通的仿射代数群connected locally compact group连通局部紧群connected nilpotent Lie group连通幂零李群consolidated group合并集团consortive group同生群contactor group接触器组continuous group连续群continuous cyclic group连续循环群continuous translation group连续平移群core group核心词群(大类中的小类)coupled wagon group连挂车组cross-over groups交叉小组; 跨组 讨论会cross sterile group杂交不育群crystal group聚合晶体, 晶群crystallographic group结晶体群cubic point group立方点群curing group硫化官能团current business group负责团体, 正起作用的小组cybotactic groups群聚体cycle group循环群cyclic point group循环点群cyclopentadienyl group茂基decomposition group分解群defect group亏损群delayed-neutron group缓发中子群derived group导出群destination groups指定组detail report group细目报告组development assistance group开发援助集团device group设备组diameter group【机】比直径diazo group重氮基dibenzyl group【有化】联苄基difference group差群differentiable group可微分群differential group微分群&difficult & group(分类学)&困难&群digester group溶出器组digit group数字组dihedral group二面体群dimensionless group无因次群direct indecomposable group不可直分解群direct product group直积群directed group有向群directing group定向取代基direction-finder group探向器组discrete group离散群discrete substitution group离散置换群disilanyl group乙硅烷基dislocation pileupgroup位错塞积群disulfide group二硫基divisible additive group可除加法群division closure group可除闭群divisor class group除子[类]群dominant group优势种组double group双值群dual group对偶群ecological group生态类群economic conflict groups经济冲突群edge coal group【地质】边缘煤群electron-attracting groups吸电子基团electrophilic group亲电子基团elliptic cyclic group椭圆循环群elliptic modular group椭圆模群encoder group编码器组Eozoic group始生界equiaffine group等仿射群equianharmonic group等交比群equiform group相似群equivalence group等价组ergodic group遍历群, 各态历经的群ethylidene group亚乙基ethyl mercapto group乙硫基evaluation group评审小组exhaustive grouping穷举归组experimental group实验组extended orthogonal group扩张的正交群facies group相类群factor group商群fatty group脂肪族 脂肪(族)基fault group【地质】断层组field descriptor group字段描述符组filtered group过滤群financial group融资团, 财团finishing mill group精轧机组finite nilpotent group有限幂零群finite solvable group有限可解群finitely generated group有限生成群finitely presented group有限出现群firing-pin group击发装置fork group支基formimino group亚胺甲基fractional linear group分式线性群free group自由群free Abelian group自由交换群, 自由阿贝耳群frequency group频群full cubic point group全立方点群functional group官能团fundamental group【信】基群gauge group规范群gear shifter group变速杆组general linear group一般线性群generalized modular group广义模群generalized solvable group广义可解群generation data group&世代& 数据组, 数据组[世]代generation file group &世代& 文件组geographical group地域集团Greek group希腊群小行星Guadeloupe group【地质】瓜达路群guided missile group导弹大队harmonic group调和群high-temperature group高温菌群Hilda group希尔达群(小行星)holohedral point group全对称点群holonomy group完整群homomorphism group同态群homotopy groups【数】同伦群hydrophilic group亲水基hydrophobic group疏水基hydrosulfide group巯基, 硫氢基hydroxy group羟基hydroxyl group羟基hydroxyethyl group羟乙基hyperorthogonal group超正交群ideal class group理想类群identical permutation groups恒等置换群identity group单位元素群inductive limit group归纳极限群inertial group惯性群infinite classical group无限典型群infinite discrete group无穷[无限]离散群infinite solvable groups无限可解群infinite symplectic group无限辛群infinite unitary group无限酉群infinitesimal group无穷小群inner automorphism group内自同构群interest group财团, 利益集团inversion group反演群investigation group调查团[组]investigation team调查团[组]ionic group离子基iron group铁族irreducible group不可约群isocyano group异氰基isoelectronic group等电子(原子)群isomosphic groups同晶型族isonitro group异硝基isotope group同位素群isotropy group迷向群junior group(幼儿园)??key group键组 指示组lateral group侧基lattice group格群lattice-ordered group格序群lethargy group【核】勒群leucocyte groups【免疫】白细胞(血)型limit group极限群linear adjoint group线性伴随群linear algebraic group线性代数群linear homogeneous group线性齐次群linear isotropy group线性迷向群link group接线组, 接线装置linkage group【遗】连锁群lipophilic group亲油基loaning group信贷组local group【天】本星系群locally compact topological group局部紧拓扑群locally solvable group局部可解群locally totally bounded group局部全有界群long-range group长程群low-income group低收入阶层low-temperature group低温菌群loxodromic cyclic group斜驶循环群magnetic group磁群main group主族(周期表)main contact group主触点组main pulse reference group主基脉冲群marker group标识群masked group掩蔽(原子)团master group【信】主群matched groups配比组, 匹配组mating groups交配组 接合组matric group矩阵群methyl group甲基metrizable group可度量化群middle income group中间收入阶层migratory group迁移群monothetic group单生群multiplicative group乘法群multiply transitive group多重可迁群negativegroup阴根负(性)基neutron-energy groups中子能群nilpotent group幂零群non-compact group非紧密结合的词组nonnormal groups非正规群nonpolar group非极性基non-separated topological group不可分拓朴群non-special group非特殊群normal topological group正规拓扑群odoriphor group发香团office storage group总机存储匣oil shale group油页岩群oil soluble group油溶性基团one-parameter group单参数群operator group算子群ordered group有序群organic group有机基(团)original group本原群orthogonal group【数】正交群oxyethyl group乙氧基paraconvex group仿凸群para-directing group对位定向基Patroclus group普特洛克勒斯群(小行星)pendant group侧基periodic group周期类permutation group排列群 置换群phantom group【电】幻象群phase group相群phenol(ic) group(苯)酚基planar discontinuous group平面不连续群point group点群(集)polar group极性基polycyclic group多循环群polyfunctional group多官能团polyhedron group多面体群positive group阳根 正(性)基power group幂群preliminary groups预赛分组preparatory group预备班primary group准素群primitive group本原群primitive translation group初基平移群principal group主群product group乘积群pro-finite group射有限群, 投有限群projective group【数】射影(变换)群projective class group射影类群projective limit group射影极限群projective special unitary group特殊射影酉群projective symplectic group射影辛群proper factor group真剩余群, 真商群proper orthogonal group【数】正常正交群properly discontinuous group纯不连续群prosthetic group酶活动基, 辅基proton group质子群pulse group脉冲群pyroxene group【矿】辉石组quasicyclic group拟循环群quasi-spin group拟自旋群quasisplit algebraic group拟分裂代数群quantum group量子群quotient topological group商拓扑群random group随机组ramification group分歧群rap group[美俚]研究小组rational equivalence class group有理等价类群reactive group反应基realification-character group实化特征标群reduced homology group约化同调群reduced ordered pair group约化有序对群reductive group可简约群reductive algebraic group可简约代数群reflection-rotation group反射旋转群regular cyclic group正规循环群relative homotopy group相对同伦群renormalization group重正规化群resonance-energy neutron group共振能中子群restricted direct product group限制直积群restricted holonomy group限制完整群rotation reflection group旋转反射群salicyl group水杨酸基, 邻羟苄基semisimple group半单群senior group(幼儿园)大班sensor group传感器组separated measurable group可分可测群separated topological group分离拓扑群seroxide group(肽链)丝氧基shot group【军】射击散布图sib group同胞群signal group信号群silyl group甲硅烷基similarity group相似群simply connected group单连通群simply connected covering group单连通覆盖群simply isomorphic group同构群single-line ground group单
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